Monthly Archives: September 2008

More Indications That Barbados Government Will Not Keep Promise To Hold Public Hearings On Integrity Legislation

Folks, we received this anonymous email that we should all treat as rumour – but here goes anyway…

That said, if the information is genuine it is further confirmation that the government intends to ram Integrity Legislation through without the promised public discussion.

Usually governments do this so they can pass some half-hearted or flawed legislation without public scrutiny and then when the laws are found to be full of holes, they say “It is done, stop your complaining.”

And that is exactly what we fear: Integrity Legislation from the Thompson government that has an agenda of not making it too effective. (Neither Thompson nor Mottley want to have to lock up any friends, you know!)

We must remember that last June, Senator Orlando Marville, chairman of the new Governance Advisory Board that is supposed to be creating and implementing ITAL – Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation – promised the following to the citizens of Barbados…

– Three town hall meetings will be held in addition to meetings with the media, the social partners, and other specific stakeholders in August.

– The process and materials will be placed online (Internet)

– Considerable public participation during the discussions in August.

You don’t have to believe us folks. Check out our article and the links to media articles quoting Senator Marville. (see BFP’s Barbados Government Says Integrity, Freedom Of Information and Defamation Laws In A Year Or So – Or Maybe Two Years)

August came and went and we never heard another word about public consultation. Now we get this anonymous email – that once again brags about ITAL coming, but seems to indicate that we, the public, should not participate in the process. According to this DLP insider, Bajans should just shut up and take whatever is imposed upon us by a condescending government…

Dear Gentlemen,

After much back and forth by BFP and BU on the subject of Integrity Legislation and the Freedom of Information Act, I am indeed very pleased to report that a full suite of Legislation is being completed and so far the Cabinet has seen and has approved the New FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT with the drafting of the INTEGRITY LEGISLATION nearly complete.

It is expected that circulation of both of these drafts will done prior to the Christmas break of Parliament and will be passed into law very shortly thereafter.

I trust that this will settle everyone’s nerves and will address the concerns of the people of Barbados, the gov’t of Barbados, the Opposition of Barbados and both BU and BFP.

The DLP promised that they would address these issues and they are doing what is required to make this a reality but on the other hand, as was the case at BFP making a daily issue of it with their silly remarks has done nothing to hasten the pace at which the work of those involved in the drafting of the legislation can perform it has happened at its own pace.

The work was carried by a group of well respected persons and it is hoped that at the end of it all that all the expectations will be served.

Not to be neglected is the new Freedom of Information Act this will present a whole new dimension to journalism and provide for more flexability in their reporting and interviews.

I trust that this will assist in given you some idea as to how far along and how serious the Gov’t is with these new pieces of legislation.



Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption

Fabulous New Video About Graeme Hall And The South Coast Of Barbados Reveals SHOCKER

Click On The Photo To See The New Graeme Hall Video

Click On The Photo To See The New Graeme Hall Video

“Continued private support of the sanctuary and adjoining lands is in question”

… narrator on the film “Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary – Barbados”

Are We About To Lose One Of Our Premier Eco-Tourist Attractions?

The new promotional film for the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary is a combination of beautiful imagery, history and education about the south coast of Barbados and the last major mangrove wetland on the island. It includes some aerial videography of the Graeme Hall watershed and the surrounding development that I found to be very surprising…

… Surprising because you can drive around the area for days and never realise how much development has eaten away at this last green area on the South coast until you see it from the air. By the look of the video, much of the nearby development is of recent construction and I wonder how we can let this happen – because once this green space is gone it is NEVER coming back.

“Owners of the wetland include the Government of Barbados, the Sanctuary and a private holding company who have not indicated an interest in the environmental future of the wetland. The fight to preserve this last greenspace continues…” (from the film)

What Happened To The Graeme Hall National Park?

Shona and the two boys were watching the new video with me (well – Shona and #1 were watching the video while #2 was working hard to ensure that Dada didn’t get to work tonight without first having to change a stinky nappy. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are “my days” to do the changing.)

Anyway, I digress… we were watching the video with #1 yelling “burr, burr” every time he saw a bird on the computer screen when I heard the narrator say “Continued private support of the sanctuary and adjoining lands is in question…” I looked over at Shona, but she had missed it so we ran it back and sure enough, that was the message. It is not big time right out front and it sort of slid by, but there is no doubt about it.

And that was pretty well the punch line of the whole video for Shona and me.

“What about the National Park?” we both said at the same time.

What about all this recent talk by the Minister of Tourism about the environment, eco-tourism and the necessity for Barbados to preserve and manage our few remaining natural areas?

What about this “private holding company” that owns part of the Graeme Hall wetland and (according to the narrator) is not interested in the environment? And what does it mean that “private support of the sanctuary and adjoining lands is in question?”

From what I saw in that video, if we want this last bit of green on the south coast to be around in five years, the government had better do something besides talk and it better happen soon.

Have a look at the video at the top and you’ll see what we mean. (Click the photo or click here)


Filed under Barbados

Fathers Have No Rights

A Lost Son, And Nothing Can Be Done

I wish to engage the bloggers and readers and seek their opinion regarding the lack of support for men’s rights as it pertains to child support and parental rights.

Let me first relate a situation of one of my family members. He has a lovely son by a former girlfriend, the relationship did not last as there were trust issues his part regarding an affair she had when he went oversea. This man gave his son everything he needed, paid all medical bills etc. He met a young lady about two years after the birth of his son, they hit it off and decided to get married. Almost immediately upon making that decision, he was hit with a summons to court for child support.  He related that during that court meeting the magistrate sympathised with him after hearing what the child’s mother was demanding, he was however told that once an application for maintenance was made, the court was obligated to act upon it. He offered to pay maintenance of $350.00 per month, and has done so until this day.

The Child is now 14 years old and was (note I said was) at a very good secondary school. During the Christmas break of 2007, the child’s mother told the father she was going away for the holiday and would take the child with her, no problem. The child was to return to commence the 2008 start of school.

After numerous calls and visits to the house, the father could not locate the child. Eventually he decided to visit the school, only to learn that the child had not returned to school and was not even on the register. Two months later, he received a call from mother inquiring about child support since she had made arrangement with someone to collect from the court. When questioned about taking the child she said she thought she had told him. Imagine that.

To this day after numerous inquiries to lawyers and magistrates, there is no recourse he can take regarding his parental rights, he even inquired whether he should discontinue child support, since the child was not even in the island, but was advised if he stopped he could face action by the courts.

What rights does this man have, or other men who have similar situations? The court system cannot just favour the woman. I recognise that there are fathers who run from their responsibility, by all means deal with them, but on the other hand don’t allow the mothers to get away with injustices against the fathers. The system has to be fair.

BFP Reader “Bajejun”


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Human Rights

After 10 Months In Office, Barbados Health Minister Admits He Hasn’t Read The St. Joseph’s Hospital Commission Report

Health Minister Estwick “Looking Forward To Getting My Copy” !!!

You want “bizzare”? How about the fact that some ten months after taking office, Barbados Minister of Health Dr. David Estwick says he hasn’t read the report of the St. Joseph Hospital Commission of Inquiry.

Not only hasn’t he read the report – he doesn’t even have a copy…

“I will be looking forward to getting my copy as the minister responsible for health so that I can look at it for myself and be able to see exactly the areas we have gone wrong,” Estwick said.

Perhaps my expectations are unrealistic. Maybe I’m the problem and I just can’t see it? This is Barbados in the year 2008, right? Will someone kindly explain to me why I should view this latest statement from our Health Minister as normal, perfectly ok?

The Nation News: $9m Inquiry


Filed under Barbados, Health

China’s New Slave Empire: Africa

Chinese Supervises Zambian Trench Diggers

Chinese Supervises Zambian Trench Diggers

Barbados Newest Best Friend Isn’t Quite So Kind To Our Distant Cousins

“These poor, hopeless, angry people exist by grubbing for scraps of cobalt and copper ore in the filth and dust of abandoned copper mines in Congo, sinking perilous 80ft shafts by hand, washing their finds in cholera-infected streams full of human filth, then pushing enormous two-hundredweight loads uphill on ancient bicycles to the nearby town of Likasi where middlemen buy them to sell on, mainly to Chinese businessmen hungry for these vital metals.

Many perish as their primitive mines collapse on them, or are horribly injured without hope of medical treatment. Many are little more than children. On a good day they may earn $3, which just supports a meagre existence in diseased, malarial slums.

We had been earlier to this awful pit, which looked like a penal colony in an ancient slave empire.

Defeated, bowed figures toiled endlessly in dozens of hand-dug pits. Their faces, when visible, were blank and without hope.

The diggers feared – and their evil, sinister bosses had worked hard on that fear – that if people like me publicised their filthy way of life, then the mine might be closed and the $3 a day might be taken away.

I can give you no better explanation in miniature of the wicked thing that I believe is now happening in Africa.

Out of desperation, much of the continent is selling itself into a new era of corruption and virtual slavery as China seeks to buy up all the metals, minerals and oil she can lay her hands on: copper for electric and telephone cables, cobalt for mobile phones and jet engines – the basic raw materials of modern life.

It is crude rapacity, but to Africans and many of their leaders it is better than the alternative, which is slow starvation.

The above excerpts and photo are from the Mail Online article China’s New Slave Empire.

If you read only one article today, make it this one.


Filed under Africa, Barbados, China, History, Human Rights, Slavery

Barbados Health Minister Placing Corporate Interests Ahead Of Parents’ Rights To Protect Their Children!

Secrecy In Barbados Over Ice Cream Recall Worries Parents

Heinz Baby Cereal, Nestle Milk, Latest Melamine Poisoned Products

China Tainted Food Disaster Continues – Tainted Products In California USA!

Friends, with every sunrise we see additional news stories about contaminated food from China being discovered outside that country. Today we see that tainted products were found on the shelves in California, and in the global economy that is no surprise.

Both finished retail products and bulk shipments are involved and authorities are still scrambling worldwide to track down all the deadly food. Globalisation means that contaminated milk is made into powder in China, then shipped in bulk to Taiwan where some of it is used in the production of retail foods – but some of it is shipped to other countries for further processing.

Tens of thousands of Chinese babies are seriously ill and one news story claims that 5 percent of children under the age of 3 in Shanghai are in serious trouble with kidney stones.

As of Saturday, September 27, 2008, governments and health authorities around the world are desperately trying to track down contaminated food products from China to protect their populations. Hardly a day goes by that health authorities don’t issue another update or alert.

But in Barbados, we have heard little if anything from our Ministry of Health and government.

Silence and Secrecy In Barbados

With health authorities in the USA, Canada and Europe still finding contaminated products on the shelves, we wonder about the lack of communication from our Barbados Health Ministry.

Have any contaminated products been identified in Barbados? Are our health officials following up with other authorities to identify products that might not originate in China but that might contain Chinese ingredients?

Dr. David Estwick, Barbados Health Minister - Placing Corporate Interests Ahead Of Parental Rights

Dr. David Estwick, Barbados Health Minister - Placing Corporate Interests Ahead Of Parental Rights To Protect Children!

What About Flavorite Ice Cream Products In Barbados?

As detailed in recent BFP articles, the Barbados Ministry of Health issued recalls of certain Flavorite ice cream products without providing a reason. Similarly, a representative from Flavorite emailed Barbados Free Press to protest our story, but conspicuously again provided no explanation as to the reason for the recall.

Barbados parents are naturally wondering if the recall has anything to do with melamine contamination – but neither Flavorite nor the Government of Barbados will provide accurate information to parents.

The reason for the Flavorite ice cream recall is being kept secret by the company and the Barbados government. I thought that our Barbados government was supposed to put the interests of citizens before corporate interests?

Bajan parents have a right to know if the Flavorite ice cream recall is over melamine contamination!

Further Reading


September 26. 2008: Flavorite Foods Replies To Barbados Free Press About Ice Cream Recall – Won’t Provide Reason For Recall !!!

September 25, 2008: Barbados Health Minister Estwick: TELL US THE TRUTH !!! Is Contaminated China Milk Powder Behind Ice Cream Recall?


Filed under Barbados, China, Disaster, Ethics, Health

Threats Against Adrian Loveridge Continue – Barbados Police Continue To Do NOTHING

Please BFP

She dead now.

Speaking of that, where is Adrian Loveridge?

From The Legacy Of The BLP Shows Where Their Priorities Were, 2008/09/27 at 6:56 AM

Please BFP

Please BFP. Post a tribute in honor of Karen Dear because she was a wh**ite woman.

From The Legacy Of The BLP Shows Where Their Priorities Were, 2008/09/27 at 6:55 AM


What color is Branford Taitt?

From Brandford Taitt, Ted Stevens: Two Crooked Senators – One In Alaska Faces Charges, One In Barbados Is “Cleared” Because We Have No Laws Against His Corrupt Behaviour, 2008/09/27 at 6:49 AM

* The above racist and threatening comments were left today by the same people who previously threatened to murder Adrian Loveridge and his wife, and arson their hotel. The first comment came from IP, but when we blocked it the person returned six minutes later from IP Both are Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited accounts.

Barbados Police and Cable & Wireless Do Nothing About Murder, Rape, Arson Threats Against Business Owner

Barbados Free Press, Barbados Underground, Keltruth Blog and other Barbados-based blogs have for the last year or so seen threatening comments left by a group of persons who are rabid supporters of the previous BLP government. These threats are serious. There were threats to burn down Mr. Loveridge’s business, and these threats were followed by arsons against his hotel.

“It really makes you think with all the evidence that the Police have been supplied with, WHY the reluctance to act?”

… Adrian Loveridge, September 27, 2008

As you can read in our May 25, 2008 article Barbados Police Continue To Cover-Up Threats Against Adrian Loveridge, Court Witnesses, Blogger – the Royal Barbados Police Force are engaged in a cover-up because there are big names involved, and the object of the threats was to intimidate political and media opponents of the Barbados Labour Party.

Many of the threats came from a computer at the Barbados Parliament that is used by MP William Duguid. This was confirmed by none other than Doctor William Duguid himself. (Dr. Duguid’s comments are here)

Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited provided the police with the information about who was doing the threats, but the police did and do nothing.

Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited know who is doing the threats and should have cut off that person’s internet account – but they refuse to do so.

Consequently, the threats continue.

Adrian Loveridge wrote directly to Commissioner Dottin of the Royal Barbados Police Force, but didn’t even receive the courtesy of a reply. You can read Adrian’s letter in our June 22, 2008 article COVER-UP: Royal Barbados Police Force Ignores Violent Threats To Businessman.

Bajans would be foolish to think that what happened to Adrian Loveridge is not noticed by other foreign investors when they consider where they would like to invest in a business.


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Crime & Law, Politics & Corruption, Traveling and Tourism

The Legacy Of The BLP Shows Where Their Priorities Were

A Hundred Million Dollars For A Few Weeks Of Cricket

Priority: A Hundred Million Dollars For A Few Weeks Of Cricket

Big Priority!

After 14 years of BLP Owen Arthur/Mia Mottley government, we blew a hundred million dollars on renovating Kensington Oval – but played the last Cricket World Cup in the dark because at cost a hundred million dollars, the lighting was optional!

Roshell Small Hauls Water Like Her Slave Ancestors Before Her

Not A Priority: Roshell Small Hauls Water Like Her Slave Ancestors Before Her

Not A Priority With The BLP: Water, Hospital

After 14 years of BLP stewardship, the current Thompson DLP government inherits a prison built where there is no water, and an ancient, leaking water distribution network.

Priorities. After a decade and a half, all the hype and press releases, it is easy to see where the priorities were with the Arthur/Mottley government.

We at Barbados Free Press will continue to hammer the current DLP government on our core ITAL issues, but sometimes we should step back and consider what a mess David Thompson inherited. Every time Mia Mottley opens her mouth to criticise something concerning the infrastructure of this island, we should see her as slapping herself upside the head.

There are two truths from all this…

1/ The past BLP government was probably the most corrupt and ineffective government this island has ever seen.

2/ If Thompson does not fully implement and embrace ITAL – Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation – his team will soon be too far gone to recover.

Those who have ears, let them hear – because those who have eyes are already seeing the Thompson – DLP government members slip sliding towards corruption.

Further Reading

Nation News: Water Worry

BFP: Your Child Is Sick – Welcome To Barbados Queen Elizabeth Hospital


Filed under Barbados

Brandford Taitt, Ted Stevens: Two Crooked Senators – One In Alaska Faces Charges, One In Barbados Is “Cleared” Because We Have No Laws Against His Corrupt Behaviour

“The first story takes place in Alaska, USA. A U.S. Senator is being actively prosecuted. The press has been brutal with him. The second story is set in the tropical paradise of Barbados. A commission reports on the actions of a former minister. The press announces, with an exclamation mark, that he is cleared. No charges were filed. No disciplinary action was taken.”

… from Keltruth Blog’s St Joseph Hospital Commission of Inquiry – Branford Taitt must be Thankful He is Living in Barbados!

Barbados Loves The Phrase “No Criminal Wrongdoing”

Former Barbados Minister of Health and corrupt piggy Brandford Taitt stuck his head in the public trough when he unethically had a government contractor do work at his home – probably using materials that were to be used on the St. Joseph Hospital project.

The news stories about the hospital report don’t say for certain that hospital building materials were used on Taitt’s home – only that materials used in the hospital construction are unaccounted for because Mr. Taitt failed to account for them. Ha!

Let’s see the full St. Joseph Hospital Report published on the internet. It is disgusting that the government has not already done so.

Keltruth Blog makes an excellent comparison between corrupt Senator Ted Stevens having VECO renovate his home and our own corrupt Senator Brandford Taitt. The only difference between these two crooks is that Alaska has laws against this kind of thing while successive Barbados government (including that of David Thompson) have failed to pass laws that prohibit their own feeding at the piggy-trough.


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

Flavorite Foods Replies To Barbados Free Press About Ice Cream Recall – Won’t Provide Reason For Recall !!!

“Attached you will find the most recent Health Certificate issued by the United States Department of Agriculture to Flavorite Foods Limited for milk powder imported from Arizona and NOT China as you blog is suggesting.”

…Steve Bostic of Flavorite Foods Limited in an email to Barbados Free Press

Email Raises More Questions – And Answers None…

With the attached United States Department of Agriculture Export Certificate, the single sentence written above is the entire contents of an email received from Steve Bostic for Flavorite Foods in response to our article: Barbados Health Minister Estwick: TELL US THE TRUTH !!! Is Contaminated China Milk Powder Behind Ice Cream Recall?

In our article we asked if the recent recall of Flavorite ice cream had to do with the melamine-contaminated milk powder from China.

We had to ask because neither the Barbados Health Ministry nor Flavorite Foods informed the public about why the ice cream is being recalled. The Health Ministry merely said “This is being done as a precautionary measure under the Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulation 1969.”

Bajan mothers are left to guess whether the ice cream they have been feeding their children has some bacteria contamination – or whether it contains a chemical that has killed four babies and sickened over 50,000.

So is truly disturbing that Flavorite Foods should contact us after reading our article and then not tell us the reason for the recall of their products. Nor does Flavorite Foods make an unequivocal statement that the recall is not because of melamine contamination.

Is Flavorite Food’s Response Deceptive, Or Merely Poorly Done?

We don’t mean to be unkind to Mr. Bostic or Flavorite Foods, but they sent us a certificate that shows Flavorite Foods purchased one shipment of milk powder in November 2007 from the United States – through a Dutch company. The certificate does NOT connect that milk powder to the ice cream that is currently under recall, nor does Mr. Bostic state that Flavorite only purchases milk powder from the USA.

He merely states that Flavorite purchased this one shipment of milk powder from the USA in November. The Export Certificate only says that the USA doesn’t have some specified bovine diseases. It does not say that the shipment was tested for any contaminants or standards.

We believe that Flavorite Food’s customers have a right to know the exact reason for the Health Ministry recall. We also believe that Flavorite Foods is not doing itself or its shareholders any favours by being secretive and evasive about why their ice cream didn’t pass the Ministry of Health standards.

Why was the Flavorite Foods ice cream recalled by Barbados Health Ministry?

Why won’t Flavorite Foods unequivocally state that the recall has nothing to do with possible melamine contamination?

Why did the Barbado Ministry of Health issue a recall on Flavorite Foods Limited’s ice cream?

Mr. Bostick and Flavorite Foods won’t say.

Here is the certificate he sent us. Click on the thumbnail to read it…


Filed under Agriculture, Barbados, Business, China, Disaster, Health

Barbados Health Minister Estwick: TELL US THE TRUTH !!! Is Contaminated China Milk Powder Behind Ice Cream Recall?

Melamine-Contaminated Foods

Melamine-Contaminated Foods

Melamine Poison In Barbados Ice Cream?

Contaminated Oreo Cookies, M&M Chocolates, Snickers Bars, Instant Coffee Found In Other Countries including Canada, USA, Europe, Asia!

The Barbados Ministry of Health has recalled five flavours of “Flavorite” ice cream, but the only reason being released to the public is “This is being done as a precautionary measure under the Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulation 1969.”

Considering that the China melamine-tainted milk scandal is still in full world crisis mode with dozens of countries still discovering tainted products on their shelves, it is only natural that Bajan citizens ask WHY HAS THIS ICE CREAM BEEN RECALLED?

Even today, September 25, 2008, new information has just been released indicating that the poisoned milk powder was used to manufacture chocolate bars, candy, biscuits and cookies that were exported around the world!

China has admitted to over 53,000 children seriously ill and at least four deaths and the toll climbs higher every day.

Bajan Parents Deserve The Truth So They Can Make An Informed Decision About Whether To Have Their Children Tested For Melamine Poisoning

Melamine poisoning builds up over time in a child’s body and eventually results in kidney failure and death. If our children have been at risk because a Barbados manufacturer of dairy products used contaminated ingredients that originated in China, we as parents have a right to know.

This press release by the Ministry of Health tells us nothing about the reason for the recall. How on earth could the person who made this press release think it was sufficient? Are they stupid or hiding something?

The lapdog Barbados media never even bothered to ask the questions WHY IS THIS ICE CREAM BEING RECALLED? IS THIS RECALL RELATED TO MELAMINE CONTAMINATION OR NOT?

Health Minister Estwick: Please provide some answers and also tell your people that they are not doing a good enough job in providing useful information to the people of Barbados.

from the Barbados Government website (link here) …


The Ministry of Health has advised the public of the removal of some Flavorite Ice Cream products from local retail shelves. This is being done as a precautionary measure under the Health Services (Food Hygiene) Regulation 1969.

The items are: Cherry Vanilla, 1 litre BB 2009 August 04; Coconut Vanilla Snack Cream, 148 ml; White Vanilla Snack Cream, 148 ml; Strawberry, 175 ml and Golden Vanilla 175 ml.

Meanwhile, Environmental Health Officers at the Ministry will continue to check distribution points and retail outlets to ensure the above-mentioned products are removed from shelves.

Further Reading


BFP: China In Crisis: Tainted Milk Toll Skyrockets – Four Children Dead, Thousands Seriously Ill – 22 Milk Producers Involved – Many Countries Banning China Milk Products


Filed under Barbados, China, Disaster, Health

Doctor Michael Davis Passes – Barbados Lost A Friend

Doctor Davis Intended to Practice In Barbados

As an internationally recognized specialist in lung diseases, most of Michael Davis’s patients were tiny. His field was infants and premature babies.

“His expertise was research in lung physiology of infants and the care of children with chronic lung disease,” said colleague Larry Lands, director of pediatric respiratory medicine at the Montreal Children’s Hospital…

Davis was planning a semi-working retirement in Barbados and looking to purchase a house there when he suffered a heart attack on the Caribbean island and died on Aug. 29. He was 57…

His wife, Myrna Lashley, a psychologist, was director of the Children’s Hospital employee assistance program and she and Davis began dating shortly after he joined the staff. After 14 years together they married in 2001.

…He and his wife often went to Barbados, where she was born and her mother still lives.

“Mike played rugby when he was young but what he loved was sitting or floating in the sea. He could read two books a day on vacation and if he could float and read at the same time he was the happiest,” Lashley said.

… read the full article at The Gazette (link here)


Filed under Barbados

Barbados New VECO-Built Prison Without Water For A Week – “Water Storage Tanks Have Never Worked”

How Many Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars Did We Pay For The New Prison?

The inmates burned the last place down, so we had to build the new one.

What a great idea! Put hundreds of the most vicious, anti-social men we can find all in the same place and shut the water off for a week – because (according to a Nation article here) the storage tanks that are supposed to hold enough water to keep the place going for a week have NEVER worked.

Yup. Unfortunately that sounds like the Barbados I know and love… where hundreds of millions of tax dollars can be overspent on “consultants” but our “new” Kensington Oval didn’t have lighting for the Cricket World Cup finals. Where eight of twelve ambulances aren’t in service at the hospital – some because of stupid little things like a bearing that could be fixed in an hour, but we just don’t have what it takes to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

And now we learn that the water system at the prison has never been installed correctly.

WHO – WHAT PERSON – is responsible for this?

I’ll tell you who… “This is Barbados. No named person will ever be held responsible for anything.”


Filed under Barbados

Barbados Nation Newspaper Fails To Ask Director Of Emergency Management “Where Is The Stolen Money?”

“If Thompson and the DLP can’t put anyone in jail with the circumstances surrounding this case, they had better stop pretending that they intend to do a damn thing about corruption on this island.” … BFP’s George on a rant

Judy Thomas: Where Is The Missing Money?

Three months ago the Nation newspaper told the story of Theophilus Barrow – who was supposed to have his home rebuilt with the Hurricane Ivan disaster funds. That was in 2004, and it turns out that the funds to rebuild his home were paid out, but the work was never done!

In other words, the money was stolen.

Judy Thomas - Doesn't Talk About Stolen Money In Her Care

Judy Thomas - Doesn't want to talk about stolen money under her care!

Who was in charge of the public funds? None other than the Director of Emergency Management, Judy Thomas.

Nation reporters tried to interview her at the time, but she said “I don’t think I need to shed any light in the media on that matter.” – which really means “Stuff it.”

Here we are three months later and the Nation newspaper has forgotten all about the fact that someone stole the money to repair Theophilus Barrow’s home. Those professional journalists from the Nation interviewed Judy Thomas and produced a story “Praise for Emergency Personnel“.

Sure, our emergency personnel deserve our thanks and praise – because they go towards the danger when everyone else is running away.

But it doesn’t mean that the Nation should forget about a huge theft of government money that has left a person without a home. Has Theophilus Barrow’s home been fixed in the three months since the story broke?

Good Gawd, will somebody from the front desk at the Nation please walk into the newsroom and wake some folks up? Are they all smoking something?

Here’s a tip for the budding reporters at The Nation: Buy some index cards and when a story looks like it could use some follow-up, write a date on the card eight weeks hence and file it. Every day look at your “follow-up” cards and then, well, FOLLOW UP!

Here you go, mighty Nation newsroom. Like this…

Further Reading

Barbados Nation…

Praise for Emergency Personnel

Money Paid But No House Built

Barbados Free Press

Prime Minister Thompson: Some People Better Go To Jail


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

Barbados Prime Minister Ambushed By Letter To All United Nations Delegates

United Nations Building New York City

United Nations Building - New York City

“As I post this on Monday night, we are part way through sending the following letter to every delegate at the United Nations. It is our intent that by the time Barbados PM David Thompson addresses the 63rd General Assembly Tuesday afternoon, every country’s delegates (listed here) will have received this letter…”

… from Keltruth Blog article Letter Sent to all United Nations Delegates re Barbados and PM Thompson

Keltruth Blog Goes For International Pressure Against Barbados Government

This afternoon, September 23, 2008, our Prime Minister, David Thompson, is scheduled to address the 63rd General Assembly of the United Nations. According to a story on Keltruth Blog, every delegate listening to the Barbados PM will have already received a letter from “K. Davis per Keltruth Corp.” in advance of the speech.

The article does not say how the letters are being delivered, but a published letter on the blog includes a “mail-merge” trigger tag (according to our Cliverton). A Google search shows that the 194 names published at Keltruth are a list of all Ambassadors to the United Nations from every country having a presence at the UN.

The PM and many of his government are in New York this week for various meetings at the UN. According to a Nation News article, after the PM speaks at the General Assembly he and/or some of his Ministers will be meeting with other Commonwealth, CARICOM and UN delegates in various forums. Prime Minister Thompson will also be meeting with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Will Keltruth’s Letter Matter? Will It Even Be Read?

Here at Barbados Free Press, we are believers in taking our local causes to international stages – as our local government simply does not respond to many citizen concerns. Not to mention that the lapdog Barbados news media tends to censor stories to protect whatever government is in power.

So we at BFP are big believers in going public locally and internationally to achieve change.

That said, we’re not sure what Keltruth Blog is trying to achieve, but we do believe that many in Prime Minister Thompon’s audience this afternoon will have at least heard about the letter. The delegates for the large countries may not even see the letter, but you can bet that CARICOM members and delegates from places like, oh, I don’t know… Tonga, Vanuatu and Iceland will have read the letter.

I mean, how many letters can the Ambassador from Vanuatu or Iceland receive each day?

Will Keltruth’s letter matter? What does it say?

Have a look for yourself…

Keltruth Blog – Letter Sent to all United Nations Delegates re Barbados and PM Thompson


Filed under Barbados

Contaminated Milk Toll Mounts – China Admits 53,000 Children Seriously Ill

New Zealand Company & Government Officials Also Sat On The Information!

And the worst part of it all is that Chinese Government officials knew all about this at the beginning of August, but said nothing and then New Zealand company and government officials also sat on the information for weeks.

Welcome to globalisation, folks… because that is what this is all about. When everybody is “responsible”, the reality is that nobody is responsible.

Another piece of wisdom to remember when buying products from China: “Good. Fast. Cheap… pick two.”

Further Reading

Brieitbart: Nearly 53,000 Babies Sickened By Milk Powder

BBC: All Out Effort For China Babies

BFP: China In Crisis: Tainted Milk Toll Skyrockets – Four Children Dead, Thousands Seriously Ill – 22 Milk Producers Involved – Many Countries Banning China Milk Products


Filed under Barbados, China, Disaster, Health

Let’s Discuss This Again: Barbados Prime Minister Thompson Confirms Previous Government Officials Stashed Millions In Foreign Bank Accounts

Former PM Owen Arthur And His Coat Of Many (Offshore) Dollars

Former PM Owen Arthur And His Coat Of Many (Offshore) Dollars

What kind of wealth does it take to give away US$150,000 dollars in after-tax income to a cricket charity? Barbados Free Press asked that question in a January 15, 2008 article A Reminder On Election Day: Prime Minister Owen Arthur Personally Donates US$150,000 In After Tax Income To…

Everyone knows that the previous BLP government reached new heights of corruption. What more need be said with dozens of projects worth millions and millions of dollars handed out like candy without legal documents being signed? The BLP has a legacy of perfecting political office as a road from rags to riches.

Such style, too! A BLP Government Minister who built a home for his mistress on land his government expropriated, a Prime Minister who was caught depositing a “corporate campaign donation” cheque into his personal bank account and could only say “ooooops” and so many over-priced government contracts awarded to friends, lovers and family members – sometimes for doing no work at all.

Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

Prime Minister Thompson In Canada – Admits Previously Announced Integrity Legislation Public Process Was A Lie!

UPDATE: The author of this story (Bajan Bullets) sent us this clarification saying that we had misunderstood his article and that the DLP government would be releasing the ITAL (Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation) for public scrutiny…

BFP I believe you have misinterpreted an important component of my message to you last night. In the article on your site you say that “his government has decided to dispense with the previously announced process to ITAL (Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation) – specifically the public consultations with stakeholders and the town hall meetings.” This is not what my message said.

My message simply said that the legislation would be laid in parliament ‘thereafter’. The use of the word thereafter does not imply IMMEDIATELY thereafter, simply any time after it becomes available.

In fact, I assume that Thompson’s statement of “will be available within the next few weeks” was a statement referencing the availability of the legislation to the public for scrutiny.

Please accept this email as correction of this issue. Thank you for your prompt attention.

-Bajan Bullets-

OK… we’ll see. So far starting on January 16, 2008 and continuing until now, the Thompson government has broken every single promise it ever made on ITAL – including the promised August Town Hall meetings. Folks… the so-called “committee” doesn’t have a website, phone number, email or a physical address!

Did the DLP read our article last night and will now release the proposed ITAL for public inspection because of the blogs? (As happened with the Throne Speech)

Bajan Bullets says he/she is “assuming” that Thompson will be following through with a public process. We hope that Thompson does keep his promise…. at least this once.

Original Article…

We received the following from an anonymous BFP reader “Bajan Bullets”, who may or may not be non-partisan as indicated in the letter – but we tend to believe the writer, who has done an excellent job of breaking this important story.

Of particular interest is the fact that, according to the overview provided by Prime Minister Thompson, his government has decided to dispense with the previously announced process to ITAL (Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation) – specifically the public consultations with stakeholders and the town hall meetings.

Instead, the draft legislation will go straight to Parliament without the promised public consultation or “stakeholder” input.

This seems to confirm our September 7, 2008 article Transparency The DLP Way where we reported that the so-called Integrity Committee failed to conduct any public meetings in August as promised – and doesn’t even have a phone number or address to receive public comments.

Our reader is “encouraged” by Prime Minister Thompson’s statements in Toronto, Canada, but we at BFP are a bit jaded with his promises.

We guarantee you one thing though: Thompson and his DLP government will not be introducing a Ministerial Code anytime soon. The chowing down at the piggy trough is too tasty right now!

September 20 – PM Addresses DLP gathering in Toronto Canada

Last night, at a dinner hosted by the DLP Toronto branch in Canada, Prime Minister David Thompson delivered the Keynote address on the topic of ‘A Better Barbados’. Of significant interest was the focus of the Prime Minister’s speech – integrity, accountability, and freedom of information legislation.

According to the PM, last Thursday the Cabinet was presented with a draft of the proposed freedom of information legislation. He also promised that integrity legislation would be available “within the next few weeks” and would be laid in parliament thereafter.

Of deep concern to many Barbadians is the length of time that it has taken to get to this point in the process. As one such Barbadian, with perhaps an above average interest in the issue of ‘ITAL’ legislation, I was indeed comforted and encouraged by the Prime Minister’s address. While I understand that politicians are masters of rhetoric, and while I am not one to normally assign relevance to a ‘gut feeling’, there was a real sense of sincerity, concern, and purpose in the address.

Although space and time do not allow me to go into any detail, a number of the surrounding issues were addressed. The delay in getting the legislation passed was addressed through emphasizing the importance of its accuracy, suitability, and long-term effects and the fact that those considerations require in-depth analysis and careful wording. Unfortunately, one major concern was not addressed – that being the failure of the DLP to follow through with its promise of a Code of Conduct for all Ministers.

A number of other topics were mentioned briefly, including plans to generate funds towards the establishment of a new hospital by calling upon the untapped resources of non-nationals residing in Barbados. The full details of such a plan were not outlined but it should be of interest as it develops.

I hope that this short note encourages all concerned Barbadians in the same way that I was encouraged. I am still a firm believer in actions counting for more than words and as such I trust that we as a country will continue to hold the Prime Minister accountable for the promises he has made. However, I believe that the speech was significant in that the overriding focus was integrity, accountability, and freedom of information legislation – a clear sign that the efforts of these blogs and like-minded Bajans are beginning to bare fruit.

-Bajan Bullets-

*The Prime Minister was reportedly in Toronto for a meeting with the Consuls General from Canada, Miami, and New York as well as other diplomats in North America to discuss Barbados’ plans for addressing the current economic situation as well as for developing strategic plans for the region.

**This writer is not affiliated in any way with the BLP, DLP, or any other political party within or outside of Barbados.


Filed under Barbados