Tag Archives: Islam

Islamic Supremacist lectures Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

In 2011, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attended a concert in the capitol, The Hague. A Muslim (some stories say he was the conductor, others dispute this) proceeds to give the Queen a lecture on the “beauty” of Islam. The entire orchestra got up and walked out. Staff of the music hall escorted the man off-stage and after questioning, out of the building. Some stories state that the concert continued after the theatre was checked for bombs.

Thanks to an old friend for sending this.


Filed under Human Rights, Immigration, Religion

Barbados news media and blogs lament Charlie Hebdo murders and loss of press freedom – but not enough to print the Mohammed cartoons

Mohammed Goat Cartoons

Yup, we anonymous writers at Barbados Free Press have published Mohammed cartoons in the past, as we publish the one above now. (Hey… The muslim prophet Mohammed sure has eyes and a tongue for that goat’s behind, doan you think?)

But that doesn’t take much courage at all.

So we can hardly fault the Barbados Advocate, The Nation News and Barbados Today for not publishing the “offending” Mohammed cartoons that were the excuse for three devout Muslims to commit their usual murders – this time in Paris.

Even the worshiped New York Times gave the “juis suis Charlie” salute, but didn’t have the courage to print the same Mohammed cartoons that were the latest excuse for Muslim violence and murder. The NY Times said it was out of respect, not fear, that they didn’t print the Hebdo cartoons. Really? The NY Times sure printed the infamous “Piss Christ” photo of a crucifix upside down in a jar of human urine.

Why did the NY Times print something offensive to Christians but will not print a Mohammed cartoon? Because the New York Times editors like the rest of us fear that if they print the Mohammed cartoons, they will be murdered by any number of violent devout Muslims who wish to obey the verses of the Koran that instruct Muslims to murder.

So we self censor or publish anonymously because we know that Islam is a violent religion, that encourages adherents to believe that vile, barbaric behaviour and violence will gain them heaven. The problem is with the foundation of Islam – not some current flavour or interpretation.

“There is an absolute and utter failure of the majority of Muslims to this day to condemn continued acts of violence in the name of Allah and to purge their religion of those who foment such violence.”

And that’s something we’re going to have to face here on this rock sooner or later.

Look no further than the Al-Falah Muslim School to learn what Barbadian children are being taught by their devout Muslim teacher… Barbados Muslim Girls School, 14 year old student: “Nothing wrong with beheading, chopping off your hands, severe beatings”

Someday those chickens a going to come home to roost here, just as they did in Paris.

Further Reading

What I learned from 9/11


Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Freedom Of The Press, Religion

Paris Attack: Devout Muslims massacre 11 journalists & police, wound many more at Charlie Hebdo magazine

Muslim shooters “Allahu Akbar”

Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Charb and Cabu

Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Charb and Cabu murdered by devout Muslims

Telegraph UK live feed

How much jihad is too much before Western civilization stops all Muslim immigration?

The Quran as hate literature

Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful.   And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.  But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)”

Quran (2:216) – “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”

Question: Does the Quran really contain dozens of verses promoting violence?

Courtesy of The Religion Of Peace.com

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.  Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.  Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text.  They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.  Continue reading


Filed under Freedom Of The Press, Human Rights, Religion

Trinidadian & Caribbean Muslims flock to ISIS – Islamic State

ISIS Trinidad Terrorist Muslim

(click photo for larger version)

50+ Trinidadian Muslims fighting with ISIS

“What you say doesn’t matter – it’s all about what you do.”

Tonight I’m listening to an eclectic Suriname-Dutch blues mix on Anda – an independent internet radio station at http://www.radionomy.com. Their slogan is “Anda, music for you with Surinaamse boinkies. Nonstop the best artist from Suriname. Enjoy”

“Surinaamse boinkies”? Sure, whatever.

Who knew that Suriname has a vibrant blues underground in the best Chicago / New Orleans / Mississippi tradition?

The world comes to me over the internet and mostly I love it.

But there is a dark side to the Internet when it comes to spreading the destructive and violent supremacist ideology of Islam. The Saudis distribute their supremacist hate via satellite and internet to private Muslim schools throughout the Caribbean – including in Barbados.

The result in Trinidad is that at least 50 known Trinis have gone to slaughter and behead the infidels (that’s me) while serving as Satan’s emissaries throughout Syria and Iraq.

Here in Barbados the Al-Falah Muslim School is teaching Bajan children that Beheading, chopping off your hands, severe beatings are Islamic rules, nothing wrong in it.If that weren’t enough, we now have a Muslim-only housing development where no Christians or Jews are allowed to purchase homes.

“Beheading..chopping off your hands, severe beatings,etc. Are strict Islamic rules and these are the things that were done during our prophets time and are continued till this day to follow the tradition, there is nothing wrong in it.”

Publicly stated by a 14 year old girl student of the Barbados Al-Falah Muslim School (see article here)

We must abandon Iraq and the Middle East. Let them slaughter each other over words and ideas… but we must take steps in the Caribbean to ensure that these violent people – fueled by their violent Koran – never gain a foothold in our countries.

The Islamist apologists and their lackeys are far more concerned with their public relations campaign for Islam than they are for the teachings from the Koran that promote ultra-violence to spread their religion.

To those who say that ISIS doesn’t represent ‘true Islam’….

Tell it to ISIS, not me.

And bye the way… let’s hear these same apologists declare that the Koran verses about slaying infidels and imposing Islam through force have no place in today’s world. No weasel words.

Over to you…

Caribbean News Now! ISIS terrorist identified as Trinidadian

The Nation: Muslims say “Have no fear”

T&T Guardian: Local Muslims disturbed by Trini links to terrorists say: Isis not a way to paradise

Cayman iNEWS: Caribbean Muslims and ISIS

Five Reasons why Islam is a cult


Filed under Barbados, Religion, Trinidad and Tobago

Why ‘the peaceful majority of Muslims’ are irrelevant: The majority allows 300 million violent Radicals to define Islam



Filed under Human Rights, Religion

This week in Devout Muslim news…

They scream Allah Akbar three times as they poured acid on my face.

June 21, 2014 – Nigeria: Devout Muslims murder 10 more infidels, to enforce Islamic standards.

June 21, 2014 – Afghanistan: Devout Muslim family seeks to kill Christian son, for violating Islamic standards.

June 21, 2014 – Iraq: Devout Muslims begin imposing jizya tax upon Christians, to enforce Islamic standards.

June 21, 2014 – Pakistan: Devout Muslims murder popular singer, for violating Islamic standards.

June 20, 2014 – China: Devout Muslims attack police with car bombs, guns, for violating Islamic standards.

June 20, 2014 – Sweden: 30 Devout Muslim families cut of daughters’ clitoris, labia and sew genitals closed, to enforce Islamic standards.

June 20, 2014 – Egypt: Devout Muslim court sentences Christian convert to 5 years in jail, for violating Islamic standards.

June 19, 2014 – United Kingdom: Devout Muslim gang beat infidel stranger in planned attack while handing out Islamic leaflets, to enforce Islamic standards.    Continue reading


Filed under Human Rights, Religion

Just another Muslim honour killing: Pakistani family stones pregnant woman to death


Don’t forget: all cultures are deserving of equal respect because no culture is better than any other…

A pregnant woman was stoned to death by her own family in front of a Pakistani high court for marrying the man she loved.

Nearly 20 members of the woman’s family, including her father and brothers, attacked her and her husband with batons and bricks in broad daylight before a crowd of onlookers in front of the high court of Lahore, police investigator Rana Mujahid said.

The police stood by and watched it happen.

Hundreds of women are murdered every year in Muslim-majority Pakistan in so-called “honor killings” carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behavior…

Read the rest of this horrifying story at The Telegraph


Filed under Culture & Race Issues, Human Rights, Religion

Barbarians: Sudan Muslim government sentences pregnant woman to death for being Christian

Meriam Ibrahim Execution

And it’s all according to the Holy Koran

Muslim animals force Christian mother to give birth while wearing prison shackles.

In the early hours of May 27, 2014, Meriam Ibrahim gave birth while chained to a wall in a prison in Sudan. The Sudanese court recently confirmed she will be executed now that her child has been born. How civilized of the Muslim court to wait until the child is born.

The 27 year old’s crime was to marry a Christian. She was always raised a Christian, but her father (who left before she was born) was a Muslim. And that makes her a Muslim in the eyes of the court, and apostate. The Koran says apostates should be killed so that’s the end of that.

With Meriam in prison is her 20 month old son.

There is no difference at all between the Islam of Sudan, and Islam elsewhere. The only difference is the percentage of the population that is Muslim. When that percentage reaches a certain level, Sharia Law kicks into play, and Sharia Law is the law.

Let those millions of Muslims come forward who do not believe that Meriam Ibrahim and other ‘apostates’ should be executed for choosing another religion.

(Sound of crickets chirping)

Meriam Ibrahim: Apostasy Sudanese woman sentenced to hang ‘may not be freed’, her lawyers warn

The treatment of Ibrahim by the Sudanese authorities was internationally condemned in early May, when the then heavily pregnant woman was sentenced to death for refusing to renounce Christianity, and reportedly imprisoned with her 20-month-old son.

Pressure on Sudan to release Ibrahim increased last week, when the 27-year-old was forced to give birth to her daughter while restrained by shackles.  Continue reading


Filed under Africa, Culture & Race Issues, Human Rights, Religion

Marriage problems? Try a Maldives vacation where it’s lawful to beat and rape your wife!

maldives wife rape

Having a little problem with the wife not getting cuddly when you want to?

A vacation in the Maldives might be just the thing for your ailing marriage!

A Message from the Tourism Bureau of The Maldives

We’re The Maldives – your ultimate tropical paradise vacation destination. 1,192 tiny coral islands known for their peaceful and exquisite ‘back to nature’ environment.

Swim in our warm azure waters. Walk on pure crystalline white sands as leaning palms provide shade and beauty. Relax in a tranquil setting on any one of our pristine out islands where the Islamic riots don’t usually happen. And, if we ever open our museum again, you can see the finest headless statues in the world. Such art!

Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen has refused to ratify a bill that seeks to partially criminalize marital rape, calling it “un-Islamic.”

The parliament voted 67-2 last month to limit a husband’s right to have non-consensual sex with his wife. The bill says a husband cannot force his wife to have sex if the couple have filed for divorce, dissolution or mutual separation, and if the intent is to transmit a sexual disease.

President Yameen refused to ratify that law because it is “un-Islamic.”

Go swimming – you don’t really need a Maldives massage anyway. That’s why we shut down hundreds of resort spas.

No need to bring your Bible or rosary – why not just enjoy a week or two without your filthy Christian religion?

Celebrate our patriarchal Islamic culture where the most beautiful women are property to be married off so long as they have attained the ripe old age of nine.

And later when the day is done and you are a man feeling a little out of sorts, or needing some comfort from your wife: don’t be afraid to assert what is your lawful right over your own property.

It’s a man’s world here in The Maldives – and the women had better not forget that if they know what’s good for them.

Sometimes women need to be disciplined. That’s why our President Abdulla Yameen just vetoed a bill that limited a husband’s right to non-consensual sex. “Non-consensual sex” is so much better than the word “rape”, don’t you think?

With the elimination of the law protecting a wife from forced sex, (even if the husband has venereal disease), the future is assured: The Maldives will remain a man’s world. Continue reading


Filed under Culture & Race Issues, Human Rights, Religion

Christmas 2013: Muslims slaughtering Christians throughout the Middle East, Africa, South Asia

Christmas Islam

(click photo for large)

Interfaith Outreach – Islamic style…

It is genocide by any definition, and it gets worse every Christmas as devout Muslims seek to obey the instructions of the Koran as they and millions of their coreligionists understand their duties.

Thirty-four Christians murdered for being Christians in Iraq, 1,000 believers slaughtered in the Central African Republic… It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Every Christmas.

And, aside from violence, what is the response of the Muslim leadership throughout the world to Christians at Christmas time?

Muslim leadership talks about Christmas in their own words…

Denmark: Islamic demonstration on Christmas Eve — “Allahu akbar!”

Turkey: Anti-Santa campaigns heat up as Christmas arrives.

Indonesia: Muslims prohibit Christmas & New Year celebrations

Christmas greetings by Muslims prohibited

USA: Lebanese-born Cleric: saying “Merry Christmas” is worse than fornication, alcohol or killing someone

USA: Washington Mufti – taking pictures with Santa an abomination

India, Pakistan: Islamic clerics denounce Christmas celebrations

Now, a list of all Muslim groups and individuals publicly wishing others a “Merry Christmas”, or expressing regrets about Muslim violence against Christians…

(I couldn’t find any. If you locate any, please leave a comment with the link.)

So let’s look at Christmas 2013 and the few weeks leading up to the celebration of the birth of Jesus…

December 25, 2013: Christmas bomb attacks kill 34 in Baghdad’s Christian areas

December 24, 2013: Nigeria says 70 killed in battle with Islamist group

December 23, 2013: Christmas a day of terror for Christians in Iraq

December 22, 2013: 12 killed in attacks against church in southern Syria

December 19, 2013: Central African Republic, 1,000 Christians slaughtered                 Continue reading


Filed under Human Rights, Religion

When Saudi Arabia is allowed to fund western universities

Brigitte Gabriel shares a few thoughts in Nashville, Tennessee.

What do children learn when attending a Muslim school in Barbados? Nothing radical, only what is in Islam’s ‘holy book’, the Koran…

Barbados Muslim Girls School, 14 year old student: “Nothing wrong with beheading, chopping off your hands, severe beatings”

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Filed under Human Rights, Religion

Women should boycott Maldives tourism

Maldives Holiday

Why vacation where women are second class and punished for being women?

15 year old incest rape victim sentenced to flogging for sex outside marriage

The Independent: Maldives government moves to halt public flogging of 15-year-old girl raped by stepfather

The photos of the Maldives are always so beautiful – deep blue skies, crystal clear water, calm seas and clean tranquil private resorts – but those tourism adverts hide a seething Islamic fundamentalism that has taken over the government and the island nation’s culture.

Beautiful islands, yes – but hostile to women, westerners and all non-Muslims that they call infidels. Be prepared to vacation in a culture of hate where the government and many in the population conceal their laws and feelings only long enough to grab your tourism dollars.

Pity the women born in The Maldives. Only Muslims are allowed Maldives citizenship – all other religions are barred from being citizens even if born in the Maldives.

Why should women tourists boycott the Maldives?

Girls are still married off at nine and ten years old, young women are often whipped for having sex outside marriage, rioters in the streets broke into the museum and destroyed exhibits of non-Muslim history and culture – smashing thousand year old Buddha statues and burning religious books.

The Maldives: where you will be jailed if they find you with a bible or an icon of Mary on your computer.

The Maldives: where couples are offered marriage renewal ceremonies on the beach with the Muslim Imam saying the ceremony in the local language. Couples smile at each other – not knowing that the Imam is calling them swine and infidels and saying worms will come from the husband’s penis because he is not Muslim. The resort staff nods and smiles to complete the marriage renewal farce. What an indication of the inner feelings for western tourists!

Hey… nice people those Maldives Islamist crazies!

As a woman, choosing between Maldives or Barbados for next year’s winter holiday, there really doesn’t seem to be much thought needed, does there?

How about a Maldives Wedding?

If you’re still not put off by the state of the world in The Maldives, how about planning to get married or renewing your vows there? You too can have a wonderful ceremony…  Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Human Rights, Religion

DLP has ‘No Holds Barred’ discussion with Muslims: ignores Islamic abuse of women, intolerance of other religions etc.

Barbados Election Stuart Inniss

Fair trade: Muslims’ didn’t mention Donville Inniss sex business, PM Stuart didn’t mention Koranic instruction to beat wives

by Jason

What is a politician to do when a mosque community asks to meet and hold discussions? Obviously the Muslims are part of the general electorate so the politician attends and hopes to grab a few votes while keeping the foot out of the mouth.

That’s usually not so difficult with other religious groups, but with the Muslims the politicians have to tread carefully: because many of the Islamic religious texts, laws, social customs and teachings are in total opposition to a free and democratic society like ours.

There is also a risk that the general population will see the politician as either abandoning the values of our society and becoming a ‘useful idiot’ for the Islamists (those who want to see Islamic rule worldwide).

“The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) headed by leader Prime Minister Freundel Stuart engaged in an almost 45 minutes no holds barred discussion with the Muslim community at their Mosque at Kensington New Road, St. Michael today, touching on topics of education, energy, the Palestinian situation and same sex marriage.”

from the Nation article DLP team meets Muslim community

So Freundel Stuart, Donville Inniss, Patrick Todd, Michael Carrington and Richard Sealy attended the Kensington New Road Mosque.

Apparently, Minister Inniss did not bring his pet goat or hand out any ‘Orgasm.com’ trial memberships.

Nothing was said about the verses in the Koran that instruct husbands to discipline their wives by beating them. No mention was made about the unacceptable values being taught to the young people in the Islamic schools on the island such as that women are less reliable as witnesses in court than men, and that rape prevention is primarily the responsibility of women through the clothes they wear.

The Prime Minister said nice things about Muslims and assured the Islamic community that the DLP will not be implementing gay marriage or changing the law prohibiting anal sex. In return, the Islamic community didn’t mention Orgasm.com or Kinkfarm.com and will probably throw a few votes to the DLP candidates.

The ladies and gentlemen of the Barbados news media wrote positive articles about the visit and nobody mentioned that ‘diversity‘ only flows one way with the Muslim community and that the Koran says that Muslims who leave the religion should be murdered.

Altogether a fairly successful visit for the Prime Minister and his DLP team!

Missing in action during Mosque visit: Inniss pet goat

Missing in action during Mosque visit: Inniss pet goat

Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Human Rights, Religion

Gay rights, Women’s rights: Sir Ronald Sanders and President Obama did not speak the truth

UK Muslim Acid Attacks

One huge omission reduced the President’s message to soggy Pablum

by Jason

I was surprised by the lack of honesty in Ronald Sander’s new article published at Bajan Reporter. President Obama: The Man Unveiled is Sir Ronald’s assessment of the President’s Inauguration speech and a tribute to Obama’s focus upon gay and women’s rights.

The lack of honesty by both Obama and Sir Ronald is the truth that both deliberately ignored: the greatest threat to Gay/Lesbian and Women’s rights today stems from the followers of one religion: Islam.

2013: Muslim vigilante gangs patrol London streets

London: Muslim gay hate poster

London: Muslim gay hate poster

In the UK we’ve recently seen an increase in groups of young Muslim males enforcing Islamic standards upon citizens on British streets. Women with ‘immoral clothing‘ are targeted as are pedestrians carrying or drinking alcohol. The horrific Muslim acid attack on a young Victoria Secret shop girl mirrors similar attacks throughout Europe as a core of Muslims use violence to impose their beliefs upon others.

Can lynchings of gays and lesbians be far behind the acid attacks?

Hanging is the usual method of taking care of gays throughout the Middle East and Persia – although in Afghanistan they prefer to throw gays from tall buildings.

And in the midst of the ongoing Islamic-motivated violence against human rights, conspicuously absent is any kind of movement within Islam to stop those who use violence to impose Muslim beliefs and standards upon others. The Muslim patrols are a sign of things to come.

Over 90% of honour murders worldwide are performed by members of one religion: Islam. The Koran instructs men to discipline their wives with beatings. That is the instruction of Islam’s most holy scriptures.

“Against the reality of historical and current events concerning human rights for gays, lesbians and women, both Obama and Sanders are cowards who did not speak the truth.”

President Obama was silent on the role of Islam in using violence against gays, lesbians and women. Sir Ronald Sanders was equally silent.

He is the first President to identify discrimination against homosexuals and lesbians as an infringement of their rights and a wrong that cries out for correction. “Our journey is not complete”, he declared. “until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal, as well”.

Sir Ronald Sanders at The Bajan Reporter


Filed under Human Rights, Religion

Christmas 2012: The list of Muslim attacks, slaughters

It’s the same every Christmas and it’s getting worse with each passing year. With millions of Christians gone from the Middle East and North East Africa, and increased efforts to exterminate Christians in Malaysia and Indonesia, it won’t be long before vast areas are truly ‘Christian Free’.

And women’s rights? Gone.

Gays? Atheists? Critical thinkers? Dead meat, all of them.

Let’s have a look at some of the Christmas news this week…

Australia: Head Imam at Australia’s largest mosque issues Fatwa against Christmas

Saudi Arabia: 41 arrested for plotting to celebrate Christmas

Nigeria: Muslim gunmen kill 12 Christians and burn two churches.

Muslims burn 20 Christian homes.

Pakistan: Christian girl shot dead.

Indonesia: Mob beats Christian girl for saying the name of Jesus. Judge jails Christian girl for 60 days for talking about Jesus

Indonesia: Mob throws rotten eggs, urine, feces at Christmas Eve service.

Iran: Muslim convert to Christianity arrested on Christmas Day


Filed under Religion

Arab Spring withers in Tunisia – One woman’s battle

“A woman gang-raped by the police was later prosecuted.”

by Souhir Stephenson

ON Oct. 23, 2011, I voted for the first time as a Tunisian citizen. It was the first election of the Arab Spring. Pictures of smiling, proud voters flooded the Internet. The world watched, surprised and hopeful. Moderate political Islam in the Arab world was touted as a possibility rather than an oxymoron.

A year later, we have no democracy, no trust in elected officials, no improved constitution. Human rights and women’s rights are threatened. The economy is tanking.

Tourism is dwindling. Who wants to vacation among bands of bearded savages raiding embassies, staking their black pirate flag over universities or burning trucks carrying beer?”

Meanwhile, our government and puppet president watch, without arresting these Salafist extremists.

We have one thing left from our revolution: free speech. That is why Facebook is filled with outrage and cell-phone videos of the madness; why we exchange skits and caricatures of our dictators, past and present. If something will save us, it will be our refusal to shut up again.

… continue reading the New York Times article Tunisia, a Sad Year Later

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Filed under Human Rights, Religion

Ordinary Iranian Muslim men and women enjoying life and each other. What changed?

Iran: Once a gem of Eurasia

This video I created reflects Iran during the time of the Shah when it was a modern, relatively free, and a progressive nation with a blend of western and traditional values which made it a gem in Eurasia. These are a selection of photos from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. Background music is by Iranian singer Googoosh

by Yeshua Peace


Filed under Religion

Hero pig named Mohammed saves drowning goat: Expect savages to riot and murder in response!

It seems to me most probable that insults to the Prophet Muhammad appear regularly in the modern world. After all, insults against revered figures in the world’s other major religions pop up all the time. As for Islam, a book such as Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses can be published anywhere. A thirteen-minute anti-Islamic video can arrive on YouTube, and my guess is there are others that have and will appear there. In some obscure land, far from the major media, a cartoon is published perhaps with the Prophet in an absurd pose. Why not a simple slur on Facebook? Who can control Facebook? Will a slur found there set off the mobs next time? And what constitutes a slur? These Islamic mobs keep changing their standards. What was a minor lapse of taste yesterday becomes a cause for terrible indignation today.

The metamorphosing angers of Islam have been a feature of the modern world for decades. Possibly the first show of anger was in Tehran with the takeover of the American embassy. But I trace Islamic anger back further, at least to Sirhan B. Sirhan, who assassinated the 1968 presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, for some fancied transgression. From all I can tell, the angers of Islam are getting worse. Even with the presidency of Barack Obama, the Nobel Laureate, the angers of Islam have worsened. He began his presidency tendering the olive branch of peace to Islam. Now the Islamic world is afire. Mobs are burning our diplomatic installations in places where moderate Islam reigns, for instance, Tunisia. In Libya unspeakable desecrations take place against us. Egypt seems to be out of control, and Egypt is supposedly an ally and recipient of foreign aide.

The rest of world seems to be going forward toward prosperity. Even countries like China, India, and Russia are proceeding into the future. Islam, at least in Arab lands, is going backwards. It is doing something I would have thought preposterous in decades past. It is heading back toward the Middle Ages and embracing that time and earlier times with open arms. I think some day we will recognize it as the season following the vaunted Arab Spring.

… read the whole thing: R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.’s Close down those embassies


Filed under Religion