Category Archives: Crime & Law

Abby Martin interviews Afra Raymond about the corrupt CL Financial – CLICO disaster.

“On the 30th of January 2009… that bailout was wreathed in political corruption because it was discussed and agreed behind closed doors. We later discovered the Minister of Finance who negotiated the bailout is a lady called Karen Nunez-Tesheira, I will call names.

She is an attorney at law, former lecturer of law, and in fact was a shareholder of CL Financial. She was later revealed by my research to be a shareholder of CL Financial that she was negotiating a bailout of.”

“The people who caused this collapse have really gotten away scot-free because the government purchased their debt.”

Afra Raymond to international journalist Abby Martin.

Two-thirds of Caribbean Government money stolen!

If this interview doesn’t rock you about how corrupt your Caribbean governments and politicians be then go back to smokin’ whatever you be smokin’ an doan bother with life.

Afra Raymond tells it like it is to international journalist Abby Martin. It’s all here – the whole history of corruption in the CL Financial collapse and bailout.

Ministers of Government who were CL Financial shareholders gave your public funds to shore up their own interests.

That was the corrupt foundation of the bailout.

I saw this interview on YouTube and had to post it. Don’t know when I’ll be back.

One Love… Cliverton.

1 Comment

Filed under Barbados, Business & Banking, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption, Trinidad and Tobago

Black and White Sea Egg Poachers have different court outcomes in Barbados

barbados sea eggs

Editor’s note: This story is unchecked and was submitted anonymously.

Take with some salt and decide for yourself!

submitted by Steve See the Egg

Black and White Sea Egg Poachers

Recently two Sea poachers were apprehended somewhere between Martin’s Bay and Glenburnie in St. John. One Eric Mayers, known to most of us as “Grease”, and Anthony Standard, known to most as “TC” though breaking the law, which banned the poaching of sea eggs due to a scarcity of the delicacy for the past 10 years or so.

The two faced the court where they both pled guilty, but Eric was hit with a fine of BDS$5000 forthwith or 13 months in jail. As he could not come up with the fine he’ll have to serve 13 months in prison. This was indeed the second time Eric was caught or escaped being caught.

Anthony on the other hand was caught for the first time and was given a suspended sentence of one years’ probation no jail time, fine.

It should be noted that Mr. Anthony Standard is a white man and like in the Judicial Systems in place in the USA, Canada and many other racist societies, blacks are treated differently in the courts of Barbados. This is a double standard.

It should be noted that two brothers Edgar and Stephen Barrow who were also caught poaching Sea Eggs for the first time like some other first time Poachers were fined BDS$1000.

Why wasn’t Anthony Standard fined?

Is it because “Blacks don’t matter”?


Sea Egg photo courtesy of


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Culture & Race Issues, Race

Harlequin’s David Ames disobeys court order, fails to give evidence in court. What now for investors?

David Ames - Harlequin's Ponzi King

David Ames – Harlequin’s Ponzi King

TLW Solicitors are here to help on a no-win no-fee basis

contributed by TLW Solicitors

Following recent reports of the Harlequin Properties’ headquarters going up for sale and the company’s chairman David Ames failing to give evidence in court, those who have lost out financially through the scheme are assured that they may still be entitled to compensation.

The Harlequin Property company was set to build 6000 luxury properties in the Caribbean, financed by deposits from UK investors. With only 300 of the properties actually built and the Harlequin Group having gone into liquidation, thousands of investors have been left in debt.

Rip Off Britain

The BBC’s consumer affairs programme Rip Off Britain investigated Harlequin Property for a second time earlier this year, after an initial broadcast in 2010. Although some early investors had been able to claim back their money, the returning of more recent deposits has been ruled out by the company since it entered liquidation.

Around 3000 UK investors are thought to have been involved in the Harlequin investments scheme. Chairman David Ames blamed the problems on the 2008 global recession and claims to have been let down by developers.

Recent evidence suggests the Harlequin case has been flawed from the start, with suggestions that it never owned much of the land it intended to build properties on, and a business model that relied wholly on continued foreign investment. (BFP Editor’s note: It’s called a ‘Ponzi Scheme’. We’ll say it, even if TLW Solicitors won’t.)

Investigations into Harlequin hotels & resorts

Harlequin Property has been subject to an ongoing investigation by the SFO (Serious Fraud Office) since 2013 and two warnings by the Financial Services Authority (FSA).  Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Business, Consumer Issues, Crime & Law, Offshore Investments

Guns, guns and more guns… Welcome to the new Barbados

Barbados Murder Gun Revolver 3

We’ve seen it bad before, but never this bad.

We’ve had shootings before, but never so many and never have we seen so many young people so casually willing to murder others. Or try to.

Folks shooting each other in the legs like that makes it okay. Guess these little wild animals never heard of the femoral artery – one little poke an a person bleeds out in two minutes if nothing is done. And considering how long it takes to get an ambulance to respond anywhere on this rock, my advice is to do everything you can to get the shooting victim to the Queen Elizabeth right away.

Way things are going, before they are taught to read the children should be taught to duck and cover, and after the shooting ends to apply pressure to the wound. Way things are going, learning how to apply a tourniquet early on is far more valuable than the three Rs… reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmatic.

What the hell is happening ’bout hey?

debajan has some thoughts…

I Gun Talk Straight!

ENOUGH. Let me start again. TOO MUCH!

The gun situation or more precisely the shooting situation is horrendous. When submachine guns turn up in Nelson Street, it gives deeper meaning to the term gung ho.

What is the seeming fascination with guns? A feeling of power? Needed for protection? Status symbol? Bloodlust? Imagine all of these in a single person. Whatever the reasons, recent history has brought even the loudest advocates of privacy, and individual rights to the point of volunteering to surrender some rights and be willing to submit to random stop and search in order to tackle the gun problem.

Quite frankly, I don’t care whether gun amnesty only nets a small fraction of illegal weapons. Try it. If increased police patrols only detect a small amount of crime, do them. If police are short of vans, have more foot, bike and segway patrols. Any and all of this would do more than having a station full of desk jockeys telling callers “We have no vehicle” or “The car has gone to a more serious matter” or “There are several reports ahead of yours” when the gunman who just broke into your home can still be seen halfway down your lane.

The criminals are bolder and more aggressive. They are also often more stupid. For a start, in believing that they are going to get away with their crimes. So we, the citizenry, have to be smarter – in the way we prevent, detect, report, prosecute and punish crime. Our response has to be that we will not let up. What are we going to do?

… continue reading I Gun Talk Straight at debajan


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law

Pat Hoyos: Plasma gasification will bring economic and environmental disaster to Barbados

“The Government of Barbados has given up all of the country’s future rights to determine its waste to energy management to an unknown company, whose plan is to build a plant using highly dangerous technology that has failed in every attempt made so far to turn garbage into electricity.”

Welcome to Corruption Unlimited

“Barbados has given up all future rights to an Unknown Company…”

Oh yes my childrens… Gather ’round and I’ll spin you a tale of how each Barbados government for the last 30 years has promised to implement integrity legislation and conflict of interest standards, but never did. Never will without serious international pressure.

Owen Arthur promised integrity legislation, but never delivered. Then, on a politician’s salary, PM Owen Arthur donated US$150,000 in after tax dollars to a cricket charity! What a great man!

Then “Goin’ wid Owen” was caught putting campaign donations from corporations into his personal bank account!

No charges though because Barbados doesn’t care about corruption.

PM Thompson Says His Use Of CLICO's Business Jet Is None Of Your Business

PM Thompson Says His Use Of CLICO’s Business Jet Is None Of Your Business

Then the next Prime Minister, David Thompson, through his law firm money laundered $3.3 Million Dollars for his friend Leroy Parris.

And David Thompson and the DLP promised Integrity Legislation.

But they never delivered.

Now Freundel Stuart says “Trust me, trust your government” about the garbage-to-electricity plant.

And Bajans are not allowed to know if any politicians have shares in the companies that will benefit from the Barbados Government contract. 

So… to all the Bajan politicians who aren’t standing up and demanding that the people be allowed to know who is profiting from government contracts… (Censored)

Take it away, Pat Hoyos…

THE HOYOS FILE: Tipping Cahill deal into the dumpster

YOU KNOW THAT A POLICY is dead on arrival when the usually accommodative local chamber of commerce breaks its silence to say so. That, to me, was the big game changer last week.  Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Energy, Environment, Ethics, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

Currency trader illegally made US$300 million for UBS Swiss Bank – He goes to jail, the big-shots keep their jobs and bonuses!!

UBS Swiss Bank Fraud

“But so far, no senior executives have been prosecuted in a scandal that helped shred public faith in an industry and has cost some of the world’s biggest banks and brokerages $9 billion in fines and seen 21 people charged…”

Oh my children; gather round and Daddy will tell you a story of how the world really works…

In 2006 Tom Hayes was an intelligent nice young man of 25 years old who loved the numbers of finance; so much so that UBS Swiss Bank hired him to be a yen derivatives trader for their Tokyo office.

And Tom did an excellent job for UBS – earning the Swiss bank over US$300 million dollars in three years and 45,000 trades. YIKES!

Excellent job except for one thing… Tom was conspiring with other people to rig the markets, and he sent out thousands of emails to do it.

Did his bosses know? Ha! Does cheese go well on toast?

Now Tom and a few other low level people will probably be going to jail.

But the bosses? Everything be so fine, just fine. UBS and Citigroup paid fines, but none of those bosses will go to jail or lose their jobs.

Children… this is the way the world is.

Same same in Barbados. Everywhere.

Say… do we have branches of UBS or Citigroup in Barbados? Really? Well…

Insight – How Libor whiz Rain Man became ‘the guy everyone was going to blame’

He was so obsessed with the numbers that he did not see his downfall coming.

The first trader convicted by a jury in the global Libor rate-rigging scandal was a maths whiz nicknamed “Rain Man”, who slept as an adult under a superhero duvet cover he had owned since he was eight.  Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Consumer Issues, Corruption, Crime & Law, Offshore Investments

Barbados Police Officer shot four times under mysterious circumstances – Island news media silent

Sheri Veronica Barbados

Not one word in the Barbados newspapers

According to the talk in Bridgetown, four days ago Constable Jonathan Barrow was shot four times in the legs. He was treated at hospital where doctors recovered at least two bullets from the wounds. Barrow is now resting at home.

Nothing in the news media, but everyone is talking.

First to report the shooting was Sheri Veronica (photo above) of Naked Departure blog who ran the story on July 28th, and followed up with a mention on her Naked Departure Talk Show yesterday.

Officer Barrow was one of the police involved in the infamous Shanique Marie ‘finger rape’ case. His partner at the time, Everton Gittens, is currently in Dodds Prison on murder charges stemming from the shooting of two men attacking Gittens’ alleged lover.

So what’s going on and why isn’t the Barbados news media covering this story?


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Police

Please save these children from their mother, Keisha Melissa Clarke

Barbados Stupid Slut keisha Clarke

28 years old, psychiatric patient and a mother of seven; this serial thief has nothing to offer her children or society

How many so-called ‘fathers’ do Clarke’s children have? Can she really name each man? Who are these low men taking advantage of such a pitiful creature?

The 28 year old “mother of seven” deserves to be pitied, but don’t forget to pity her children and Barbados – for it is the children and ordinary Bajans who bear the burden of so many stupid women like this one. “Single mother” ??? Let’s stop using that phrase and tell it like it is – stupid woman who doesn’t have enough sense to realize she’s being used, or to keep her legs closed.

My compassion for these women evaporated long since.

Sometimes there’s just nothing you can do.


Mother of seven appeals to court for mercy

A young unemployed woman with a number of issues was jailed for a month after she admitted she had stolen money and jewellery from a man’s car over the weekend.

Keisha Melissa Clarke, 28, of Arthur Seat, St Thomas admitted to the offence and asked the court to be merciful on her. She was charged for stealing a pair of earrings and $87 belonging to Chris Clarke on Sunday.


Clarke apprehended her and called the police. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Culture & Race Issues

An all too common story. Bajan expat sends money to build a retirement home…


Dear Barbados Free Press…

A mother working in the USA  asked her daughter to supervise the construction of a property in Barbados, sent all money to that daughter at various stages of the construction from beginning through completion. The mother also payed the mortgage for the ensuing 20 years, returned to Barbados on holiday in the intervening years believing the property was in her name as indicated by correspondence.

Finally retired from her work in the USA only to find several years after that the property has been stolen (deeded)  by  that same daughter who registered the property in her name as sole owner. When the matter; supported by documentation is brought to the very law firm who did the original settlement find that the firm is unwilling or non cooperative or too embarrassed  to unmask the obvious fraud.

Leaving the victim, the mother, to seek alternative legal representation from other lawyers who take the case ask for a large sums of money with the promise to recover that property only to find that despite all the proof and supporting documentation of ownership nothing is done, 5 years on.

What would BFP’s readers suggest is the best course of action/suggestions to make this right?

* The photo has nothing to do with this story. Just a home under construction.


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law

MURDER: Child Care Board ignored 6-year-old’s broken fingers, blackened eye

Child Abuse Murder Barbados

Jahan King – When the Barbados Child Care Board failed to act, what chance did the little fellow have?

The latest from our friend at Focus Barbados tells the story of Jahan King. Poor little fellow was beaten and tortured and more than once when he came to school with serious injuries the school called Child Care Board, and the Board did nothing or worse: sent the child back to the home where he was beaten.

Warning: disturbing photos at Focus Barbados Jahan King: The child neglect and abuse culture in Barbados.



Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Culture & Race Issues

What’s up with Mark Daghorn and Rising Records?

Mark Daghorn Barbados Music

Editor’s Note: The following is only one of many letters and complaints we’ve had in the last while concerning Mark Daghorn (photo above) and Rising Records.

We remind BFP readers that this was sent anonymously to BFP – an anonymous blog and should be taken with a big dose of salt.

We offer Mr. Daghorn or anyone the space to reply to these accusations publicly, in the same space and to the same audience.

Without further delay, here is one of the anonymous emails sent to BFP…



Mark Daghorn is/was known as the owner/director of Rising Records.  The UK based record label had a roster of over 40 bands and specialised in Heavy Metal, Hardcore, Death Metal, Black Metal & Grindcore.

Warning to bands about shady record label
November 29th, 2011, 02:29 PM

On Nov 29th 2011 a comment was posted to a music website by user Men With Ven claiming Rising Records was a front for a scam.  Within hours the story went viral and over the next few days various people who had dealt with Daghorn posted their own stories of dodgy dealings with him, corroborating the original posters ac­cusations.

Daghorn claimed the post was the working of a disgruntled band.  He responded to these accusations with intermittent threats of legal action whilst fleeing the UK for Barbados. He never followed through with any legal action as he threatened.

Daghorn then proceeded to establish himself in Barbados and people he owed money to in the UK were ignored, fired or offered more work which never materialised.  Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Business, Crime & Law, Music

Magistrate Douglas Frederick too weak, too timid to take on disrespectful police officers.

Barbados Magistrate Frederick Douglas

Accused waiting five and a half years for trial – Barbados Police don’t show for latest court date.

Magistrate Douglas Frederick lets them get away with it again.

Where was Sergeant Catwell?

The charges against the accused are serious. On January 20, 2010, police arrested Michael James Springer for having an illegal gun and ammunition.

Now, five and a half years later, our justice system is just getting to the preliminary hearing but the two main police witnesses didn’t bother to show up for court date known months in advance. One witness, Sergeant Catwell, was on holiday and, according to Station Sergeant Neville Watson, couldn’t be found. The other witness, Sergeant Leslie, was on a training course and so couldn’t attend at court.

Let’s just think about that for a minute, shall we?

Sergeant Catwell knew many months ago that the case was coming to court on July 8, 2015, but he went away on holiday anyway and “efforts to locate him had proven futile.”

Really? On this tiny rock, none of Catwell’s fellow police know where he is? Nobody knows his mobile phone number? Nobody left a message? Nobody knows his email address?

And what training could be so important as to cause a police witness to ignore the court? Sergeant Leslie couldn’t take a morning off his so very important training course to testify?

Obviously the two involved police officers do not respect the courts, the judicial process or their duty to Barbados.

Time for the learned judge to start issuing arrest warrants for police officers who thumb their noses at the court and the law.

Magistrate Douglas Frederick’s statement that it was “unfortunate that Leslie was away on training and was in High Court on the last occasion” is a capitulation to police disrespect of the courts. Magistrate Frederick looks like he is too weak, timid and fearful to uphold the law. Just a few days ago BFP reported in another trial Magistrate Douglas tossed a drug trafficking case when the police witnesses didn’t show up… but Frederick let the police turn their backs on the courts and never held them to account for failing to show.

And he just did it again…

No one-sided justice, attorney tells Magistrate

Terming it “totally ridiculous,” attorney-at-law Vonda Pile asked today that a matter involving her client be dismissed.

Michael James Springer faces charges of having a gun and ammunition on January 20, 2010. The 29-year-old lives at Headley’s Land, Deacons Road, St Michael.

When the preliminary hearing began yesterday, Station Sergeant Neville Watson told the court of the unavailability of the two police witnesses.   Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Police

Outrageous, corrupt government contracts are killing Barbados


by David Comissiong, President of Clement Payne Movement

by David Comissiong, President of Clement Payne Movement

As we approach Barbados’ 50th year of Independence, I am calling on all patriotic Barbadians to join together and make a determined effort to uproot and eradicate the destructive remnants of the “Old Colonial System” that still exist in our supposedly independent nation.

And one particularly odious remnant is that aspect of the “Old Colonial System” that traditionally permitted the social and business elite of Barbados to have compliant members of the political directorate grant them outrageously preferential business and commercial arrangements that allowed them to feed on the substance of the Barbadian State and on the mass of predominantly black labourers, consumers, and – in more recent times- taxpayers!

Just take a cursory look at Barbados’ history and you will see exactly what I mean. From the earliest colonial days, the planter/merchant elite utilized a compliant House of Assembly to, inter alia:- supply themselves with cheap labour by legislating the enslavement of Blacks; grant themselves legal title to the lands they had occupied; give themselves a commercial advantage by prohibiting free Blacks and Coloureds from being able to give evidence in Court against them; control Black labour by enacting a Post- Emancipation “Masters and Servants Act”; prohibit the migration of Black labourers from Barbados; transfer the burden of falling international sugar prices unto the backs of the large black labouring class; use legislation and the Court system to ensure that the lands of bankrupt plantations did not fall into the hands of Blacks; use grant money from the British Government exclusively for the elite sugar planter class; and the list goes on and on.

In more recent “Independence times”, this old colonial phenomenon has been manifesting itself in the practice of predominantly black Parliamentarians and Ministers of Government granting amazingly preferential taxpayer- funded or guaranteed contracts to elite white Barbadian and foreign business-people – contracts that they would never dream of conferring upon black Barbadian business-people!

One such contract is the so-called “Take or Pay Contract” that the current Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration granted to Mr Bizzy Williams’ Sustainable (Barbados) Recycling Centre Inc (SBRC) in June 2009. Under that contract, we, the taxpayers of Barbados, are obliged to underwrite a guaranteed minimum payment of $22.6 Million per year over a 20 year period to SBRC for the processing or managing of so-called municipal solid waste, whether or not the company is actually called upon to carry out work of the requisite minimum quantity! Thus, under this contract alone, we taxpayers are saddled with a minimum payment of $45 Million over the 20 year period.   Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Economy, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

Witness fails to appear in court – accused set free, absent witness faces no penalty…. Welcome to Barbados!

Nothing to do with this case... just an illustration of reality when the police make witnesses' names known!

Nothing to do with this case… just an illustration of reality when the police make witnesses’ names known!

Intimidating a witness is standard operating procedure in Barbados.

Five years for a marijuana case to come to trial in Barbados!!!

The Court should have issued a warrant for the arrest of the witness and dug into the “why” behind the witness failing to show. This happens time and time again and undermines everything from the police to the court.

Magistrate Douglas Frederick dismissed a 2010 case in the District ‘A’ Magistrates Court today, after a police witness who was supposed to testify was absent from court.

Hezron Joseph Williams, who was previously charged with possession, trafficking and intent to supply marijuana in October 2010, was therefore free to go.

Williams, 27, resides at Hutson Alley, Reed Street, The City.

When the case came up for hearing in the morning, Station Sergeant Neville Watson said he expected the witness to be at court by midday.

When it was called again in the afternoon and the prosecutor was questioned by the Magistrate, he said he still had not heard from the witness.

Magistrate Frederick determined that “unless he (the witness) has a reasonable excuse or some type of emergency, the case would have to be viewed differently”.

He therefore dismissed the matter.



Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Police

Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler’s sleazy conflict of interest

Kickback? What kickback? Wuhloss! Surely you jest!

Kickback? What kickback? Wuhloss! Surely you jest! It’s a CONSULTING FEE!!! For consulting. Plus the politician owns a piece of the company getting the government contract. Just another business entrepreneur. Nothing to see here folks. Move along, move along…

Should a Minister of Government have a financial interest in the outcome of a company’s bid for a government contract?

Finance Minister Chris Sinckler smiles. You'd smile too!

Finance Minister Chris Sinckler smiles. You’d smile too with a piece of a $700 million dollar government contract!

Anywhere in the civilized world the answer to that question is a resounding “NO!!!!”

But not in Barbados.

In Barbados we have no conflict of interest laws. No Integrity Legislation. No disclosure of assets for elected and appointed officials. No transparency laws that allow citizens to monitor elected or appointed government officials.

So if our DLP Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler stands to personally profit from the awarding of a government contract to his own company to build a $700 million dollar waste-to-energy plant… that’s just too bad for you taxpayers and ordinary citizens.

Barbadians accept that elected politicians become wealthy in office. This is so ingrained in our culture that when former Prime Minister Owen Arthur donated US$150,000 in after-tax dollars to Cricket Legends of Barbados, some folks said what a wonderful man he was. Only a few in the blogging world and none in the oldstream news media bothered to say Think about the wealth it takes to give away US$150,ooo.”

Where the Hell did Owen Arthur get that kind of money?

When Owen Arthur was caught money-laundering campaign donations through his personal bank account, what was the official response of Barbados? Ha! The DLP government appointed former BLP Prime Minister Arthur as head of a Commonwealth team in the Maldives tasked with ensuring the elections were conducted legally! HA!

So back to Finance Minister Chris Sinckler…

According to news reports, Sinckler has an interest in a company looking for a $700 million dollar government contract, and the true cost of the project will be $4.8 BILLION over the next 30 years.

How corrupt. In the USA or UK he’d be headed for jail. But not in Bim!

No laws being broken here folks… because there are no laws about this kind of thing. Nothing to see. Move along… move along…

“Members of the DLP and BLP had an opportunity to remedy this vulnerability with the passing of integrity legislation… but we all know how that turned out.”


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press

Remembering Campus Trendz and Arch Cot – years later Barbados still doesn’t have a building code

Passersby heard the screams from Campus Trendz store: no back door and bars on the windows.

“The criminals threw the firebombs, but it was an irresponsible government, building owner and shop owner that made the firebombs inescapable death.”

Barbados Free Press, September 5, 2012 Campus Trendz deaths: What criminals allowed bars on the windows, no fire exits?

by Cliverton

Almost five years after the Campus Trendz slaughter, sleep does not come easily for my friend. In her mind she still sees the weeping desperate men in the smoke at the rear of Campus Trendz – cursing and yelling as they used hand sledges to break through the brick wall all too slowly. She couldn’t watch any longer, she couldn’t listen to the screams any longer and there was nothing the girl could do so she walked away. That haunts her to this day.

Pearl Amanda Cornelius, 18, Kelly Ann Welch, 24, Shanna Griffith, 18, Nikita Belgrave, 23, Tiffany Harding, 23 and Kellisha Ovivierre, 24, burned to death because two evil men robbed the store and smashed flaming bottles of petrol. That is one of the causes of their deaths.

The other cause of their deaths is that Barbados has no enforceable building code. Folks just build as they want to, with no standards as to amount of steel or how rebar is connected. No standards as to fire exits or alternate fire exits through windows. Campus Trendz was a deathtrap from the moment it was constructed, and six young women died because Barbados had no building code to protect them.

Similarly an entire family died at ArchCot when a powerful family (BLP leader Mia Mottley’s family) invested in land over a known cave. How the prohibition against building over the known cave was lifted was never really explained to the public. Just another of those magical Bajan processes very similar to how a BLP Government Minister came to live in a house built on private land that had been expropriated for government purposes.

That Barbados has no building code makes it easier for the corruption and the corrupt to thrive and profit.


Filed under Barbados, Building Collapse, Corruption, Crime & Law, Disaster, Politics & Corruption

Prisoner walks off as court constables gossip and discuss latest romantic conquests

Barbados escape jail

“The decision was handed down, Williams left the dock and sat on the bench. He was not handcuffed. As officers of the court were busy going about their duties, Williams got up without drawing attention to himself and walked out of the court. At first, no one noticed he was missing. A constable subsequently went in search of Williams, but he remains wanted by Police.” Nation News

“A constable who was performing clerical duties in the courtroom apparently saw Williams just as he was about to exit and he quickly followed him. However, since he had several yards on the officer, Williams made good his escape.

It is understood that Williams turned himself in to police today, accompanied by attorney-at-law Romain Marshall.” Barbados Today

by passin thru

You have to love this story, even if like most folks you are not sympathetic to criminals, there’s something about what happened that brings a smile…

Last Thursday Chad Rommell Martin Williams appeared before court charged with obstructing and cursing a police officer.

Charged with cursing a police officer? Sounds like a put-up to me!

He was held without bail, but then the court police officers got to talking about all manner of things, including how they been shagging that sweet little thing in uniform that joined the courts detail a few months ago. That girl can boink… and she don’t care who with! Everybody in court heard it, so it be no secret!

So while the his guards were busy talking about how the girl can do this and do that, Chad made his way to the door and slipped out. The ‘official’ story is that some police officer noticed him on the way out and gave chase, but we understand that is not true. They never noticed he was gone for several minutes because they were talkin’ ’bout that girl. Hey… everybody talkin’ bout that girl.

Chad came to he senses the next day and turned heself in with his lawyer. Lots of new charges but under the circumstances I understand how Chad just couldn’t help heself!

Chad had a good evening, couple a splifs and a boink.

Even the police can understand that.

1 Comment

Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Police

Elvis Graham shot but okay. Monsta Grill owner targeted in late night attack.

de monsta bar barbados

by Passin Thru


Monsta Grill owner Elvis Graham was shot multiple times – reports say six times – in the wee hours after Wednesday night’s fete. He’s doing alright but one of the slugs (so says a friend) was too close to the femoral artery so will be removed after some further scans. Maybe another doctor is coming in, who knows? Nobody says anything on this rock.

Elvis Graham - shot six times, but recovering.

Elvis Graham – shot six times, but recovering.

Four thugs made the employees lie down on the ground and threatened to kill the women, to make Elvis give up the evening deposit.

But the evening deposit had already left the place, so Elvis gave up everything he had but it wasn’t enough, so they shot he in the legs three times and also in the elbow, side of the chest and face.

Elvis is a good man: kind to employees, respected by customers for being fair, and takes no nonsense from trouble-makers, but kindly and with peace-making style.

The arrest and conviction of these four gang thugs (that is the rumour, they are from the north) should be the first priority of our police.

Surround their homes. Give they one chance to surrender.

And if they come out blasting or don’t come out…

The police should kill they dead. Six shots each.

No trial necessary. You put a pistol in the mouth of a crying pregnant woman lying face down in the dirt… you deserve to die.

Passin thru


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Police