Category Archives: Freedom Of The Press

Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler’s sleazy conflict of interest

Kickback? What kickback? Wuhloss! Surely you jest!

Kickback? What kickback? Wuhloss! Surely you jest! It’s a CONSULTING FEE!!! For consulting. Plus the politician owns a piece of the company getting the government contract. Just another business entrepreneur. Nothing to see here folks. Move along, move along…

Should a Minister of Government have a financial interest in the outcome of a company’s bid for a government contract?

Finance Minister Chris Sinckler smiles. You'd smile too!

Finance Minister Chris Sinckler smiles. You’d smile too with a piece of a $700 million dollar government contract!

Anywhere in the civilized world the answer to that question is a resounding “NO!!!!”

But not in Barbados.

In Barbados we have no conflict of interest laws. No Integrity Legislation. No disclosure of assets for elected and appointed officials. No transparency laws that allow citizens to monitor elected or appointed government officials.

So if our DLP Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler stands to personally profit from the awarding of a government contract to his own company to build a $700 million dollar waste-to-energy plant… that’s just too bad for you taxpayers and ordinary citizens.

Barbadians accept that elected politicians become wealthy in office. This is so ingrained in our culture that when former Prime Minister Owen Arthur donated US$150,000 in after-tax dollars to Cricket Legends of Barbados, some folks said what a wonderful man he was. Only a few in the blogging world and none in the oldstream news media bothered to say Think about the wealth it takes to give away US$150,ooo.”

Where the Hell did Owen Arthur get that kind of money?

When Owen Arthur was caught money-laundering campaign donations through his personal bank account, what was the official response of Barbados? Ha! The DLP government appointed former BLP Prime Minister Arthur as head of a Commonwealth team in the Maldives tasked with ensuring the elections were conducted legally! HA!

So back to Finance Minister Chris Sinckler…

According to news reports, Sinckler has an interest in a company looking for a $700 million dollar government contract, and the true cost of the project will be $4.8 BILLION over the next 30 years.

How corrupt. In the USA or UK he’d be headed for jail. But not in Bim!

No laws being broken here folks… because there are no laws about this kind of thing. Nothing to see. Move along… move along…

“Members of the DLP and BLP had an opportunity to remedy this vulnerability with the passing of integrity legislation… but we all know how that turned out.”


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press

Central Bank of Barbados still hiding from news media

That's Governor Worrell on the right... er, left!

That’s Governor ‘Weasel Words’ Worrell on the right… er, left!

Over a year ago Dr. DeLisle Worrell, the head thug of the Central Bank of Barbados, took issue with a Nation News story about the central bank.

So did Worrell ask the paper for space to present his thoughts to the citizens? Did he demand an apology, retraction or correction? Did he write an article to be published in the media or on the bank’s website?

Nope… Worrell banned Nation journalists from all bank events. Worrell wants to control what the press says about him and banning them was his stupid, thuggish reaction to an article he disagreed with.

This is so typical of the Bajan elites’ contempt for freedom of the press and the right of citizens to hold government officials and institutions accountable.

Journalist Ian Bourne

Journalist Ian Bourne

Then the central bank issued a press release in an attempt to backpedal, but as our friend Ian Bourne of Bajan Reporter points out, the Central Bank of Barbados hasn’t held a quarterly statement media briefing since then.

Bajan Reporter is sticking to its guns and hasn’t published the bank’s quarterly reports, and won’t until the institution resumes press briefings. In return, the bank has cut off advertising revenues to The Bajan Reporter, but as Bourne says, he will not sacrifice his dignity at the alter of CBB’s coffers.

And as Worrell is showing – once a thug, always a thug.

Check out The Bajan Reporter for the whole story on how the Central Bank of Barbados is failing to be accountable and transparent to citizens and government alike: Bajan Reporter will carry CBB’s media statements as soon as Quarterly Press Conferences resume.


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Government, Business & Banking, Economy, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press

Porn profiteer Minister Donville Inniss cautions Barbadians against websites that “deliberately spew filth”

Orgasm Barbados Inniss 2

“Inniss also voiced concern about people using social media to spread “the nastiest” and “most untrue” reports about fellow Barbadians, and warned that the state would do what was necessary to tackle the perpetrators.” (Nation News, April 8, 2015)

Above: One of the porn websites that made Inniss money

Donville Inniss made a fortune on Internet Porn, now he wants to censor political debate and truth

Pssst… Want to hear a good one?

Minister of Industry Donville Inniss and his government are preparing a law against what he calls “cyber-crime” – but protecting people against hacking is only part of the law. Censorship is what it is all about.

Lately the Minister has been speaking to all who will listen that social media, blogs, twitter and facebook is “out of control, running amuck, spewing filth”

Donville Inniss has a good reason to want to stop the truth… for years he made money as the Online Porn King of Barbados, and no – it wasn’t that he owned a website company and other people put porn up on his servers. That’s what he loves to tell people, but a little digging on the internet shows that Inniss registered porn trademarks in the USA and Canada. Barbados Free Press covered that and printed proof in a series of articles listed below.


How low can you go?

Barbados Government Minister Donville Inniss was part of the lucrative online sex business for years. He profited from websites where desperate pregnant women and teenagers performed sex acts for money.

Inniss also profited from websites showing humans committing sex acts with animals.

You know we couldn’t say this if it wasn’t true folks. Our WordPress hosting company would take us down faster than a rum disappears at Oistens on a Friday night.

Inniss and profited from websites with pregnant women porn, teenaged porn and sex with animals. All the proof is in our articles and after all these years Inniss hasn’t been able to make Barbados Free Press remove these articles. Because they are for true!

Only one journalist on this rock had the integrity to ask Minister Inniss about his porn business, and Inniss responded by savaging Ian Bourne whenever and wherever he could.

Go ahead, Minister Inniss. Pass your internet censorship law.

Everybody knows why you want that law.

List of BFP posts with proof of Inniss porn connections…

July 16, 2012: Barbados Health Minister attacks journalist over questions about Minister’s porn business profiteering     Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Culture & Race Issues, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press, Political Corruption, Politics

Barbados news media and blogs lament Charlie Hebdo murders and loss of press freedom – but not enough to print the Mohammed cartoons

Mohammed Goat Cartoons

Yup, we anonymous writers at Barbados Free Press have published Mohammed cartoons in the past, as we publish the one above now. (Hey… The muslim prophet Mohammed sure has eyes and a tongue for that goat’s behind, doan you think?)

But that doesn’t take much courage at all.

So we can hardly fault the Barbados Advocate, The Nation News and Barbados Today for not publishing the “offending” Mohammed cartoons that were the excuse for three devout Muslims to commit their usual murders – this time in Paris.

Even the worshiped New York Times gave the “juis suis Charlie” salute, but didn’t have the courage to print the same Mohammed cartoons that were the latest excuse for Muslim violence and murder. The NY Times said it was out of respect, not fear, that they didn’t print the Hebdo cartoons. Really? The NY Times sure printed the infamous “Piss Christ” photo of a crucifix upside down in a jar of human urine.

Why did the NY Times print something offensive to Christians but will not print a Mohammed cartoon? Because the New York Times editors like the rest of us fear that if they print the Mohammed cartoons, they will be murdered by any number of violent devout Muslims who wish to obey the verses of the Koran that instruct Muslims to murder.

So we self censor or publish anonymously because we know that Islam is a violent religion, that encourages adherents to believe that vile, barbaric behaviour and violence will gain them heaven. The problem is with the foundation of Islam – not some current flavour or interpretation.

“There is an absolute and utter failure of the majority of Muslims to this day to condemn continued acts of violence in the name of Allah and to purge their religion of those who foment such violence.”

And that’s something we’re going to have to face here on this rock sooner or later.

Look no further than the Al-Falah Muslim School to learn what Barbadian children are being taught by their devout Muslim teacher… Barbados Muslim Girls School, 14 year old student: “Nothing wrong with beheading, chopping off your hands, severe beatings”

Someday those chickens a going to come home to roost here, just as they did in Paris.

Further Reading

What I learned from 9/11


Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Freedom Of The Press, Religion

Paris Attack: Devout Muslims massacre 11 journalists & police, wound many more at Charlie Hebdo magazine

Muslim shooters “Allahu Akbar”

Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Charb and Cabu

Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Charb and Cabu murdered by devout Muslims

Telegraph UK live feed

How much jihad is too much before Western civilization stops all Muslim immigration?

The Quran as hate literature

Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful.   And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone.  But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)”

Quran (2:216) – “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”

Question: Does the Quran really contain dozens of verses promoting violence?

Courtesy of The Religion Of

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.  Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.  Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text.  They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.  Continue reading


Filed under Freedom Of The Press, Human Rights, Religion

Barbados Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite is a LIAR

Adriel Brathwaite Barbados

It’s an old story, an old lie, but it’s still true that Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite and his DLP gang lied to get elected and then lied again to get re-elected.

They said they would put Conflict of Interest rules in place immediately upon election. They lied.

They said they would pass Integrity Legislation within 100 days of election. They lied.

They said they would pass Freedom of Information laws. They lied.

Brathwaite is a liar.

And we’re going to continue telling like it is.

Come and get us Brathwaite. YOU ARE A DAMNED LIAR.

And here’s the proof…

Barbados Attorney General admits Integrity Legislation is dead, dead, dead


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Government, Corruption, Ethics, Freedom Of The Press, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

Afra Raymond talks about Corruption and Citizenship at The Cloth Propaganda Space

by Afra Raymond

The ‘Unconquered‘ discussion series is hosted by Robert Young’s The Cloth at #24 Erthig Road, Belmont…Attilah Springer – aka Tillah Willah – is one of the livewires driving this initiative…

I was invited by Tillah to speak at the ‘Conscious Citizenship‘ meeting on Wednesday 13th August 2014, along with Dr. Kevin Adonis Browne, author of the searching new work ‘Tropic Tendencies’…the session was both heated and edifying…it was real, even when Browne ramoujayed on rhetoric!


Filed under Corruption, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption, Trinidad and Tobago

Afra Raymond on the Invader’s Bay scandal and High Court ruling

afra raymond CMMB

“The entire process possesses all the ingredients for corruption, I maintain that view.”

Our friend Afra Raymond remains a solid asset to disgusted Trinis and the rest of the Caribbean in the fight against corruption by public officials. Trinidad’s Invader’s Bay scandal is representative of the types of corruption that unfortunately permeates the Caribbean, and Afra has been right on top of the story from the first moment. It is probably accurate to say that Afra’s detailed reporting on the story has the government vexed, and influences the government response and strategies.

Power of the press belongs to those who have one – and Afra has one.

Head over to Afra Raymond’s blog for the latest stories about corruption in Trinidad and Tobago.

Afra Raymond: Reality Check

Comments Off on Afra Raymond on the Invader’s Bay scandal and High Court ruling

Filed under Corruption, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption, Trinidad and Tobago

Tennyson Joseph: DeLisle Worrell’s folly

delisle worrell Barbados

Tin-pot dictator, Insecure, drunk on power…

“To issue a ban and to accuse the Nation of “lack of professional integrity” is burning a house to kill an ant. Banning a media house for a misleading headline is the kind of action associated with backward tin-pot dictators, rather than very intelligent, highly placed civil servants.

In a context of authoritarian political leadership, our leading public servants must lift the political culture above the paranoid vindictiveness we associate with insecure politicians, drunk on power…”

Good reading at the Trinidad Express – Tennyson Joseph: DeLisle Worrell’s folly


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Government, Disaster, Economy, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press

Harlequin victim thanks BFP – “My prayers are with you…”

Charles Ponzi never worked for Harlequin... but he could have!

Charles Ponzi never worked for Harlequin… but he could have!

Dear BFP

My anonymous ID is one of those referred to in the Harlequin subpoena, but I always used an anonymous proxy.

Nonetheless, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t fighting off an overwhelming fear of the consequences of them discovering my identity. Not because of the defamation threat; I see no issues with me proving what I said was true. I just could not stand by and watch the shameful lies, deception, bullying and propaganda being spouted from Ames and his conspirators. They misuse the courts to shut down any public criticism because they cannot continue to defraud people when information is flowing freely.

Too many peoples’ lives have been damaged in the Caribbean and UK. Many lives have been irreconcilably ruined. And the UK authorities just stand by, knowing what is happening, and let it continue to happen.

Barbados Free Press on WordPress has been the only major website which has continuously stood up to threat of litigation and enabled the reporting of the true Harlequin story to appear on internet search results despite Harlequin’s scatter gun litigation attack on the rest of the internet.

BFP and WordPress must have saved hundreds and maybe thousands of people from being ripped off and has given those who want to keep the real facts out there and alive a mainstream social media channel to communicate through.

Many thanks; my prayers are with you, me, and all the other contributors who had good reason to comment anonymously under the fear and threat created by Harlequin.

signed, A Harlequin victim and grateful BFP reader!

BFP Editor Robert replies…

Thanks for your prayers, friend.

And thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the WordPress gang for defending freedom of the press, freedom of speech and giving freedom a home.



Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Freedom Of The Press, Offshore Investments

Dave Ames and Harlequin Property file legal papers against Barbados Free Press readers


Hi folks,

A few weeks ago we informed our readers that Harlequin had served our webhost WordPress – Automattic Inc with a court subpoena concerning reader comments on Barbados Free Press. Ames and Harlequin want to discover the identities of BFP readers who left anonymous comments on stories about them.

This will be difficult even if WordPress turns over the ip numbers to Harlequin because further steps are required with internet suppliers in other countries. Lots of folks use proxies and protection like ‘‘ for surfing too. Nope, we’re not worried at all and we run this here little blog. Have for nine years and the DLP and BLP haven’t found us yet!

WordPress didn’t send copies of the legal papers to us, so we presume they are fighting it out in court with Harlequin and David Ames. WordPress inventor Matt Mullenweg has a reputation as a hell of a scrapper when it comes to defending free speech and he’ll spend millions rather than give into extortion. (Matt is the handsome young chap above, just turned 30. And ladies, not only is he single – his business costs about $400,000 a month to run, but takes in gross revenues of $45 million a year. You do the math. The latest Business Insider issue says Matt is probably worth a billion yankee dollars and he has homes in New York, California and Texas. He was in Barbados a few months ago – I’ll try and find the photos I saw on the web.) 

Today we received more legal papers – unofficially and anonymously – from someone. This batch lists exactly what comments and BFP readers that Ames and Harlequin is after.

We’re not worried because we know that the WordPress business model would collapse overnight if Matt and the boys didn’t defend free speech.

Besides – we believe in Matt and WP crew. They will fight this attack all the way on a purely ideological basis – nevermind anything else.

Meanwhile here are the two batches of documents so far…

Latest – 04447212-Page0-41(1)

Previous – 2014_04_21_19_26_39


Filed under Barbados, Freedom Of The Press, Human Rights

Central Banking Review: “Newspaper spat puts serious dent in credibility of Central Bank of Barbados”

central bank Barbados dispute

When the governor of the Central Bank of Barbados had his little hissy-fit against The Nation, do you think that he envisioned the worldwide condemnation his actions attracted?

Here’s the link for’s story, but you’ll need to sign up for a free trial to read the whole thing. We didn’t sign up but your choice might be different.


Filed under Barbados, Barbados News & Media, Business & Banking, Freedom Of The Press

Barbados Central Bank press release deceptive – What does ‘Weasel Words’ Worrell fear? What is the bank hiding?

That's Governor Worrell on the right... er, left!

That’s Governor Worrell on the right… er, left!

The Central Bank of Barbados just issued a new press release in an attempt to backpedal from Governor Worrell’s message last week that journalists from The Nation Newspaper are banned from future press conferences – but if anything the new weasel words press release makes things worse. As our friend Ian Bourne points out, the new press release does nothing to retract Worrell’s statement that Nation journalists are not welcome at bank media events.

Nope, that COWARDLY WEASEL-WORDED THUG Worrell still doesn’t want to face questions from Nation journalists.

Mr. Bourne goes much further too…

“The threats against Barbadian Journalism have only just started; it will get more strenuous as the DLP try to hold on for a third term and all of their beneficiaries seek to rally defences against real or imagined threats.”

Journalist Ian Bourne of The Bajan Reporter

Central Bank Sucks, Blows and Backpedals without a truthful admission and apology

No doubt the Central Bank’s new press release is in response to Bajans’ general disgust with Worrell’s and the bank’s thuggish attempt to muzzle a free press.

Here’s what Worrell originally said…

“Consequent upon the lack of professional integrity manifest in the Nation’s Front Page headline of Thursday, May 8, you should be aware that Nation/Sun staff will not be invited to any future Press conference or media event hosted by myself as Governor of the Central Bank,”

Central Bank Thug in Chief Dr. DeLisle Worrell in letter to all bank employees and The Nation Newspaper

Well, that sounds like a ban to us here at BFP. How about you dear readers?

Now Worrell is saying…   Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Economy, Freedom Of The Press

Head thug of Central Bank of Barbados bans Nation journalists from press conferences

delisle worrell Barbados

Dr. Worrell must consider himself a very important and powerful person

by Passin thru

This is so typical of the Bajan elites’ contempt for freedom of the press and the right of citizens to hold government officials and institutions accountable.

Central Bank Governor, Dr. DeLisle Worrell, took issue with a story about the central bank as published in The Nation. So does he ask the paper for space to present his thoughts to the citizens? Does he demand an apology, retraction or correction? Does he write an article to be published in the media or on the bank’s website?

Nope… he bans Nation journalists from all bank events. Worrell wants to control what the press says about him and this is his stupid, thuggish reaction to an article he disagreed with.

Maybe I’m missing something here, but banning journalists doesn’t seem to be the smartest option.

Then again, as former Prime Minister Owen Arthur has often commented in so many words: DeLiesle Worrell never was the sharpest pencil in the box.

Nation News: Worrell bans Nation


Filed under Barbados, Economy, Freedom Of The Press

Anna Druzhinina murder: Persaud appealing sentence, Barbados Court stonewalls journalist

Zero Transparency or Accountability from Barbados courts…

One is not permitted to take notes or record in courts in Barbados, even public criminal proceedings. The press is gagged until after the trial is over. Then one cannot get any transcripts of the proceedings, motions, and findings.

Over a year later and I am still waiting on the High Court’s registrar’s office to provide me with DPP Leacock’s recommendations for sentencing of the two murderers of Anna Druzhinina, one in 2010 and one in 2012. They got manslaughter for hanging her.

So what is the definition of transparency?

Amy L. Beam, journalist and BFP contributor

Below article originally published on February 13, 2013…

Barbados Free Press

Anna Druzhinina Murder

Censorship and a Travesty of Justice

By Amy L. Beam, Ed.D

As of today, I have waited over one month for the chief registrar in the court’s registrar’s office to provide me with the written statements of DPP Leacock in the sentencing recommendations for McCollin (2010) and Persaud (2012). In common parlance, this is known as stone-walling. Silence does not mean I’m finished with this issue.

Also, I was told at the court house that Persaud is appealing his sentencing.

So Barbados is a country with complete judicial secrecy. In the courtroom I was not allowed to have paper, pen, or recording devices. Now I have been refused ALL documents relating to both of the convicted men.

“The case is over, the verdicts and sentencing have been rendered, yet the documents are being kept secret. Does Barbados seal documents after a murder or manslaughter trial? Is the international community taking…

View original post 67 more words


Filed under Barbados, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press

Ian Bourne: Barbados Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite a “stinking coward”, “bullies local media, but cannot bear scrutiny”

Ian Bourne (L), Adriel Brathwaite

Ian Bourne (L), Adriel Brathwaite

The ongoing battle between the Attorney General and a tenacious Bajan journalist just entered a new level. The Bajan Reporter’s Ian Bourne published a news story calling Adriel Brathwaite a “stinking coward” and alleging that the Attorney General “bullies local media, but cannot bear scrutiny…”

And that’s just a start.

The lapdog local press will not ask the questions that Ian Bourne regularly puts to the political elites, and Bourne has again shown those same elites that they ignore his questions at their peril.

Freedom of the press belongs to those who have one… and by the looks of this, Ian Bourne certainly has his own press! Wuhloss!


Filed under Barbados, Freedom Of The Press, Politics

LIAT Statement On Barbados Free Press Blog Post

DHC-8-300 Dash 8 LIAT V2-LGI

LIAT Statement On Barbados Free Press Blog Post

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, Jan 21 2014 – LIAT (1974) Ltd. has taken note of the post, dated 17th January 2014, in the Barbados Free Press online blog of an Article entitled “Report of Conflict of Interest: Saint Vincent PM Ralph Gonsalves said to own 2 LIAT aircraft”.

The anonymous author concludes that “The conflict of interest arises because SVG is one of the major shareholders in LIAT. Government funds are involved and Prime Minister Gonsalves is heavily involved in decision making about the airline”.

The two aircraft mentioned in the article are owned by a publicly listed US based Leasing Company trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). LIAT has always had arms length negotiations with this Lessor and its relationship with this Lessor is firmly set on a commercial basis. LIAT has no Aircraft Leases with Prime Minister Gonsalves or any shareholder of the Company and categorically denies the suggestion that the Prime Minister has anything to do with the leasing of aircraft to LIAT. LIAT views conflict of interest very seriously and abides by principles of good corporate governance.   Continue reading


Filed under Aviation, Barbados, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press, Politics

Barbados Government censorship of news media a diversion for 3,000 workers fired at Christmas!

Barbados Opposition walks out

(click above image for large view!)

by West Side Davie and friends…

It seems to me that both the “Child Porn” (the teens’ faces were blurred, and the sex act is not well-defined) against the Nation and this latest salvo per Speaker striking a comment and paper carrying it is merely Government trying to build a case so as to muzzle The Nation. It is only a matter of time before they come after other news media as well. Why attack 6 weeks after the event? Prime Minster Stuart knew the 3,000 workers sent home was afoot an he and his DLP Government are scared as IMF is here for “Management”! This is nothing but a diversion. This is nothing except something to occupy the public’s attention while 3,000 families are gutted at Christmas.

I believe there might be a minor infraction in the Nation’s 10th paragraph that reported on a matter struck from parliament’s record – but it is minor. The fact that the DLP Government took six weeks to refer to the police indicates the smallness of the offence and a witch-hunting approach with backroom zealots poring over every report looking for media (Nation) slip-ups.

Dearest BFP: please reprint the Nation article, and ask everyone on the internet to reprint it. We must not let freedom of the press be gutted by a bunch of corrupt bastards.

Regards from the platinum coast,

West Side Davie


Filed under Barbados, Freedom Of The Press, Politics