Daily Archives: October 4, 2010

My Rustic Bajan Garden soothes the soul – and the floodwaters

There is no flooding in the garden – and there is a reason for that.

We’ve been remiss in not mentioning a popular Bajan blog that is seen on more and more computers at work these days. When folks need a break they visit My Rustic Bajan Garden because they can almost feel the tranquility flowing through the computer and into the room.

Barbados is a beautiful place and our friends at My Rustic Bajan Garden transport you to every little path through their delightful photos.

There is also a message in the news photos this week if you care to see it…

More concrete equals more flooding. More gardens and other natural areas make for less flooding. Continue reading

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Filed under Agriculture, Barbados, Disaster, Environment, Nature, Wildlife

News Item: Turks and Caicos Integrity Commission collects asset declarations from senior judges

As the newly appointed head of the Turks and Caicos Integrity Commission, SIR David Anthony Cathcart Simmons recently ordered that members of the advisory council and consultative forum must now declare their income, assets and liabilities along with all other senior public servants including senior judges. See: Sir David Simmons declares Turks & Caicos public servants must declare assets – but not him!

Thanks to BFP reader “Not Me!” for the comic. It looks like Shona and Clive have some competition!


Filed under Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Freedom Of Information

Ground Zero Mosque design: falling Stars of David are not symbolic of Jewish defeat. Honest.

Let’s see if I have this correctly…

No symbolism in the location of a mega-mosque on the site of a building damaged in the 9/11 attacks. No symbolism in the design showing falling Jewish Stars of David. No symbolism in the design that has a bend that seems to invoke the image of two buildings. No symbolism in the outside design, especially at night, that seems to invoke light and dark patches resembling smoke.

And it’s built by moderate, tolerant Muslims who do not wish to see Sharia law imposed on the United States and the rest of the west.

And in an obvious (even if obliquely delivered) threat, the Muslim leader behind the project says if it’s not built there will be violence.

Oh. Okay. You can all go back to sleep now. Nothing to see here. Move along, folks. Move along.

Further Reading

Daily Mail Online: First look at sketches of the Ground Zero mosque

BFP: Muslim reform activist Dr. Wafa Sultan: Ground Zero Mosque decisive victory by Islam over the infidels


Filed under Barbados, Religion

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister: CLICO a scheme like Ponzi, a house of cards.

Statement by Trinidad & Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar

“Do you remember the pyramid? Now we are hearing about Ponzi schemes and so on.  This here was the CL scheme, and what it was really is to take people’s money in non traditional investments, push it out there in very risky investments to try to get a very high rate of return and, of course, like a pack of cards, it collapsed.”

“The evidence suggests then that these signs were visible, years ago.”

“the former Minister of Finance was able to withdraw her investments in the CL Financial group almost immediately before her government had jumped in to dump money in there.  Her relatives were also equally able to retrieve their investments before the collapse.  It is also now history that a PNM financier and former treasurer was a senior executive at the CL Financial group during the buildup to this collapse.”

In Parliament, Friday October 1st, 2010.

Mr. Speaker, my colleague would indeed pilot the Motion that is on the Order Paper in a short while. I thank you for the opportunity to make this statement to the House. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Business & Banking, Consumer Issues, Corruption, Economy, Ethics, Offshore Investments, Politics