Daily Archives: October 8, 2010

Breaking News: Barbados Prime Minister Thompson is alive!

And the Barbados news media criticizes the blogs?

Oh please!


‘No truth’ to talk of PM’s death

8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010 – Prime Minister David Thompson, up to late this evening, remains hospitalised in the United States, where he has been waging a private and courageous battle against pancreatic cancer.

Political advisor Hartley Henry told the Nation that persistent rumours of the prime minister’s death are “absolutely not true”.

“He is very much alive. Not well, but very much alive. In fact, his condition is no different today than it was yesterday,” says Henry, while admitting that he has been bombarded today with inquiries into the prime minister’s condition.

… read the rest if you have nothing better to do at The Nation: ‘No truth’ to talk of PM’s death


Filed under Barbados, Politics

Letter from a wayward nephew…

Dear Uncle (name snipped by BFP)

Here are the photos of my first son God willing (name withheld by BFP) born (date withheld by BFP).

(major portion of this email snipped by BFP)

Before Aunt (Name) gets to you, you will notice that (baby’s name) was born five months after (his sister’s name).

Guilty. I love both of my children and both their mothers.

Don’t talk to me if you don’t want to. Both children are mine and I love them both.

(balance of email snipped by BFP)

Photo off the net somewhere, not really the baby in our story!


Filed under Barbados

Battling the Barbados news media: Part One

“If you keep silent, can’t touch you!”

by poeticjazztice (Junior Campbell)

I wrote the following news story in 2005 but could not find a local media house willing to publish it. I eventually “sold” it to a Barbadian journalist who was resident in Antigua. I publish it here in the hope that it reaches the wider Barbadian, Caribbean and international audience for which it was intended. Since the return of the Democratic Labour Party to power in 2008, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford (photo above) has become the island’s ambassador to China.

“Worst than a common criminal!”

This is how former Prime Minister of Barbados Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford says he was treated by fellow Parliamentarians when he was removed from office by a no-confidence vote in 1994. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Culture & Race Issues, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption