Category Archives: Abortion

Stolen Baby reminds us of the Barbados stem-cell scandal

Back in 2006, Barbados Free Press wrote…

This is a story about murder, international organ trafficking and children disappearing from Eastern European orphanages. There is a Barbados connection.

“The Government Of Barbados under Prime Minister Owen Arthur has allowed Barbados to become a world destination for trafficking in body parts – an industry that is known to involve organized crime, paying poor Ukrainian women to become pregnant and then aborting… and where there is now evidence of kidnapping and murder of newly born live, healthy babies.”

… from the BFP story: Healthy Ukrainian Newborns Murdered For Body Parts – Destination Barbados Clinic

Former PM Owen Arthur

Then BLP PM Owen Arthur made Barbados a destination for human body parts from aborted/murdered babies.

The Institute For Regenerative Medicine left Barbados after the story broke, and Owen Arthur and his government were just happy to let the whole thing drop. Owen $ Arthur never did tell us how much the BLP received from the stem cell clinic in political donations“.

Today Barbados Free Press received the following article from a father who is desperate to find his now adult son who was kidnapped as a newborn baby from an Iranian hospital in 1984. We pray that Fadil Hashmi will find his son someday, but our Bajan experience with the Institute for Regenerative Medicine makes us fear that Mr. Hashmi’s son might not be alive.

There are so many evil people in this world – and it brought shame upon our nation when Prime Minister Owen Arthur and the Barbados Labour Party aligned themselves with such an evil enterprise as the Institute for Regenerative Medicine.

Here is the sad story from Fadil Hashmi…

“They said they buried my newborn son 30 years ago, but he is still alive somewhere.”

by Fadil Hashmi

I am Fadil Hashmi, and I work as an engineer in UAE. I am trying to uncover the truth of kidnapping my son for some 20 years.

Our son was born healthy in an Iranian Hospital in 1984. Three days later I was told that my son was dead. Six years ago I opened his grave, but did not find my son’s body.

December 24, 1984, I and my wife were living in Iran-my wife home country. When she went into labour, I took her to Sajjad Hospital in Tehran, where she delivered a healthy baby, according to medical reports. We choose name Mohammad for our son, but it was not made official on any documents.

After the delivery the baby was taken away and kept on a different floor at the hospital. My son was not given to his mother for feeding. My wife was discharged the same day and we were advised to keep the baby in the hospital for a few days.  Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Human Rights

Barbados abortion proponent George Griffith retiring. Served Planned Parenthood’s vision of fewer black births.

One that got away from George Griffith & the Barbados Family Planning Association

One that got away from George Griffith & the Barbados Family Planning Association

Sure I love you sweetheart. Now slip off those panties and doan worry ’bout nothing…

George Griffith and the Barbados Family Planning Association will fix any little accidents.

Just like before times.

George Griffith

George Griffith

The retiring head of the Barbados Family Planning Association still professes to support unrestricted abortion on demand, paid for by public monies. George Griffith can hardly do anything else considering that he devoted at least the last 25 years to promoting and serving the abortion industry, including the social agendas behind Planned Parenthood.

At one time I used to support abortion on demand too. Available and socially acceptable abortion is highly beneficial to young men who want to have their way with young women without any responsibility for the consequences of their random seductions. As a young man I was good at random seductions, I admit. Today’s ‘Game’ players have nothing on me.  Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Ethics, Human Rights

Disposable Dads reminded to keep paying whether working or not


“The kind of wife and mother for your child that you should be seeking will not be found rubbing crotches together on the road at Cropover…

Unfortunately that eliminates 90% of young Bajan women.”

by The Man with no Future

Hear me, oh young men!

For the life of me I don’t know why any man would want to father a child these days, let alone get married.

Look at the hundreds of poor dumb “fathers in name only” the Barbados government is making redundant in the mass-firings. Government kicking them in the ass on the way out: reminding them to Keep Paying. Nevermind they have no job, no money and no prospect of finding new work on this dying island. The message is “Keep paying the woman you made pregnant, fool.”

You want slavery for all of your prime working years?

Father a child.

father sons blackYou want to put your future, the next 20 years in the hands of a woman who could turn on you at any time, kick you out of the home you paid for, take 75% of your earnings with no end in sight?

Just because she feels like it and the rules are set up to enslave men?

Father a child.

You want to cry and beg every week to see your son and have access used as a weapon against you? You want your son constantly told that you are no good? You want to have your son lied to and told you didn’t pick him up because you don’t love him?

Father a child.  Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Human Rights

Planned Parenthood still aborting those ‘ugly black babies’

UPDATED January 5, 2013

Considering the stories of gendercide coming out of India right now and the rape and murder of the young woman by six evil men, it might be a good time to take another look at this article about aborting “Ugly black babies”. Whether we select blacks, girls or gay babies for extermination in the womb, it’s all social engineering…

Barbados Family Planning Association aborts 100% black babies. No wonder BFPA gets awards from headquarters!

Meet abortion doctor Ron Virmani of Charlotte, North Carolina, recorded in the above video saying he is lessening the burden to taxpayers by aborting ‘ugly black babies’. In context the doctor is saying that all black babies are ugly, and that there are economic benefits to society by controlling the breeding of undesirable races… like negros – especially those bothersome negros with darker, black skin colour.

This racist attitude from an abortionist isn’t surprising at all, considering that the origins of Planned Parenthood go back to Margaret Sanger and the ‘Negro Project’. Sanger was a big fan of compulsory sterilization and birth licensing (as China does) for the lesser races. Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues

Barbados government makes support payments for delinquent fathers – Deadbeat dads, slut mothers say “Thanks taxpayers!”

… or a Slut Mother?

Deadbeat Fathers: I shouldn’t have to pay for your children!

Submitted by West Side Davie

A recent news story announced Barbados sets up child support assistance fund and covered Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler’s comments about deadbeat dads during the budget introduction. Sinckler used the politically-correct term ‘parents’ instead of ‘fathers’ but everybody knows that ‘parents’ word is a lie because fathers are never awarded custody of the children by Barbados courts. The few exceptions prove the rule but are usually held up anyway to prove that the system is ‘fair’ when everybody knows it is incredibly biased against men.

The bottom line of the story is that the Barbados government has decided to make support payments for delinquent fathers who cannot be found…

 “This situation has reached a particularly unsettling stage where on a weekly basis several parents who have ventured into the various Magistrates’ Courts to collect payments have had to leave empty-handed as these payments have not been made and Court Marshalls have been unable to locate the delinquent parent. The downside of this is that several of the nation’s children are then left to struggle without basic amenities and supplies necessary for a meaningful existence,” Sinckler said.

He said the persistence of this problem is causing major social dislocation among a particularly vulnerable segment of the country’s population.

“We are satisfied that this matter has reached such an unhealthy state that lack of intervention by Government at this stage will lead to the emergence of a dangerous set of circumstances that will work to undermine the household fabric of the society,”

The DLP government is not responsible for the disastrous societal changes that resulted in an exploding epidemic of single mother homes in Barbados in the last twenty years. There is no one cause for the ‘single mother culture’ and thousands of fatherless homes on this island, nor is this only a Bajan or Caribbean phenomena…


This is just one more instance where Barbados is using tax dollars to perpetuate the destructive single mother culture. Men have been reduced to being nothing but sperm donors and then financial slaves for a few moments of pleasure. Don’t hand us some line once a year about fathers being necessary for the proper development of children, especially sons, when the daily actions of women, society and the courts show them in total opposition to the concept that fathers are important.

Aside from the continuing societal injustices against men, I’m tired of paying for other people’s children. I’m tired of paying in tax dollars, and I’m tired of paying in the reduced quality of life in Barbados. I’m tired of paying in increased crime by fatherless young men who have been taught everything they know by their uneducated, low-class, no-class, slut single mothers… of which there are hundreds and hundreds on this rock if not many thousands. Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Health

Barbados Family Planning Association selectively aborting girl babies upon request?

Gendercide: selective abortion of females when parents want sons

In the latest in the ongoing war against women, Planned Parenthood in Texas is caught on video encouraging a woman to obtain a late-term abortion because she is purportedly carrying a girl and wants to have a boy. The video is first in a new series titled “Gendercide: Sex-Selection in America,” exposing the practice of sex-selective abortion in the United States and how Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry facilitate the selective elimination of baby girls in the womb.

Does the Barbados Family Planning Association engage in sex-selection abortion?

It’s not illegal here in Barbados where, to be truthful, not much is illegal and our medical profession is only loosely regulated and then in the most casual manner.

And seeing as how the Barbados Family Planning Association is closely aligned with and receives awards and funding from Planned Parenthood of America, we’d like some rock solid public statements from George Griffith and the BFPA that they NEVER abort unborn babies on the basis of gender.

Then again, we also asked Griffith and his abortion organization to stop taking money from Planned Parenthood of America because the money was probably donated to selectively target black babies for destruction…

Black Genocide: Abortion is the number one killer of Blacks North America and the Caribbean.

Back in 2008 we told Bajans of how Planned Parenthood accepted donations from racist whites for the specific purpose of aborting black babies.

As we said at the time:

So once again we ask… now that it has been proven that Planned Parenthood accepts donations to be used only to abort black race babies, we call upon the Barbados Family Planning Association…

1/ Refute the Planned Parenthood award.

2/ Give back the US$25,000 cash donation and any other monies received from Planned Parenthood.

3/ Publicly sever ties with this racist group.

Move ’em in and move ’em out…

Youth Worker: Women In Barbados Not Counseled Before or After Abortion, PLUS… Abortions Provider George Griffith Talks About Profits Being Made From Abortions


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Ethics, Health, Human Rights

Introducing Amelie Amaya

Couldn’t help it!



Filed under Abortion

Former St. Lucia Health Minister to speak at Caribbean Conference on Life and Family Values

Sarah Flood-Beaubrun a long-time defender of human rights and human dignity

Wifey and I were interested to see that lawyer and former St. Lucian Minister of Health Sarah Flood-Beaubrun is speaking at the 2012 Caribbean Conference on Life and Family Values being held in Trinidad & Tobago this April 27 and 28 – because if there is one thing about Flood-Beaubrun that stands out it is that she is a realist. It is a long story but we are aware of the fierce resistance she faced within her own party when she wanted to focus attention and spend big money to address the appalling neglect and abuse of the mentally ill that was the rule in St. Lucia when she was first elected as an MP in 1997. To make it happen she eventually had to put a little water in the wine, but Sarah achieved about 80% of what she wanted including a new institution that put the word ‘rehabilitation’ on the agenda in place of ‘warehousing without hope’. (I think Sarah Flood-Beaubrun was the speaker when I first heard that ‘warehousing without hope’ phrase.)

A look at the other speakers scheduled for the April conference reveals some other folks who are also ‘doers’ rather than ‘pray-ers’ when it comes to helping girls and women who find themselves preggers, used and abandoned by the fathers of their unborn children. You know it’s all fine to pray with somebody, but if prayer isn’t accompanied by a place to sleep, a meal and some real assistance for a woman in need – then STFU and don’t bother getting involved in the first place.

That should be the motto of ‘pro-life’ movement in my humble opinion: “Pro-Life? Then do something real or STFU.” You can tell I’m in a mood today. As far as the ‘Family Values’ side of this conference goes I’m not a fan of a lot of the baggage that usually goes along with that ‘code-phrase’, but that’s me and like Sarah Flood-Beaubrun I don’t mind a little water in the wine if young girls and women in trouble are looked after by somebody who doesn’t make a profit each time they talk some frightened soul into deciding to abort their child.

Here are some links for the upcoming Caribbean Conference on Life and Family Values

Programme Topics & Schedule

Speakers List

Host: The ELPIS Centre – Pregnancy & Family Resource Centre

submitted by passin thru

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Filed under Abortion, Barbados

Barbados Labour Party and abortions front man… Now there’s a combination!

“It was nice to see Raquel Gilkes behaving professionally for a change instead of cussing opposing views as she does on Barbados Underground or Facebook, but the next time they use George Griffith as a Results Announcer? Make sure he has his contacts in, way too many goofs!”

Ian Bourne will only tackle half the story, but he lets fly anyway in the Bajan Reporter story Barbados Labour Party told to Heal yet no Surgery nor Prescription Offered

Fabulous Further Reading…

So once again we ask… now that it has been proven that Planned Parenthood accepts donations to be used only to abort black race babies, will George Griffith and the Barbados Family Planning Association…

1/ Refute the Planned Parenthood award.

2/ Give back the US$25,000 cash donation and any other monies received from Planned Parenthood.

3/ Publicly sever ties with this racist group.

… from the BFP post Planned Parenthood Accepting Donations From Racist Whites For The Purpose Of Aborting Only Black Babies

Barbados Labour Party Candidate Celebrates His Organisation’s Win “Outstanding Achievement In Abortion”

Barbados Family Planning Association Provided Abortion To 12-Year-Old Girl – Parents Not Told

(Photo courtesy of Bajan Reporter – cartooned by BFP’s Shona.)


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Politics

Should Down’s people be killed? Hitler said “Yes”

Hitler, Jews, abortion, God, Neo-Nazis, Racists: “180” has it all

Dear Barbados Free Press

They showed this movie today at adult bible class and it was all people could talk about for the rest of the day. I cannot say that I ‘enjoyed’ the movie, but I couldn’t turn away.

Watch it and you might consider posting a link.

Frederick C.

BFP SAYS: CAUTION – mature theme, horrible images of Holocaust, abortion etc. Made me think though.


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Ethics, History, Human Rights, Race, Religion

Barbados silent about China kidnapping, forcing late term abortions, sterilizations on 7000 women

Blind lawyer & human rights activist Chen Guangcheng released to house arrest after 4 years jail.

In 2005 a blind, self-taught country lawyer named Chen Guangcheng filed a class action lawsuit against Communist party officials in his area who used kidnapping and violence to force 7000 women to have late term abortions and sterilizations. He exposed an abortion and sterilization quota system in the Chinese government.

The Chinese government’s response was predictable and the “enemy of the people” was sent to prison for 4 years and 3 months for organising a crowd to block traffic. The communist fascists just released him but under house arrest – presumably for years more, and perhaps for the rest of his life.

Barbados news media censors human rights stories to keep those free China trips coming! Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, China, Freedom Of The Press, Human Rights, Politics, Religion, Slavery

Google ends censorship at Chinese operations – our Tiananmen Square Massacre articles spike!

Just hours ago, Google shut down its Chinese language portal and ended “voluntary” censorship of searches from the People’s Republic of China as a response to hacking and espionage against Google that is most certainly the work of the Communist-run Chinese government. (UK Telegraph article here)

Chinese authorities are struggling to regain control of the internet searches by their citizens – but they are obviously losing the battle as our little Barbados Free Press website has started to experience a tsunami of visits to our articles about China. If the numbers hold, BFP will experience thousands or even tens of thousands of new and unexpected visitors in the next few days.

Our thousands of new Chinese friends are arriving primarily after searching for the words “tiananmen square massacre” or “tiananmen square protest” and, most revealing: “tiananmen + democracy”, “China + human rights” and “China + democracy”.

Worldwide Big Picture: Hundreds of millions of new uncensored internet searches by Chinese citizens

As Caribbean blogs and websites go, Barbados Free Press is moderately successful but we’re nothing compared with the big guys. For instance, as the 500th most popular website in the world, Drudge Report gets over 3 million unique visitors a month while BFP takes over a year and a half to reach that number. So as successful as BFP is for a Caribbean blog, we’re just a hair on a flea on the internet dragon. Well – you get the point.

Yet BFP will see thousands or tens of thousands of new visitors from China in the next day or two. Think of what that means worldwide: internet censorship is not happening right now in China and a hundred million or more Chinese citizens are seeing the world on the net without their government-imposed limitations.

The Dream of Chinese Freedom is still alive!

The democracy movement that ended with the Tiananmen Square Massacre was fed by fax machines, pagers and face to face meetings. The internet didn’t exist as it does today. Who knows what could happen if our Chinese friends have the freedom to openly share ideas with each other on the internet?

History may view this Google freedom for Chinese citizens – even if it only lasts a few days – as one of the most important events of the era for China. You can bet that the elites of the Chinese Communist Party have a little more than mere concern in their guts today. That feeling they are experiencing is the beginning of fear – because the Communists know that in a free and fair exchange of ideas… they lose.

Our welcome to the ordinary people of China

We at Barbados Free Press are happy that you can join us and we hope that your new freedom continues. Below is a list of our most popular articles being viewed by people from China.

Many of the articles contain stories of human rights violations by the Communist government of your country. As you read our stories, please remember that our intent in exposing these human rights violations is to work towards more freedom for individual citizens of China.

You and your country have so much to be proud of. In many areas, China has come further and faster than any other country in the last few decades, but your progress has not been without cost to you and your ordinary fellow citizens. You also know that the main beneficiary of your labour is an entrenched group of political elites that has brutally repressed ordinary Chinese citizens who desire to be free and to progress as individuals and families.

To the ordinary people of China, Barbados Free Press says, “Welcome. Good Luck to you, and may God bless you, your family and your country.”

Most popular China articles at Barbados Free Press (we’ll revise it as the statistics change)

Tiananmen Square Massacre 20 Years Later: Hugs and Kisses From Barbados As We Trade Our Silence For Cash

China’s Solution To Children Killed and Injured By Melamine-Tainted Milk: Arrest Parents Who Talk Too Much

Video: Chinese Soldiers Murder Tibet Civilians

Barbados Ambassador to USA and wife highlight China’s repression of Falun Dafa Religion

Thousands Riot In China Over Government Kidnapping For Forced Abortions, Forced Sterilizations

Citizen Journalist Beaten To Death By Chinese Government Officials – Filmed Waste Disposal Near Homes

Would Bussa Have Accompanied Barbados Chief Justice and Prime Minister To Chinese Embassy Celebration?

China’s Olympic Soccer Balls Made By Slave Labour – But Barbados Doesn’t Care

Chinese Police Arrest Christians For Nativity Play, Praying – But Barbados Still Loves Chinese Charity and Investment

Communist Chinese “Family Planning” Agency Still Kidnapping Pregnant Women and Forcing Abortions

To our friends from China: you can see all our China articles by entering “China” in the search box at the top. That will show you all our articles.

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Filed under Abortion, Barbados, China, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press, History, Human Rights

Sweden Says Aborting Female Baby OK If You Want A Son


I Am Woman, Hear Me Whimper…

For decades thousands of years, parents in China, India, Pakistan and other countries where women are lesser human beings have been killing daughters shortly after they are born. Sons are the best, don’t you know?

With the advent of modern medical technology, mothers are now able to kill daughters in the womb. That’s progress for you! While Asia has embraced this wonderful new empowerment, Western society has generally not looked favourably upon gender-selective abortion. Morally, it is OK for a mother to kill a child in the womb because the pregnancy is inconvenient or embarrassing, but it is not ok to kill a female baby in the womb because you want a son.

All that is changing.

Now Swedish Health Authorities have ruled that gender selection is a proper criteria for abortion.

Quite right. Who wants to have a lowly daughter when you can have a son?

And as for that stalwart defender of women’s rights, the National Organization of Women?


Femicide as family planning?

Hey, its all about choice, doan ya know?

… Barbados Free Press tips the rum glass to Matt Drudge.

Further Reading

Gendercide Watch: Case Studies of Female Infanticide in India & China

BBC: China’s Unwanted Girls


Filed under Abortion, China, Ethics, Health, Human Rights

Chinese Police Arrest Christians For Nativity Play, Praying – But Barbados Still Loves Chinese Charity and Investment

New Barbados Flag

New Barbados Flag

Chinese Ambassador To Barbados Wishes Us A “Merry Christmas” – While Government Thugs Arrest Christians In China

In what is an annual Christmas Eve event in Communist China, police and other government thugs conducted raids and arrested Christians throughout the country.

Communism is a jealous religion and tolerates no rivals.

For Christmas 2008, arrested and imprisoned Chinese Christians include nine women in Zucheng county, Henan province who were committing the dastardly crime of reenacting the nativity on the street. The nine women, including Mrs. Yue Zengyun who led the group, are currently being held at Detention Center of Yucheng County.

Another 19 Christians were arrested on December 22 during a raid on a Shepherd Fellowship Bible training class in Dianlong village, Yanghu township in Dongzhi county. On December 27th, forty police officers raided Christian homes in the earthquake zone in Sichuan. The residents of the homes had received assistance from other Christians when such assistance was prohibited. The police took away Li Zenggui, a local earthquake victim, and Christian volunteers Cao Gang, Brother Yang, as well as others. They also seized Bibles, hymnals, televisions, motorcycles and many other items owned by the Christians.

Slave Camps An Integral Part Of China’s Economy

It is well documented that many arrested Christians are sent to Communist China’s huge Laogai slave camp system. The slave camps are an integral part of the Chinese economy. Over a thousand slave labour camps hold an estimated over 3 million slaves. The slave labour camps’ connection with the Chinese trade in body parts of executed persons is well established and certainly there to be seen by anyone with a few minutes and a connection to the internet.

Meanwhile the Barbados government and Bajans seem to be quite happy to accept gifts and investment from the Chinese government without a word about the slave camps.

Such a strange position for a country like Barbados that witnessed the suffering and abuse of slavery and still remembers and celebrates those who fought for emancipation.

Source for the news of Christmas arrests: China Aid

Further Reading

Barbados Prime Minister Holds His Tongue About Slavery, Torture, Imprisonment, Forced Abortions Of Chinese Christians


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, China, Ethics, Human Rights, Religion, Slavery

Youth Worker: Women In Barbados Not Counseled Before or After Abortion, PLUS… Abortions Provider George Griffith Talks About Profits Being Made From Abortions

“They said they did not get enough information or counseling. They were only given a form to fill out and the abortion was done,”

… Barbados Youth Worker Marcia Weeks talks about the bad experience of women having abortions in Barbados in the Jamaica Observer article Forum calls for definition of lawful abortion

Move ‘Em In, Abort and Move ‘Em Out – The Business Of Making Money Doing Abortions

There is an interesting contrast today between two online articles about abortion in Barbados. First we have a very balanced article posted online at the Jamaica Observer that provides a fair discussion of abortion with all sides having a say.

Barbados Youth Worker Marcia Weeks complains that Barbados abortion providers don’t provide counseling to women contemplating an abortion or to those who have had an abortion. “Just sign here” is how Ms. Weeks describes what happens to many pregnant women who are considering an abortion.

As we and others have pointed out before – when people in the abortion industry make more profits when they abort more babies, it is only natural that they will favour abortion over having the child born alive. Thus “Just sign here”.

Then we have abortions provider and sorry excuse for a failed BLP politician George Griffith writing in the Nation newspaper that even those who “benefit financially” from abortions don’t rejoice. (Nation article here)

Well, the abortion industry may not “rejoice” but they sure do like to market their services! And the more abortions they perform, the more money they make. That’s pretty simple to see even for an abortion cheerleader like Griffith.

And… from the independent observation of a local youth worker, Barbados abortions providers like George Griffith and his staff don’t bother counseling women before or after their abortions. The women arrive frightened, confused and abused. More often than not they have no idea of the size of the child in their womb, and no idea of the ability of the unborn child to feel pain, to sleep and to explore their world.

Nope… for George and his staff it is “Just sign here” as they move ’em in and move ’em out.

No wonder so many women have breakdowns after they have the abortion and then learn the truth about their unborn child.

Oh well – no one can claim that George Griffiths and his staff aren’t efficient! I suppose that is something to be proud of.


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Ethics, Health

How About President Obama and Vice-President Palin?

We all laughed pretty hard when we saw the above photoshop of Barack Obama and Sarah Palin on Dancing With The Stars – but then I thought “An Obama/Palin ticket would have been pretty good!”

Barbados Free Press came out early for Obama and on February 26, 2008, we predicted he’d be the next President of the United States. (See Hillary Clinton Fading Away – Get Ready For President Obama)

Sarah Palin revived a dead campaign for McCain, who is probably not a bad fellow himself but with Obama running there is no way we could support McCain. (Note: We can’t vote in the US, but we hope for Obama even though he has two great flaws in policy that we can’t stand. More on that towards the end of this article.)

Palin is nothing if not feisty. She went from leading the Parent-Teacher association to mayor to Governor of Alaska in a fairly short time and she didn’t flinch when she kicked VECO’s rear end all the way to jail. She would make a fine Vice-President to provide some balance to Obama’s left wing leanings and it would have been fun to see a black AND a woman sitting in the White House.

Whew… Obama and Palin. That would make those good ‘ol boys from Georgia and Tennessee cringe! Mark my words children… even when Obama alone hits the White House, sales of Jim Beam and Jack Daniels Whiskey gonna peak for a month as the good ‘ol boys try to figure out what the hell happened.

President Obama Will Be No Friend To Barbados

But Obama is not without his flaws, and it is only by holding our noses that we can support him.

First, he has long ago shown that he does not intend to be a friend to Barbados and our offshore banking and corporations industry. (See BFP’s President Barack Obama Would Destroy Barbados Offshore Banking Industry – He Said So!)

Dame Billie can say all she wants that our offshore sector is going to overtake tourism, but an Obama US government will be targetting Barbados and that is not good. If the naive want to believe that Obama will favour the black nations of the world over the interests of the USA because he shares a skin colour, people are in for a rude surprise.

President Obama Will Be No Friend To Black Babies

The second issue for me is Obama’s support of partial-birth abortion. Otherwise known as plunging a knife into the baby’s skull as the little one is being born almost full term. You may not like that told so directly. If you find it upsetting, then you better think about why it upsets you and also consider that Barack Obama supports partial birth abortion.

I wasn’t aware of that until one of our readers sent me over to Weighed In The Balance blog to look at the article Obama-mania In Barbados.

As for me, if I could vote, I would still reluctantly support Obama for President because I like most of his policies and to be honest, I believe that a black man in the White House will change American society for the good and forever even if he turned out to be the worst president the USA has ever had. (Obama would have to work hard to earn that title!)

The sad truth is that these two policies of an Obama Presidency would harm Barbados and harm blacks – who continue to be aborted at something like three times the national average.

I’ll still support Obama, but after reading Weighed in the Balance blog, the joy is gone.

Written mostly by Robert with a bit by Marcus

—– and Clive adds his little bit…

Palin? I would! 😉


Filed under Abortion, Barack Obama, Barbados, Business & Banking, Culture & Race Issues, John McCain, Offshore Investments, Politics, Race, VECO Corporation

Happy 2nd Birthday To Amillia Taylor!

AmilliaTaylor - Born October 24, 2006

AmilliaTaylor - Born October 24, 2006

Miracle Little Girl Growing Up

Way back in February of 2007, we told you about Amillia in our story Cute Little Baby Girl Is About The Size Of A Pen. The story still receives twenty or thirty hits a day and for some reason often spikes on a Sunday at over a hundred hits.

Today is Amillia’s birthday and we wish her and mum and dad Sonja and Eddie all the best in life.

Here is a story of how Amillia’s mother loved her so much that she just had to try to save her…

iParenting – Sonja Taylor


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Ethics, Health

Barbados Abortion Provider Having Difficulty Finding Volunteer and Paid Staff

The Barbados Family Planning Association is struggling to staff their newly-renovated clinic. In the past few years the number of volunteers willing to assist the BFPA with clerical and other work has dwindled to the point where paid staff are now having to take on many of the tasks that used to be performed on a volunteer basis.

A recent article in the Nation News highlighted some of the problems, but according to our source, failed to cover another developing issue: the declining number of Barbados physicians and nurses who are willing to perform abortions.

This shortage of staff of all kinds – medical professionals, community volunteers and full time clerical and maintenance personnel – is becoming a reality in the abortion industry worldwide. Although community shunning of persons working in the abortion industry probably plays a large part in the decisions of many to reject employment, (as well as even fear due to the incidents of violence that have happened against clinic staff in America), for the most part the staffing shortage is because new medical technologies such as 3D ultrasound and other medical advances have changed the public perception of children in the womb.

The fact is, more and more people are now aware that even early in the womb, babies feel pain, learn and are self-aware. It is tough to get staffers for abortion clinics when the Discovery Channel shows mid-term babies playing with their feet, sucking their thumbs and responding to music and voices.

“Product Of Conception” Or “Baby” – Different Words For The Same Life

The abortion industry refers to a baby in the womb as “POC” – product of conception – at any stage of gestation. They have to do this to remain sane. They have to de-humanise what they are killing. No one who wants a baby calls their child in the womb a “POC” or a “Fetus”… they call it their baby. Only when they want to get rid of it do they call it a “fetus” or a “POC”. No mother who wants the child says “Oh Honey, come here. The product of conception just kicked me! Come feel!”

The abortion industry knows that words are important. That is why they use their particular brand of language and why the abortion industry treads ever-so-carefully when talking to the news media. Everything needs to be so carefully managed because they just can’t have the public thinking too much about the details of what they do.

That is also why the article in the Nation News didn’t mention the shortage of Bajan doctors and nurses who are willing to perform abortions.

They can’t have the public thinking too much about why highly educated medical professionals are increasingly refusing to perform abortions.

This article was co-written by Cliverton and Shona

Further Reading

The Nation News: Call For Family Planning Aides

Shona Has A Few Words For Her Friends…

When I wrote this I don’t mean to hurt or make anyone feel bad. Many women and men have regrets about things they did and choices they made. Many women and men are angry at themselfs for things they did in their lives. People pretend to themselves that everything is ok when they have doubts deep inside. I let God handle my problems mostly, but even if you don’t believe in God you should try to find a way to find peace about mistakes you make in your life. In my experience, ignoring those feelings inside and suppressing thoughts is not healthy in the long run.



Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Ethics, Health, Human Rights