Tag Archives: Laogai Slave Camps

China’s Solution To Children Killed and Injured By Melamine-Tainted Milk: Arrest Parents Who Talk Too Much

Melamine Poisoned Babies

Melamine Poisoned Babies

Communist Despots Declare “Settlement” – Arrest Victims’ Parents To Prevent Press Conference

Chinese police detained the father of a child who became ill from tainted milk apparently to prevent him and other parents from holding a news conference to complain that proposed compensation for their sick children is too low, a lawyer said Friday.

Dairies announced details of a compensation plan equivalent to $160 million US this week as at least 17 people went on trial for the contamination that killed at least six children and made nearly 300,000 others sick. The milk contained melamine, an industrial chemical that caused kidney stones in children…

…The news conference, scheduled for Friday in Beijing, was called off after organizer Zhao Lianhai was picked up Thursday, said Li Fangping, a lawyer for some of the parents. He said Zhao was being held at a Beijing hotel. “The purpose was to prevent the parents from holding a news conference,” Li said, adding that 10 parents had planned to participate.

The Communist government, which seeks to control what the public sees and hears, frequently suppresses comments about disasters.

The parents “said the compensation was unilaterally set by the companies with no participation from victims’ families,” Li said. “They thought the amount of compensation was quite low.”

… read the entire article at CBC News: Chinese Police Detain Tainted Milk Activist

Look On The Bright Side: If China Mistreats Its Own Melamine Victims, The Country Will Have More Money To Give To Barbados!

Barbados and other Caribbean governments have a new best friend in the despots who run the People’s Republic of China. China has been spreading money around Barbados quite liberally: funding and training our police officers (that’s scary!), our military and Coast Guard and contributing to all kinds of building and social projects. China even gave an all-expense paid trip-of-a-lifetime to Barbados journalists and politicians and their spouses where they were shown the sights and honoured by high government officials.

All our politicians and journalists have to do to keep the money and free trips coming is to not mention any of China’s human rights abuses. So… the Barbados news media and successive BLP and DLP governments keep their subservient mouths shut. Can’t be offending the hand that feeds us, you know!

Sure, we know the Chinese government is brutal with their own citizens, persecuting them for wanting religious freedom, freedom of speech or even wanting a child. Sure, we know the Chinese government kidnaps pregnant women off the street, takes them to hospitals and clinics where they are tied down screaming while an abortion is done against their will – but hey, Chinese women don’t own their own bodies, the government does. To hell with mentioning women’s rights in China if it means we can’t get a free vacation next year too!

As a nation built by slaves and their descendants, how can Barbados ignore the plight of millions of slaves kept by China?

Easy… China pays us to keep quiet!

And yes, we know that China runs slave labour camps where some three million imprisoned Christians and political dissidents are slave-labour for government factories that produce toys, clothing and machine parts at prices that the West can’t match. If the people were enslaved in Africa, that would be one thing, but these are only Asian people so our government and media leaders say  “What’s the big deal?”


Prime Minister Thompson, Opposition Leader Mia Mottley and the professional Barbados news media all agree on one thing:  ignoring China’s slave camps and human rights abuses is a low price to pay for all that money the China sends Barbados – not to mention those free vacations!

Further Reading

CBC News: Chinese Police Detain Tainted Milk Activist

Our thanks to the BFP reader who alerted us to this story. Hey… it must be cold up there in Canada. Come home when you can!

Barbados Free Press Articles

Oct 7, 2008 – Tainted Ice Cream: Barbados Health Ministry Learns A Lesson (Hopefully)

Sept 13, 2008 – Barbados News Media Fails To Cover Major China Story: Tainted Food Deaths

Sept 10, 2008 – China In Crisis: Tainted Milk Toll Skyrockets – Four Children Dead, Thousands Seriously Ill – 22 Milk Producers Involved – Many Countries Banning China Milk Products

Aug 14, 2008 – Hartley Henry Pays The Chinese Back For That Free Trip!

Sept 21, 2007 – Mia Mottley Returns From China With Promises Of Money In Exchange For Continued Silence On Laogai Slave Labour Camps

June 6, 2006 – Barbados Media Forgets Anniversary – China’s Tiananmen Square Massacre

Keltruth Blog Article

July 6, 2008 – Did your pet die suddenly from kidney failure? Tainted petfood could be the cause.


Filed under China, Consumer Issues, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press, Health, Slavery

Chinese Police Arrest Christians For Nativity Play, Praying – But Barbados Still Loves Chinese Charity and Investment

New Barbados Flag

New Barbados Flag

Chinese Ambassador To Barbados Wishes Us A “Merry Christmas” – While Government Thugs Arrest Christians In China

In what is an annual Christmas Eve event in Communist China, police and other government thugs conducted raids and arrested Christians throughout the country.

Communism is a jealous religion and tolerates no rivals.

For Christmas 2008, arrested and imprisoned Chinese Christians include nine women in Zucheng county, Henan province who were committing the dastardly crime of reenacting the nativity on the street. The nine women, including Mrs. Yue Zengyun who led the group, are currently being held at Detention Center of Yucheng County.

Another 19 Christians were arrested on December 22 during a raid on a Shepherd Fellowship Bible training class in Dianlong village, Yanghu township in Dongzhi county. On December 27th, forty police officers raided Christian homes in the earthquake zone in Sichuan. The residents of the homes had received assistance from other Christians when such assistance was prohibited. The police took away Li Zenggui, a local earthquake victim, and Christian volunteers Cao Gang, Brother Yang, as well as others. They also seized Bibles, hymnals, televisions, motorcycles and many other items owned by the Christians.

Slave Camps An Integral Part Of China’s Economy

It is well documented that many arrested Christians are sent to Communist China’s huge Laogai slave camp system. The slave camps are an integral part of the Chinese economy. Over a thousand slave labour camps hold an estimated over 3 million slaves. The slave labour camps’ connection with the Chinese trade in body parts of executed persons is well established and certainly there to be seen by anyone with a few minutes and a connection to the internet.

Meanwhile the Barbados government and Bajans seem to be quite happy to accept gifts and investment from the Chinese government without a word about the slave camps.

Such a strange position for a country like Barbados that witnessed the suffering and abuse of slavery and still remembers and celebrates those who fought for emancipation.

Source for the news of Christmas arrests: China Aid

Further Reading

Barbados Prime Minister Holds His Tongue About Slavery, Torture, Imprisonment, Forced Abortions Of Chinese Christians


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, China, Ethics, Human Rights, Religion, Slavery