Tag Archives: Mohammed Cartoons

Barbados news media and blogs lament Charlie Hebdo murders and loss of press freedom – but not enough to print the Mohammed cartoons

Mohammed Goat Cartoons

Yup, we anonymous writers at Barbados Free Press have published Mohammed cartoons in the past, as we publish the one above now. (Hey… The muslim prophet Mohammed sure has eyes and a tongue for that goat’s behind, doan you think?)

But that doesn’t take much courage at all.

So we can hardly fault the Barbados Advocate, The Nation News and Barbados Today for not publishing the “offending” Mohammed cartoons that were the excuse for three devout Muslims to commit their usual murders – this time in Paris.

Even the worshiped New York Times gave the “juis suis Charlie” salute, but didn’t have the courage to print the same Mohammed cartoons that were the latest excuse for Muslim violence and murder. The NY Times said it was out of respect, not fear, that they didn’t print the Hebdo cartoons. Really? The NY Times sure printed the infamous “Piss Christ” photo of a crucifix upside down in a jar of human urine.

Why did the NY Times print something offensive to Christians but will not print a Mohammed cartoon? Because the New York Times editors like the rest of us fear that if they print the Mohammed cartoons, they will be murdered by any number of violent devout Muslims who wish to obey the verses of the Koran that instruct Muslims to murder.

So we self censor or publish anonymously because we know that Islam is a violent religion, that encourages adherents to believe that vile, barbaric behaviour and violence will gain them heaven. The problem is with the foundation of Islam – not some current flavour or interpretation.

“There is an absolute and utter failure of the majority of Muslims to this day to condemn continued acts of violence in the name of Allah and to purge their religion of those who foment such violence.”

And that’s something we’re going to have to face here on this rock sooner or later.

Look no further than the Al-Falah Muslim School to learn what Barbadian children are being taught by their devout Muslim teacher… Barbados Muslim Girls School, 14 year old student: “Nothing wrong with beheading, chopping off your hands, severe beatings”

Someday those chickens a going to come home to roost here, just as they did in Paris.

Further Reading

What I learned from 9/11


Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Freedom Of The Press, Religion

Christian God, Muslim Allah… same deity?

Bajan Reporter publishes image of Jesus giving the finger.

Will Bajan Reporter now publish images of Muhammed and Buddha doing the same?

Our old friend Ian Bourne at Bajan Reporter is a bit upset with Barbados Free Press. Ian believes we’ve been “hating on all Muslims” – because we occasionally print articles about, for instance, how young Muslim students in Barbados Muslim schools are taught and believe that stoning and amputation of hands are acceptable punishments in a free and democratic society like ours. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Religion