VECO’s “Corrupt Bastards Club” Has A Barbados Chapter

Alaska Politicians Made CBC Caps!

Alaska Politicians Made CBC Caps!

Source: At Least Two Barbados Politicians Received Undeclared “Campaign Donations” From Corrupt Alaskan VECO Corporation

Alaska’s VECO Corporation is now infamous for using bribery of politicians as a standard operating procedure. In the United States, numerous US politicians and corporation executives are facing criminal charges or are under FBI investigation for receiving gifts, loans and outright payments from VECO.

Several people have already plead guilty or been found guilty, including VECO CEO and founder Bill Allen, VECO Vice-President Rick Smith and political big-shots Bill Bobrick, Tom Anderson, Pete Kott, Vic Kohring, Jim Clark and Bill Weimar.

The VECO Barbados Connection

VECO also did over half a billion US$ worth of business with the previous BLP Barbados Government – building the oil terminal and the new prison. Barbados citizens are unclear on the exact amount of tax dollars that was paid to VECO because under both the previous Arthur/Mottley BLP government and the current Thompson DLP Government, citizens have no right to know how much of their money the government spends and what for.

To give you an idea of how VECO typically operated, another one of Alaska’s senior politicians has just been charged by the FBI with various corrupt offenses. It is alleged that Senator Ted Stephens received considerations from VECO Corporation in return for sweetheart government contracts and for pushing through tax laws and other regulations that favoured VECO. Stephens also arranged for VECO to have an inside contact at the World Bank and to receive favourable treatment in an oil deal in Pakistan. Here is what he received that we know about…

– A job for his son.

– The ability to invest US$5000 in a Florida condo which was later sold for a profit of over US$100,000. (Not a bad return on $5000!!!)

– A new Jeep Cherokee vehicle for his daughter.

– A Land Rover for himself discounted by US$20,000 under list price from the CEO of VECO.

– A free generator for his chalet.

Ted Stephens and the others also received hundreds of thousands of dollars in “campaign contributions” from VECO to ensure that they would be reelected. Yup… nothing was too good for any politician who could award multi-million dollar government contracts to VECO. The corrupt company gave cash, renovated homes, bought cars, trips and condos for politicians as their standard method of operation.

That is just how VECO operated worldwide: they obtained government contracts by bribing politicians, but Barbados politicians would have you believe that none of that went on here. No Sir!

VECO’s Corrupt Bastards Club

At one point the bribes were so open that some corrupt Alaska politicians made up hats saying “CBC” – which stood for “Corrupt Bastards Club”.

This is the same VECO that the Owen Arthur/Mia Mottley BLP government of Barbados hired without open competitive bidding to build our oil terminal and our new prison. VECO had never built a prison before, but by god, they were given the contract as a gift by then Attorney General Mia Mottley and Prime Minister Owen Arthur.

Our source says that Mia Mottley received over $100,000 in undeclared “campaign contributions” from VECO Corporation that she fed into her constituency office. This is only what the folks in the office saw and is probably a fraction of the total. After all, if VECO received half-a-billion dollars in government contracts, you can bet that they paid out more than a lousy $100 grand.

Our same source says that Prime Minister Owen Arthur’s constituency office also received big money from VECO, but on the amount they are unsure. Would Arthur have accepted less than his Attorney General that he barely tolerated?

Perhaps Mr. Arthur can advise his fellow citizens from Switzerland, London or Miami – or whatever jurisdiction he ends up retiring to as he becomes a “consultant” to justify his continued income.

Former Attorney General Dale Marshall: Corrupt Bastard

And what did the Government of Barbados do when Barbados Free Press and the other blogs broke the story to the Barbados public that VECO executives and politicians were being arrested? (BFP and the blogs broke the VECO story on the island because the Barbados news media naturally wouldn’t touch a story that showed the government in a bad light.)

Well… good old Attorney General Dale Marshall announced that he would have a meeting with VECO executives to get the truth of the story… to see if any improper payments were made by VECO to Barbados government officials and politicians.

Yup… Attorney General Dale Marshall met with those VECO executives for a half an hour one morning and then held a press conference to announce that everything was on the up and up because the VECO executives said it was.

Whew! We were glad to hear that, Dale!

Dale Marshall: You corrupt bastard. You were supposed to look after the interests of your fellow citizens but instead you participated in a sham of an inquiry and then covered-up the corruption by your BLP friends.

VECO’s Corrupt Bastards Club – Barbados Chapter

So far the known membership of the CBC Barbados includes…

Owen Arthur

Mia Mottley

Dale Marshall

Arthur and Mottley are on the list because they took money from VECO. Marshall is on the list for being a corrupt bastard that covered-up for his friends.

Folks, let us know if there are others who should be on the list. Some of the BFP staff want to include current Barbados Prime Minister David Thompson for his reluctance to investigate the VECO scandal and failure to ask the FBI for access to their evidence against Barbados politicians.

We’re going to consider adding Thompson to the list, but we’d like some input from other citizens first.

Let us know what you think, folks!

Further Reading

Alaska Report: Case Against Senator Stephens Growing

Wikipedia: Corrupt Bastards Club

Anchorage Daily News: Corrupt Bastards Club – From Barroom Joke To Federal Warrants

Washington Post: Busting Alaska’s Corrupt Bastards Club

Barbados Free Press

May 26, 2007 – How Much Cash Did Corrupt VECO USA Executives Provide To Barbados Labour Party As “Campaign Donations” ?

May 30, 2007 – Who Did Barbados Prison Consulting?… VECO Paid Alaska Bribes Through “Consulting” Contracts With Politicians’ Relatives!!!!!

August 25, 2007 – Barbados Jail Builder VECO Added As Defendant In Lawsuit Against Prime Minister Arthur and Chief Justice Simmons

July 22, 2008 – Links To Keltruth ‘VECO Barbados Jail Fraud’ Story – Big Step For Little Barbados Blog


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, FBI, Offshore Investments, Police, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption, VECO Corporation

50 responses to “VECO’s “Corrupt Bastards Club” Has A Barbados Chapter

  1. ?? again

    whenever we see your writing about this topic, there is always wild accusation but absolutely no proof given. show the documents, the cheques, play the tapes.. try some credible means to prove your point.. if not it is just gutter gossip.


    BFP says,

    Gutter gossip? Really?

    I guess the CEO of VECO, Bill Allen, and his VP pleaded guilty to nothing then? And the tape-recording of the politician asking them for the job in the Barbados jail? All made up too, I guess!

    As to Dale Marshall not launching an enquiry into VECO’s corruption in Barbados, I guess we must have missed that report! Perhaps you can copy and paste it into a comment so Bajans can read it… because the Nation News article we linked to says he came out of a meeting with VECO executives and announced there was no problem with corrupt acts in Barbados by VECO…. despite the fact that would make Barbados the only country they did business in without bribing politicians!

    And all those US politicians who pleaded guilty or were found guilty or who are awaiting trial… I guess that is all made up too?

    Now… about the $100,000 that VECO gave Mottley…

    Surely Mia Mottley would have no trouble saying under what circumstances she took the money, and why she awarded the jail contract to a company that had never built a jail.

    There must be a reasonable explanation, don’t you think?

  2. Hants

    ?? again says,

    “if not it is just gutter gossip.”

    Given that VECO Corporation has admitted to bribing politicians to obtain contracts, it is reasonable to expect that they would do the same in Barbados.

    Given the arrogance of the leadership of the previous administration and the manner in which they lived, French justice comes into play. The assumption of guilt until proven otherwise.

    This is not gossip but simplistic reasoning based on the admissions of fraud and bribery by VECO owners and executives.

    Interesting times ahead.

  3. ?? again

    Hants, Guilt by assumption is no on. Because your brother is a theif does not mean that you are one..

    I am really not looking to defend anyone but really wild gossip creates great headlines but is simply that if WILD gossip….if you cannot produce one credible piece of evidence related to the issue…

    I agree that there are interesting times ahead..maybe BFP can start a poll on peoples ominion on the Wildey (business Killing) Experiment and if Flyovers really would not solve the problem… note with interest a shift in BAPE opinion with new leadership…. but that’s another issue.

  4. John

    … if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck ……..

    Sometimes the duck test fails, ….. but very rarely.

  5. Hants

    ?? again,

    “Hants, Guilt by assumption is no on. Because your brother is a theif does not mean that you are one..”

    True. But if you wear the “bling” your tiefing brother give you????mmmmm

    I will admit that there is a .00001 percent chance that VECO changed its bribery practice only when dealing with Barbados politicians.

  6. John

    …. which means there is another 99.99999 percent chance that there is a CBC down here ……………….. besides the television station.

  7. BGR

    Since there is no evidence to link Thompson to the VECO scandal, putting him on the list is tantamount to scandalous behaviour. The gentleman title still needs to be respected. As a matter of fact if it was Owen, the same line of argument would suffice. Until the evidence materialized itself leave him off the list. He may be guilty of not following leads but that doesn’t prove he is guilty of corruption.

    Bajan Global Report


    BFP says, If Thompson does not investigate VECO’s activities in Barbados, is he not complicit? Is he not guilty of neglect of his duty to the public?

  8. Thomas Gresham

    A good conspiracy theory always has a reason why the conspiracy will never be found out. In real life this doesnt always happen so neatly.

    Veco is a village amateur compared with the Saudi’s and British Aerospace and their $25bn corrupt deal, or Boeing and the Pentagon and their $30bn corrupt deal. Or Siemens and their slush fund. Yet we have learned about these and there were public investigations into all three. So, the question is, if there is evidence and proof, why does nothing happen? Why does nobody come forward publicly. Why do we not here that the DPP is at least considering evidence, even if it decides not to go further.

    You argue that it is because (a) the current government wants to get involved in the corruption game and/or (b) it is not currently illegal. Some on the blogs here say that (c) it is all underway but the legal process, evidence gathering and so on, takes time.

    I dont feel convinced by (a). I am happy to criticise this government, and I have done so on their economic incompetence so much so that you have accused me of being a BLP man, but I do not think Thompson is corrupt. Also, I cant see Hartley Henry passing up an opportunity to embarrass the last government – it is not in his nature. Maybe you are right, but I have to say (a) is not yet convincing.

    As for (b) under the OECD anti-corruption rules, the case can be taken up in the US, not in Barbados. The US Justice Department is quote pro-active in anti-corporate actions and so you need to get your sources to call up the Justice Department in the US. Corruption is as illegal for the “corrupters” as for the corrupted – indeed, more so in the US. It is the US that is likely to pursue BAE not the UK govenrment.

    The good news story of (c) – just wait and it will happen, also does not appear convincing either, though time will tell.

    If nothing happens after 9 months it will increasingly look like (c) is wrong; and if there are no smoking guns published on the annonymous blogs and no cases brought in the US, no investigation by the Justice Department or FBI into the Barbados contract, you have to begin questioning the veracity of these claims.

    Of course, the best argument for (a) is that if we are going to stop these things happening in the future we need some statutory rules on asset disclosure (statutory so limited scope of getting round them) something insisted upon by the current government when they were in opposition, but now something they are running away from. Why?

  9. Tell me Why

    Hi BFP. I have been off the scene for a while and I was of the view that you would have brought more tangible evidence to the table with Veco et al, but alas! you are still with the blank evidence that surely will not make Barbadians more conscious of any wrongdoings by the past administration. These questions below will be more of interest to Barbadians instead of the regular comments being laboured on daily. Let’s hear about the following:-
    * How come CBC could not find a qualified Barbadian to manage the corporation?
    * How many Government corporations changed over to Clico associated companies?
    * Why the drawn out delay in the Wildey area?
    * Are we concentrating about partying during Independence celebrating our should we continue to the tradition started by the father of Independence, the late Errol Barrow? I surely cannot see the significance of this proposed change.
    By the way Hants, although I believe in the dissemination of news, I have a problem with the insularity of certain commenters and the blog controllers. We need to respect individuals who were placed in high office by the people through legal means. We can only labelled them corrupt, thieves, thugs, bastards after being convicted by the courts of this land, otherwise, please give them the respect due. BFP, you know what type of mirror image you are portraying.

  10. JC

    BFP I am like you I just would like to know the truth!

  11. reality check

    “We can only labelled them corrupt, thieves, thugs, bastards after being convicted by the courts of this land, otherwise, please give them the respect due. BFP, you know what type of mirror image you are portraying”

    When the whole rotten system has no checks and balances by independent minded individuals with integrity and legislation that reflects strict ITAL, a Barbados court and those charged with applying the Rule of Law will not do their job.

    The judges have been stacked and the accountants and lawyers are afraid to do what is right, all the while making money pretending to go through the process.

    Why does the Chief Justice and the Director of Public Prosecutions still have their job?

  12. Thomas Gresham

    If we cannot rely on the Barbados justice system, the good news is that allegations of corruption by companies domiciled in the OECD or operating in the OECD can be prosecuted outside of the country where they did the corruption.

    Indeed, this is what happened with Siemens and it is what will likely happen with British Aerospace.

    So those with evidence must go to the US Justice Department – I understand, Veco is a US-based (Alaska registered?) company. The US practices extra-territorialism and jurisdiction can be claimed given the operations in the US even if specific legal entities are not registered there.

    So, what should we conclude If nothing happens? With every passing month this is beginning to resemble George Bush looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I am turning my energies towards how we stop corruption going forward.


    BFP says,

    Such nonsense, Thomas. I’m really surprised at you to argue that if no investigation is done by Barbados and the USA doesn’t lay charges against the members of the former Barbados Government, that there was no corruption by VECO in Barbados!

    Likewise, we can conclude that the BLP government has been perfectly honest over the past 14 years because no charges were laid and no corruption investigations were done.

    Go back to sleep, Thomas. The world has different standards and ordinary Bajans are now waking up.

    And yes, I’m sure that Mia Mottley and the BLP crew would like to forget about the hundreds of millions of dollars that are unaccounted for during their reign of corruption.

  13. BGR

    VECO’s Corrupt Bastards Club

    At one point the bribes were so open that some corrupt Alaska politicians made up hats saying “CBC” – which stood for “Corrupt Bastards Club”.

    VECO’s Corrupt Bastards Club – Barbados Chapter
    So far the known membership of the CBC Barbados includes…

    Owen Arthur

    Mia Mottley

    Dale Marshall

    Arthur and Mottley are on the list because they took money from VECO. Marshall is on the list for being a corrupt bastard that covered-up for his friends.
    Folks, let us know if there are others who should be on the list. Some of the BFP staff want to include current Barbados Prime Minister David Thompson for his reluctance to investigate the VECO scandal and failure to ask the FBI for access to their evidence against Barbados politicia

    August 20, 2008 at 4:14 pm
    Since there is no evidence to link Thompson to the VECO scandal, putting him on the list is tantamount to scandalous behaviour. The gentleman title still needs to be respected. As a matter of fact if it was Owen, the same line of argument would suffice. Until the evidence materialized itself leave him off the list. He may be guilty of not following leads but that doesn’t prove he is guilty of corruption.

    Bajan Global Report


    BFP says, If Thompson does not investigate VECO’s activities in Barbados, is he not complicit? Is he not guilty of neglect of his duty to the public?

    Guilty of neglect not corruption. He was not the PM or AG at the point in question.
    In other words change the title if you insist on placing him on the list.

  14. The scout

    If what you’re posting is true, I think a full investigation is needed. The P.M. owes it to the country and if persons are found guity they should face the weight of the law. Failing to do this, if what you’re posting is true, then the P.M is also a member of the same club on the same grounds that Marshall became a member. The ball is now in the P.M’s court, how he plays it will determine how long he stays in the game.

  15. Hants

    Tell me Why says.

    “Hi BFP. I have been off the scene for a while and I was of the view that you would have brought more tangible evidence to the table with Veco.”

    I strongly suggest we follow the “evidence” in the Alaska trials and wait for the truth about VECO’s dealings in Barbados.

    Sooner or later the truth will out and I would be pleased if the previous Government is found to be HONEST but they just had a propensity to be charitable to Contractors and Overseas investors like VECO and Danos.

    This is sounding good already.

    BLP Barbados.
    No corruption.
    No bribery.
    No problem.

    buh why dem get vote out doh?

  16. dogbitemuh

    If any of you guys are interested in how the world is run, go to this link and you will get the true picture behind all the corruption in this country and by extension the world. Veco will then not surprise you, for it is but a small fry in a large cauldron of deceit.


    I am surprised that BFP does not have any information on the Olympics, especially Jamaica’s performance in the sprints!!What’s up BFP!?

  18. Q



    Nation Newspaper 20/08/2008
    Letter to the editor

    interesting reading

  19. Observing

    While talking about the BAPE….

    Do the light poles look any different now from those on any section of the highway? (BAPE said the lightpole bases “looked small”)

    Does the island in the Belle still look too far out in the road now the road is completed? (Another BAPE point)

    Now that the wells that were planned uphill from the Haggatt Hall area are in place, is there still water “sheeting” across the road? (BAPE jumped to a wonderful evaluation on an incomplete project)

    Now that we STILL have backups at the roundabouts is BAPE willing to admit that flyovers just MAY be warranted?

    Its beginning to look more and more like the Barbados Association of Professional Engineers was either (1) playing politics itself, (2) being used to further others political ends or (3) just didn’t know what they were talking about!

  20. Thomas Gresham

    Dear BFP,

    You are undermining the cause of integrity legislation by stretching points willy nilly and calling people who ask honest questions names.

    You said you had evidence of corruption related to Veco. I said if there is real evidence we should expect some investigation and charges. You say that becuase everyone in Barbados is corrupt this will not happen. I said, but the charges can take place in the US where the company is domiciled and where it operates. It is more illegal to be the corrupter than the corrupted in the US. And so if there really is evidence it should be passed on to the US Justice department and if nothing happens then, one logical thing to do is to question this evidence.

    You have tried to avoid answering this point, yet tell me I am talking nonesense. Really!

    Its a really simple point. You say you have evidence – then pass it on to the US Justice department. They have a long track record of pursuing corruption. Under the OECD anti-corruption rules they can investigate. They did with Boeing and the Pentagon and it looks like they will do so with British Aerospace and the Saudi’s even though BAE is not an American company and the corruption was related to the Saudis.


    BFP says,

    Oh…. so complaints of apparent corruption by Barbados government officials should be taken to the United States for investigation and prosecution?

    Now that’s quite a position for a Bajan to take, isn’t it?

    Still… not a bad idea.

    Yes, perhaps we should lodge a complaint in your name Thomas – explaining that Barbados has no prohibition against government officials accepting cash gifts from entities they issue hundred million dollar contracts to.

    Yes… perhaps that is the answer, Thomas… seeing as Prime Minister Thompson and his government are intent upon looking the other way rather than hold any individuals of the previous BLP government accountable for using their public office for personal gain.

  21. Wuh?

    Check the evidence as set out in the trial.

    The Veco connection to Ms. Mia Mottley is very much there. Veco bought nuff thousands of dollars in tickets for Ms. Mottley’s Crop Over Party last year and contributed substantially to the Linden Grove Foundation.

    The ticket stubs are in the possession of the FBI and their concern is that with so few employees in Barbados why did Veco buy so many tickets? We all know why. That was a careful way – or so Ms. Mottley thought as she was feeding at the trough – to hide it.

    That is why BFP was foolish to support Mottley’s nonsensical declaration of assets in the Budget. It was all a big hoax which BFP accepted hook, line and sinker.

    I can’t see what the matter has to do with David Thompson though. Barbados is not a Banana Republic and the rule of law applies. Why have an investigation? Is there any evidence locally that could be the basis of serious – not BFP style slander – conduct worthy os investigation? Do you just launch an investigation on suspicions?

  22. ABC


    Q: “Do the light poles look any different now from those on any section of the highway?”

    A: Yes, they are taller and their bases are relatively small, but I would agree that this casual observation doesn’t mean they are any less secure. I suppose we’ll find out during the next storm.

    Q: “Does the island in the Belle still look too far out in the road now the road is completed?”

    A: Yes, they are too far out in the road based on AASHTO standards.

    Q: “Now that the wells that were planned uphill from the Haggatt Hall area are in place, is there still water “sheeting” across the road?”

    A: Yes, “sheeting” is still a major problem particularly in Haggatt Hall, and vehicles have been experiencing hydroplaning in that area during heavy rainfall as recently as this past weekend. Things may improve a once the road surfacing is completed (unfortunately, despite all the time that has passed the road surface is still below the level of the drains in some areas, rendering these drains useless). From their press release, BAPE’s main concern appears to have been with the bends along the highway, where during rainfall water is channeled through slots in the median barriers from the elevated lanes on one side of the highway across the surface of the lower lanes heading in the opposite direction… they asked 3S to indicate where in the world they had used or seen a similar design… maybe you could provide the answer?

    Q: “…is BAPE willing to admit that flyovers just MAY be warranted?”

    A: Can you point to any press releases or public position issued by BAPE which says otherwise (all of their press releases on the subject can be found on their website On the contrary, in every press release they expressed concern over the project’s poor execution and lack of transparency, NOT flyovers. But don’t take my word for it, go over to their website and read for yourself:
    “It may well be that in the case of the proposed flyovers, excellent engineering consultations have been undertaken. Indeed flyovers could well be a realistic solution. However some questions that immediately come to mind are…” read the rest here:

    In addition to the choices offered at the end of your submission “(1) playing politics itself, (2) being used to further others political ends or (3) just didn’t know what they were talking about”… I suggest you add (4) Concerned about the lack of transparency, and cavalier manner in which some decisions relating to major public projects are made in Barbados.

  23. Hants

    Thomas Gresham says,

    “Dear BFP,
    You are undermining the cause of integrity legislation by stretching points willy nilly and calling people who ask honest questions names.”

    This is a blog. We expect unsanitised,truth stretching,will nilly and sylly.

    We also expect intelligent,thought provoking and factual information.

    We are FREE to interpret or find the truth for ourselves.

    BFP must continue in its current vein or we may as well read the Mainstream media and watch cnn.

    I like the idea that we are FREE to comment with limited censorship and diverse criticism.

    So one of the BFP fellas say he does go fishing.

    I wonder if he does really do that or he does buy ice fish,thaw it out and carry it home after he has really been out “partying”.

  24. Tell me Why

    buh why dem get vote out doh?
    Hants. It was all about ‘Time for Change’. remember Barbadians are always ready to change Governments after the second term furthermore going for a fourth term. Get it, Buddy.

  25. Hants

    @ Tell me Why

    They also got voted out because Bajans were persuaded that some of the accusations of corruption were probably true.
    I am convinced that influence peddling occured with regards to permissions to develope land in Barbados and that is from a personal experience.

    I believe that some very rich Bajans have had too much influence in Government affairs during the last administration to the detriment of the less fortunate.

    Just like with Mulroney in Canada,enough truth will surface for us to decide if the previous administration was corrupt or if it is just a myth.

  26. nutcracker

    thomson does not deserve to be on this list he is a man of integrity he puplicly did not support veco you did not listen to his meetings

  27. Tell me Why

    They also got voted out because Bajans were persuaded that some of the accusations of corruption were probably true.
    Strong word “probably” that is not based on ‘without doubt’ Hearsay evidence that translate “easy to believe on the basis of available evidence”, yet, we have been unable to see the “real” evidence in black and white to commit these people to any corrupt acts. That simply mean, they are innocent until proven guilty.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am dealing with the law. I am far from saying that any corruptible acts did in fact took place.

  28. ?? again

    JC you imply BFP is seeking truth.. this is not so they seek to sensationalise…

    RE BAPE, it is amazing that when Blackman was spokesman how anti Government the words were. Now that Blackman has gone they have changed we hear another tune. BAPE recently indicated that they were never opposed to Flyovers per se… and were concerned that the reconfiguration of the highway to compensate for no flyovers would be even more costly than having flyovers… go figure…was it that Blackman was speaking for Blackman under the guise of BAPE.

    And yes congestion on the highway still continues and will continue and no doubt in a year or two we will see the gradual introduction of flyovers simply because they are necessary.

  29. ru4real

    BAPE are the biggest bunch of two faced incompetents in Barbados. They have never built a bridge much less a flyover yet criticise the ‘execution’ of the flyover project when most of them havent built anything more technical or taxing than a condominium.

    Old retired engineers witter on about what was done in their day – about 20 years ago regardless of technological advances regardless of endless explanations regardless of anything but the sound of their own voices.

    The execution of the project has been deliberately hampered and obstructed by the Ministry of Works.

    3S has implemented the highest standards of road building ever seen here in Barbados yet the foolish virgins can only pick holes and make scurrilous and untrue observations on the highway.

    Get with it buy a torch girls!

  30. Tell me Why

    BFP. Why the moderation with my post. You are dealing with a debatable issue and yet you are refusing to post people’s comments. This delay usually caused the writer and the responder from a smooth debate.

  31. Brutus

    Other concerns raised by BAPE include:

    “BAPE Position Paper
    ABC Highway Expansion Project
    The Barbados Association of Professional Engineers (BAPE) has already expressed concerns
    about the ABC Highway expansion project being undertaken by 3S Structural Solutions LLC.
    These concerns include:
    • the contract was agreed without a competitive tender process;
    • the flyover solution was agreed before a traffic study was done; and this study was
    then undertaken by the same firm whose flyover proposal had already been accepted;
    • the approval process for a project requiring such a large investment of public funds
    should have included a rigorous technical and economic feasibility study.
    In addition to the company’s financial position, the qualification of a contractor to undertake this
    project should also have included consideration of the qualifications and experience of the key
    personnel, the nature of the contractor’s past experience, and a review of the firm’s litigation

  32. ru4real

    Why doesn’t BAPE concern itself with matters of real importance – like the Brittains Hill disaster where lives were lost?
    Why was building work being done in an area well known to be fragile?
    Who cracked the dome and caused it to collapse?
    A deafening silence from Bape ?

  33. Bush tea

    It seems that BAPE hurt you real bad by questioning the ‘crookery’ being executed on the ABC……

    cuddear…. wha is you’ interest bozie? just a concerned citizen who like to see taxpayers money turning over? LOL!!!

    …or you just can’t get used to the kind of people in bape questioning people like you? …..try and find something to keep yourself busy do! – you only meking you’self look like a idyut.

  34. ru4real


    Time to change the record the same old tune is getting boring.

  35. ru4real

    Bush Tea

    BAPE sanctimonious criticisms are based not on sound engineering concerns but on one thing SOUR GRAPES.

  36. Fool me once

    Why Thompson has to right now tell us the whole story is we will be paying for the jail over the next 25 years. He should investigate, report, and pull back all thieved money before we pay one cent.

    If he don’t he must have a finger in it.

    This was one of Mia’s wonderful BOLT projects where BIM on hook for very high payments to repay a loan guaranteed by BIM which funded a crooked build contract.

    Much over budget.

  37. Brutus


    Where is the traffic study? Was the contract put out to competitive tender? I am still waiting for the town hall meeting. What was 3S Barbados’s previous experience? Does any of its principals have a history of litigation, specifically in connection with alleged corruption?

  38. ru4real

    Just ask the Ministry its all there Brutus ( unless they have followed the time old tradition of losing files)

    There have been numerous town hall meetings – you just missed the boat man.

    3S comprises of a team of all highly experienced professionals.

    Alleged is the operative word here .
    Malicious and libelous.
    All brought about by SOUR GRAPES.

    Now what is it y’all wanting y’all won the election didnt yurs gi stop dredging up red herrings and start governing the country.

  39. Brutus


    I am so grateful to you for clearing up my misconceptions, and obviously I did miss the boat.

    Please clarify for me further:

    – who did the traffic study and was it done before it had already been decided to erect flyovers?
    – I was referring to the town hall meetings scheduled for Oct 6 and 7 to deal with the flyovers, which were cancelled. I am glad to hear that other town hall meetings (re flyovers) were held, but can you tell me when they were held? I would love to see the press reports on them.
    – can you tell us what projects 3S did before this one?
    – the courts will decide on the truth of the fraud and corruption allegations

  40. ru4real

    I’m afraid I am not going to pap feed you Brutus.
    He who snoozes looses.
    Look up the press reports yourself.
    You obviously have your own bunch of gripes er grapes to contend with.

  41. Brutus


    Fortunately, I have no desire to be pap fed by you either.

    I did look up the press reports by the way. Perhaps the Nation was snoozing too, which would not be surprising.

    I wouldn’t want to accuse you of lying, so hopefully there is at least one blogger out there who attended one of these town hall meetings who can answer my question.

  42. ru4real

    You know what they say Brutus.
    There are none so blind as him who doesnt want to see.

  43. Juris

    There was no competitive bidding, that’s for sure.

  44. Hants

    THE PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY contracted by Government to build the much mooted traffic-busting flyovers is facing civil litigation in Britain.

    Jonathan Laszlo Danos, of the two-year-old company, Structural Steel Solutions (3S), is one of four defendants facing legal action in a British High Court on allegations of fraud and conspiracy related to a construction project initiated in Jamaica in 2002.

  45. Brutus

    Mabey’s claim against Danos is here:

    Click to access mabey.pdf

    Danos’s defence and counterclaim is here:

    Click to access DanosDefenceandCounterclaim.PDF

  46. Brutus

    Here is my understanding of the claim and counterclaim:

    Mabey (Danos’s former employer) alleged that:
    – Danos and a colleague Joyce entered into a kickback agreement with an agent in Jamaica (DAG)
    – the evidence for this is a spreadsheet showing details of commissions paid by Mabey to DAG, which were then paid to Danos to be split between him and Joyce
    – the spreadsheet shows DAG’s commission as £565,000, and an “increase” of £735,000 to be allocated among DAG, Joyce and Danos
    – there is also a series of emails between Danos, Joyce and DAG’s secretary confirming each payment (12 payments in total)
    – each email confirms the commissions received by DAG, the amount forwarded to Danos, and the split between he and Joyce (in predetermined percentages)
    – there is also an invoice to DAG from a company set up by Danos; the invoice amount is exactly equal to the sum of the first 9 payments to Danos and Jones on the spreadsheet
    – Mabey alleges that the commission to DAG was inflated to facilitate the payments to Danos and Joyce.

    Danos defence is:
    – he admits the truth of the spreadsheet, emails and invoice
    – he says that the payments from DAG occurred after he left Mabey, and were in relation to another project in Jamaica that he and DAG were involved with
    – he said that he brought Joyce into the arrangement as consulting engineer, and he did not know the terms of Joyce’s employment agreement with Mabey but assumed there would be no conflict (Joyce was at the time working on behalf of Mabey in DAG’s offices)

  47. Pingback: How much is Barbados really paying for Dodds Prison? Why aren’t we allowed to know? | Barbados Free Press

  48. There’s definately a lot to know about this subject.
    I like all of the points you made.