Daily Archives: August 23, 2008

Barbados Government Announcement Of (Yes, Another) SPECIAL AUDIT for NHC!!! Wow!!! (Yawn…)

UPDATE: January 10, 2012

Here is a little article we wrote back in August of 2008 where we explained that Prime Minister Thompson will be calling all manner of “special audits” looking into wrong-doing by the past BLP Arthur/Mottley Government – but that no persons will be held responsible due to a gentleman’s agreement between the DLP and BLP.
Have a read and tell us – was BFP right on the money or not? Four years later and not one person charged.
Prime Minister Thompson and his DLP told us that money flowed into  overseas BLP bank accounts. The DLP told us that corruption was rampant. They told us that they would introduce Conflict of Interest rules, Integrity Legislation, Freedom of Information.
Did the DLP lie to us?
Big time!
Michael Lashley & Maxine McClean Pretend Something Will Happen!

The Big Show: Michael Lashley & Maxine McClean Pretend Something Will Happen!

Previous Arthur/Mottley BLP Government Shouldn’t Worry: The Fix Is In!

I think I’ve lost track of the number of “Special”, “Forensic” and “Special Forensic” audits talked about by the David Thompson DLP Government. Thompson and his gang are in their ninth month of governing Barbados and one thing is for sure…

The fix is in. There will be lots of shouting and posturing, but no real action will be taken to hold members of the previous administration to account for their corruption. And there will be no real action taken by the Thompson Government to recover any of the millions of our tax dollars that were given away in overpriced sweetheart government contracts by the Arthur/Mottley administration.

If Prime Minister Thompson and his government were serious about integrity and recovering our misspent tax dollars, we would have seen three serious indicators…

1/ Thompson and his DLP Government would have kept their promise to adopt a Ministerial Code from day one. (Instead, a rebellion by government members who want the DLP to have their turn at feeding at the public trough forced Thompson to cancel his integrity promises.)

2/ Barbados government policy from day one would have been that no government contracts were to be issued to businesses owned by elected or appointed government officials or their immediate family members. (Instead, the Prime Minister himself borrowed a business jet from people who have contracts with the Barbados government – a clear conflict of interest to which the PM’s only answer is silence.)

3/ On day one, the new Barbados government would have immediately moved to secure the paper and electronic business records of the government in all areas – and particularly in major projects over the past 14 years where tens of millions of tax dollars (and probably more) is totally unaccounted for. (This was not done. No use looking for those records now – nine months later! – But that was the Thompson plan all along… don’t force the issue.)

Good god – Mia Mottley, Owen Arthur and the rest of their cabal spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars on major projects like the prison and flyovers where standard business contracts simply do not exist! Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Offshore Investments, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption, VECO Corporation