Bibles Used To Smuggle Cocaine From Barbados To Canada

When Our Pastor Said “Get High On The Lord”, I Don’t Think He Had This In Mind…

A 21 year-old man was arrested at Toronto Pearson airport for bringing 4 kilos of cocaine into Canada from Barbados. There is no indication in the news story as to the man’s name or whether he is a Barbadian.

Sun Online story: Bibles Used To Smuggle Drugs Into Canada


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law

3 responses to “Bibles Used To Smuggle Cocaine From Barbados To Canada

  1. Sargeant

    At Pearson Airport they use drug sniffing dogs to identify luggage etc. with contraband. I’ve even seen the dogs go up and down the line of visitors and returning residents waiting in line for the Immigration officers. The paper said “visitor from Barbados” so I’ll venture to say that he was bajan or resident in Barbados. What you can be sure of is that visitors and flights from Barbados will be under intense scrutiny from now on, someone should ask Jamaicans and Air Jamaica.

  2. Sister Baby

    The devil is at work here, smuggling drugs in a BIble. It’s a sin, and I hope they lock him up in a jail in the cold Canadian North, and may he never see the warmth of Caribbean again. Happy Kwanza

  3. Sister Baby

    There is spiritual we sang in church years ago that was made popular by gospel singer Miss Clara Ward. The words are: Get High on Jesus, get High on Jesus, Get High, Get High on the Lord. Never thought I would see the day that these wicked people would use the Lord’s book to take the devil’s medicine into Canada. On of the Bible carrying drug smugglers is a Guyanese, one Bajan, and one Vicentian. Happy Kwanza