One Source: Barbados Free Press Online Readership Stats Higher Than All Other Barbados News Sources!


According to the website tracking source, Barbados Free Press has 27% more daily readers than the Nation News website!

This makes Barbados Free Press the number one news website in the country – handily beating the website readership of every mainstream news source in Barbados.

That’s right folks, according to, Barbados Free Press has more daily readers than any other Barbados website.

Frankly, We’re Stunned

Now, the actual numbers we’re seeing from Quantcast are way lower than our internal numbers, so perhaps Quantcast is not picking up certain streams, or we have to take a look at how our internal counter is calibrated – but assuming that Quantcast’s errors are uniform, it is the ranking that surprises us.

Here are the Quantcast visitor numbers for selected Barbados blogs and websites for August…

Barbados Free Press 38,150

Nation News 30,150

CBC 8,911

Barbados Underground 8,477

Voice Of Barbados 6,879

Barbados Advocate 6,200

Notes From The Margin 1,861

BLP Blog 1,149

DLP Blog 1,132

No Wonder The BLP Government Wants To Kill The Blogs!

Friends, we wonder if you have any idea of how exciting this is for us. Here we were wondering if we had even a fraction of the readers of the Nation News website, and it turns out that we have 27% higher daily readership than the largest newspaper in the country!

No wonder the government is hunting us down.

With BFP ranked #1, our writers, readers and commenters might be able to make a difference in the next election. We must redouble our efforts.

Thanks to those who put in the work to look up all the numbers!

Out Of 1.6 Million WordPress Blogs Worldwide – BFP Ranked #26 On October 8, 2007.

Thanks Folks! (WordPress Stats here)


Filed under Barbados, Blogging, Freedom Of The Press

43 responses to “One Source: Barbados Free Press Online Readership Stats Higher Than All Other Barbados News Sources!

  1. notesfromthemargin

    It would seem the BLP isn’t the only one capable of spinning 😉

    touche BFP


  2. Undertaker

    CONGRATS! BFP – You certainly are the first that I read each morning and usually the last each night. That is why the content and news have to continue to be on high quality. (You did slip though with that “conversation with Owen, about the tits etc”

    But all in all keep up the good work! You have forced the other media houses to report some stories – even if late that the average bajan would not have heard of.

  3. Jerome Hinds

    Owen Arthur on Sunday 7th 0ctober 2007 during………one of his rent – a – crowd BLP branch meetings BERATED David Thompson & Ronald Jones for launching the Barbadosfreepress !

    Wuhloss !

    Can Owen Arthur tell Barbadians who launched Hardwood Inc. ?

    Can Owen Arthur tell Barbadians who launched the ABC / FLYOVER project ?

    Can Owen Arthur tell Barbadians who launched / kickstart O’Brien Trotman’s career at the UDC ?

    If Owen Arthur does not tell us ( or would not tell us ?????? )…….then all right – thinking Barbadians can only rely on the Barbadosfreepress !

    A SUCKER he is !

  4. Crusty

    Put another way, 38,000 out of 240,000 = more than 15 percent of the total population had a look at BFP during the month of August. The adult reading (or voting) population might be half the total number, so the influence on public opinion could be understood to be much greater than anyone might have imagined previously (38,000 out of 120,000 = more than 30 percent of the potential voters).

  5. Wishing in Vain

    My congrats go out to you and your team at BFP, please keep the good work up and fight the good fight.
    I like the mailing that you have been doing as well this is great stuff, how can I send to you a list of email addresses that you can distribute your daily news to ?

  6. Anonymous

    I’m not convinced about these numbers. How can a blog have more readers than a newspaper website? The quantcast FAQs say they are imperfect and estimate from household numbers etc and they don’t really know. It is all estimates or “guess-timates” but BFP is right that if the errors are uniform, then BFP is #1

  7. Royalrumble

    I am glad to read of your perceived popularity amongst the news readers. I hope following your lost at the polls this election you would remain as popular as you think you are now.

  8. where fore the media?

    Congrats BFP!
    the detractors should stop looking at/for the messenger and take heed of the message!

    Starcom should ask their pollsters to include BFP in the next poll and see how well they are doing down by de river-side???????

    Still waiting to hear from Starcom re $60K payment!!!!

  9. Anonymous

    The barbados advocate website is without a doubt the most poorly designed and coded site I have ever had the displeasure of opening. They’re really doing their best to earn that bottom spot they have.

  10. Puzzled

    BFP I admire the work that you do in getting word out to us Barbadians about what is happening in our country as well as nationally and internationally. I glad to see you rank so high among other media in Bim.

    I was somewhat surprise though when I visited Quantcast and typed in BarbadosFreePress and then tried BFP your name did not appear on their site. I wonder if another curious person like me or noisy person like me took the time to check out Quantcast.

    I think we got the gist of the point you are trying to make. But was it necessary for you to publish the numbers of other media websites? We know that you are the #1 website and blog in Bim. You don’t have to show off especially on the other blogs.


    BFP Comments

    Hi Puzzled

    You have to type in the full URL … and then you will see the stats.

    As to our website having more readers than the largest newspaper in the country… my friend, that is NEWS.

  11. Wondering

    Why not add Alexa code to your site so your ranking is visible…


    BFP comments

    Because those little code pixels do oh so much more than they advertise!

    Thanks, but no thanks!

  12. Yardbroom

    It has taken a lot of “effort” and no little “determination”, there will come a time, when you can look back on this episode in your lives, and be proud of the path you took, and how in so doing, you assisted in harnessing the energies of the “invisible people,” on the empowering journey of honesty, accountability and transparency.

  13. Jerome Hinds

    October 10th, 2007 at 3:54 pm
    I am glad to read of your perceived popularity amongst the news readers. I hope following your lost at the polls this election you would remain as popular as you think you are now.


    Well Royalrumble,

    The tide of change is upon us !

    Read the link below :

    On the issue of the Public Accounts Committee
    ( PAC )……here is what the IMF said about the PAC in Barbados .

    Read sections 68 , 72 & 76 about the Barbados PAC in the link below ,

    Click to access cr07338.pdf

    Who do Royalrumble & Owen Arthur think……they FOOLING ?????

  14. Jerome Hinds

    well well, royalrumble !

  15. What

    Crusty you living on Mars? Barbados population is 280,000 +. I wasnt born when it was 240,000. Do people like you believe in accuracy and truth.

  16. reality check

    Royal Rumble

    You still don’t get it?

    BFP doesn’t support any party. They appear to be a truly democratic and independent news outlet and criticize and very occassionally praise both parties where warranted.

    If your party chooses to buy votes and manipulate the election process then the citizens of Barbados will continue to pay a horrific price.

    If anything I suspect the internet hits and readers are 2 to 5 times as announced by Quantcast but maybe BFP can give us some conservative figures from what they have?

    You can’t hear if you are not listening!!!

    Transparency, Accountability and Integrity!!!

    Arrogance and stupidity are a lethal combination.

  17. Holodeck3

    I think one of the reasons BFP is doing well is with live bookmark RSS feeds which the Nation does not carry as far as I know. With live bookmarks I can quickly see what is going on and what is new. The other reason I believe is if an individual has a normal newspaper why would they bother to check the online version everyday. BFP news is also quick to pick up on any untold stories or gossip and face it Bajans like news from the “man on the street” and like to be in the know. That’s why we have so many call in programs. This is another medium that politicians despise.

    Keep up the good work and stay fresh and current.

    I can’t wait for when elections call to see you readership grow ten fold. Looking forward to an even bigger print edition then.

  18. Oh my gwad

    BFP do you check mail sent to, because I sent you a story and you seem to be ignoring it. How come?


    BFP Comments

    Hi OMG

    Not my job to check email today, but I’ll go there now. SOMEBODY should wake up and do the mail today like he said he would!

    OK…. I don’t see anything from you. Please remail it or email me and tell me what the subject was.


  19. Crusty

    On October 10th, 2007 at 7:25 pm, What said:

    Crusty you living on Mars? Barbados population is 280,000 +. I wasnt born when it was 240,000. Do people like you believe in accuracy and truth.


    Thank you for the correction, What. I confused the number with related data.

    For those of you who have trouble with the math:

    38,000 / 240,000 = more than 15 percent

    should read 38,000 / 280,000 = 13.57%

    The figure of 120,000 adult reading (or voting) is pure conjection on my part and should not be considered as fact.

  20. Easy

    ‘How can a blog have more readers than a newspaper website?’

    easy-just be more interesting,thats all.

  21. Observer

    The 38,150 unique visitors are NOT all in Barbados.

    About 14,000 of them are in the USA. Some of the remainder may even be based in other countries.

    It is even possible that some people inside Barbados who have logged onto BFP are not even Bajans.

    Furthermore, anyone with ADSL service who restarts their modem, or who uses different computers, such as a person using internet cafes, would also be counted as a UNIQUE VISITOR each time.

    BFP is wrong to assume that 38,150 unique visitors over a 30 day period means 38,150 Bajan voters who share their political views. If blog visitors had anything to do with political patronage, then why are the numbers for the political party blogs so much lower than those of BFP?

    The problem with the BFP mindset is the assumption that everything is political and that everyone who visits your blog is a supporter. Among those 38,150 unique visitors are the same people who have been viciously attacking your blog on a daily (or should I say nightly) basis. Among them are also some BLP supporters and also ordinary Bajans just looking for juicy online gossip and nothing more.

    The biggest problem for BFP is that it is NOT a news site. You are a news discussion or social commentary site. A real news site delivers their own original stories, but if you check carefully you will find that all BFP’s stories fall into one of two categories:

    1. Factual stories which originate from other news sites.

    2. Unproven allegations and rumours which originate from BFP.

    BFP is like an online version of Pudding and Souse… and you can be sure that no-one in Barbados decides how to cast their vote based on what they read in that column of the Saturday Sun.

    In order for BFP to gain greater readership and credibility, it would have to become a true investigative news entity, with real reporters giving real face to face interviews with people at all levels of society right up to the prime minister… interviews that would be published online using YouTube, etc. However, to go forward and grow in such a manner would mean costs, commitment… and the courage to go public and stop hiding. I doubt that BFP will ever overcome its fear of public exposure and sacrifice anonymity for the greater calling of national duty. The entire purpose of having an anonymous blog is exactly that… to hide and speak.


    BFP Comments

    Hello Observer,

    For someone pontificating about facts, you should start by getting your own facts straight.

    BFP never claimed that the 38,000 unique visitors referred to were all Bajan voters. Some commenter did that, not us.

    Get your facts straight.

    Secondly, the Quantcom site which is referenced states in their disclaimer all manner things which add up to “its all an educated guess, but our numbers are sometimes wildly inaccurate unless the website in question puts up our tracker”

    BFP does not have their tracker and our unique visitor numbers are actually significantly higher than Quantcom’s estimate.

    Whatever limitations and errors are present in Quantcom’s analysis of all the Bajan websites, THEY SAY that Barbados Free Press has the highest readership of all – and that we have almost 30% more online readers than The Nation News.

    We are well aware that we have a worldwide audience – which we seek as we believe that international pressure can play a significant role in controlling Barbados government excesses.

    As to “factual stories” originating only from other news sites, we have proven the Nation News to be liars and government agents a number of times – well documented on BFP. We suggest that you do a little research before assuming that the so-called mainstream Bajan media is somehow more truthful or “better” than citizen journalists – of which this blog is only one manifestation. BFP has also broken many major news stories. Do a little research before inserting foot into mouth.

    You are also very wrong to think that Bajans are stupid.

    Of course they look at everything on this and other blogs with a suspecting eye – but the simple truth is that they are now training themselves to look at the mainstream media with the same eye.

    Bajans are waking up to find that time and time again the story they are reading in the Nation News and on TV is so much government drivel.

    You are so very wrong when you say that Bajans will not make up their minds about voting after having read some of the material on this and other blogs. This and other blogs are now significant factors in the political landscape, which is why the ruling elites of the BLP continue to attack us.

  22. BFP

    BFP Comments

    Hello Observer,

    For someone pontificating about facts, you should start by getting your own facts straight.

    BFP never claimed that the 38,000 unique visitors referred to were all Bajan voters. Some commenter did that, not us.

    Get your facts straight.

    Secondly, the Quantcom site which is referenced states in their disclaimer all manner things which add up to “its all an educated guess, but our numbers are sometimes wildly inaccurate unless the website in question puts up our tracker”

    BFP does not have their tracker and our unique visitor numbers are actually significantly higher than Quantcom’s estimate.

    Whatever limitations and errors are present in Quantcom’s analysis of all the Bajan websites, THEY SAY that Barbados Free Press has the highest readership of all – and that we have almost 30% more online readers than The Nation News.

    We are well aware that we have a worldwide audience – which we seek as we believe that international pressure can play a significant role in controlling Barbados government excesses.

    As to “factual stories” originating only from other news sites, we have proven the Nation News to be liars and government agents a number of times – well documented on BFP. We suggest that you do a little research before assuming that the so-called mainstream Bajan media is somehow more truthful or “better” than citizen journalists – of which this blog is only one manifestation. BFP has also broken many major news stories. Do a little research before inserting foot into mouth.

    You are also very wrong to think that Bajans are stupid.

    Of course they look at everything on this and other blogs with a suspecting eye – but the simple truth is that they are now training themselves to look at the mainstream media with the same eye.

    Bajans are waking up to find that time and time again the story they are reading in the Nation News and on TV is so much government drivel.

    You are so very wrong when you say that Bajans will not make up their minds about voting after having read some of the material on this and other blogs. This and other blogs are now significant factors in the political landscape, which is why the ruling elites of the BLP continue to attack us.

  23. Jerome Hinds

    Whatever limitations and errors are present in Quantcom’s analysis of all the Bajan websites, THEY SAY that Barbados Free Press has the highest readership of all – and that we have almost 30% more online readers than The Nation News.



    And just imagine if you had kept your promise to publish that Money – laundering story !

    Your redership would have soared to 99.9 % !

    Ooops…….I forgot…….Transparency , Integrity & Accountability…….only refers to the DLP !

  24. Pogo

    Just love how Observer tells how to run a responsible news organization in Barbados.

    Wait, we have an idea.

    Get Minister of Tourism on a live show and ask him how he got so rich since he got elected.

    He’ll tell the truth then we will know the story and not need BFP to point out how the government refuses to tell us stupid people anything and then sues when anyone dares to do so.

    We can’t wait until Observer starts up a blog based on his view of how it should be run. We really need you to do this Observer starting right now.

  25. reality check

    I can’t recall which article started generating significant readers ( Gline Clarke, Owen ” piggy at the trough for 2006″ or? ) but I kind of remember BFP gave us a figure of 8,000 or 10,000 readers per day. If you discount that by half for the addictive readers who log on more than once, that figure is way over Quancast’s estimate!

    BFP when are you going to start the 2007 “piggy at the trough” award and when can we expect another download addition so that more citizens can hear the unvarnished truth especially the lady who was stripped searched at night with a blank search warrant for non-payment of rent?


    BFP Comments

    Hello RC,

    How interesting that you should mention Mrs. Juman and the police raid with a blank search warrant. We are at this very moment hammering away at the story which will be published tonight – with PHOTOS OF THE BLANK WARRANT.

    This is one of those stories where 3 of us are sitting someplace and everybody is dictating the story at the same time, so it may take another hour or two.

    And yes, there is a case of Banks on the floor and a few dead soldiers lying about, so add another hour for good measure.

    Time time time… never seems to be enough of it. Also had another two readers (who shall remain nameless) enquiring about the download edition as they have their mailing lists all ready to rock. One of them has been sending out his/her own newsletter from HushMail – daily with some snippets from Barbados Underground and Barbados Free Press.

    This freedom of speech thing is getting stronger!

    OK… thanks for your comments and back to writing.

    The BFP gang minus Robert who is off on a job and PROMISED to send in the flying article. 😉

  26. BFP

    BFP Comments

    Hello RC,

    How interesting that you should mention Mrs. Juman and the police raid with a blank search warrant. We are at this very moment hammering away at the story which will be published tonight – with PHOTOS OF THE BLANK WARRANT.

    This is one of those stories where 3 of us are sitting someplace and everybody is dictating the story at the same time, so it may take another hour or two.

    And yes, there is a case of Banks on the floor and a few dead soldiers lying about, so add another hour for good measure.

    Time time time… never seems to be enough of it. Also had another two readers (who shall remain nameless) enquiring about the download edition as they have their mailing lists all ready to rock. One of them has been sending out his/her own newsletter from HushMail – daily with some snippets from Barbados Underground and Barbados Free Press.

    This freedom of speech thing is getting stronger!

    OK… thanks for your comments and back to writing.

    The BFP gang minus Robert who is off on a job and PROMISED to send in the flying article. 😉

  27. Jerome Hinds

    Wow !

    The latest results of the soon – to – be released public opinion POLL (Check out the Nation News soon) shows the following :

    ** % supporting BLP – 41 % !

    ** % supporting DLP – 37 % !

    ** % swing against the BLP government – 6 % !

    ** % of voting population willing to change the BLP government – 47 % ( up from 42 % in the poll before ) !

    Remember in Jamaica……Bruce Golding was trailing Portia’s party before the elections !

    On E – Day the tale of the tape showed differently !

    The link below gives an UNSCIENTIFIC indication of what is to come !

    Owen Arthur can give himself another round of drinks !

  28. Wishing in Vain

    I was talking to someone the other night and they said to me that the poll results were excellent but they withheld the numbers if they are actually what you say they are this is giant leap forward for Mr Thonpson and the DLP the citzens of this island are waking up and waking up fast to extent of the gross corruption that is rampant all thru this island.

    I am not the least bit surprised about these amazing results and I can bet you that the final election results will show an even greater favour for the DLP, people are disgusted and fed up with this arrogrant self serving manner of this pack and to add insult to injury the corruption that they are carrying out is of major levels.

    No wonder the extent of the manner and style of the BLP on their blog the tone is angry one really they have no one to blame but themselves for they are the ones that have created this shambles that we find ourselves in at this time with projects amounting to being over $ 800 million over budget and counting if even half of this has been paid in BARBADOS KICKBACK AGREEMENTS then Owing and company are sitting on some massively large bank accounts while the rest of suck the hind tit.

    To Mr Thompson and his party this is no time to rest it is time to sweep clean every nook and cranny every crevice remove all of them from our misery.


    BFP Comments

    Hi WIV,

    Your faith in people is amazing. Don’t you think that the BLP crowd and in particular Owen Arthur started out trying to do some good for the country and people? Of course they did. Owen $ Arthur entered into politics with the most noble of goals…

    … but without rules, integrity standards, conflict of interest guidelines and the rest – in the end, people are people and few can withstand the temptation.

    IF they assume power, Thompson and his party will be as corrupt as the government they replace unless laws are put in place immediately.

    Knowing the internal fight the DLP is having over integrity legislation, I doubt that the DLP will produce such rules.

    Nope… Thompson’s party is determined to feed at the piggy trough.

  29. BFP

    BFP Comments

    Hi WIV,

    Your faith in people is amazing. Don’t you think that the BLP crowd and in particular Owen Arthur started out trying to do some good for the country and people? Of course they did. Owen $ Arthur entered into politics with the most noble of goals…

    … but without rules, integrity standards, conflict of interest guidelines and the rest – in the end, people are people and few can withstand the temptation.

    IF they assume power, Thompson and his party will be as corrupt as the government they replace unless laws are put in place immediately.

    Knowing the internal fight the DLP is having over integrity legislation, I doubt that the DLP will produce such rules.

    Nope… Thompson’s party is determined to feed at the piggy trough.

  30. Jerome Hinds

    ” Knowing the internal fight the DLP is having over integrity legislation, I doubt that the DLP will produce such rules. ”

    Well BFP your claim about DLP infighting on this issue…….DOES NOT EXIST .

    The BLP on the other hand will…..NOT IMPLEMENT SUCH A POLICY .

    If the BLP institute such a policy…….How would the likes of Noel Lynch get his $ 60,000.00
    ( Integrity Pay – Out ) !

  31. YUM YUM I like it!

    Well said BFP!

    If DLP are serious about winning the election they MUST bring the big issues to the foreground.

    One such issue is corruption etc..
    Another is the rising cost of living.

    But since they seem scared to take any risks.

    Their blog for instance is pathetic, eclipsed totally by the much brighter (and better attended) BLP one!

    Whilst I cringe at the content of the BLP blog at least the writing is coherent and keeps ones interest.

    Come on DLP get with the program!!!!!

  32. Wishing in Vain

    Funny how you seem not to be bothered about the lack of laws governing this under a blp admistration but when the DLP commit to putting it in place BEFORE ELECTIONS you find reasons to fluster yourself pointlessly.

    There is so much more that can and should be ressed such as if the FBI will be or has investigating Owing See Thru Arthur for his role in the VECO scandal?

    For some the moon is never far enough away, there is also the notion for those that lack the knowledege that there is also the possibility of pushing to hard too fast and peaking before the election date and the effort to recapture those votes is damaging .

    The DLP have made massive inroads into the structure of the blp machine despite whatever you may want to suggest and with a 6 % SWING AWAY FROM YOUR RULING PARTY that your party is a fair degree of turmoil and disruption and disorder.
    Hence their wild outburst about the blogs and their ill tempered manners on the call in shows.

    I want to commend the leadership of the DLP for a sterling effort and may they continue to make inroads into this corruption beast called the blp.


    BFP Comments

    WIV says “Funny how you seem not to be bothered about the lack of laws governing this under a blp admistration …”


    We have attacked the BLP from day one about the lack of laws, how they do what they please and how they will NOT institute such laws. Don’t be telling whoppers like that WIV.

    We had hoped that the DLP would embrace transparency, integrity and conflict of interest initiatives for the last two years and they have not done so.

    You say “You just wait”… but we have been waiting and we make the point again…

    For the DLP to “promise” something in time for the election means it is an election promise rather than a foundation of a new move towards integrity in the party.

    We see nothing except another group of piggies wanting at the trough. When you have something concrete that the DLP has done to embrace integrity (ie: not mere words – although words would be better than the nothing we have) call us!

  33. BFP

    BFP Comments

    WIV says “Funny how you seem not to be bothered about the lack of laws governing this under a blp admistration …”


    We have attacked the BLP from day one about the lack of laws, how they do what they please and how they will NOT institute such laws. Don’t be telling whoppers like that WIV.

    We had hoped that the DLP would embrace transparency, integrity and conflict of interest initiatives for the last two years and they have not done so.

    You say “You just wait”… but we have been waiting and we make the point again…

    For the DLP to “promise” something in time for the election means it is an election promise rather than a foundation of a new move towards integrity in the party.

    We see nothing except another group of piggies wanting at the trough. When you have something concrete that the DLP has done to embrace integrity (ie: not mere words – although words would be better than the nothing we have) call us!

  34. Wishing in Vain

    The reality is that you or I cannot or will not set the agenda and if they have said that they are committed to putting it in place I have no choice but to trust and belief them more than we have heard or seen from the party that has had power and control of the house for 14 years.
    They have said absolutely nothing about doing anything at least we have on one hand the promise from the DLP that will convert to real action versus nothing not even words of promise from the blp in my books we have a better future and a real hope with the DLP unlike the BLP.

  35. reality check


    Hope and a prayer is simply not good enough!!!

    We need true leaders and they don’t appear to be present or maybe they have had their vocal chords cut out or the ink has dried in their pens?

  36. james

    Sorry WIV, the results are not fantastic for anybody (BLP or DLP). Forget the partisan stuff, for me (in the undecided camp) there are only two factually interesting elements here. The first is that the general population are increasingly dissafected with the BLP. This is no surprise. The second is that the DLP in general and Thompson in particular have not been able to harness this dissafection. The facts speak for themselves. The swing away from the BLP is larger than the swing to the DLP, Thompson’s approval rating is poor and many think that nothing will change under a DLP government. The Dems have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this election in a landslide but they have to show more guts and more leadership from Thompson before they can demonstrate that they are not just more of the same. Then, and only then, will they get my vote.

  37. Wishing in Vain

    When have you last seen 10,000 people at a political meeting in Barbados ?
    If you wanted to see a crowd of that size you ought to have been at Deacons Farm this evening, I attended and beyond any shadow of doubt this was the largest gathering at any political meeting that I have ever attended and am referring to as far back as 1960’s, it was huge.

    The speakers were of a very high standard but in my mind the three that stood out were Dr Estwick, Chris and David Thompson who was at his eloquent best, they dealt with matters as clincially as could be done but it was left to Mr Thompson to deliver the most telling blows to Mascoll.

    He addressed the myth that Murrell had built 500 homes in Grenada after the effects of Ivan it was proven that Murrell spent the total sum of 3 weeks in Grenada and built nothing, the video presentations was a new and fascinating addition to the meeting and they were very well delivered, the letters showing Murrell in poccession of all the lease contracts and where he paid $ 25,000.0 to Simpson and Conso and where he onward lease them to HHL at $ 54,000.00 and evidence that they were in arrears to the lenders, also to there was hard evidence that these guyanese workers are working but do not have legal status, he also showed letters showing where the union worte Murrell in connection with his molestation of the 3 members of staff, and his attempt to fire one for not obliging him in his nastiness,

    He also addressed the issue of the ongoing work on a commercial building being carried out byHHL members of staff but not collecting and payments for this work the building happens to belong to Mascolls wife (hence Mascoll’s comments that he and his wife would be holding a press conference tommorow)

    The meeting was a top class presentation of a very high class.

    From the sidelines it certainly appears that there is gross mismanagement and corruption involved in this adventure in closing Mr Thompson clearly stated that he was giving Arthur 30 days to address this issue or he will be moving a no confidence motion against Mascoll my only comment would be he really ought to put the motion for Arthur as well.

    My congrats to the leader of the Opposition and his team for delivering the facts pertaining to HARDWOOD HOLDINGS they did it in a most professional manner and in a very clinical manner.

  38. Wishing in Vain

    Has anyone visted the blp blog site recently, it appears that they are now accepting the fact that they are a dishonest corrupt bunch because the number of blogs on there are nearly all being negative towards the actions of the party to their credit at least they have taken their licks like a man, Mottley included.

  39. Roy Stoute

    Does this site have anything positive to say about this present government the Hospital,the ministers etc. Certainly it cant be all doom and gloom because look at other developing countries around the world compared to BARBADOS.


    BFP Comments

    Let us think for a minute…

    Positive about the government? Nope.

    Hospital? The staff do the best they can with the criminally inadequate funding that the government provides.

    Ministers? Which minister of government were you thinking positive thoughts about?

  40. Thistle

    Roy Stoute:
    I don’t think it’s important to “look at other developing countries round the world” when we live here in BARBADOS, and have to deal with everyday problems and stress. Try telling a patient in pain at the QEH that they would be worse off in another country and see the reaction!

  41. Wishing in Vain

    Why are we to smile a not talk about the corruption and fraud that is VECO, 3S, Danos and the triple costing of the VECO built prison or the triple costing road works project being undertaken by DAnos AND 3 s LET ME BRING YOU UPTODATE AS YOU MAY HAVE BEEN OUT OF THE ISLAND THESE ARE THE SAME PERSONS THAT ARE BEFORE THE COURTS IN THE UK AND THE USA both for corruption in the form of FRAUD and BRIBERY.
    Why is it that these are the only type of people find to give these major contracts to you need to think about that and if after you do so you are still smiling you would have to be real stupid indeed because that is your money and my money that these crooks are stealing.

  42. Jerome Hinds

    The latest unscientific results from the David Thompson poll carried by Barbados Underground .

    I was quite surprised……..Royalrumble placed most of the YES votes !

    Royalrumble…….never fails to be captivated by the aura of David Thompson !

    He should take back the clothes David Thompson…..once LOANED him !

  43. Wishing in Vain

    This poll should be even more entertaining than the last one when they ask Are you satisfied with the explanation given by Minister Clyde Mascoll regarding his involvement in Hardwood Factory Housing Incorporated?
    It would amazing to see if the idiot manges one vote then again at least TONY HOYOS and MR SEE THRU will vote for him remember MR SEE THRU brought him in to displace Mottley and he is doing that job at present, then someone will replace him next before elections.
    Mr SEE THRU is making every effort to make sure that he has no challengers for his position that explains why he has Mottley eating ( really eating not biting ) humble pie!!!!
    I can’t get a word out of it , it is as quiet as church mouse!!!!