Daily Archives: June 6, 2006

D-Day in Normandy – Barbados Connections

Remembrance Day stories

June 6, 1944 – D-Day, The Allied Invasion of Hitler’s Fortress Europe

Bajans and other Caribbean warriors were there. May God bless them all. Here are a few items that I found on the net about Bajan Warriors during World War II…

The Significance of D-Day – Guyana Chronicle

An article written June 13, 2004 provides background details of the invasion and covers a June 6, 2004 60th Anniversary Ceremony at the Barbados Legion.

Remembering The Other Forgotten Soldier – Montreal Gazette

A wonderfully written piece about blacks at war – having to fight those who tried to prevent them from doing their part as well as the Nazis and Japanese. A must read.

Owen Rowe Obit.jpgOwen Rowe RCAF.jpg

“I was supposed to go to the Pacific front but then the Canadian commander called me to his office and said, “Sorry, Rowe, it’s not our fault. The Canadian troops in the Pacific are under the indirect command of the American forces and they don’t want blacks…”

Barbados Warrior – Flying Officer Owen Rowe, Royal Canadian Air Force

Listen to a Recording of Owen Rowe telling his story here. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Island Life

Barbados Poet Kamau Brathwaite Wins Griffin Prize 2006


From our Jamaican friend and author Geoffrey Philp we learned that Barbados-born poet Kamau Brathwaite has won the 2006 Griffin Prize for his book "Born To Slow Horses".

Geoffrey has an excellent and detailed article at his blog here – with links to many resources about Kamau Brathwaite.

Congratulations to Kamau, but mostly "thank you".

See our earlier post Geoffrey Philp Says Happy Birthday to Kamau Brathwaite

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Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Island Life

Illegal Immigration – One Bajan’s Opinion

Our friend Jdid writes Doan Mind Me blog out of Toronto, Canada where he now lives. Last week he came upon a protest by a group of illegal immigrants and was torn between feeling empathy for them as fellow immigrants, and being vexed because he stood in line lawfully and went through all the bureaucratic hassle that is part of coming legally to any new country.

Says Jdid…

…But on the other hand to be completely honest with myself I just can't really side with the protesters because of the reason I listed previously. How many would be legal immigrants are on hold trying to go through the mire of red tape, proving why they want to come here and that they would be valuable citizens, getting police records and bank statements and a million and one documents as proof of their skills and intentions, and paying a head tax, patiently waiting for some Canadian Immigration official to get to their file so they can come here and these cats jump the line, come here illegally and then get upset about being deported.

And I'm supposed to have sympathy? Sorry I know I probably should but I can't really lie and say that I do.

Read the whole article at Doan Mind Me.

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Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Culture & Race Issues, Island Life

Barbados Free Press Ranked #71 Of 200,000 WordPress Blogs – Worldwide

Frankly Charlotte… we are a bit lost for words…

WordPress.Com ranks Barbados Free Press as #71 most popular blog out of over 200,000 hosted blogs.

How is the daily ranking achieved? We have no idea, but WordPress says "The most popular WordPress.com blogs are ranked here according to a special formula."

While we are, of course, happy to be ranked anywhere as #71 out of a list of over 200,000 blogs, we will remember (with some humility) that we were beaten out by blogs like Binky The Doormat (#9) and All Angelina Jolie (#8)

You can view all WordPress.com rankings here.*

* I notice that, at this moment (2:27pm) we are bouncing around from #70 to #79 in the rankings, so this is obviously a fluid "up to the minute" ranking system – dependent upon the number of hits we are receiving at the moment. If you hit the link tomorrow and don't see us there, it means that someone else bumped us off the top 100. Fame can be fragile, I guess!

* At 11:10pm, I see that we have slipped to #89 and traffic is dying down on the blog for the night – as is usual after 11pm. I wonder if we will make the list again tomorrow? Goodnight all… I am up at 4:30am tomorrow morning for work. Robert 

Google Rankings Achieved By Barbados Free Press

Barbados Free Press usually does well with our Google rankings where – much to our surprise – we are often ranked ahead of both the Barbados Advocate and The Nation Newspaper.

World wide, when Google is searched for topics relating to Barbados, it is not unusual for Barbados Free Press articles to appear on the first page of returns. For instance… do a Google search on the following and see what comes up!

"prime minister owen arthur" (BFP is hit #3 out of 397,000 Google returns)

"owen arthur barbados" (BFP is hit #7 out of 176,000 Google returns)

"mia mottley" (BFP is hit #3 & #4 out of 15,900 Google returns)

"gline clarke" (BFP is hit #3 & #4 out of 764 Google returns)

"Liz Thompson Barbados" (BFP is hit #1 & #2 out of 292,000 Google returns)

"barbados politics" (BFP is hit #13 out of 4,870,000 Google returns)

"barbados political corruption" (BFP is hit #1 out of 512,000 Google returns)

"barbados BLP" (BFP is hit #9 out of 28,500 Google returns)

"barbados DLP" (BFP is hit #2 & #3 out of 67,000 Google returns)

"barbados environment" (BFP is hit #6 & #7 out of 11,600,000 Google returns)

"cane ethanol" (BFP is hit #4 out of 586,000 Google returns)

"ethanol barbados" (BFP is hit #1 & #2 out of 125,000 Google returns)

"barbados cricket" (BFP is hit #10 out of 2,380,000 Google returns)


Filed under Barbados

Barbados Media Forgets Anniversary – China’s Tiananmen Square Massacre


Barbados Media Forgets Tiananmen Square – But Reports Current Chinese Vice-Minister Grant Visit

Seventeen years ago – June 4, 1989 – Communist Chinese troops drove tanks over their young people in Tiananmen Square. Thousands* were shot, bayoneted or crushed to death beneath army tanks – for the offense of wanting to be free, for wanting democracy in a country that is ruled by a Communist elite. And, by the way, a Communist elite who still regularly murder citizens to keep themselves in power.

But the anniversary passed without anyone in the Barbados media mentioning it – and sadly, that included the Barbados Free Press. We only remembered late Sunday night when watching some satellite TV.

I saw nothing on the CBC, and nothing in the Nation News or Barbados Advocate.

But we do see an article today in the Barbados Advocate – reporting after the fact that the Vice Foreign Minister of China, H.E. Yang Jiechi "was on the island for a visit". Apparently, the Chinese Government representative met with the Governor General, PM Owen Arthur, Acting Minister Kerrie Symmonds and other senior Government officials.

The Barbados Advocate article fairly gushes with celebration over the ongoing Communist Chinese "grants", construction funds, scholarships and training programmes that Barbados has received over the years. This time, the Communists are giving us another 2 million dollars for some unspecified purpose…. all for purely altruistic, unselfish reasons, of course.

So we find it convenient to not mention the anniversary of the Chinese Communist massacre of teenagers on the same weekend as we grovel for another big cheque and some other handouts.

Probably just a coincidence that the Chinese arrived with a cheque on the anniversary.

Just in case you've forgotten about what did happen in Tiananmen Square, you can look at this coming link – WARNING – NOT FOR THE QUEASY – GRAPHIC PHOTOS. Tiananmen Square Massacre

China Entering & Impacting The Caribbean Community

Why should we care about the Tiananmen Square massacre? Aside from caring about the issue of thousands* of young people murdered by their communist government, at the very least, we Bajans should be truthful to ourselves about who we are sleeping with… and we have been in bed with China for some time.

China has entered the Caribbean Community as a significant political and economic player and is already skewing relationships and economies.

In short – China matters because they are here: bearing gifts for friends and economic punishments for those who don't do as they are told.

So let's get to know our Communist Chinese Benefactors A Bit Better…

1/ China sells body parts from executed prisoners – and conducts a thriving business where condemned prisoners are merely part of the supply chain. Citizens are executed for a variety of offenses – including copyright violations and credit card fraud.

Body parts from executed persons are sold by China for use as organ transplants, medical displays, traveling cadaver shows, and for use in the manufacturing of cosmetics. The method of execution is adjusted so as not to destroy the body part needed. Sometimes the method of execution is the removal of the body parts by surgeons.

References for this statement:

Organ Harvesting In China's Labour Camps (Epoch Times)

The Use of Organs from Executed Prisoners (Amnesty International)

Controversial Corpses Returned to China (Guardian Unlimited)

Harvesting and Sale of Body Parts (Various Sources)

Beauty Products From The Skin Of Executed Chinese Prisoners (Guardian Unlimited)

2/ China's "One Child" Policy Is Enforced Through Kidnapping Women – Forced Abortions and Sterilizations.

References for this statement:

Forced Abortion and Sterilization In China (US Congressional Hearings)

Hong Kong Resident Rescused From Forced Abortion (Epoch Times)

3/ Christians Are Oppressed In China As Government Policy – Often Jailed, Tortured. Sometimes Killed.

References for this statement:

Chinese Christians Beaten To Death, Tortured, Scores Jailed (Freedom House)

Woman Kicked To Death By Chinese Police For Possessing Bibles (Asia News)

China Jails Three For Printing Bibles (Washington Post)

Christian Activist Faces Imminent Arrest (China Aid)

4/ China Demands Its Business Partners Tow The Party Line. As a price of doing business with, and in, China, companies must agree to acts that would be illegal in other countries. For instance, in order to conduct business in China, companies like MicroSoft, Yahoo and Google modify their products so that Christian terms like "Jesus", "Christianity", "Bible Verses" and the like simply don't work in China. Not to mention other banned terms like "democracy" and "Tiananmen Square Massacre."

Companies like Yahoo! and MicroSoft even assist the Chinese Secret Police in locating and arresting "dissidents" – including journalists and Christians who pray in "unauthorized" locations.

References for this statement:

Google Restricting Search Results in China (World Net Daily)

Yahoo! Risks Abusing Rights In China (Human Rights News)

Information From Yahoo! Helped Jail Journalist (Reporters Without Borders)

MicroSoft Censors Chinese Blogger (Cnet News)

5/ China Illegally Funds Election Campaigns In Foreign Nations. Hey, did the BLP or DLP ever directly or indirectly receive campaign donations from Communist China or any front companies? How do we know one way or the other?

References for this statement:

Investigation On Illegal Activities 1996 Federal Election (Washington Post)

6/ China Is Heavily Engaged In Corporate & Military Espionage Against "Partner" Countries

References for this statement:

U.S. National Security Report re China

Thefts of US Technology Boost China's Weaponry (Washington Times)

China's Espionage Network Concerns Canada (Epoch Times)

7/ China's Police Often Use Brutal Methods To Control Dissent… and, by the way, they assist in training and equipping the Royal Barbados Police Force.

The symbolism of the Royal Barbados Police Force receiving training and equipment from one of the most brutal anti-freedom, anti-Christian policing organizations on the planet is unacceptable.

References for this statement:

Chinese Violently Quell New Protest (Herald Tribune)

Shanwei – 70 Massacred By Chinese Police (Epoch Times)

* Re "Thousands" of victims at Tiananmen Square

We received an email from (presumably) a Communist Chinese supporter who claimed that "fewer than a thousand" actually died and that few actually died in Tiananmen Square. The email (of course) never addressed any of the other atrocities or repression mentioned in our article.

OK – perhaps "fewer than a thousand" were actually killed by the Chinese Communists, or maybe more than a thousand were killed – but the letter writer is obviously focusing on the one possible issue that can be disputed in order to avoid having to look at the overall picture.


Filed under Barbados, Business, Island Life, Offshore Investments, Politics & Corruption