Daily Archives: June 4, 2006

BLP Slogan “A Brighter Future For Our (BLP) People” – Nation News…

IT WAS THOUGHT that the "our people" in the Barbados Labour Party's (BLP) motto, A Brighter Future For Our People, meant the people of Barbados.

The happenings in this country surely do not reflect that. It would appear as though the "our people" really means the BLP's people. This is reflected in many ways and in many areas throughout Barbados…

…From Carl Noel's letter to the editor of the Nation News. Read the whole letter here.

What do you think folks? Is the divide as bad as Mr. Noel seems to think?


Filed under Barbados, Island Life, Politics & Corruption

Barbados Opposition Leader Thompson Speaking In New York Today, Sunday – But Does Anyone Know?

One of our readers in New York City alerted us to the fact that Barbados Opposition Leader David Thompson is speaking today in New York City at 4:30pm. Either this wasn't very well publicised or we just missed it.

Here are the details as we see them in the New York Daily News article by Jared McCallister…

Barbados opposition leader David Thompson will speak today (Sunday June 4, 2006) at Brooklyn's St. Alban's Church hall, 9408 Farragut Road (between E. 94th and E. 95th Sts.) at 4:30 p.m.

The event is part of the Friends of Barbados D.L.P. Association's Errol Barrow Lecture Series. Call Lennox Price at (718) 241-6123, Mona Byone at (718) 251-3928, Annette Alleyne-Merritt at (718) 493-2723, or Shirley and Audrey Hair Concepts at (718) 363-2656.

There was only one mention of this online – a New York Daily News article published just this morning, the very day that Mr. Thompson was speaking.

Not very well done DLP

I just wish that the DLP and PEP could get themselves together somehow – as Barbados lacks an effective Opposition, and has become pretty well a one-party state. That is not healthy for any country.

But before the DLP talks about running a government, perhaps they could learn to not wait until the morning of the event to announce that the Leader of The Opposition is speaking…

… unless, it is just not that important.

(big sigh)

Here Is An Offer To Barbados Political Parties

The Barbados Free Press is read by thousands of people every week from Barbados and around the world – and consistently returns page one listings on Google and other search engines. If a political party or organization wishes to announce any meetings or special events in advance, then drop us an email and we will make the announcement online for you.

This might be of special interest to the two Barbados political parties that don't have any online presence at all.

Contact us at…. barbadosfreepress ("At" symbol) yahoo.com

(We don't use the "@" symbol in the line above so that automatic mail spam programs will ignore the line.)


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Island Life, Politics & Corruption, Traveling and Tourism