Barbados news media covers up Health Minister’s teen porn connections

“Is it fear, complicity or both that keeps Barbados journalists from reporting major stories that everyone already knows about?”

Barbados Free Press has been reporting on Health Minister Inniss’ online porn industry connections for over a year. Mia Mottley tried to raise the issue during the 2007 election campaign, but the press made a joke of it because all she could come up with (or dared to come up with) was

WARNING: Graphic proof online for anyone to see

There is so much more information than available online for anyone to see. There was probably a whole lot more but some of it is being covered up and erased lately. Don’t worry folks! Barbados Free Press started looking at some of the Health Minister’s porn websites months ago. We’re not professional journalists, we’re ordinary Bajans – but what we came up with puts the entire Barbados news media to shame. Anyone can do what we did and see what we saw using Google etc.

Where else in the West but Barbados are journalists too frightened to follow up on stories of government Ministers’ corruption and consorting with slime?

The answer is “Lots of places: like Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti, Chile, Honduras and Guatemala…”

Some might say how dare we compare Barbados with those places, and to those we reply… if it isn’t fear, then what is it that keeps the Barbados news media from reporting when a Government Minister lives in a house on expropriated land? Why did the news media not report that the Public Prosecutor set the police to arrest and strip search his young female tenant at 2am for back rent? Why did the Barbados news media refuse to cover the story of a government contractor charged with kickbacks and bribes in another country? What about the secret withdrawal of bribery charges against Police Sergeant Paul Vaughan? Why wasn’t that story done?

Police thug roughs up Barbados journalist Jimmy Gittens

Our Barbados journalists know what happens if the police don’t like you photographing an accident or crime scene: Police Superintendent “Poop-for-brains” Broomes take or break your equipment and erase the photos if you’re lucky. If it’s not your lucky day police beat you and drag you off with no authority in law except brutal force. Rule of law is what the man with the gun says it is. “Little Britain” ??? I don’t think so!

Soon the journalist will appear in the newspaper smiling and shaking hands with the Commissioner of Police – if he or she knows what is good for them.

So we understand why the Barbados news media are cowards. We understand why the news organizations paid tribute in tens of thousands of dollars for asking how former Tourism Minister Noel Lynch became a millionaire on a government salary.

We understand.

Barbados news media refuses to cover Donville Inniss porn industry, money laundering story!

But we don’t respect the Barbados news media. Yellow cowardly puppies who piss themselves when a real story comes their way. They piss themselves and sit there all day waiting for a doggie biscuit called government advertising rather than report serious questions about where the millions of dollars in online porn money is going. (Check Switzerland guys – we found it online, we got the credit card bill and we’re nobodies! We’re not “journalists”… and neither are you, you pee-in-your-pants pathetic excuses for news reporters.)

I can’t tell you how disgusted I am that not one Barbados news outlet has duplicated our very easy to find online sources, done a little research and asked Donville Inniss or the Prime Minister why our Minister of Health is associated with websites that serve up naked teenagers sticking household items in places that God didn’t design with that in mind.

“Barbados News Media: Cover the story or shut down, you pee-in-your-pants cowards.”

The world of Teen Online Porn by Health Minister Donville Innis

“The name of this work is®. Copyright © 2000-2011 Halo 9, Ltd. All rights reserved.® is a registered service mark of Fiesta Catering International, Inc. and is used with permission. *The claim that is the favorite tube site of any celebrity, politician, farm animal, family member, religion, or really anyone at all, is complete bullshit. In fact, for all we know, the people that are jokingly mentioned under our logo are only into transexual amputee scat porn (not that there’s anything wrong with that).”

Okay folks. You want to know how Donville Inniss is involved in all this? No problem! Get yourself a coffee or a tonic an’ gin because you are going to need it sooooooo badly before this is over. Fuh True!

First, go to the website Read the fine print. See how the Orgasm trademark is licensed by the owner: Fiesta Catering in Barbados?

Who Is Fiesta Catering?

That’s easy: do a whois search on Fiesta Catering and back comes Donville Inniss.

Who owns the trademark “Orgasm” of the website? Ha! Fiesta!

Where does the money go?

That is something we will get to next week. Much more to follow but I have to go to work now.


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Ethics, Politics

29 responses to “Barbados news media covers up Health Minister’s teen porn connections

  1. what will they think of next

    You are wasting your time Sandra Husbands.
    Even if you were a porn star no one would look at you twice.

  2. chauvinist moron

    while anyone may be wasting their time to counter that which is engrained in male Barbadians right to abuse women, WWTTON reaches an all time low and exposes himself ( no woman would write this drivel ). He needs to move over to other blogs that promote hate under the guise of free speech.

  3. The DPP claims he has never read you all, asked him the other night at the Museum – whereas the new U.S. Charge D’Affaires wanted to know the URL for here…

  4. tony

    this is not about voting is it? this is about integrity and and an appreciation for all that ‘s good

  5. just want to know

    I don’t know how Ms> Husbands name got into this. If what will they think of next, know something that the rest of us don’t, pray tell, Don’t just make things up that have no proof. This porn thing have been going round for ages, and I would like the police to investigate to see if our representative are doing something illegally.

  6. what will they think of next

    Sandra Husbands is pulling out all the stops to get this seat. But she is wasting her time.
    She was rejected in every constituency she tried to represent. Sandra Husbands is a born loser.

  7. what will they think of next

    Sandra Husbands is just another suicide candidate like Hudson in St. John recently.
    All the other labour people with sense stayed clear of St. James South. Sandra got the pick because no one else wanted it. They are not as stupid as she is.

  8. We seriously need to come to grips with our sexuality..

    I chuckle inside every time I read of porn “victimising women”.
    What a crock. The girls do it voluntarily.

    They do it for the $$$$
    They do it because they are proud of their young beautiful bodies.
    They do it because they’re no longer bound by silly old-fashioned Victorian ‘mores and moral’ of a time now long past.

    Get over it.
    It’s only the human body
    -nothing more exciting than that..

    Guys are supposed to admire the female form…unless you’re gay??
    This “immoral lust” lol buried deep in our DNA and subliminal motor functions, like breathing and our automatic heartbeat.
    If you can control any of those for longer that ten minutes
    then maybe you can control man’s desire to check out da babes!

    Long live porn.
    -you might notice it’s been around for at least 30 years.
    300 years.
    Three thousand years.
    It’s a part of that nasty nasty human necessity called..
    .dare I even use the word?…..Sex!

  9. Porn on the 4th of July

    “We seriously need…” is probably Mr. Inniss himself. How does Mr. Inniss feel about relations with farm animals? I’ve found the answer online and if BFP doesn’t already know I will send it to them. Do you know BFP?

  10. We seriously need to come to grips with our sexuality..

    Trust me when I tell you I’m not Mr. Inniss.
    I’m not even of his ethnicity! lol

    Relations with animals? How kinky are YOU?
    You went lookin fer THAT? I’m ashamed of you.

    The FBI knows where you’ve beeeeeen!
    -but it was only for “Research Purposes” lol

    Sorry but..I’m not at all into your cross-species stuff.
    Nor am I into scat, although you may be (I’m so sorry).

    So you went looking for sex-with-animals? Cool.
    And you found it. -Seek and ye shall find!

    What other nasty stuff did you find?
    Snuff movies? Were they good?


    Someone once told me the internet is like New York City.
    If you look for it, you can find everything there
    -the best of everything -and the worst of everything.

    Keep looking for nasty stuff
    -it might eventually justify what you’re trying to get over to us.

    Meanwhile normal wholesome porn between two humans
    presses on.
    Big deal. (I prefer ‘straight’ stuff between man and woman)


    P.S. You should try repressing your sexual urges
    more than you presently do.
    Clutch your bible to your chest
    as you pray against your God-given hormones.

    Best of Luck. You’ll need it.

  11. Donville's Legacy

    I also came across disgusting perverted websites when I started feeding Mr. Inniss’s company names into Google and other search bars. What I found in 10 minutes tells me that BFP hasn’t even started to scratch the surface. When they said they would drip drip the stories they were telling the truth. They (bfp) have to know what I know from 10 minutes of research. They said you could do it with google and that’s why the journalists have no excuse for not doing the story.

  12. Colin L Beadon

    The simple dreadful bottom line !
    The more difficult becomes the local economy and the rising cost of living, the more young women will be forced to find ways and means.

  13. Colin L Beadon

    Sparrow said it all, long ago, in Jean and Dinah.

  14. Look the best way to do this is to approach Donville directly. i sent him a message via Facebook, let’s see what happens next…

  15. Pingback: Barbados Human Trafficking: Conflict of Interest in Government? | Barbados Free Press

  16. Truthman Burton

    Barbados news media covers up Health Minister’s teen porn connections

    “Where does the money go?

    That is something we will get to next week. Much more to follow but I have to go to work now.”


    BP, this thread and the similar ones currently still on your front page have gone dormant. You promised more substantial information based on your investigations, and I am certainly waiting to read it. In the absence of that info forthcoming, these threads are far worse than the DLP’S election LYING campaign promises to investigate and lock up practically the entire former BLP cabinet for so-called “widespread corruption”, and also to introduce integrity legislation within the first 100 days of office!

    Well … you appear to have nothing else, so put up or clear these threads. Donville Inniss has steadfastly ignored everybody, probably relying on the bajan norm, that this “nine day wonder” will disappear quietly into the sunset.

    My suggestion though, as a last effort, would be to work a Bill O’Reilly tactic on Inniss. Stake out his home or office, and ambush him on camera, putting direct questions to his face on his alleged involvement in porn, and if he uses the millions he allegegly makes to help finance election campaigns etc.

    Publish the interview and photographs here, so we can check his body language. How about it BP, or even IAN BOURNE?

  17. Pingback: Barbados Health Minister silent on US global child porn arrests | Barbados Free Press

  18. Pingback: » Is Barbados Less Corrupt than UK and US? Keltruth Corp.: News Blog of Keltruth Corp. - Miami, Florida, USA.

  19. Pingback: Transparency International fooled by Barbados ‘Omerta’ | Barbados Free Press

  20. Pingback: The morning after strikes Cliverton – slowly… | Barbados Free Press

  21. Pingback: Barbados Queen Elizabeth Hospital cannot pay millions owed to suppliers | Barbados Free Press

  22. Pingback: Attention Finance Minister Sinckler: About those Donville Inniss US Corporations, Real Estate and Assets | Barbados Free Press

  23. Pingback: What if Owen Arthur was a homosexual instead of an adulterer? | Barbados Free Press

  24. Tabloid or Press

    Truthman Burton,

    You are absolutely correct. Substantiate claims or offer apologies to those persons whose names you have smeared for the sake of some exposure, $$$ or whatever reason. Its free press when you have clear facts, but when its just smear and scandals based on threads, its a tabloid. Dont ruin what dwindling reputtaion you have.

  25. Pingback: Barbados Health Minister attacks journalist over questions about Minister’s porn business profiteering | Barbados Free Press

  26. skipperv

    We need an agency to police the police in Barbados like the Feds do in America! RCMP and FBI ! But they will soon be corrupted as well maybe its time for Scotland yard again.

  27. Pingback: Naked News: The documentary. Barbados Health Minister Inniss about to become world famous? | Barbados Free Press

  28. Pingback: Barbados porn-industry profiteer takes moral position against same-sex marriage laws | Barbados Free Press

  29. Pingback: Google’s tangled web – criminal? (Big data small minds #2) | Intelek International