Barbados Human Trafficking: Conflict of Interest in Government?

Will Health Minister Donville Inniss work against his own, and his friends’ financial interests?

Once again Barbados has been placed on the Tier 2 Watch List of the US State Department’s annual Trafficking in Persons Report. That’s one rating from the bottom and puts Barbados on a peer with countries like Angola, Bangladesh, Chad and Syria.

Countries rated higher than Barbados include Pakistan, Sierra Leone and our neighbour Trinidad and Tobago. Although there are valid arguments that the US State Department’s rating process is flawed, when you read the report it is apparent that Barbados takes a very casual approach to trafficking in persons.

“We’re wondering if our country’s failure to address human trafficking is because one of our senior government ministers is closely aligned with, and profits from, the pornography industry.”

Linked: Human Trafficking, Prostitution, Porn Industry

The ties between human trafficking, prostitution and the pornography industry are well documented, so it is not out of line to say that the Barbados Government Minister in question has a conflict of interest. One of our own community leaders even documented the link between human trafficking and the porn film industry.

When Health Minister Donville Inniss votes against human trafficking, he votes against his own financial interests in profiting from the pornography industry.

There is also the matter of the Health Minister’s business associates, clients and friends in the pornography industry. If Minister Inniss votes against human trafficking, he’s voting against his associates and friends – and in a real way taking money from their pockets.

And let us not forget that some of the funding for Mr. Inniss’s election campaign came from his own profits from working with the pornography industry. What we don’t know is how much the DLP election campaign received from Mr. Inniss’s friends and porn business associates. Did they help out their old friend in his bid to get elected? Of course they did! You’d help out your friend if he or she stood for Parliament, wouldn’t you?

Why did the Barbados Government fail to criminalize all forms of Trafficking in Persons?

“The main obstacles to anti-trafficking progress in Barbados were: the new legislation’s failure to criminalize all forms of trafficking in persons; the government’s absence of formal procedures to guide officials in victim identification and assistance; and the absence of a formal mechanism to coordinate government and NGO actions on trafficking issues.”

… from the 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report

Donville Inniss, Democratic Labour Party

Health Minister Inniss and the Democratic Labour Party government have a big conflict of interest and a real stake in the continuing profitability of the pornography industry. Those campaign donations from Mr. Inniss’s friends in the porn business aren’t likely to continue if the DLP gets tough on human trafficking and interferes with the porn profits.

How much money are we talking?

The website says it has paid out millions of dollars in advertising to online affiliate marketers. That is big money. The trademark is registered to none other than Fiesta Catering International, Inc. and when you say “Fiesta”, the name of Donville Inniss is right there too.

We hate to tell you this, but it gets worse…

We’re not just talking “soft” porn here folks. As we’ve seen, Mr. Inniss’s trademark pushes teen porn, pregnant women porn and we hate to tell you this (and I’m really thinking about how to write it here) but some of the affiliates feature porn sites showing people and animals. I’ll leave it at that, but we’ve made photographs of the computer screen in case Mr. Inniss ever wants to write to WordPress and says we’re not telling the truth.

We are telling the truth about everything and we have the proof, but we’re sure not going to post it here. The Bajan news media won’t touch this even though the information is there in public online. That tells you something about the Bajan news media. Neither will Barbados Underground blog touch the story although they can see the information online too. That tells you something about the Barbados Underground blog too.

Over to you Prime Minister Stuart – as your Health Minister has made it clear by his silence that there is a cover-up in progress. Well, Mr. Inniss can cover up as much as he wants and change things around now, but we have all the computer screen photographs taken over a long period, so he can’t say it’s not so and WordPress isn’t about to take down this article because they can find the proof online just like we did.

Mr. Prime Minister – watcha gonna do ’bout this?

Next article: Following the money: Online porn and money laundering


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Human Rights, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption, Slavery

6 responses to “Barbados Human Trafficking: Conflict of Interest in Government?

  1. what will they think of next

    Is this the only that you think you can win the St. James South seat Sandra Husbands?
    Liz Thompson tried this method as well and it backfired on her, Donville is now the representative.
    If you want corruption stories look no further than your own corrupt Barbados Labour Party, you will find a treasure trove of corruption stories there. As you well know.

  2. jeff

    talk about conflict of interest

    a million dollar bath that was built by this popular politician’s husband.


  3. Johnny Postle

    BFP u aint mekking no sport with the Inniss porn issue ain’t you? What are you hoping to acheive that you did not with the likes of other elected officials who represented the people whilst dabbling in their prefer alternative lifestyles. The power to bring about change might be found in the tongue but many of the tongues that wag in Barbados are immoral and full with lies so what likely outcome are you hoping to gain in this allege Inniss porn ring?

  4. Pingback: Barbados Health Minister silent on US global child porn arrests | Barbados Free Press

  5. Pingback: Barbados Health Minister attacks journalist over questions about Minister’s porn business profiteering | Barbados Free Press

  6. Pingback: Internet pornography kills love, warps young minds and sustains slavery. | Barbados Free Press