Daily Archives: January 5, 2008

Shell Oil and the Barbados BLP Government – Together, THIS Is What They Achieved…


Here are the pics I promised. The shed is one that Shell put a pump to draw oil off the well which is situated just behind. Everyday, a tanker would collect it. This well is situated approximately 60 yards from the major spill in 1994. This well which was connected to the rural irrigation system was disconnected as it was too contaminated with oil. The crops you see are pigeon peas which I was forced to plant as I discontinued the use of the water, and used natural rainfall.


Look Closely And Observe The Brute Force Of Shell

They just drove their way over the ground which I am leasing, Those drums were all filled , and after a fire broke out one evening, they just dumped the oil all out over the land. I spoke to the guys in Oistins, and was not met with the slightest apology . Notice all the trees which were singed. They all died eventually, and I did a replant.

This is how our country allow corporate giants to treat our country.

Thanks for your concern.
Bryan King.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Barbados Underground has posted the full set of these disgusting photos (link here)


Filed under Barbados, Business, Crime & Law, Environment, Health, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption