End Of An Era – The Nation’s Harold Hoyte Retires & Foreign Interests Take Over Barbados’ Largest Newspaper

After 31 years, Harold Hoyte is retiring from The Nation News – Barbados’ largest circulation newspaper. Whether you agree with Mr. Hoyte’s management of the paper or not, it is a certainty that The Nation Newspaper has been a major influence in Barbados life, culture and politics for three decades.

The occasion of Mr. Hoyte’s retirement seems an ideal time to mention that the largest circulation newspaper in the country is still a major influence in Barbados – but it is no longer owned and controlled by Barbados citizens.

Does it matter?


Story Links

From The Nation News:

Harold Hoyte Says Farewell
Gittens: Let’s Move Forward Together As One


Filed under Barbados, News Media, Politics & Corruption

152 responses to “End Of An Era – The Nation’s Harold Hoyte Retires & Foreign Interests Take Over Barbados’ Largest Newspaper

  1. Jerome Hinds

    A sterling contribution Mr. Hoyte. I am sure after 31 years in such a business you get to appreciate the rough and tumble (negrocratic labels included !). But you soldiered on and kept the faith. Happy retirement !!!

  2. Jupiter

    I like Mr Hoyte a lot personally,however I wished that he during his tenure had given us bajans who supported him ,real investigative journalism on the pages of the Nation Newspaper.

    Vivian Gittens seem like a timid woman who might know a lot about finance but little about the tough world of journalism.I saw her remarks about katherine from the Washington Post who took over from her husband,but I ‘m not sure Mrs Gittens is a Katherine.

    And,what can we say about Ms Roxanne Gibbs of the infamous’BLP Surge’ headline.If this is where we are going then we have much to despair about.

    Happy retirement harold.

    Hope we have a real newspaper soon though.

  3. passin thru

    Shame that Bajans don’t own the paper anymore.

  4. Sobs

    Bye! Enjoy all that money the Trikidadians stuffed in your pocket! Enjoy your sell-out, I mean retirement!

  5. titilayo

    Mrs. Gittens a timid woman? Jokes!

  6. God Bless David

    Vivian-Anne Gittens is a VERY tough and smart lady…I know from personal experience. Beleive me, she is not one to back down from a fight, or cower in fear of reprisals from powerful people. She’s not as much of a “people person” as Hoyte was, but she’s a good choice to lead that organsiation, I think.

    Roxanne Gibbs is an idiot, IMHO…

  7. Mile and a Quarter

    We will soon know if Vivian Gittens has the balls to speak truth to power. I like Harold Hoyte. He is a great Barbadian from Black Rock.

  8. Wuh Loss

    Happy Retirement Harold!!!

    There will always be detractors, but you showed that as a young black Barbadian you and the others who started out behind St. Mary’s Church were not afraid to take the plunge. The Nation has served us well.

    But like some other commentators I am saddened that the Nation is no longer in solely Bajan hands and not solely because the hands are not Bajan, but by virtue of the owners of those hands.

    I believe the principal owner had a hand in a cash payment to Basdeo Panday. We do not need more of this type of behaviour here.

    And we all know that Thompy is best buddies with the owner’s “man on the spot” or is it “at the hellum”.

  9. Jupiter


    You can join us citizen journalists at this BFP media outlet anytime you like you know.

  10. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Blog Archive » Barbados: Harold Hoyte Retires

  11. Jupiter

    Yesterday,as I picked up the Sunday Sun I couldn’t help noticing the paucity of local news/analysis in the paper.You would have thought that an end of year edition would have lots of analysis on politics, the economy,social,cultural matters – with guest commentators etc.

    It is really pathetic to see that both the Nation and the Advocate newspapers rely heavily on the contributions on the VOB call in programmes for their leading or general news and for their editorials.

    Yet we had vivian gittens asking her readers in the papers yesterday to give comment and suggestions about the newspaper.What,she has been deaf or blind over the past few years.

    To my mind,Barbados is a society that embraces and celebrates mediocrity and any one that seeks to inist on excellence is seen as a nuisance.

    Check out this administration and those persons holding ministerial position.Take Lynette Eastmond for example,why did the prime minister insist on bringing her in the cabinet?
    Because she excelled during a conference at Brussels in getting a conference room.
    So you see this apparent ‘excellence’ in the mouthings and lack of policy direction from this minister,and others like her,but of course to say that must mean that you’re either a DLP or anti – BLP.

    Mediocrity is seen in the offerings from the parliamentarians on both sides in the house.It’s seen on CBC tv programming,in the on – air presenters in both radio and t.v.,in the food and vegetables supermarkets sell us,in the service we receive from businesses we patronise,and I can go on and on.

    What’s the prognosis for 2007 people?

    I suppose more of the same,unless we awaken from our slumber and inertia,and make our dissatisfaction known publicly.

  12. Out Dey In Bim

    Is it just me or did anyone else find it a tad bit suspicious that on the eve of the new year the Nation newspaper carries on its front page a story that a Mr Francis from Standards & Pore says despitr the high borrowing by B’dos,the country is o.k.?

    Is this the same standards and pore from earlier this year?

    And why did the nation think this deserved big blaring headlines to open the year with.

    Smells fishy to me ,just like the rawle eastmond story.

  13. I doubt we need worry that the Trini owners of The Nation will interfere with editorial poliicy or news coverage.

    They will want to maximise the return on their investment, and a successful newspaper is the best way to achieve this. Meddling in our paper would kill it and destroy the value of their investment. I trust they will let the staff do their own thing.

  14. Jupiter sweetie,

    I have not done any work in Brussels really, since I know that your watch words are honesty and transparency perhaps perhaps you would wish to replace Brussel with either Paris, Amsterdam, London, Geneva, Rotterdam … …

    I suppose that would be enough multiple choices for you.

    By the way who wrote the speech for the unveiling of statue of Rt. Ex. Errol Barrow?


  15. Jerome Hinds

    I am not surprised about the writing of the speech – probably did this ‘ under ‘ Owen at the time……!!

  16. Anonymous

    “probably did this ‘ under ‘ Owen at the time……!!”

    HAHhhhAHahAHahahahaAHhAaHa… jupiter!!!!!! LOL!!

  17. De Orginal

    lynette eastmond interesting when we we discussing Rawle Eastmond where was she…………….

  18. Dear Jerome baby … … I really can’t address someone called Anonymous …. ….

    Hmm – felt you had to get real nasty to respond to me – very interesting. Did I get under your skins just a tad? I meant no harm.

    Couldn’t figure out how to do the multiple choice – that can get you real vex!!

    Do you guys listen to Calypso? About two Crop-Overs ago there was a song “Instead of Knowing you they stand aside and judge looking for information to run with it so they could be scandalous” Everybody said yeah man dat is true!!-

    I guess I have now met the “they” in the song.

    The calysonian was commenting on what many women go through – granted not just in Barbados but elsewhere.

    Nevertheless the same quantum of goodness that you wish for me in your heart I hope that the same is granted to your mothers, sisters, wives and especially your daughters.

    By the way you can have a look at my website – clearly individuals with a lot of time on your hands!!

    BTW I meant David Thompson’s speech – that is the only one you guys would know about. Did one of you write it?


  19. Jerome Hinds

    Dear Lynette,

    It is obvious an ‘ open ‘ comment rubbed you on the wrong SPOT…… Not our fault baby….What you do and with whom is UP to you!!!!

    By the way, since you are on the Errol Barrow subject and calypsoes, it is amazing how your party can now ‘ HAIL ‘ the great man….. but in 1987 the Calypso King of Barbados sang,

    ‘ They want to know WHY under the BLP government Independence would come and go and no one would MENTION … Barrow …???? ‘

    Check Bumba’s winning song back then… !!!

    You BLP HOODLUMS believe that you can now
    ‘ GLORIFY ‘ Barrow’s name and good works in an effort to hoodwink Barbadians……!!!

    Lady Lynette, ‘ the speechwriter ‘ Eastmond…Wheel and COME again…..!!!!

  20. I find it very refreshing that we have the most articulate politician around mixing it up again with the likes of Jupi and Anon- and giving as good as she gets.

    That way there could be a useful rapport with people who count rather our bleating into empty cyberspace. We try to make sensible comments, and it feels good to think one pair of political ears with something between them is out there listening.

  21. Jupiter


    If you noticed I ignored Lynette Eastmond – she doesnot figure on my radar screen.

    Jerome Davis is welcome to respond to her ‘desperate attempts for attention’

    Bet yuh she will respond to this – although people on this blog site were asking her to respond on a whole lot of other contentious matters raised here – including the Rawle Eastmond Issue.

    Based on the comments I read I can clearly tell who are BLP operatives writing on her behalf,or the party’s behalf.

    I theresay you will find some of that on the other side also,but say what – you can tell that most of these contributors on this site are genuine in their disgust and anxiety about where this country is heading.

    Watch and see the same thing will happen with dugid, and we already see it happening with Royal Rumble – they lie low when the going gets hot,and re emerges to throw out spin and give the impression they are communicating with the public.

    But obviously they ain’t getting it – we aint in Nursery school no more – we can read between the lines – and they ain’t cutting it.

  22. Jupiter: You right we genuine in our disgust and concern but diablogue is still better than monoblogue. They listening and they not all chupid.

  23. realissues

    hitting lynette under the belt with comments like “under” plays right into their hands. it allows them to divert attention away from the real issues and focus on the marginal. lets engage her on all the corruption her party has been perpetrating, on the sorry path they have lead our country down since 1994. But then, realistically, we all know what happens when we try to do that- she dissapears. Can’t handle the heat.

  24. Jerome Hinds

    Good Night,

    Lady Lynette, ‘ the speechwriter ‘ Eastmond, How is your writing ‘ Down Under ‘……?

    Your last post was very insightful……some bajans always wondered why OWEN was always singing your praises about fighting the OECD…..!!

    We now KWOW……

    Only Eastmond Can Do….= O E C D !!!!!

  25. Jerome Hinds

    Good Morning,

    Lady Lynette ‘ speechwriter ‘ Eastmond = OECD, how are you today?

    As someone who professess to ‘ know ‘ so much about Errol Barrow’s philosophy and vision for Barbados…. PLEASE……….TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY……As you attend the Cabinet meeting today ‘ UNDER ‘ OWEN’S……..CHAIR-
    MAN – SHIP…….and…ASK….OWEN, If he thinks Errol Barrow , would have supported the selling off of Bajans……SCARCE land resource to pay off the….DEBT you BLP GANG ran up…..?????

    Do not get toooo…….carried……..AWAY as you wait on Owen’s REPLY………!!!

  26. Lynette Eastmond

    Yes ladies and gentlemen,

    Those comments do rub me up the wrong way – there are those of you including women on this board who believe that women should not be making a contribution to politics at this level- but this is the legacy of the DLP.

    That it is your legacy is not my view that is the view of your female stalwarts.

    Unfortunaetly your blazing female trend setting politicians were never given the opportunity that I was given by Owen Arthur – that rubs me up the wrong way – he gave opportunities to men as well – those that came over from your party for example – yet you would never suggest any impropriety of that nature – suggestions that would sully their reputation not only locally but before the entire world – as you have sought to do with me.

    You would never make those comments about a man but you hide behind this facility that has been provided by BFP.

    I don’t think that you hate me – you’re just being political – and some of you believe that politics absolves you of any kind of social or moral responsibility – and as Jupiter said I’m not really the individual you wish to attack it is Owen Arthur because you recognise that the big issue is still leadership.

    You were the ones who started to become nasty because what I said got under your skin.

    As I said you say these things about me but you have sisters, wives mothers and especially daughters. I wish them well with people like you around. Your vision is narrow – your scandalous behaviour towards me based on the fact that I am a woman would possibly affect and retard not only my progress but theirs as well.

    May God continue to guide those of you who would call yourselves “Builders of Barbados”.

    Hasta luego


  27. realissues

    Lynette, notice what I said about those type of comments. I won’t stoop to that level, being that I have a wife, daughters, sisters, mother, aunt, grandmother etc. I have no love for either party. I don’t hide behind this site because I have numerous problems with its one sided nature, its lack of balance etc. My problem is the direction your party has taken this country in, the blatant corruption, the lies, the lack of integrity, transparency, accountability, the way you put your spin and propaganda to try and cover up your wickedness and the way you and your party never substantively respond to the questions asked of you. I am sure a change of government will result in the same situation with different people at the helm, but that doesn’t excuse the current governing party from legitimate criticism of the wickedness it is engaging in.

  28. Jerome Hinds

    Dear Lynette,

    Just as ALL Barbadians expected of you and the BLP…..!!!!

    You nit – pic over the non- contentious issues!!!

    Barbadians ALL know that you look forward to the day when you can say PROUDLY to your kids and grand- kids, I, Lynette, ‘ OECD ‘ Eastmond was a hard-working Cabinet Minister UNDER Owen Arthur Administration…!!!

    For you to say that ….WHAT is wrong ???

    After all you are DESERVING of such accolades…..!!!

    But the REAL problem with YOU and the rest of the BLP CHARLATANS is that you BELIEVE….Barbados is your FIEFDOM….and NOBODY….should DEMAND…..ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY from WUNNAH……!!!!


    Bajans are NOT surprised to see you getting on so…IRRITABLE….OVER…..the word………… UNDER……POOR Girl we know A lot PUN ya Mind…..!!!

    Here ARE the ISSUES you GOTTA deal WITH:


    Hence, in 2003 as a political NEOPHYTE …still in pampers…..YOU DECLARED TO ALL OF BARBADOS…..THERE IS NO NEED FOR AN …OPPOSITION….!!!!



    B. QEH WOES….!!!






    BUT….BETWEEN…..29th January, 2007 ….AND…31st January, 2007…..ONE…..WORD…… ‘ UNDER ‘…….. Mek you CRAWL….OUT…THE….DARK….and POST 3…TIMES….on BFP site…your CUD DEAR STRATEGY…..!!!

    All the people WANT from you…is the TRUTH….about what going WITH those ISSUES AND THE others in Buhbados. ….!!!

    Wha NOBODY Ain’t Afraid of and YOU need not BE Afraid of ANYBODY…..All WE..WANT..to HEAR is DE TRUTH..on…THOSE…ISSUES….and…the…REST! !

    Very soon you are GOING to be coming by ME for A…VOTE….!!!

    I am the shopkeeper, whose shop you VISIT frequently to EAT yuh PUDDING and SOUSE with KNIFE & FORK…….!!!!


  29. Jerome Hinds

    Dear Minister Eastmond,

    Since your last POST to me on this section of the BFP site…..muh phone can’t stop ringing and customers in and out muh shop here in St. Philip WEST …..!!!

    As Minister of Commerce yuh BOOST muh SALES…!!!! Thank you !!!

    Ah know yuh like yuh music…..Bob Marley sang a song, part of which went like this…’ In Every Man Chest…There Beats A heart…’

    From your last post I could not help along with some of my customers and friends who read what you wrote, BUT NOTICING…. that you have a very SOFT spot in yuh HEART for WOMEN……WE APPLAUD, you , Ms. Minister, 100 %…..BECAUSE WE HAVE THE SAME IN OUR HEARTS TOO.

    We also notice that over the years the Prime Minister often speak GLOWINGLY of you and you of him in the public domain.

    In your last post in this section of BFP the same observation can be made.

    That brings me to the next point, given all that the Prime Minister is preaching ( at least it sounds so……To Bajans ) recently about BASHMENT and MORALITY, some FIRST TIME VOTERS…..MAINLY…….YOUNG…… WOMEN…..OUT HERE..in…St. Philip WEST …..ASK me to ask you….

    What DO you think about the Prime Minister being MARRIED…to Mrs. Beverley Arthur……YET Samantha, Leah ( his daughters ) and GOD knows WHO else…POPPING out of OTHER….WOMEN….while he still was MARRIED to BEVERLEY ???

    Obviously, they TELL me they WANT to HEAR your VIEWS on this quick…..given all the TALK ..in….BUHBADOS……..bout YOUNG PEOPLE ain’t got NO MORALS, Cellphone Sex and the LIKE…..!!

    Well yuh know I GOTTA canvas FUH you, But I AM NOT CLOSE TO THE PRIME MINISTER…..!!!


    Fuh my business THINGS will be alright because they PROMISE to come back in de MORNING to SEE if I hear….from you…BUT….If….YOU ain’t gimme NOTHING to REPORT…..THEN…I DO NOT KNOW HOW…..THE VOTES ….WILL GO FOR YOU.

    On a lighter note, de Pudding & Souse gine be ready at NOON Saturday….Ah washing de knife & Fork now……!!!!

    Hear yuh Later…..!!!

  30. Jerome Hinds

    Good Morning, Minister Lynette Eastmond, How are you today ?

    Were you able to get your views together for the WOMEN in St. Philip West……that were ASKED of you on this same page..???

    They CROWDING muh shop…..!!!!!

  31. Jupiter

    Jerome Davis

    There are 2 things you said above that I wish to comment and agree wholeheartedly on – and that is:

    1)You said that Lynette Eastmond is ‘nit-picing over non-contentious issues’

    That my friend has always been her style.She chooses the least central point or an aside and she makes that the thrust of her argument.

    First of all I don’t know where she got it that’even Jupiter says that I’m not the person you wish to attack it’s really owen arthur becuase its about leadership”

    Where did she got that Jupiter quote from?

    She also said “there are those of you including women on this board who believe that women should not be involved in politics at this level…”

    Where for goodness sake is the evidence that persons INCLUDING WOMEN posting on this site are against women participating in politics at a high level?

    I think you summed it up well Jerome Davis – she is yet again employing her ‘cud dear strategy’.

    See how she tries to pull at heart strings or make people who don’t know better – by making reference to those who have ‘mothers,sisters and aunts’.

    My take on this is – Politics they say,is not a Sunday School,and if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

    When she is pelting lashes at David Estwick or her DLP opponents – they don’t ask for sympathy,so do so doan like so.

  32. Ladies and Gentlemen

    Sorry I was not able to read all of your comments – but as Arnold Swazenneger used to say “I’ll be back.”

    I know that as a human being in your view my existence is unimportant to life or Barbados politics etc. etc.(like flies to wonton boys) – so why are you spending so much time on me – responding, analysing, getting angry, getting nasty, raising your blood pressure? Never heard of “Don’t sweat the small stuff”?

    The thing about it is that I just have to step out in to this forum and say a few words and you all run amuck – absolutely remarkable!

    You know that song by Elton John “You had the grace to hold yourself – while those around you crawled – crawled out of the woodwork” – not that I am saying I’m like Norma Jean : ) – heaven forbid!! – just referring to the part about you crawling …. …

    I tend to measure out my life in lyrics they just come to me like T.S. Eliot I “measure out my life in coffee spoons” – I measure out my life in stanzas

    BTW were any of you out of doors today – absolutely marvellous day – I walked outside in the afternoon and suddenly it was there before me as I had never really seen it before – a beautiful blue ocean with the sun sparkling off it as far as you could see towards the horizon – blue and green and yellows – and these words came to my mind:

    “Sun is shining
    Weather is sweet
    Makes you wanna move
    Your dancing feet
    To the rescue here I am
    Want you to know now – where I stand”

    It’s great to be alive!!

    Blessings – hope we all live to see tomorrow!

    And if God (or your body if you don’t believe in God) allows you to live until tomorrow be kind to someone that normally you would be nasty to – not me – I don’t need it [I saw the unmitigated beauty of God’s creation today] it’s refreshing for the soul.

    To the rescue … … here I am … …

    Over and out … …

  33. Jupiter

    Say Lynette

    Is it true that your constituency branch office is in a house that belonged to the minister of Agriculture’s father ie Sen Erskine Griffith?

    Was that house repaired by the rural devlopment commission and then instead of the standard practice of that property on the death of the ‘impoverished person’ – turns back into the hands of the Rural Commission?

    Instead Sen Griffith and family now owns it I’m told.

    Would you answer that or will you only respond to comments about ‘under owen’?

    Some people are not as fortunate like you now that you’re enjoying greater wealth and property,to consider the colur of the sky – all they can see is the pile of bills,hungry children and the four walls of a bedroom now that your party’s favourite people the guyanese have created social havoc in housing and have started a new trend of renting bedrooms instead of homes.

    Poor bajans that’s what they are being forced to do now.

    They can’t see the sky Lynette – their heads are down with the burden of taxes and the high supermarket prices which got them weighed down.

    By the way where did you get that jupiter quote (referred to above) from though?

  34. Anonymous

    Lynette ‘ OECD ‘ Eastmond,

    Try as hard as you might, no amount of deflection and NEFARIOUS tactics is going to save you and the BLP from the scrutiny of Barbadians.

    Barbadians on this BFP site and elsewhere have RIGHTLY sought to engage you and your BLP colleagues on critical development strategy paths you and your party are pursuing…but your only response on this page and elsewhere is to call them a NASTY……
    ( SET OF PEOPLE)….!!!!

    Yet, you find it ALL good and well to support Prime Minister’s Arthur call for MORALITY and WHOLESOME behaviour TOWARDS and BY Barbadians.

    And as CITIZENS of this fair LAND WE EMBRACE THAT….ETHOS..!!!

    BUT, Barbadian Citizens…..WOMEN..
    ( in PARTICULAR )….. in and out of St. Philip West…WANT to hear your VIEWS….

    On Owen Arthur’s….*** BAD WORD REMOVED BY AUNTIE MOSES ***…Policy!!!

    After All…Samantha and Leah
    ( Arthur’s Daughters ) were given BIRTH… by OTHER…WOMEN…while he was STILL married to Beverley Arthur….!!!

    Remember too….LEAH was born…WHILE he was PRIME MINISTER and STILL…MARRIED….!!!!

    Is this the type MORAL responsibility you MEANT politicians should HAVE when you posted your comments on 31 Jan, 2007 above ????

    Is this the TYPE of NASTINESS being DIRECTED towards WOMEN..that you REFER to in your comments above ????

    Is THIS why a COMMON word like
    ” UNDER ” RATTLES YOU ?????

    I REPEAT, you and your BLP colleagues believe BARBADOS is you FIEFDOM…and you ALL can DO, SAY, BEHAVE as you LIKE and NOBODY is to ASK you all a THING….!!!!

    Barbadians…including the same WOMEN you now SEEK to PANDER to in your comments on this page above are AWAITING your views on this MORAL issue….!!!!

  35. Jerome Hinds

    The views below are that of JEROME HINDS:

    Lynette ‘ OECD ‘ Eastmond,

    Try as hard as you might, no amount of deflection and NEFARIOUS tactics is going to save you and the BLP from the scrutiny of Barbadians.

    Barbadians on this BFP site and elsewhere have RIGHTLY sought to engage you and your BLP colleagues on critical development strategy paths you and your party are pursuing…but your only response on this page and elsewhere is to call them a NASTY……
    ( SET OF PEOPLE)….!!!!

    Yet, you find it ALL good and well to support Prime Minister’s Arthur call for MORALITY and WHOLESOME behaviour TOWARDS and BY Barbadians.

    And as CITIZENS of this fair LAND WE EMBRACE THAT….ETHOS..!!!

    BUT, Barbadian Citizens…..WOMEN..
    ( in PARTICULAR )….. in and out of St. Philip West…WANT to hear your VIEWS….

    On Owen Arthur’s….*** BAD WORD REMOVED BY AUNTIE MOSES ***…Policy!!!

    After All…Samantha and Leah
    ( Arthur’s Daughters ) were given BIRTH… by OTHER…WOMEN…while he was STILL married to Beverley Arthur….!!!

    Remember too….LEAH was born…WHILE he was PRIME MINISTER and STILL…MARRIED….!!!!

    Is this the type MORAL responsibility you MEANT politicians should HAVE when you posted your comments on 31 Jan, 2007 above ????

    Is this the TYPE of NASTINESS being DIRECTED towards WOMEN..that you REFER to in your comments above ????

    Is THIS why a COMMON word like
    ” UNDER ” RATTLES YOU ?????

    I REPEAT, you and your BLP colleagues believe BARBADOS is you FIEFDOM…and you ALL can DO, SAY, BEHAVE as you LIKE and NOBODY is to ASK you all a THING….!!!!

    Barbadians…including the same WOMEN you now SEEK to PANDER to in your comments on this page above are AWAITING your views on this MORAL issue….!!!!

  36. The issue of that we dealt with concerning the OECD was a very serious one. It was a matter of saving 40% of our corporate tax take. Much bigger than this it was an attempt to curb the mobility of services which as you can imagine is a big issue for all small states – since that is where over 80% of the GDP comes from.

    Yes I was one of the lead technical negotiators with the OECD, not only for the region but at the end of the day for the many small states of the world.

    Nevertheless it was an effort of several civil servants in Barbados and the private sector. We did work tirelessly sometimes through the night.

    It was not a simple matter it included domestic and international tax issues, investment, trade issues and public international law issues etc. All the relevant Ministries worked very well together and much of the credit goes to them.

    In Barbados some of us seem not to be able to understand that we would all be better off if we showed how we are better. How I am a better singer, politician, leader, political party, hairdresser, cricketer or entrepreneur not spedning excessive energy trying to tear down our own people.

    At the end of the day it is extremely short sighted. The energy that we spend belittling others robs of time that could be used positively and productively.

    You might see this being done in large countries but as much as any of them might criticise George Bush and his intellectual capacity the United States has a large unrelenting propaganda machine that brainwashes us everyday that “Made in the USA” is still the best.

    The propaganda machine includes CNN, Beyonce, American Idol, Days of Our Lives, G-Unit, the Chicago Bears, Michael Jordan, Tommy Hilfiger, Opra Winfrey, MAC Cosmetics and the list goes on … …. We don’t have that machinery.

    You guys sought to attack my professional reputation as a woman in pursuit of cheap political gain. You insulted me and all of your women folk – because as I said you never said any of these things about men who were given opportunity after opportunity by Owen Arthur.

    Now you seek to defend it. When you operate as you do under the cover of darkness you feel absolved of any moral or social responsibility. You set no standard for yourself and you yield to temptation every day by making unsubstantiated comments about the personal lives of individuals.

    I work hard – but I do so because I choose to. That is a standard I have set. Certainly I could have chosen an easier path.

    I have also decided that I will not make nasty, scandalous, unsubstantiated statements about my political colleagues – why? I can not do it without bringing a large measure of disrespect to their family as well – especially their sons and their daughters.

    You have free will – continue to make your choices – but note that whatever a man or woman sows he shall reap!

  37. Jupiter


    Can you please answer the above question re your constituency branch office.

    Please read the above question carefully and not try to sidestep the issue by ‘parsing ok?

    This the 4th time I have asked on this and other posts for a response.

  38. Jerome Hinds

    Hello Lynette,

    Thank you for your prompt and cogent response of your interpretion of your OECD fight for Barbados..notwithstanding in your own words on
    February 2nd, 2007 at 2:05 pm in the immediate post above……

    ” We did work tirelessly sometimes through the night….!!! ”

    Now ALL of Barbados with bated breath await your equally prompt and cogent response on the MORALITY issue…….

    On Owen Arthur’s…*** BAD WORD REMOVED BY AUNTIE MOSES ***…Policy!!!

    After All…Samantha and Leah
    ( Arthur’s Daughters ) were given BIRTH… by OTHER…WOMEN…while he was STILL married to Beverley Arthur….!!!

    Remember too….LEAH was born…WHILE he was PRIME MINISTER and STILL…MARRIED….!!!!

    Now to use your own words on February 2nd, 2007 at 2:05 pm in the immediate post above…… Barbadians are not calling on you to defend…..

    ” unsubstantiated statements about my political colleagues ”

    To the contrary, Owen Arthur, in his speech in Independence Square on 21st January , 2007 told Barbadians he look forward to taking his children to the Square and reminding them of the good work of Errol Walton Barrow… On January 29th, 2007 at 9:33 pm on this same page you now reading from, you alluded to having knowledge of who WROTE that speech….!!!

    I now REMIND you again….Remember..….LEAH was born…WHILE he was PRIME MINISTER and STILL…MARRIED….!!!!

    What are you views on this substantiated IMMORAL issue from the Champion of our fight against HIV/AIDS in BARBADOS ????

    Barbadians….particularly the WOMEN await your usually prompt response on this BFP site!!!!!

  39. Unbelievable

    Jerome, I really support your call on this one. Not

    only Lynette on the dock, so too is all the other

    BLP candidates who will be lining up behind Owen

    Arthur on his call for Barbadians to be more

    MORAL and using this call to secure VOTES.

    Not in CHRISTIAN Barbados if they do not answer

    the questions you and other Barbadians have been

    asking on this issue.

  40. Jerome talking bout the OECD there must be nuff “money” laundering planned for that Big Up condo development in Bimmy Boobles as shown in todays Nation.

    Boy the Big ups from far and away and not so far and away mekkin some big dollar bills from all of this laundering. Remember when the OECD behave so bad a few years ago about all of this going on in Bim and Owen jump and down like a gorilla hollering this en nuh money laundering or we ent nuh tax haven it is called tax avoidance wuhlaw words pretty as a pum pum.

    Wuh mek me laugh bout today project in the Nation is that another big Plantation and nuff land gone tru the eddoes with people saying who was livin on it they found out bout it on the web.

    I always taut dat a progressive Nation like Bim is do like wuh we backward Nations up hey is do. When we land sell up hey fugh development the Government does hav to post it telling people bout de intentions of the byers and application fugh rezoning. Den we is have public meetings so de prople can come and legh the Big ups and Government know how dey feel an wuh objections de got.

    My question den is how dese people livin in de area den know the land sell an gine be devloped?

  41. Ladies and gentlemen

    The Politics of Desperation cont’d … …

    I gave a detailed answer about my branch office previously. Ask BFP to check the archives for you. [Don’t know how to utilise the technology properly I suppose – all of the stuff is archived.] If you would like to raise any specific questions on my answer you may do so.

    Go ahead and attack the decent people in the Foursquare/St. Patricks community if you think that is the way to win a Government. You already attacked a stalwart from the Chapel community – a member of your own Party even. Please proceed Ladies and Gentlemen!

    You really think it is becoming to descend into a discussion about how men in Barbados father their children?

    What percentage of men in Barbados fathered all their children from one woman that they were married to all their lives – get real!!

    I suppose the DLP does not want any votes from the men or the women for that matter that have sinned in that way 🙂

    All children are gifts from God. Now you are seeking to destroy these children as well – you think people would not know who their father is?

    My goodness they were right when they said you have no moral minimum!!!

    On the OECD this was one of the big issues – that people out of ignorance associated it with money laundering. That was OECD propaganda. This is what I mentioned before about the propaganda machinery of big countries.

    They even get our own people to believe negative things about their own country.

    As you were Ladies and Gentlemen.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  42. Jupiter

    I am getting angrier and angrier by the minute.

    The Nation newspaper reports from unknown sources that the gov’t has given the go ahead for another 20 million to be spent on the Green land landfill.

    Again Mr COW Williams is going to be the company enjoying the benefits of this.

    Pray tell me,couldn’t the Nation newspaper have gone furthur and give us their opinion on this money being spent?

    Couldn’t it have gone into its files and bring up the arguments by Prof.Machal,Edward Cumberbatch and Richard Goddard giving reasons against it,just so that readers are reminded?

    We need this money for the QEH for goodness sake man.

    And then Lynette eastmond going to come on this site and talk a whole roll about what she did in Brussels.

    She always seeking to promote herself,it’s like she has an addiction to the camera.

    She must always be in the news – whether it’s sprawled on the pages of the Nation newspaper,or talking wind and saying nothing.

    Please lynette answer the question about your constituency branch office and stop using this site to promote yourself with your ‘cud dear strategy’ as jerome davis puts it.

    And while you at it,just remember that we the voters out here still paying high prices at the supermarket and despite assurances from your leader owen,the supermarkets say prices ain’t coming down in any hurry,or by much.

    Wait dah committe dat did lookin at food prices ain’t dun yet?

    Waste of good time,and we got to pay every month for these people called ministers of gov’t.

  43. Jupiter

    Just saw your post above.

    Pure lies lynette and I will not let you get away with it.

    Your only previous response about your constituency office was to say that Mr Griffith’s father was a proud,hardworking black man and he should be discussed in this way.

    How does that answer what was asked in a detailed question above.

    I remember Velzo (where are you now Velzo) asking BFP to go and take pictures of that office as well as the house that rural development refurbished for julie price who is now Mrs Owen $ Arthur.

  44. Specifically to Jerome – you’re something else – check yaself man – you don’t bring children into this. They did not do anything. They have no control over the circumstances of their birth.

    I know a lot of people in the DLP and they would not condone your behaviour.

    Go and pray or something – something seems to be wrong with you.

  45. Dear Mr. Velzo

    I don’t agree with you. I said more. Since you dispute this bring the facts – but then you’re not used to doing that – it must make you physically sick to think about bringing facts.


  46. It is a funny thing bout Bim everbody is talk propaganda, lie, teef except the Government of Barbados. Ever ting dey do legal, sweet, benefitting ALL de people and ever body prospering.

    But wuh I done understand is, if ever ting suh sweet down dere how come so many people including de PRESS hollering out bout high food prices, no housing, land too expensive, crime high, healthcare bad, many cant get tap water, children behaviour and schools gine thru de eddoes, vagrants pun de streets like rain and I cud go on but I talkin to iditos the BLP fits into this saying “There are none so blind than those that do not want to see”.

  47. Ladies and Gentlemen

    I notice that a question of substance has been asked.

    We have been engaged in the research with respect to basic food prices in Barbados. We have had officials from the Fair Trading Commission and the Department of Commerce engaged in th exercise.

    As you can imagine we are engaged in a process of market reforms emerging out of the trade liberalisation process. This included the implementation of a suite of legislation dealing with consumer protection and the effective regulation of the market as well as the establishment of a number of institutions such as the FTC, the Office of Public Counsel, the Consumer Claims Tribunal.

    We were also engaged in the amendment of legislation such as the Standards Act which has been implemented. Currently we are working on a Legal Metrology Act.

    As we reported previosly we are also engaged in a project with the IADB to completely reform the physical, administrative and technological infrastructure of the BNSI.

    We are also in the process of reforming the Department of Commerce.

    All of these agencies are involved with Consumer Proetction and questions of prices, standards and quality.

    We are seeking to put systems in place that will be lasting well beyond this administration. The officials have asked for a little bit more time to conclude their work. Unlike what you may think personally, these Government Officials are very hard working and very serious about their work.

    If they need a little time to do their work in a scientific manner it is my view that they should be allowed this time. I apologise however for what you might consider to be a delay.

    We will be reporting to you during the course of this month.

    I look forward to your comments as to how we might improve any proposed mechanisms. It is not a matter of copying what other countries do – we must set up systems that meet prescribed standards but that also take into account the nuances of a Barbados market.

    Another matter which we must contemplate in the future is to ensure that we set standards in the region so that when we make comparisons across the region we are comparing like with like. You should be pleased to know that Barbados has been making a significant contribution to the establishment of the Competition Commission now established in Suriname.

    I look forward to reporting to you as I am sure you are looking forward to making your substantive comments.

    If you have any further questions, queries or require any clarifications please do not hesitate in contacting me.

    My best regards


  48. Unbelievable

    Lynette Eastmond on February 2nd, 2007 at 5:20 pm, says,

    ” Specifically to Jerome – you’re something else – check yaself man – you don’t bring children into this. They did not do anything. They have no control over the circumstances of their birth ”

    Try as you might Lynette, to deflect from the central issue in this debate, it is going to STARE right in your FACE right up to ELECTION DAY and BEYOND……!!!!

    You KNOW full well this debate is not about anybody CHILDREN……you are RIGHT……

    ” They have no control over the circumstances of their birth ”

    The CENTRAL issue in this debate is…WHAT are LYNETTE EASTMOND, BLP candidate for St. Philip West……VIEWS….on…

    ” Owen Arthur’s….********…Policy “!!!


    If you continue your moral gymnastics on this SERIOUS issue…..then I AGREE with you Lynette Eastmond…you REALLY need to…..

    Go and pray or something – something seems to be wrong with you!!!!

  49. Jerome Hinds

    Lynette Eastmond on February 2nd, 2007 at 5:20 pm, says,

    ” Specifically to Jerome – you’re something else – check yaself man – you don’t bring children into this. They did not do anything. They have no control over the circumstances of their birth ”

    Try as you might Lynette, to deflect from the central issue in this debate, it is going to STARE right in your FACE right up to ELECTION DAY and BEYOND……!!!!

    You KNOW full well this debate is not about anybody CHILDREN……you are RIGHT……

    ” They have no control over the circumstances of their birth ”

    The CENTRAL issue in this debate is…WHAT are LYNETTE EASTMOND, BLP candidate for St. Philip West……VIEWS….on…

    ” Owen Arthur’s….************…Policy “!!!


    If you continue your moral gymnastics on this SERIOUS issue…..then I AGREE with you Lynette Eastmond…you REALLY need to…..

    Go and pray or something – something seems to be wrong with you!!!!

  50. Jerome Hinds


    You even seem to have BFP mixing up me, Jerome Hinds, with Unbelievable now!

    However, both comments are those of JEROME HINDS

  51. Jupiter

    Lord have mercy people this woman is a real scream yuh hear.

    She pretends that she doesnot understand that it was Jupiter who asked her the question so she directs her answer to Velzo.

    Wuhloss I cyant even remember de last time velzo posted here.

    S he ain’t even answer the question just tell velzo to go and check she answered it.

    I am fully convinced now more that ever than lynette eastmond is fully aware of what has taken place with that house her constituency office is in that was refurbished by rural development for Senator Erskine Griffith’s father.

    She is part and parcel of what we the citizens view as lack of transparency because of corrupt practices.

    Go ahead,God goin deal with all ah wunnah.

  52. She fuh Real ?


    Cud Dear, for the sake of DECENCY towards the women like me in Barbados, the Caribbean and beyond!

    Tell us what are your VIEWS about your BLP colleague, Owen Arthur’s, substantiated evidence

    of ” His..….********** Policy “!!!


    Do you think it is RIGHT seeing that he is the

    Champion of our fight against HIV/AIDS in

    BARBADOS ????

    Is there a correlation between his BEHAVIOUR

    and what we witness in our schools daily with

    UNPROTECTED sex being recorded on

    cellphones ???

    TALK up Lynette……..!!!!*********************





    To The Friends of Barbados Free Press

    A new attack has started by the same “anonymous” commenter who we at BFP and many of our readers earlier identified as a member of the foreign service of the current Barbados Government.

    In an attempt to drive away our readership, this operative has been posting vulgarities and other unfit comments on our blog under many different names – sometimes using the names of known regular BFP commenters.

    Read more at…

    Barbados Government Operative Uses Different Names To Post Vulgar Comments On Barbados Free Press

  53. She fuh Real ?

    By the way, Lynette, my call is not only inspired by

    the refreshing calls by the Jupiter, Jerome Hinds

    and thousands of other Barbadians for the BLP to

    show some MORALITY on this ISSUE, but it is

    ALSO inspired by the fight to SAVE the MORAL

    SOUL of Barbados….by politicians like you and the

    Owen Arthur’s of this WORLD.

  54. I just had a letter printed in the Nation where the truth was spoken. We do not need reams of Government BS plain and simple to tell us why there is high food prices in Bim. It is due to unadulterated and Government condoned “Price” fixing.

    To get Government look into this situation with a view to fixing it is like “putting the fox to guard the henhouse”.

    But here is what is disgusting you have 78,000 I stand to be corrected souls living in Bim 23,000 were as I understand it recent arrivals over the past years from the UK. If that is true the population is higher than 78,000 because 10 years ago I think it was said to be 73 or 75,000. I forget now to be honest.

    Do you hear the Big Ups complaining about food prices, price of houses, land, clothing, cars etc. Now do you not find that strange? Certainly not because most of this element do not care if they pay $10 per pound for sugar. Just like they dont care if they have to pay $500,000 to a $1,000.000 or more for a house because they have the money and dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that, so don’t jump on me. But these people constitute no more than 35 % of the populace of Barbados if that.

    The other 65% or so of the population are not so fortunate so what must they do? teef, beg or give up eating, driving a car or living in a modest house?

    In North America 80% or more of the “little” people can buy basic, healthy food even on Government allownace. Most can buy and own a house, drive a car and take a vacation. The point is in North America people would not pay nor would the Government allow them to pay the kind of outlandish prices being asked in Barbados. It is a bloody rip-off. Those who can’t afford to buy food we have food banks and other support services. We are not perfect by no means but we have a conscience. We have even provided heated shelter in the winter for vagrants that want to use it and “Cooling” stations where they can come in on a hot day for a drink of water. This is civilized social and Government behaviour.

    With a population of 78,000 people and not enough employment to allow most to make a livable wage based on the realistic cost of living in Barbados what are these people to do? I am not saying that like all countries ours included Barbados does not have some looking for a free lunch. But hardly the majority of 65% of the Nation is. The fact is well paying jobs are not sufficiently plentiful to accommodate these many people. And I realize this is not all the Governments fault but it has to be taken into consideration.

    Perhaps the cattle barons crying out about teefing and the market gardeners crying out bout teefing should reflect on these points as the Government isn’t. Hungry people will teef!

  55. Mrs. Confused

    I followed this ongoing debate on this site for days between Minister Lynette Eastmond and fellow bloggers like Jupiter and Jerome Hinds on this morality issue, particularly, about our leaders and government in power.

    I was hoping that Minister Eastmond would have given honest responses, to the questions asked, so that I would have kept from writing in.

    I must tell all in Barbados, especially the women, Minister Eastmond treatment of this MORALITY issue LET ME DOWN.

    She knows full well that the contributors to this site only ask her to be openand honest about the issues affecting Barbadians daily.

    She knows full well the Prime Minister admits to having these children, as recent as Errol Barrow Day 2007, while being married.

    The public only asking you Ms. Eastmond, what are your views on this morality issue ?

    Reminder, Ms. Eastmond, Do you still believe HONESTY is the best POLICY ?

  56. Let me just add another important point to my last missive.

    Why Canada can do these things unlike Barbados is this. Everbody up dey got to pay the fair share of taxes unlike Barbados. Most of the Foreigners living there pay no taxes at all. That is why they are there in the bfirst place. Most Barbadians have all kinds of loopholes to get out of paying taxes that they could not get away with in Canada.

    Why do you think so many foreigners are flocking to Bim because they are tax evaders and laundering money like rain. So you think they worry about the high cost of living in Bim.

    Barbados has accomplished to its own destruction what they said they wanted to do years ago. Keep cheap tourists out and bring in the Rich only!

  57. Dear Mr. Allamby

    Most right thinking people in the world believe that in order to do anything properly you need to do the appropriate research – from manufacturing to propaganda – you should know that.

    How would you bring a case of price fixing against an organisation without any research? While on this site the basis for any allegation is “man I feel dat he do dah”. It doesnt really work that way when you are dealing with legislation.

    The issue may very well be price fixing but you can not create any cause of action to curb it – legally- that is – without the appropriate research. And then you would talk about the rule of law …. ….

    I am sorry that you feel that civil servants are just full of BS – I hope that you say that to your relatives working in the civil service – but then you are on a mission of tearing down, mahem and scandalous remarks.

    For example I feel that you are a well meaning Barbadian, I would not argue that you are not from your few comments. I would have to do some research – but then I can’t because you are operating under the cover of darkness.

    But I have to congratulate you – at least in your last post you didn’t try to scandalise the women and children of Barbados like your colleagues.


  58. De Orginal

    I dont know why we are worrying about Lynette her ability to side step the issues are well known. Less we forget she in charge of the Fair Trade Commission that caused Ronald toppin to resign. She is a practicing member of a Cabinet which believes in none of the following Accountability, Transparency and Integrity. I say to her and all politicians the people are watching and they will reject them at the polls. I sure she knows how that feel but it feels much worse when your party is not the government. I say to her and all Bajans as long as person holds public office and is in a position that can be deemed a public office. Their personal life becomes an issue. The stance that should be taken is if you dont like the heat get out the kitchen. No mere words of dismissal that Lynette Eastmond trys to post on BFP. I believe that as a representative of the people you must be an example for the people.

  59. Let me set the record straight before you fire the wrong Allambys in your Civil Service. I have no family in the Barbados and that is the truth. I think your problem is mam that you like jumping to conclusions which shows poor judgement. While accusing me of the same thing.

    But let me ask you this with respect did you bring up the matter of family members incorrectly as I said to go on a fishing expedition or because you thought it might intimidate and silence me? I think that is a valid question because your party has a long history of this behaviour and even if I did have family in the Civil Service what relevancy doies this have to anything. As a lawyer you should know this is irrelevant!

    I do not get into garbage talk I try to stick to issues of relevance plus most of the garbage talk I know nothing about and I think I have already gone on the public record to distance myself from that.

  60. I am going to end this debate with a note of honesty AND WORD OF CAUTION that I hope all members of Government will take very seriously.

    I have shown considerable restraint in what I have put out in the public forum. Come after me at your own risk because if I need to really unload, name names and places, incidents etc I will and can do it to protect my credibility and good name.

    I am now on my turf not Bajan turf where like last time a newspaper in the island cut loose on me to insult me with confidential information I had shared with the editor and clearly stated not for print.

    I was later informed that the architects for the incident occurring came from the BLP because they did not like what I was saying in their papers.

    I rest my case!

  61. Jupiter

    Dave Allamby

    You now see why people have to use puesdonyms on this site.

    This owen arthur administration ain’t easy – they real,real spiteful,much more worse than Tom Adams.

    Barbados have never seen anything of this kind of vindictiveness and intimidation before.

    And if you haven’t been following the discussion before,BFP tells us agents of this gov’t has been doing all sort of things to try to find out who they are.

    One day last month it was so bad that they started to hack into the system and everybody posts went haywire.
    John posting then annoymous comes up under his name,it seems they even included some words initalics in his post – italics which he said he could not even use.

    In addtion they had one of their agents posting under ‘anonymous ‘ – out of england or brussel – telling the contributors the site will be shut down in a week and he will soon be drinking a glass of champagne to celebrate.

    He also siad he hoped that the members of the BFP will be killed.

    All BFP could ask us to do is pray while they try to sort this thing out.

    But as Rawle Eastmond say we know we ain’t ‘wrestling with flesh and blood but with principalties and powers of wickedness in high places’.

    Their own minister of gov’t said it on brasstacks in Dec 06.

    So this first world Barbados that the BLP like to boast about its positionon the UNDP Human Development Index aint easy at all.

    They don’t want the public to discuss the corruption that’s going on,and since they got the nation newspaper,the Advocate Cbc and Vob in their back pockets – all we have is this freepress and the good people that run it.

    So God bless you Shona,Marcus,Robert,Cliverton ,George and Aunty Moses.

    Walk good yuh hear?

  62. De Orginal

    @ Shona,Marcus,Robert,Cliverton ,George, Aunty Moses and all BFP contributors. We have the people and there is none stronger that an enlightened people. Errol Walton Barrow saw to that we need not fear. Crush one and another will rise up. So people do not fear.

  63. She fuh Real ?

    Lynette Eastmond on February 2nd, 2007 at 6:50 pm, says,

    ” But I have to congratulate you – at least in your last post you didn’t try to scandalise the women and children of Barbados like your colleagues ”

    Well, well Ms. Eastmond by your failure in your last post to give your views on where you stand on the Owen Arthur morality issue, through your DELIBERATE side – stepping of this SERIOUS issue now confirms why in 2003 the people of St. Philip west REJECTED you and will do so again WHENEVER the next GENERAL ELECTIONS are called.

    The likes of you are not fit to enter the Parliament of Barbados !!!!

    You have JUST sealed your political FATE !

    Getting back to your words above, it is YOU, who by your side – stepping have…HELPED to scandalise the women and children of Barbados !!

  64. Jupiter boy if they come after me with their Brussel or local CIA or whoever I hope they are prepared to watch some of their stalwart BLP card carrying supporters and associates from all walks of life sweat.

  65. Jerome Hinds

    She fuh Real ? on February 2nd, 2007 at 7:59 pm, says,

    ” Well, well Ms. Eastmond by your failure in your last post to give your views on where you stand on the Owen Arthur morality issue, through your DELIBERATE side – stepping of this SERIOUS issue now confirms why in 2003 the people of St. Philip west REJECTED you and will do so again WHENEVER the next GENERAL ELECTIONS are called.

    The likes of you are not fit to enter the Parliament of Barbados !!!!

    You have JUST sealed your political FATE ! ”

    Jerome Hinds, says,

    The ISSUE was NEVER about ME…….!!!!

    I tried to WARN you….Hard Ears Yuh Won’t Hear……??????

  66. Spooky

    Allamby, the population of Barbados is 279,912 (July 2006 est.) from the CIA factbook. But even a 8 year old schoolchild can tell you that. Are you a Bajan? I think this was Lynettes point about research and your credibility.

  67. Spook I thought I was wrong and did I not say that old boy. But my % still apply and are correct.

    I am only a little ignorant former Bajan boy that ent got much education, much like most in the BLP party so forgive ma boy. But I still getting by!

    I forgot sir that the BLP are the Bajan Gods they do not make mistakes. Especially when it comes to their own financial well being and health.

    Are you now Lynettes mouthpiece and *********? Just Curious!



    We have to all police ourselves better because of the following…


    To The Friends of Barbados Free Press

    A new attack has started by the same “anonymous” commenter who we at BFP and many of our readers earlier identified as a member of the foreign service of the current Barbados Government.

    In an attempt to drive away our readership, this operative has been posting vulgarities and other unfit comments on our blog under many different names – sometimes using the names of known regular BFP commenters.

    Read more at…

    Barbados Government Operative Uses Different Names To Post Vulgar Comments On Barbados Free Press

  68. You know what I have always found curious is how come the Prime Minister of Barbados also at the same time held the portfolio as the Minister of Finance. I think that has changed and someone elsae is now looking after the money, but I know of few if any other countries where the Prime Minister also held the portfolio of the Minister of Finance. Am I wrong about this too?

  69. I am leading up to the slaughter of the Great and Mighty not only in Parliament but those residing in the prestigeous sections of Barbados so continue to push the envelope.

  70. Spooky

    We quiver with anticipation old man…. do tell! Why are you hoarding this precious information to yourself?

  71. Mrs. Confused

    Lynette Eastmond on February 2nd, 2007 at 4:57 pm , says,

    ” What percentage of men in Barbados fathered all their children from one woman that they were married to all their lives – get real!! ”

    Minister Eastmond, as a politician in Barbados whose responsibility it is to encourage MORALITY in our society, that NASTY comment you made above brought TEARS to my eyes…

    I could not believe what I was reading from you, a woman as well, I as a woman, a mother, a wife and daughter, held my head and BAWL…….

    A day of SHAME in Barbados !!

    If you want to support Prime Minister Arthur and his PHILANDERING ways, what???…why???…who???, GAVE you the right to throw such SMUT on Barbadians, particularly….our women folk.

    Since following this debate over the past few days, I realised you CANNOT be TRUSTED….

    Like someone stated on this page today,

    ” You have JUST sealed your political FATE ! ”

    When I posted my first comments on this BFP site today, I noticed some bloggers were posting the DATE and TIME you made your comments.

    I wondered why ?, but with an Election coming up, your attitude and COMMENTS to Barbadians on this and other ISSUES will look good on some FLYERS in St. Philip West….!!!

    Reading back your responses over the last 3 days I realise you like Calypsoes.

    Calypsonian Beckett once sang a song which says,

    ” You bring living waters to muh eyes…TEARS “

  72. Littleboy56@caribsurf.com



    To The Friends of Barbados Free Press

    A new attack has started by the same “anonymous” commenter who we at BFP and many of our readers earlier identified as a member of the foreign service of the current Barbados Government.

    In an attempt to drive away our readership, this operative has been posting vulgarities and other unfit comments on our blog under many different names – sometimes using the names of known regular BFP commenters.

    Read more at…

    Barbados Government Operative Uses Different Names To Post Vulgar Comments On Barbados Free Press

  73. Spooky boy I now see your deceptiveness you are in reality the Gutless claw so be it.

    Theb truthe will be divulged whe I know that intelligent people are talking to me.

  74. Jupiter

    Lynette Girl

    If what little boy above referred to is true,then all I will say is:

    Yuh could hide and buy land but yuh can’t hide and wuk it.

    Sad,sad sad.

  75. Let me ask all of you this simple question. And I do not live in Bim.

    Who was responsible for ripping out an entire reef at a hotll up from the Garrison race Track when a

  76. Who was responsible for ripping out an entire reef at a hotel just up from the Garrison racetrack simply to provide better swimming for the guests of the hotel involved. I dont’t care which political party it was I am just asking Barbadians with a consciesne which party it was!

    But what made this despicable act more serious it was done to accomodate a Foreigner. This is how we say we are protecting the enviroment of Barbados?

  77. Spooky

    Allmby sharp as a bowling ball, eh old boy! You blasted hypocrite! Indignant at a description of Thompy de gecko but calling the prime minister a GORILLA? who is the racist? You are a monumental C**T (that is, coot) in diapers. Call for ya nursemaid old man.

  78. But wait claw you ignorant as s—– more so than I first thought. Plus you do not even have the sense to be embarassed with all of your friends seeing how dumb you really are.

    You dont have the sense or guts to write under your Claw name but yet so foolish that you gave your indentity away by using “Old MAn”. Man you foolish as s——. But you know what makes you even more foolish the OLD MAN caught you out. Imagine an OLD MAN catching Ignorant Claw out.

    Let me also correct you because you seem to be illiterate or not fluent in the English language. I said “King Arthur jumped and down LIKE a gorilla. That is a far cry from calling the esteemed Prime Minister a Gorilla as you have falsely accused me again of doing.

    Have a good evening Spook!

  79. I do not like being unkind to anyone even ignorant people like SPOOKY and CLAW but here is a man denying he is a racist or a BLP supporter but yet showing his true colors.

    I have had few people if any in my interaction on this website ever display the racist, bigoted and ignorant attitude as Claw/Spooky. I have had some take me to task for language and I apologized because I was wrong. I had some who took exception to my reference to Rhianna and I accept that even though it was taken out of context. I grouped Rhianna in with her peers I did not single her out specifically but I can even understand that criticism.

    But the racist, ignorant nonsense and anger expressed by Claw/Spooky needed me to take the gloves off.

    And I am also saying that most in the BLP would probably agree with me. Ignorant uninformed people like Claw,’Spooky and tomorrow maybe the Virgin does no political party any good. He needs to attend Anger Management school and to articulate his points as though he has an education. How can this man deny being a BLP and a racist is beyond me

  80. Spooky Clawish Gold Thingy

    Old man, that was my way of identifying myself you clever boy! It is most interesting how you adopted the term ‘old boy’ in your last few posts. Most interesting. Almost a desperate mimicry in a way. Lets’ start with your grammar critique. Saying “like a gorilla” and “features a gorilla” or, as in my comment, “features (A prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic: a feature of one’s personality; a feature of the landscape.) a crapaud (Large toothed frog of South America and Central America resembling the bullfrog.) or one of those lizards that hide behind picture frames” is really almost the same thing. A ‘simile’ and a ‘metaphor’ are both figures of speech, neither ‘a far cry’ from the other as you put it, both equal in terms of being simple grammatical devices. Both are turns of phrase employed to make a point, and no different from the other as far as ethical usage goes. For example you say ‘I am ignorant as s–‘ that is a simile. I say ‘You are a festering turd’ That is a metaphor. Got it? Thus ends our English lesson. And no, I am not embarrassed, except in a sympathetic way for you, with your awkward, blustering rhetoric and simplistic viewpoints. Quite hopeless old chap.

    Good night my dear fellow!

  81. I suggest with respect Spooky/Claw that you check into Jenkins if they will have you.

  82. froggy

    February 3rd, 2007 at 3:07 am
    I suggest with respect Spooky/Claw that you check into Jenkins if they will have you.

    ROTFLMAO oh gawd me belly..hehehehehehehe..

  83. Anon

    On reading the comments on this page,it became clear that this article in question had to do with Harold Hoyte’s retirement,that is until lynette eastmond jumped in on the 29th January to discuss herself.

    The whole tenor of the discussion then changed.

    Interesting,very interesting.

    Barbadians seem to be very angry,frustrated people.

  84. She fuh Real ?

    Lynette Eastmond on February 2nd, 2007 at 4:57 pm , says,

    ” What percentage of men in Barbados fathered all their children from one woman that they were married to all their lives – get real!! ”

    She fuh Real ? says,

    Lynette, you ROTTEN to the core !

    Shame, Shame, Shame…on you…!!!

  85. Hawk Eyes



    To The Friends of Barbados Free Press

    A new attack has started by the same “anonymous” commenter who we at BFP and many of our readers earlier identified as a member of the foreign service of the current Barbados Government.

    In an attempt to drive away our readership, this operative has been posting vulgarities and other unfit comments on our blog under many different names – sometimes using the names of known regular BFP commenters.

    Read more at…

    Barbados Government Operative Uses Different Names To Post Vulgar Comments On Barbados Free Press

  86. Disgusted, disgruntled and upset



    To The Friends of Barbados Free Press

    A new attack has started by the same “anonymous” commenter who we at BFP and many of our readers earlier identified as a member of the foreign service of the current Barbados Government.

    In an attempt to drive away our readership, this operative has been posting vulgarities and other unfit comments on our blog under many different names – sometimes using the names of known regular BFP commenters.

    Read more at…

    Barbados Government Operative Uses Different Names To Post Vulgar Comments On Barbados Free Press

  87. I am finding the vulgar rhetoric and personal attacks on people is getting out of hand and I cannot be a part of it. Ever Lady and Gentlemen deserves some respect.

    I think we need to keep our comments a little more civil and keep them on the issues.

    Peoples personal lives are just that personal. There religiouys convictions are also personal. I also think that many times people are scndalized without just cause.


    See below…

    To The Friends of Barbados Free Press

    A new attack has started by the same “anonymous” commenter who we at BFP and many of our readers earlier identified as a member of the foreign service of the current Barbados Government.

    In an attempt to drive away our readership, this operative has been posting vulgarities and other unfit comments on our blog under many different names – sometimes using the names of known regular BFP commenters.

    Read more at…

    Barbados Government Operative Uses Different Names To Post Vulgar Comments On Barbados Free Press

  88. That as it may even for a hard core outspoken bore like myself I find it hard to read some of the personal and hurtful things being said. It just isn’t right!

    I also say with respect that it could well be as is claimed BLP operatives but I don’t care who they are I find the attacks unreasonable and believe me not doing the DLP any good. I find it hard that anyone in the BLP in their right mind would write garbage like this!

    How can you talk in public in the terms I see about the PM personal life. How do you think he, his wife and more importantly is siblings must feel if reading this nonsense and we wonder why kids are growing up the way they are? Come on guys/gals let us get our act together because when people read such vulgar garbage defending wanting the DLP to win it is counterproductive.

    A little joke or accusation is one thing but lord have mercy some of what I am now reading is discrediting everybody and human decency

  89. I done I was having some fun on this blog I found it very very useful to the Bajan public because of the controlled conventional press but I am not going to sink to the level I see now.

    I can’t hate anybody that bad. Truthfully most of my submissions were playing “Devils” Advocate and trying to give a different perspective but I refuse to go in the gutter that far.

    This is especially true when I am not a voter but I did feel I had the right to participate because I am a BAJAN CITIZEN but I am not stooping to the levels I now see. I wont!

  90. To the architects of the BFP. Whoever you are you have done your Nation proud for putting this blog up and the hard work you are doing to give all people the right to contribute in a public forum as to how they see the direction our GREAT NATION Barbados should follow. You are to be commended.

    I really enjoyed participating and getting into the heat and passion of the many interesting debates but there comes a time when everyone refuses to cross the line that betrays the guidelines and fundementals that are accepted in a civilized society of human decency, dignity, intergity and such qualities.

    Continued good luck and Gods help in helping your Nation because I know that is your true intent.

    I hope you keep this posted long enough so that everyone is aware of my personal position and what triggered it!

  91. Jerome Hinds

    Following the above comments, I am intrigued as

    I ought to be since I count myself among a few on

    this BFP site who have used a few ACID words in

    reaction to some of the real and perceived defects

    in our system of governance here in Barbados. To

    label my attack as an anti BLP attack would be

    75% correct, simply because this medium of

    expression, BFP, came into being 1 year now and

    before then all other avenues for objective

    commentary on the state of our country affairs

    was quite restrictive or manipulative. The first

    contribution on this page, identifies me as the one

    beginning the acid remarks against, Ms. Lynette


    I believe I am a fair and reasonable person,

    therefore to that charge, I plead GUILTY.

    What prompted me to use such language in my

    exchange with her ?

    For Months now on this site and elsewhere, one

    could not help observing a sense of SHIFT by

    Ministers of Government and other BLP

    operatives on serious issues confronting

    Barbados/ Barbadians including the issue of

    MORALITY and how our political leaders TREAT

    to it.

    Where does Ms. Eastmond come in to this, you

    may ask ?

    As a frequent visitor and commentator on this

    site, I found it exhilarating to discover that Ms.

    Eastmond often took the time to interact with

    fellow bloggers, to the extent that when pertinent

    questions are put to her about her party’s abilty or

    inabilty to address them…..her often guaranteed

    RESPONSE was one of SHIFT…( it’s not my cup

    of tea…! ).

    Anyone in doubt, please review her contributions

    on BFP site.

    To do so is her right as an individual not to

    respond, if she so choses, but as a Minister in the

    Government of Barbados and being paid from the

    public purse…..some members of the general

    public REACT differently to this level of SHIFT.

    Did Ms. Eastmond merit this ACID attack from

    Jerome Hinds ?


    say YES !!!

    Acid by NATURE and NAME is a CLEANING

    agent, LYNETTE EASTMOND by her public and

    private mouthings is a GEM !!!

    What I detected, is that between 29 January 2007

    and when she made the COMMENTS below:

    Lynette Eastmond on February 2nd, 2007 at 4:57
    pm , says,

    ” What percentage of men in Barbados fathered all their children from one woman that they were married to all their lives – get real!! ”

    demonstrated that until that moment, LYNETTE

    EASTMOND was captured by the same

    ‘ DIABOLICAL FORCES ‘ that others have so

    RIGHTLY identified that keep some BLP

    operatives LINED up behind OWEN ARTHUR


    The GEM now shines again.

    Review, again, Ms. LYNETTE EASTMOND’S

    statement above and the ones she said before and

    you would see that the ACID worked.

    The DEBATE was never about pulling DOWN

    Ms. Eastmond it was about giving her an

    opportunity to tell Barbadians in no UNCERTAIN

    terms where she STOOD on a SERIOUS MORAL

    ISSUE involving those in PUBLIC LIFE.

    There is only one WINNER in all of this, and it is

    POLITICAL objectivity !!!!

    In ending, I thank BFP for allowing me to express

    myself on this site. To fellow bloggers, I now

    adopt the words of fellow blogger, Jupiter,

    reproduced, below:

    My parting comment:

    Evil flourish when good men do nothing.

    When I read other persons contributions, I don’t seek to convert them to my point of view – I simply state my position without trying to sound ’self righteous’.

  92. Hawk Eyes

    February 3rd, 2007 at 12:07 am

    Hi Jerome

    We know you’re just trying to make a point, but go have a coffee – you are causing a lot of work for me and I’d really like to get to bed. OK?


  93. Hawk Eyes

    To Clive, Shona, Marcus

    Is it possible under the BFP for family members or group of friends to use ONE computer but each make their contributions under their own sign-in name ?

  94. Hawk Eyes

    Good news Jupiter, Lynette’s branch office sign has been taken down………probably preparing the building for hand over back to the UDC…..??? or maybe….CWC 2007…..!!!!

    Never can tell with lynette….!!!


  95. RRRicky

    Really Hawk Eyes?

    You have a before and after photo you can send to BFP?

    Bet they would print it!

  96. Hawk Eyes

    100% percent true, RRRicky, I do not have a digi camera, if any fellow bloggers living near Foursquare have one and the time to take a picture, then they can get on film.

  97. Ladies and Gentlemen

    I thought I would make a contribution to Black History Month. This is for your enjoyment and reflection:

    It (The Journey) changed the child of Emancipation to the youth with dawning self-consciousness, self-realization, self-respect.

    In those sombre forests of his striving his own soul rose before him, and he saw himself, – darkly as through a veil; and yet he saw himself some faint revelation of his power, of his mission.

    He began to have a dim feeling that, to attain his place in the world, he must be himself and not another.

    He felt his poverty; without a cent, without a home, without land, tools or savings, he had entered into competition with rich, landed skilled neighbors.

    To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.

    He felt the weight of his ignorance, – not simply of letters, but of life, of business, of the humanities; the accumulated sloth and shirking and awkwardness of decades and centuries shackled his hands and feet. …. ….

    A people thus handicapped ought not to be asked to race with the world, but rather allowed to give all its time and thought to its social problems … …

    … … before that nameless prejudice that leaps beyond all this he stands helpless, dismayed, and well nigh speechless;

    before the personal disrespect and mockery, the ridicule and systematic humiliation,

    the distortion of fact and wanton license of fancy,

    the cynical ignoring of the better and the boisterous welcoming of the worse

    … … before this there rises a sickening despair that would disarm and discourage any nation save that black host to whom “discouragement” is an unwritten word.

    W.E.B. Du Bois


  98. Jerome Hinds

    Welcome back, Minister Eastmond, after your brief hiatus.

    Trust that all is well with you both in mind and soul.

    I must hand it to you, for you can always be counted on to make timely interventions on this BFP site.

    Reading your piece one William Dubois…whom many consider to be one of the chief architects of American history…..I was awe struck by some of the lines quoted in that piece, which are repeated below,

    ” To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships ”

    Do you speak of our Beloved Barbados….where prominent whites amongst us refer to our predominantly Black population as WANTING…handouts ????

    As a servant of the people of this fair land…..What are your views about such comments…???

  99. Jerome Hinds

    Good evening, Lynette,

    I guess you are busy gathering your thoughts so that you can give your usual cogent response to the issues of the day…like the ones I asked a few days ago in the post immediately above….!!!

    We are waiting patiently ….!!!

  100. littleboy

    Good manners cost nothing, and the operatives who have been using my name in vain will be flushed out eventually.Shame on you!!!!!
    We can differ without vulgarity.
    BFP, thanks for alerting us.

  101. Jerome Hinds

    Hello Lynette,

    While you prepare your response to the questions I raised above, take a read of Demora Kirton’s remarks on page 11 of the Weekend Nation of 2007 – 02-09…!!!

  102. Ladies and Gentlemen

    With respect to the issue that was raised earlier concerning children born out of wedlock. Please be assured that my intervention was not in defence of adults.

    My intervention was with respect to the children whom as I pointed out have no control of the circumstances of their birth. I did not think that they should be held up to scrutiny on the world wide web. I can not imagine that there would be anyone on this board who thinks otherwise.

    There is no need for me to raise any argument in defence of any adults. We make peace with our God when we choose and often when he chooses.


  103. realissues

    the best contribution to black history month and to advancing the cause of black people would be to address the real issues and answer the questions posed about transparency, integrity, accountability and such. answer the questions hanging over things like gems, land sales, qeh, election funding, lies about tourist arrivals. or is that asking to much? seems as if u prefer to dodge things of substance?

  104. The piece that I submitted by William du Bois is one that I have read several times. For me it is an empowering piece.

    I do not think that it requires any analysis I believe it requires reading and re-reading and re-reading and the language is sweet! As you probably know du Bois was also a poet.

    However it is about understanding who we are from our history, our circumstances.

    It is recognising that in whatever our endeavours – we must be who we are fundamentally – we should not try to be like others (not that we can not work on improving ourselves) – to do otherwise would be to short change ourselves and the world.

    And I like the ending in particular – that discouragement is an unwritten word – for everyday there are those who seek to discourage us.

    And even with the burdens that we are continually seeking to shake off there are those who would discourage us and would seek to replace them with new burdens.

    In order to race against the world and to conquer all before us our burdens must be light. The trick is to help to make the burdens of others lighter.

    Du bois is trying to help us by identifying what these burdens are – and I think it is to empower us to shake those burdens off – and to say that we can!!

    Du Bois doesnt really think our problems are with the physical – read it again – the emphasis is on the spirit – the intellect – the mind.

    I do not believe that as a black person in Barbados that I am a part of a poor black race in a land of dollars.

    Black Barbadians are in possession of the hottest commodity on the international market – intellectual capacity. Intellectual capacity can not itself buy anything however it has to be exchanged for money.

    There was a song called unlock your mind … …

  105. realissues

    fluff fluff and more fluff
    i know all about du bois and every other civil right leader. probably more than you since that is my field of study. what i want u to do is stop fluffing over the reality of blp rule in barbados and start addressing the real issues.

  106. De Orginal

    Well said realissues, what Lynette need to do is answer several questions put to her by fellow bloggers and stop ignoring the issues.

  107. Jerome Hinds

    Hello Lynette,

    Since you have expended so much time and energy on W.E Du Bois and the good he did in America and beyond….!!!.

    Please pay some attention to the comments made by Bizzy Williams towards the Blacks like yourself and the other thousand of us out here (95% blacks).

    Do you agree with Bizzy…that Barbadian blacks….ONLY want HANDOUTS…????

    Lynette, unlock your mind … and answer the Questions..????

  108. Ghandi

    Jerome that statement by Bizzy is an extremely serious one. Bizzy Williams tarred (pun intended) every black Bajan with the brush. No exceptions. Lynette maybe can read a bit more Dubois and come up with an answer to Bizzy.

    Bizzy himself owns and operates so many companies from maufacturing to construction to tourism one wonders how he keeps track and still have time for kadooment ,sailing and bushy park etc.

    White Bajans need to get rid of Bizzy and Dick Stoute, Mchale etc as their spokespersons. These people are making matters worse. Whites need to come clean and admit they control 95% of business in our land. They need to understand that that situation is untenable. Blacks are not in business because of the lack of trying. The system set up by the traditional historic elite shuts them out.

    If whites say they are patriots then dismantle the institutionalised barricades against wider black participation in the economy. Whites investments and stashed millions are not going to disappear or be expropriated as a result. In fact it widens participation and opens more opportunities for increased wealth to EVERYONE…black, white and in between.

    A dissembling of interlocking directorships is a good place to start. How many boards is Bizzy, COW and their cronies on? How many companies they and their buddies and family own? Entrepeneurship is good but it must be fair transparent with level playing field.

    Nothing is left for poorer particpants in economy anymore. I see rich white youth and not so youthful driving taxis and tour buses. This isnt racism talk this is reality. The further reality is that a sensible reasonable people can work this imbalance out if they have the will. Virginia one of the most racist states known to man has just apologised for the vile holocaust of slavery. Same slavery that built Barbados. I await an apology from closer to home.
    Government has a big role too with creative legislation to make the valleys higher and lower the mountains.

  109. Jerome Hinds

    Good points, Ghandi, but in your list of white persons….do not forget the one of ” Rich Man Poor Man ” fame….!!!!

    Ah wonder what happen to his articles…????

    By the way isn’t his rum factory…in Foursquare St. Philip…???

    Where is Lynette’s constituency Branch Office….or where it used to be…???

    Are these geographical locations…..reasons why Lynette…literally ….SKIRTING….the issue….???


  110. Jupiter


    Did the goodly female politician visit your shop for the regular pudding and souse?

    I think I have to check out this shop where in addition to yuh good ole souse,you can also get a large helping of bajan politics – free of course.

    Sounds like a good menu.

    Put an AD jerome on BFP.


  111. Jupiter


    Did the goodly female politician visit your shop for the regular pudding and souse?

    I think I have to check out this shop where in addition to yuh good ole souse,you can also get a large helping of bajan politics – free of course.

    Sounds like a good menu.

    Put in an advert jerome on BFP.


  112. Jupiter

    Sorry Bfp

    Got a comment about duplication – Shouldn’t have tried to re – send.

    Sorry readers.

  113. Jerome Hinds

    Hi Jupiter,

    With tomorrow being Saturday, the good Senator may come around….!!!

    But with so many issues swirling around over the past week and none of them she HAS properly addressed…I am having my doubts…..she will come around….!!!

    I will keep looking out……!!!!

  114. Ghandi

    Jerome I did not forget David Seale. My mention of cronies, buddies, friends, family covers the entire raft of whites who control our economy. As Dick Stoute said whites do business with other whites(on golf course)because they look like each other and they are family and friends. You have to be legally blind and a certified idiot not to read and understand what Stoute means.

  115. Jupiter- No need to apologise for the dup. We’ve all done it. The text does not flash up as “accepted”, nor does the “under moderation” warning appear. We think we didn’t click properly, so click again only to feel like an idiot when it appears twice. I’ve also had it disappear from the box, and had to wait 10 mins. before it emerged. “Click once and be patient” is my watchword now.

    Mind you it’s infuriating when you have written a minor masterpiece of wit and perception and it disappears into cyberspace because there is no recall button nor means to copy (that I know of, unless you draft it in Notepad or MsWord and copy into BFP)

  116. hard ears

    Ghandi says “A dissembling of interlocking directorships is a good place to start”

    Take care when you start dissembling interlocking directorships Parliament doan come tumbling down.

  117. Jupiter

    Thanks Pandora.

    At least I know I’m not alone there.

    The truth is I don’t like to irritate readers with the same comment twice.
    I’ve also found that no matter how much you check for spelling or grammar,after you’ve posted you usually see some weird spelling errors – it just makes me cringe.

    I don’t know about you Pandora but when we get other persons posts it takes little time to read it,but I’m always surprised to realise the length of time one of my ‘passionate’ posts take.

    As I say it’s an investment of time and sometime a little research.

  118. Hon Min Lynette-

    I take my hat off to you for having stood up to a barrage of abuse from fellow bloggers. If you are familiar with this site you will know that such extremism in expression is commonplace.

    I think we all knew what you were getting at by that comment “What percentage of Barbadian men…” but it left you wide open to deliberate misinterpretation and badmouthing. Unseemly to do so.

    You can quite clearly look after yourself in a dogfight, so don’t need my help. But I feel bound to say that, even though I do not condone much of what BLP does, you are one sane voice in the wilderness.

    You know we have been calling for Accountability, Transparency and Integrity to be legislated and enshrined in any modified Constitution, and I would like to believe that it is something you would support if your political comrades were in agreement.

    I hope you will continue to maintain dialogue with us. We only want what is best for our nation, Our comments and ideas may often be wacky, but there may be some grains of truth among the chaff.

  119. Jupiter-
    Like you I try not to fire from the hip, polish a piece up good, then wince when I see the error up there for posterity.

    You may recall I was taken to task by BFP’s Curmudgeon George and told to “get my head in gear” for an innocent mistake. (At the end of a comment there was a line of ******* which made me think BFP was chipping in. I have since seen BFP add a comment this way without putting BFP in front to make it clear it’s from them). I grovelled humbly.

    But it amazes me how articulate (even in pseudo-vernacular) so many of the comments are. And the machine-gun speed with which they are fired off.
    It’s a challege to come up with something worthwhile rather than rubbish, and our blogsite is nothing to be ashamed of. To the contrary.

  120. samizdat

    Who is Lynette Eastmond…?

  121. Jerome Hinds

    samizdat asks,

    ” Who is Lynette Eastmond…? ”

    Hi samizdat,

    Lynette Eastmond is the BLP candidate for St. Philip West…..who in the 2003 general election…..TOLD Barbadians there is no NEED…for an opposition party…..!!!

    Lynette Eastmond, is the….. hardworking…. Minister of Government…..UNDER…Owen Administration…..!!!

    To…..REMIND Lynette Eastmond ….of these WONDERFUL…achievements…she…

    ” To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships ”….!!!!


    Does this sound like….what Dizzy Bizzy….MEANS…with his Black Bajans need…HANDOUTS……crap…..????

    Well, well…samizdat,

    Lynette Eastmond on
    February 9th, 2007 at 5:56 pm, on this same page in a post above, DELIBERATELY…chose a poem to REFLECT…..these words……

    ” To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships ”

    Lynette Eastmond……GIVES….. as her….SOLUTION……!!!

    She STICKING TO HER…..slogan….

    ” GOING WID OWEN ” and…….. LOCK……she……mind …….!!!!

    She said it is other Bajans WHO must…
    unlock (THEIR )your mind……!!!


    That is Lynette Eastmond for you…..!!!

  122. Jerome Hinds


    It is Monday 12 February 2007, the day AFTER,

    1. The TRAGEDY at the QEH continues…!!!

    2. Dizzy…Bizzy…says, to BLACK Barbadians…they…..ONLY….want…HANDOUTS…!!!

    3. Colonel Jeffrey Bostic, your BLP colleague, is given taxpayers funds ..without Parliamentary approval..to SHORE…up his political fortunes in the CITY….!!!

    As a Minister of Government directly KNOWLEDGABLE of QUESTIONS…1 & 3, although…as a SERVANT of the PEOPLE…question 3 is ALSO…important….

    What is Lynette’s Eastmond…..VIEWS…on all of the …..ABOVE….!!!

  123. Jerome Hinds

    As Minister of Commerce, Lynette, you have not yet …PUBLICLY….expressed your views about…Dizzy Bizzy…now infamous…HANDOUTS…for black Bajans CHARGE…!!!

    In the Nation News 0f 2007-02-12..he AGAIN repeated his charge…!!!

    We saw you on television during a news clip the same evening….in your nice pink suit….and …nary a WORD…from you on this ISSUE…..!!!

    How does this Dizzy Bizzy..statement square with your PHILOSOPHY….about the growth of businesses in Barbados, PARTICULARLY…those of Black Barbadians…????

    Or you only CARE about Barbadians…when it comes to the OECD….???

    ( bearing in mind…what OECD….mean to you…and OWEN….” Only Eastmond Can Do”….OECD)

    Lynette, your ANSWERS….are NEEDED…!!!

  124. Ladies and Gentlemen

    It takes a long time for many of us to learn what amounts to wasting time.

    I fall into that category too. I recently was involved in a discussion concerning a “he said” “she said” matter, allegations, acusations etc. etc. etc. – when I looked back and realised how much of my time it was taking up, I realised that it was silly.

    How important is Bizzy’s statement? Bizzy has gone back to his core activity -making money – as he should!!

    His statements are coloured by his experience as are yours and mine. His comments are his perception. You may think they are unreal but they are not unreal to him.

    How much time in a day do you think that I should allocate to Bizzy’s statements as opposed to someone who might be genuinely asking for my advice or for my help.

    There are only 24 hrs in a day – how many should I allocate to Bizzy? I just allocated some time to him – how much do you think he allocated to me today?

    It is so easy to get distracted!

  125. I am not my hair
    I am not this skin
    I am not your expectations … …

  126. Jerome Hinds

    Thank you, Lynette, for such a twisting reply…..!!!

    I now realise where I should NOT place my….X…!!!

    Certainly…NOT…for the EAST (mond)…!!!

    A waste of time….says Lynette….!!!

  127. Jerome Hinds

    Hello Lynette,

    In case you thought we had FORGOT….!!!

    The public is also asking about the ugliness that is Unfolding at the QEH….!!!

    As well as the INDIFFERENCE shown
    by the BLP in the Bostic saga….!!!

    To simply state as a Minister of the Government of Barbados…that…

    Lynette Eastmond, says, on February 13th, 2007 at 9:57 pm

    I am not my hair

    I am not this skin

    I am not your expectations … …

    Just ain’t CUTTING it….


    DESERVES….BETTER…from their


  128. Jerome Hinds

    Hello Lynette,

    As Minister of Commerce, would you be part of Mia’s entourage to Guyana to secure the importation of vegetables deal ?

    No twisted answers…..NEEDED….!!!

  129. Jupiter

    Jerome Hinds

    Tell yuh de truth – If I need to lighten up – I can rely on your postings to help muh dey.

    Wuh Lynette say again:

    I am not my hair

    I am not my skin

    I am not your expectations.

    Was it Marie Antoinette who said – if de people doan have bread – dey could eat cakes?

    Yuh tink dese politicians really in touch wid de bread and butter issues affecting bajans?

    Well… I am not your hair,I am not your……

    Prices in de supermarket hich,corruption rife … but… I am not your skin……

    Wuh loss,wuh loss – dey doin de dog

  130. Ladies and gentlemen

    I like how you spin my comments – congratulations – fortunately most people can read straight forward spin – if you want to waste your time talking about what Bizzy said – go right ahead – it’s your time, your money and your choice.

    By the way it is interesting your interpretation of the three lines of poetry – I’ll copy it and share it with the others in the group … …

    I have already shared the comments on William du Bois

    Interesting what DLPites think on these matters – Thanks guys!!

    If you wish to see our updated website please visit us at:

  131. gotcha

    Somebody pinch me quick. I dreaming. Nation editorial rap Bizzy on he knuckles for his nasty ‘handout’ speech. Lord come for your world. The Nation grow balls after all… now that a woman in front.

  132. De Orginal

    Why would some one want to see Lynette’s website after she continiously visit free press and cant answer straight questions put to her. I too wonder if she part of the group going to Guyana ??

  133. Littleboy56@caribsurf.com

    That poor child!!!
    Arrogant to the quick!!!
    I hope the public remembers that Arthur was adamant that people of her ilk were necessary in politics as opposed to “grass-roots”.
    She is a classic example of “the higher the monkey climb, the more he show he tail”!!!
    She is also the classic example of a “little learning being a dangerous thing”.
    How can one represent the proletariat when one thinks that “they” ( the proletariat) are beneath one?

  134. Ladies and gentlemen

    Does this mean you are not going to visit the website?


  135. Ladies and Gentlemen

    I am prepared to answer any question on the portfolio of the Ministry of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Business Development. I believe that to date I have answered those that were asked.

    If I do not know the answer I will tell you.

    I do not believe that I should answer questions that do not fall within my portfolio simply because I am here.

    Of course I do not peruse every post that is on the site, so there might be one that I have not seen.

    If there are any dealing with my portfolio that I have not seen I should be most grateful if you would draw them to my attention.

    In case you are not sure of everything that falls within the portfolio of the Ministry you can go to http://www.commerce.gov.bb

    My best regards

  136. Jerome Hinds

    Hello Lynette,

    You seem to have a lot of time to add crap to every post you forward to this site….!!!

    Since when an issue about importation of vegetables for public consumption has NOTHING…..to do with the Minister of Commerce….!!!

    The more you produce your crappy responses to important issues….becomes CLEARER….why you ENTERED the corridors of GOVERNMENT….through the back door….!!!

    Or is it Owen’s……OECD…..door…???

    I am quite sure should you keep up your pooh – pooh tactics you would continue to be REJECTED….at the polls….!!!

    A word of CAUTION…..is enough…..!!!!

    That is, if it is taken on board…!!!

    You are the MISTRESS…..of SPIN..!!!

  137. Jerome Hinds

    Hello, Minister of Deflection,

    About the the import of products into Barbados….UNDER…which Minister of Government in Barbados, the primary function listed below falls…..!!!


    The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs is charged with the responsibility of administering the Miscellaneous Controls Act Cap. 329, the Control Standards Act Cap. 326A and the Weights and Measures Act Cap. 331 of the Laws of Barbados.

    The functions under the Miscellaneous Controls Act Cap.329 are as follows:-

    1. The formulation and implementation of import policy and export policy through the licensing system.

    Who gets the license to IMPORT these products ..??

    Who issues the(se) licenses….???

    I have heard about TORNADOES…..but….you are a TWISTER…..of catastrophic proportions……!!!

    I repeat my earlier Question….????

    Jerome Hinds on February 14th, 2007 at 3:27 pm


    Hello Lynette,

    As Minister of Commerce, would you be part of Mia’s entourage to Guyana to secure the importation of vegetables deal ?

    No twisted answers…..NEEDED….!!!

  138. Jerome Hinds

    Hello, Minister of Commercial Deflection,

    For those unfamiliar with such Salutations…..it is Lynette Eastmond, being referred to hear…!!!

    Well the web site address http://www.commerce.gov.bb
    given by you earlier…..informs the public about the following listed below….


    An approved import and export licence should be obtained from the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs before any item falling under the Miscellaneous Controls Act Cap. 329 is imported or exported.


    Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
    Block 1
    Pelican Industrial Estate
    St. Michael

    Telephone: (246) 437-3552 / 3558
    Fax: (246) 228-3821
    E-mail: ccad@commerce.gov.bb

    Big QUESTION….???

    Who gets the license to report and who issued it/them…????

    The Truth….is needed…..!!!

    Barrow’s Plantation, in St. Lucy…..UNDER…pressure…..!!!

  139. Ladies and Gentlemen

    Thank you for drawing attention to that question. I did not see it as a commerce question because we do not have a mandate of sourcing vegetables.

    I really don’t know anything about a plan to import vegetables.

    The Ministry is responsible for issuing import licenses but really with respect to vegetables from CARICOM this is only for monitoring purposes. We keep a record of the vegetables coming into Barbados and from which countries.

    In effect then, anyone can get a licence to import vegetables into Barbados. There is no quota or any other restriction. The licenses are automatic.

    I don’t believe that we publish information on who applies for import licenses but I could check on that and get an answer to you by Friday.

    If I missed anything let me know.

    Best regards

  140. Ladies and Gentlemen

    One point that might be useful is that with respect to import and export licences the Ministry’s function is purely regulatory.

    For example the policy on exporting black belly sheep would be proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture.

    Once the policy is settled we would be instructed as to the issuance of licences.

    Best regards

  141. Jerome Hinds

    Lynette Eastmond on February 14th, 2007 at 9:49 pm ,says,

    Ladies and Gentlemen

    ” Thank you for drawing attention to that question. I did not see it as a commerce question because we do not have a mandate of sourcing vegetables.

    I really don’t know anything about a plan to import vegetables…….”

    Good morning Senator Eastmond,

    If the foregoing quote above which you posted on this site yesterday is be believed……then it POINTS to a CHASM of division between yourself and some members of your Cabinet colleagues, particularly the DPM, Mia Mottley……!!!!

    Why do I say so…..???

    You particularly said,

    ” I really don’t know anything about a plan to import vegetables ”

    When you read the following statement,

    ” Guyana, which has the potential to be a major supplier of food products consumed by Barbados and other Caricom partners, has indicated readiness to host a visit by Barbados’ deputy prime minister and minister of economic development Mia Mottley ”

    which forms part an extract from the Jamaican Observer, of which, I have given you the link below :


    Then here are some other QUESTIONS for you…..???

    1. Vegetables…..in your estimation is no longer ….
    ” food products “…..???

    2. How could your DPM, and Cabinet Colleague, Mia Mottley, be off to Guyana on such a IMPORTANT mission and you……CLAIM not to know about IMPORTING anything…???

    3. Vitally EYE OPENING as well….you claimed earlier that your Ministry…..

    ” The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for issuing import licenses but really with respect to vegetables from CARICOM this is only for monitoring purposes. We keep a record of the vegetables coming into Barbados and from which countries ”

    4. Is Guyana….STILL part of Caricom….???

    Senator Eastmond….are YOUR….hands…TIED…???

  142. Ladies and Gentlemen

    With respect to the questions:

    1) Vegetables are food products.
    2) I do not know of such a planned trip.
    3) Yes.
    4) Guyana is a Member State of CARICOM.
    5) I do not understand the question concerning my hands. The Ministry is required to do nothing with respect to import licences concerning vegetables except to issue the licence.
    6) It is not a part of our general policy to publish the names of applicants to any of the Departments of the Ministry. I believe this to be the case in other Ministries.

    If you require any further clarification, I should be pleased to provide such.

    Best regards

  143. Jerome Hinds

    Lynette Eastmond, says,

    ” If you require any further clarification, I should be pleased to provide such.

    Best regards ”


    Minister Eastmond, thanks for the opportunity to ask you these questions again,

    1. Why did you declare to all of Barbados during the 2003 General Election campaign that there is NO need for an opposition party in Barbados ?

    2. Is the handling of the Jeffrey Bostic issue, by your party, part of your thinking for making such a call ?

    Waiting patiently on your reply……..!!!

  144. Jerome Hinds

    Minister Eastmond,

    Following the link below, do you agree with your colleague Mr. George Payne, that politicians like you does talk BARE foolishness….??


    Would you gee he you vote after that comment ??

  145. Jerome Hinds

    Minister Eastmond,

    Looking at the photo in the link below and from your experience……..would you say it is better to let OWEN have it standing OVER him or UNDER……!!!


    By, George…..dah….sweet ….doh….!!!!

  146. BK

    what immaturity. here it is we have a Minister to interact whether we agree with her or not and some must resort to spewing puerile comments. chuspe.

  147. Joe

    Yesterday reports that food has risen 25% in the last 3 years. Today, punnet of cherry tomotoes = 4.99 = large percentage drop!!

  148. Jerome Hinds

    Minister Eastmond,

    Your party says it will expose those merchants who are price gouging/pushing up the prices….!!!

    Since there is NO need for you all to promise this to Barbadians WHEN you all can SIMPLY go ahead and call the NAMES……….

    I guess you all have to wait to SECURE the Campaign funds….BEFORE you call NAMES….!!!

    By the WAY is it pronounced….Buy Now….or BYNOE….???

    Is there an….A 1 Emerald in the HOUSE…..???

  149. Anonymous

    Jupiter , says,

    ” And,what can we say about Ms Roxanne Gibbs of the infamous’BLP Surge’ ”

    Well Jupiter in 2oo7 on the topics of ” POLLS ” the same Roxanne declares ” DEM – Founded ”

    Ah wonder what she go write the day after the next General Election !!

    Hope she bought her plane ticket already !

  150. Jerome Hinds

    That Chameleon of a Minister of Government……Sinette ( Sinful ) Eastmond…..a.k.a Under Owen’s rule !

    Has received a well earned award from the Weekend Nation Editorial on of 2007 – 11 – 10 on page 10 .

    Ms.. MUMBO – JUMBO !

    Sinette ( sinful ) Eastmond had a lot to say about Honesty & Integrity under this particular article some months ago….!

    After being exposed for her LIES she vacated this BLOG SITE….at least……by not using her NAME !

    A conniving LIAR she is !

  151. Wishing in Vain

    Yes I read it in todays Nation and was amazed that they were prepared to be so bold as to accord her this title.
    However let me clearly state that she earned it.
    I also have noticed that neither she nor the bastard crook Duguid blog on these sites any longer since they received their gag orders.

  152. Jerome Hinds

    That should read : 2007 – 11 – 16 on page 10 .