Daily Archives: December 23, 2010

It’s Christmas Time

Reason for the Season …by Khaidji

Recorded in the Bible from a long time ago
Emanuel the Savior was born and the world came to know
A King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Spreading cheer and peace to all men, the Bible records
Our Savior was a gift from God to mankind
Now all men can be saved from Satan’s harmful bind

Free to enjoy the benefits that our Savior revealed
Ours to inherit once our souls were healed
Righteous living and meek spirits was our guarantee

The Savior promised through Him sinners can go free
How beautiful was this gift which is as precious today
Everyone should celebrate His arrival and convey

Seasons Greetings of love, cheer, giving and merriment
Everyone should remember the times Jesus spent
Alerting us of our Father’s blessing from above
Saving us from sin and spreading His love
Our gift of Christ Jesus is the assurance that we
Never feel discounted when giving cheer, love and charity.


Filed under Barbados

Weather Radar Online thanks to Barbados Meteorological Services

YIPPIE!!! We have online RADAR!

Thanks to acting director Mr. Hampden Lovell and his team at Barbados Meteorological Services, Bajans at home and overseas now have online access to Barbados weather radar images. Ordinary citizens will be able to keep an eye on developing weather and start to make plans and provisions earlier based upon their own needs and assessments.

We expect that online weather radar will drive an increased interest in the weather, especially during the hurricane season. Online access will get everyone talking when there is even the potential of something developing into a storm. That has to be good.

Next Up: FaceBook, Twitter

A few days ago the USA’s National Hurricane Center issued an advisory on a low pressure system developing to the SouthEast of Barbados. BFP wrote a story Tropical Storm Alert Barbados: 30% chance tropical cyclone next 48 hours, and within the next 4 hours we had over 600 referrals from various FaceBook pages as Bajans discussed the potential storm and directed their friends to read the alert at Barbados Free Press. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados