Daily Archives: December 28, 2008

Barbados Condo Sign Vandalized In Protest – Ocean Two Project “Destroying Our Beaches One Condo At A Time”

Barbados Environmental Activist Strikes

Barbados Environmental Activist Damages Expensive Condo Sale Sign

Barbados Beach Access Vigilante Strikes!

The above photo was received by Barbados Free Press from a person who used an anonymous internet re-mailer proxy out of (we think) Germany.

Apparently someone vandalized this large sign for the Ocean Two condo project. It is obvious that the damage was not a spur-of-the-moment action as the words “Destroying Our Beaches One Condo At A Time” were written using a stencil outline that must have taken some time to prepare.

The photo was received with the following statement…

“The attached photo shows how the people responsible for destroying Barbados’ coastlines (the culprits) recently became the victims of silent protest. The traditional media has failed to effectively highlight the destruction of our fragile coastline that continues under the guidance of these inconsiderate, money-hungry, and careless real estate tycoons. Perhaps BFP can bring this potentially devastating trend to the forefront. If we don’t fight to save our own island, who else will?

Barbados Free Press cannot and will never support the criminal destruction of private property – but we do agree that the traditional Barbados media has chosen to receive advertising revenues from condo projects in return for silence about our disappearing beach access and views.

News is news though and it looks like we have a Barbados Beach Access Vigilante on the loose!

Ocean Two Condo website here

Further Reading For Prospective Condo Buyers In Barbados…

Only A Fool Would Buy A Condo In Barbados – Canadian In 17th Year Of Barbados Condo Hell


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Environment, Freedom Of The Press

Chinese Police Arrest Christians For Nativity Play, Praying – But Barbados Still Loves Chinese Charity and Investment

New Barbados Flag

New Barbados Flag

Chinese Ambassador To Barbados Wishes Us A “Merry Christmas” – While Government Thugs Arrest Christians In China

In what is an annual Christmas Eve event in Communist China, police and other government thugs conducted raids and arrested Christians throughout the country.

Communism is a jealous religion and tolerates no rivals.

For Christmas 2008, arrested and imprisoned Chinese Christians include nine women in Zucheng county, Henan province who were committing the dastardly crime of reenacting the nativity on the street. The nine women, including Mrs. Yue Zengyun who led the group, are currently being held at Detention Center of Yucheng County.

Another 19 Christians were arrested on December 22 during a raid on a Shepherd Fellowship Bible training class in Dianlong village, Yanghu township in Dongzhi county. On December 27th, forty police officers raided Christian homes in the earthquake zone in Sichuan. The residents of the homes had received assistance from other Christians when such assistance was prohibited. The police took away Li Zenggui, a local earthquake victim, and Christian volunteers Cao Gang, Brother Yang, as well as others. They also seized Bibles, hymnals, televisions, motorcycles and many other items owned by the Christians.

Slave Camps An Integral Part Of China’s Economy

It is well documented that many arrested Christians are sent to Communist China’s huge Laogai slave camp system. The slave camps are an integral part of the Chinese economy. Over a thousand slave labour camps hold an estimated over 3 million slaves. The slave labour camps’ connection with the Chinese trade in body parts of executed persons is well established and certainly there to be seen by anyone with a few minutes and a connection to the internet.

Meanwhile the Barbados government and Bajans seem to be quite happy to accept gifts and investment from the Chinese government without a word about the slave camps.

Such a strange position for a country like Barbados that witnessed the suffering and abuse of slavery and still remembers and celebrates those who fought for emancipation.

Source for the news of Christmas arrests: China Aid

Further Reading

Barbados Prime Minister Holds His Tongue About Slavery, Torture, Imprisonment, Forced Abortions Of Chinese Christians


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, China, Ethics, Human Rights, Religion, Slavery