Daily Archives: August 1, 2007

Virgin Atlantic And British Airways Colluded To Price-Fix Tickets


You know, I have to confess that I don’t understand half of the news that involves big businesses in conspiracies to screw the little folks. I work with my hands to support my family, and once in a while I help out on the family boat (which I love to do but doesn’t pay at all) – so this big business stuff is in a different world than mine.

That’s why (I thought) we elected capable people to look after our interests.

Too bad that our travel industry is tanking. Too bad that our elected officials haven’t been able to do anything about it – and may have even harmed our travel industry in so many ways.

The one thing I really want to know is… During the time that Virgin Atlantic and British Airways were harming our travel industry…

1/ Did our politicians do anything about it?

2/ Did any of our politicians accept any gift or benefit from either Virgin Atlantic or British Airways?

I want you to read about how Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic and British Airways ILLEGALLY got together and decided to squeeze more money out of travelers to and from Barbados – and in so doing hurt our travel industry.

The USA has just made them pay. What do you think that Barbados will do about it?

Required Reading…

Telegraph UK: British Airways Hit By Massive Double Fine

Thanks to BFP reader A for the tip. 


Filed under Aviation, Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Traveling and Tourism

Eight BFP Readers Send Open Letter To Barbados Chief Justice Simmons


An open letter to Chief Justice Simmons

Dear BFP

We beg to differ regarding your piece about David Simmons and the Environmental Conference he is attending. We agree wholeheartedly with your message that Barbados has fallen down badly in providing the legal tools to keep environmental degradation in check with the result that no one is doing much about it. But it cannot be a bad thing for a former senior minister in the BLP government to learn and listen and then spread the message when he returns home.

That we are hell bound to wreck our environment is certain. That there are developers everywhere seeking to pave paradise and put up a (you name it); that there are bureaucrats and politicians willing to look the other way for personal gain while they or their insider and corporate friends run environmentally amok; that people on this island have and will suffer health and economic consequences from the pollution, that our grandchildren will be deprived of the beauty of parks, growing fields, playgrounds, animals and plants which are being sacrificed to the almighty buck, these are all sure things if we don’t change our ways.

Our hope is that our Chief Justice, as a forward thinking man, will return home hell bent on making it his legacy that the environmental issues in Barbados must be given high priority before it is too late. The new British Prime Minister, Mr. Brown, yesterday told the United Nations that the developed countries have lost their way in solving environmental and humanitarian issues that will directly impact on millions of millions of people over the next ten years. His speech should be studied as a metaphor for what is happening here in Barbados. Either we embark on the solution or suffocate by ignoring it.

David Simmons, citizen of Barbados, you have two options…

You can arrive back from the Caymans and pat yourself and your mates in cabinet on the back for a ‘job well done’ , or speak out and speak the truth and stay on this important topic until it is fixed.

Your old buddies’ banks accounts may suffer but our grandchildren will thank you.

Signed by,

A group of concerned Bajans who will support a strong willed spokesman who wants to save Barbados from itself.

BFP note (the eight names have been removed at their request because of concern re consequences if Chief Justice Simmons decides they are ‘out of line’)


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Environment, Politics