Barbados Tourism Minister Noel Lynch Chooses Next Cricket World Cup Location!


A big THANK YOU to Barbados Underground for showing us ToonDo


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Cartoons, Cricket

54 responses to “Barbados Tourism Minister Noel Lynch Chooses Next Cricket World Cup Location!

  1. J. Payne

    Is that where he’s taking up perm. residency next??? Somebody better warn the man in the moon that public expenditure there is about to hit 6 or 7-figures….. 🙂

    China reported the CWC short and sweet….

    “Australia have lifted the Cricket World Cup trophy for a record third successive time after claiming a 53 run victory over Sri Lanka in a farcical ending to a rain shortened final.

    The match ended in confusion- as Australia were initially declared winners 3 overs too early. Australia then started their victory celebrations when the Sri Lankan batsman left the field due to bad lighting. With a score on 206 for 7.

    Matters were made more confused, when the grounds scoreboard signaled its congratulations to Australia. But the Sri Lankans were then recalled by the umpires to finish the final 3 overs in virtual darkness.

    Australia eventually was stricken Sri Lanka with for 215 runs for 8.

    According to the picture that field needed those flood lights. For shame……

  2. Rumplestilskin

    So what if we plan the next CWC on the moon. I am sure certain people can come up with explanations as to why it is the best palce, and if not ignore those who explain why not, spend copious funds attempting to prepare the atmosphere and ground without success, do not provide any data on what the progress is and how much funds have been spend.

    Wow, wonderful slush fund.

    Shame on BFP for bringing it to the attention of those who may see its usefulness… their own cause.

  3. Rumplestilskin

    PS Above post aka Greenland.

    By the way…..stadium floodlights? Why would we need floodlights? Even with 300 million spent?

    No, now we can spend another ‘whatever’ million digging up and putting in conduit for electricity and the lights.

  4. Adrian Loveridge

    Great graphics.

    Now I don’t want to steal the Minister of Tourism’s thunder, but I am prepared to predict that the hosting of the CWC on the Moon will attract ‘90,000’ long stay visitors for the week of the final and another ‘75,000’ rocket ship passengers.

  5. hard ears

    Ya all ent hear that the CWC committee get boo down yesterda in front de worl? I gine try an get mo info

  6. De Orginal

    Mr Aggrogant himself will soon be looking for holes when his boss call him to account for misdirecting the Cabinet. I hope he also ask him to account for his wealth…………lol

  7. Awful Ending!

    Even Nature was against us. This whole thing appears to have been blighted from beginning, right down to the very very end: most unfortunate!
    After all the bad talk here(@BFP), like many others I was hoping for a nice climax to this debacle, and for sunny weather.
    – Nope! God spite we! What a hell of a thing. and then the umpires ‘backfiring’ and making the guys play virtual bat-and-ball to satisfy the umps, was nothing short of a pathetic and farcical ending!
    just as the Commentators announced for the whole world to hear!
    I was shaking my head from side to side in disbelief as I saw the Aussie bowlers presenting him with easy balls, and the gracious Sri Lankans merely knocking them aside politely, no real vigour on either side:
    CLEARLY they were just doing their goddam duty to the axxhole umps,gritting their teeth in the process. Shame. grooaaann!

  8. T&T Express article

    A TOURNAMENT that seemed blighted from the start ended in the first abbreviated final in World Cup history and, perhaps inevitably, chaos and confusion.

    Not a ball had been lost to the weather in eight previous finals in nine countries yet, in Barbados of all places, the clouds rolled in from the west during the morning, the rain sheeted over a bleak Kensington Oval and the start of cricket’s showpiece match was delayed for two and three-quarters hours.

    It resulted in a reduction from 50 overs an innings to 38, an unsatisfactory arrangement for such a high-profile event.

    As Australia celebrated their 11th successive victory of this tournament under the mistaken, but perfectly reasonable, assumption that it was too dark to continue, umpires Aleem Dar and Steve Bucknor insisted they complete the 36 overs necessary to formalise the result that completed their unprecedented hat-trick of titles.

    For all the bizarre happenings, there was, at least, considerable compensation for an enthusiastic, multinational crowd that packed the stands in an innings of breathtaking might and certainty from Adam Gilchrist.

    But the contest, like all the others involving Australia along the way, was effectively over long before the final ball was final delivered in near pitch blackness at 6.30 p.m.
    more to be read, at

  9. BigNumbers!

    MORE THAN 9,000 cruise passengers sailed into Barbados yesterday for the Final of the International Cricket Council (ICC) Cricket World Cup (CWC) 2007.

    Visitors from the participating CWC countries and even some Chinese were brought to Barbados on board mega ships, smaller vessels and yachts which overnighted.

  10. typo

    9,000? isn’t that supposed to be 90,000?

  11. Wishing in vain

    Having attended the match yesterday it summarised the season of CWC this was a complete waste of time when after the amount of time and rain we had the authorities still would choose to go ahead with a abbrivated version of the game of this level was beyond me but that was merely the start of things to come this was going against the backdrop of many open seats in the southern side of the north stand and we were told it was a sellout crowd!!!!
    Shortening the game would have had a real benefit to Australia who has more powerful batting thru to the tail and it would have allowed them to come out and go hard at the bowling with them knowing it would be very unlikely for them to bowled out in 38 overs the game ended before it began inreality.
    Then the fiasco of the final overs there was no way that they could have completed the last 8 overs in good light anyway so they ought to have returned today to conclude the game as the light was way below the standard that was required to play at this level, then we was and heard the booing that Chris Dering and the ICC and the Aussies received at the award presentation it was a clear statement of disgust by the people of the Caribbean towards this CWC it has been a total disaster zone.
    I notice also that the three culprits that set us up for the fall were visibily absent from proceedings this I found highly amusing for had it been successful they would have been upfront and in front of the camera smiling and telling how wonderful they performed this the second major function that they fooled the public with the other one being the World Cup of Golf I suppose the gang of Mottley, Lynch and Owing will avoid like the plague anything referred to as the World Cup of anything in future, yes they screwed up both in one year we have a lot to smile about don’t we Mottley, Lynch and Owing???
    Then we had a closing ceremony performed in the dark, the Miami company that got paid the US $ 27,000.00 for this lighting should have their money withheld from payment, the impact was lost or did not do anything to create impact to proceedings, the firworks were ok but anticlimatic as was everything about CWC so it was fitting that there was no loud thundering and big bang to climax the fireworks presentation.
    The cost of this finals ceremony is looking to be somewhere arounf the US $ 1.5 mill figure just more and more money going up in smoke.

  12. Wishing in vain

    The ICC has succeeded in dragging the level even lower. They have brought the World Cup to the most joyous and spontaneous part of the cricket world and squeezed every ounce of enjoyment out of it. Since they measure success in terms of cash, it has been bragged that the tournament has broken records in cash receipts, but in all other ways, it has been an abysmal failure.
    Such has been the level of alienation among the passionate fans here that many locals have come to view the ICC’s organisation of the tournament as occupation of their land. Cricket lover after cricket lover has lamented the pricing and the fact that “they have taken the party, the culture out of our stands”.
    It can be argued the tournament has been conducted in an efficient manner. The grounds have been spruced up, the players have been looked after well, and from a media point of view the facilities have been excellent. But they have failed to grasp the priorities. Perfection has been achieved in the most trivial things. Not a can of Coke has entered the stadiums, fans have been asked to turn their garments carrying offending logos inside out or face eviction, but they failed to feel the pulse of the cricket fan, a far more significant “stakeholder” in cricket than the sponsors.
    Herschelle Gibbs’ six sixes in an over were a highlight for South Africa, but they couldn’t make it to the final
    Percy Sonn and Malcolm Speed, the top-level ICC officials, were booed at the presentation ceremony. The contrast couldn’t have been sharper because the same crowd gave a thumping ovation to Garry Sobers and Everton Weekes moments later. When hosts are booed at their own party, you know how much it has soured. Administrators who feel no kinship for sport will never find affection from its supporters. Entirely fittingly, it was Sonn who presented the trophy to the winner, for it was his prerogative as the president of the ICC. Sobers is merely the greatest cricketer that ever lived.
    In the end, it will be a tournament that will be remembered for the bad, ugly and terrible. A horrible death, under-performances, resignations, sacks, and retirements kept us busy. The legacy of this vast and meaningless World Cup will be despair and emptiness. It couldn’t have ended sooner.

  13. Get In The Action

    Politicians really are an interesting species. Portia Simpson Miller was all over the Opening Ceremony in Jamaica, along with the Grenada PM. Where were the Government Officials in yesterday’s Closing Ceremony. Scampering to the shadows and away from the spotlight. The crowd booed every cricket official from Ken Gordon, to Dehring, Percy Sohne and Malcolm Speed.

    I wonder what would have happened if anyone from our government was asked to make a presentation yesterday – it might enlighten them as to what Bajans think of their World Cup performance .

  14. Wishing in vain

    I have little doubt that they would have had a more harsh treatment handed out to them and they truely deserve every bit of it after stealing and raping the country for as long as they have, it is now payback time.

  15. John

    Wishing in Vain

    I wasn’t there and had turned of the TV well before the end.

    You have said it perfectly. The joy left cricket years ago when perfection was sought after and money was poured into the game to get it.

    These guys just carried that search to its logical end. However, the major benefit of the tournament has been the exposure for all to see what is going on.

    Will we ever get back the real thing?

  16. Get In The Action

    WIV – I agree with you on the Closing Ceremony. It all felt like an on-going anti-climax. The fireworks were great but seemed not to be coordinated with what was happening on the field, and so ended with a dull thud. It took too long to get everyone and the pan equipment on the field, Allison Hinds had to end half way in her second song for the presentations, there were major sound problems so big parts of the presentations no one could hear. It all was just terribly anti-climatic.

    I have to say Minchall did a great job on the performers and costumes.

  17. Wishing in vain

    Money and greed drives most things just look at Owing, Mottley Lynch and the rest of his cabinet they live by this motto.
    So to does ICC and caribbean cricket.
    But I understand that they have aboard meeting today to fire the president this will be a move in the right direction.

  18. Justice

    That closing ceremony was a bad bargain. Are we not tired of Minshall’s moko jumbies by now? A 300 member steel band? The final fireworks which were supposed to be the most spectacular fibsed and the sound and lighting were poor.

    As to the cricket, is it not still the rule that 20 overs on each side completes an ODI? That match was over the first time, therefore. A comedy of errors, that’s what we had!

  19. Get In The Action

    Will firing Gordon alone achieve anything? They will simply pick from among the same group of bankrupt cricket administrators on the Board. There needs to be complete change and restructuring of WI cricket. No more board and existing management – start fresh.

  20. Wishing in vain

    The package was a failure end of story. and what a price tag we paid.

  21. Wishing in vain

    A new start is needed but they are members there that do have something to offer West Indies cricket

  22. Get In The Action

    With all these new stadia around the region now is the time to start a WI professional league. Our cricketers of the 70’s and 80’s honed their craft in the English county leagues. We cannot build a winning team on part time players, who wait to be chosen for a tour one week before the plane leaves. What about taking our cricket to the level of US professional sports. A WI league made up of 12 privately owned and sponsored teams playing at these magnificent new grounds. Teams made up of the best of WI cricket present and immediate past, and from abroad too. Introduce salary caps, team merchandise, build coaching and scouting talents. So for example we could have two Barbados based teams made up of players from arond the WI once salary cap not exceeded. Introduce a draft for new players leaving schools.

    Our cricket players, our coaches, our administrators and our fan base can only improve.

  23. Anonymous

    When the match started in the afternoon one would have had to be surprised that they chose 38 overs, because by the maths the match was not going to finish in the sun- I thought about 6PM. 30 overs would have been sufficient. Maybe the organisers wanted to get in the max; but the rain came again. The Sri Lanakans not only had to play Australia, but lost their best batsmen in competition to the elements, so on the day played Australia, Duckwoth due to too may overs, and then the bad light. If it was only one of these they still might have had a chance, so they will probably be quietly cursing the organisers.

    Barbados rain came from heaven, and it is telling our politicians, our own organisers, that they/we have done wrong.

  24. rasta man


  25. Wishing in vain

    rasta man
    This is very correct they love to have their faces on TV somehow not this time!! what is that telling you? they were to afraid of the peoples power they the party that bajans supposely are in love with were to scared to get booed on the stage such as CWC would have hurt their ego too much.

  26. cruiseship purser

    for all his bragging lynch is a coward…
    the crowd would have booed him unmercifully if he dared show his face..I saw owens car and security but he stayed out of sight, spotted mia briefly then she disappeared

  27. rasta man
    April 29th, 2007 at 4:18 pm
    Well on friday night at Sherbourne Center
    this is what he said ”

    I am “dispirited to have to live in a region where people can so comprehensively doubt themselves; that there could be any issue this region has as to whether the West Indies should host a World Cup tournament”.

    “It should have been seen as natural and something that we have claimed by almost 80 years of cricketing excellence,” he emphasised.

  28. John

    I cant imagine what Owen means when he says he is dispirited.

    Could it be that someone has taken away his spirits from him?

  29. Anonymous

    It means that his BS spin didn’t go down nearly as well as he thought it would

  30. J. Payne

    This was real doomed. I must admit BFP called this weeks————– ago and said it was going to end with nothing really grand about it. Juss grand failure…. I must admit all yuh was spot on. Is the Nation and Advocate still claiming it was a success in denial?

  31. Wishing in vain

    These are the facts about visiting yachts yesterday they were 19 in Carlise bay today they are 16 yachts a far cry from the ministers vision of 700.

  32. Wishing in vain

    These are the facts about visiting yachts yesterday they were 19 in Carlisle bay and today they are 16 yachts a far cry from the ministers vision of 700.

  33. samizdat

    Just like the pigs in ‘Animal Farm’, Mottley, Lynch and Arthur were hiding in the farmhouse once things went wrong.

    In a way, I can’t say I blame them. Given the crowd’s hostile reaction to Dehring, Speed and Sonn, if these Govt porkers had actually made an appearance they must have known that the stadium would have erupted with cat-calls.

    And in front of the whole (cricketing) world too…!

  34. John

    Wishing in vain
    April 30th, 2007 at 1:31 am
    These are the facts about visiting yachts yesterday they were 19 in Carlisle bay and today they are 16 yachts a far cry from the ministers vision of 700

    Ah yes, but you omitted to point out that over 80% of the yachts which were here on the day of the final stayed on after the final due to the marketing attempts of the GOB.

    This is a significant percentage, one of which the GOB should be justly proud.

    Minister Lynch, take a bow.

    What’s that you say, 99% are local yachts, …..well ….., am ……, …… it still doesn’t alter the 80%.

  35. John

    …. and besides, this just goes to show how well the economy is doing if 99% of the yachts in Carlisle Bay are owned by local inerests.

  36. Jerome Hinds

    Well Liz Thompson and her male companion were spotted in the Greenidge & Haynes stand.

    During the field parade ( not a closing ceremony ) she kept frowning & fuming !

    Probably she was disgusted not getting the contract for her ” connections ” like she did with the Silver Sands bath !

    Well in the press conference today….Malcolm Speed told Owen & company DO NOT blame ICC…!

    What a ” First World ” farce put on by Owen Arthur…over US $ 300 million spent on Kensington Oval and no proper lighting in place….temporary stand… lighting in place to ensure patrons safety…!

    No wonder Noel Lynch boasts that he and the BLP will have the last laugh after CWC 2007…..!


  37. Rumplestilskin

    No lights in a modern stadium. ANY stadium. It is mind-boggling that any architect, contractor or project manager or indeed ‘owner’ (i.e. Government) of a stadium could contract a stadium without lights today.


    And if it was a matter of cost limitation, then we should have taken the $15million cruise ship money and spent it on lights, although I do not see lights costing that much, only in a ‘questionable environment’.


  38. John


    Pass by UWI and you will see the lights.

  39. rasta man

    Can anyone tell me if the Indians who came on the highly publicised flight went back home??

  40. Wishing in Vain

    It appears to me that just about any and everything these clowns have been involved in recently has come up with a failing grade is it a case that the time has come for their retirement???
    I certainly am under that belief, here we have them construct a stadium and Owing withdrew the lighting aspect of the plan because we did not need them just what are you saying about the fiasco now Owing? There was also to be an reception area a tribute to our past players neither did that get built if they were worrying about cost it was a little late to worry about this as they were already $ 300 mill in debt with the project so what difference would have been to add a few million more to the taxpayers bill, instead we spend over a $ 1 mill on a closing ceremony that was another disaster we had people performing and could hardly be seen and a PA system that was under performing.
    I suppose we will be told by our dictators that we are not to complain because they did a wonderful job nailing us to the cross.

  41. J. Payne

    To rasta man:

    Just check around Bridgetown has anyone put up any new stalls selling some good Curried food?

  42. Wishing in Vain

    Update regarding Carlisle Bay presently 14 yachts it appears that we are on the decline and not on the growth pattern ooopps forgot we had 700 in for Saturday so they must be departing quickly.

  43. Warrior

    Rasta Man

    I don’t think they gone home I see nuff in Black Rock yesterday and Saturday.

    I tell you is this another case of mass migration like with our south American neighbours?

  44. Old Timer

    Poor Tony Marshall. He is living in La La Land today on Brass Tacks.

  45. Wishing in Vain

    He sure is, hard to defend the indefensible actually he has not been given as hard a time as he should have.

  46. Warrior

    For the want of a shoe the Horse was lost. For the lack of common sense and integrity, honesty, and accountability Barbados is lost.

    All the elected officials of this country should resign their posts forthwith. Because of greed they have sold this country and its birthright for a pot of stew.

    Rev. Atherley sits amoung them and is incapable of saying anything to them, in fact they use his title to try and bamboozle the ppl of Barbados. I am disappointed in him. To him that knows and doeth it not shall be beaten with many stripes.

  47. Warrior

    Where is Royal Rumble and Javone Griffith now? probably in the same hole that they found Saddam Hussein in!! Remember what happened to him?

  48. Wishing in Vain

    Rev. Atherley he has sat alongside Owing and company and has had nothing to say with regard to corruption and stealing that he has seen taking place, therefore he has to be just as involved and just as dishonest as the rest of them no doubt in my mind at all that he to is corrupt and hiding behind the church, had he wanted to save his name and his profession he would have removed himself from that muck that is the BLP.

  49. True Native

    My comments that “got lost” this morning were in connection with the Reverend Atherley. I don’t remember what I wrote word for word, but the gist of it was that I could not understand how he could continue to associate himself with that bunch of criminal vagabonds. Has he no guts? Can he stand up before a congregation, if he’s a practising reverend, and say to them, “Thou shalt not steal”? When Wes Hall voted against Sandiford in the 8% cut debate and became a Born Again Christian – or whatever it was he became – he distanced himself from politics, did he not? But the Reverend Atherley blithely pompasetts himself on CBC-TV nearly every night in full compliance with the fiddlings of his contemporaries. No wonder the churches have lost so many worshippers.

  50. No-name

    Apparently the Right Reverend Atherley is no moral role model. From what I have heard he is no different from Owen. It must be very difficult maintaining a strong moral character working among the likes of MM, Owen, Mia, Wuk for Wuk etc.

  51. No-name

    Maybe you should start a thread specially for Rev’d Atherley because if there is one persons who should be upright it is the Rev’d. Let’s see how well he responds to our queries!

  52. Warrior

    who in heaven’s name is wuk for wuk

  53. No-name
    April 30th, 2007 at 10:01 pm
    Apparently the Right Reverend Atherley is no moral role model. From what I have heard he is no different from Owen. It must be very difficult maintaining a strong moral character working among the likes of MM, Owen, Mia, Wuk for Wuk etc
    Thompy says he has a lot of respect for the Rev., that he only want tuh ask him his views on abortion.

  54. No-name

    I did not want to be specific but there you go…and I am aware of at least one other incident involving a young lady I know….but I don’t want to be toom hard on the good Rev’d because we are all flesh.

    But please if you are not what you profess to be … not pretend