Daily Archives: December 1, 2010

Spark of the Day! Two beautiful brides from India and West Africa

It doesn’t matter what country or culture: If the bride is happy, everybody is happy!

Spark of the Day is our little reminder that we can live and work together on this planet if we become like children and appreciate each other and the wonders of our home called “The good, good Earth”.

Give thanks to Indian Makeup and Beauty Blog and African Tribal Music.net


Filed under Barbados, Spark of the Day!

Visit Jamaica Facebook: over 100,000 fans. Visit Barbados Facebook: 263 fans.

UK visitors to Jamaica up 13% due to “concerted social media campaign.”

Visit Jamaica Facebook page: 103,700+ fans.

“Official” Barbados Tourism Authority Facebook page: 263 fans

Many Barbados Tourism Facebook pages dead for months.

Over two months ago we reported on the sorry state of the tossed-together Barbados Tourism Authority social media campaign (and we use the word “campaign” very loosely). We told you about the haphazardly created and then discarded BTA websites and Facebook pages that litter the internet like used diapers at a daycare center. (See our October 5, 2010 article: Barbados Tourism Authority Facebook not updated for 3 months)

We told you how Barbados is paying big dollars to a US company to have 15 minutes of original content work done each week and how our Facebook posts are mostly adverts, with many created automatically by software. We told you how our Twitter campaign was mostly automatically generated with pre-used content.

“Sometimes you just want to cry or rage at the shear stupidity and waste.”

BFP’s Robert reacts to more BTA idiocy reported on the next page of this article.

We told you how even the Minister of Tourism’s website lacked links to the Visit Barbados websites, Facebook pages and Twitter feed that we’re paying the big dollars for. Then the Bajan Reporter asked Tourism Minister Richard L. Sealy (photo above) about the BTA Facebook pages not being updated in months and it was a total surprise to the Minister.

So what has changed in the last couple of months? Ha! Maybe you don’t want to know… but you should make it your business. After all: you’re paying for this mess… Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Technology, Tourism, Travel, Traveling and Tourism

The Future Centre Trust’s Nicole to perform at Dancing Under The Stars

The Future Centre Trust will be represented at the Dancing Under The Stars event from 8pm on Friday December 3 at the Garfield Sobers Gymnasium with a 3 minute performance by Yours Truly. To assist in the promotion of said event, we are here to encourage you to enjoy an evening of unique performances (a once in a lifetime for some) and the excellent talents of some accomplished dancers who have represented Barbados in several spheres.

Come and support the event on Friday!

Tickets are available from the NCC Office in Codrington, St Michael, NCC at Folkestone Marine Reserve, CS Pharmacy, Jeans Inc at Sheraton and Fisherman’s Pub at Speightstown. Also available at the door. Door prices are $30 for regular seating, and $40 for ringside.

Come and enjoy an evening of dance and fun!

Thanks again,

The Future Centre Trust
E: info@futurecentretrust.org | futurecentretrust@gmail.com
Web: http://www.futurecentretrust.org


Filed under Barbados, Environment

Kammie Holder: Are we fooling ourselves about being Independent?

What is your mirror image?

by Kammie Holder

Barbados as a sovereign nation became independent from Britain 44 years ago. As an island we have achieved much in the last 44 years, thanks to the foresight of our past leaders. Most Barbadians, enjoy a standard of living which is the envy of many of their neighbors and others. Free bus fare for school children, free lunch for primary school children, free health care and free education.  How much better can it get? A per capital income of $19,300 and a Human Development Index Rating of 42 out of 169 countries.

However, have our progress and successes blinded us from being strict guardians of our fate? Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, History