Barbados Apartment Collapse – Day 3 – Damaged Building Knocked Down, Work Continues


Recovery Teams Working In Extremely Dangerous Conditions

INTERNET RADIO FOR OUR INTERNATIONAL READERS… Voice Of Barbados 92.9fm (Windows Media Player needed)

9:00am Barbados Time – Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We notice that the radio and television reports are becoming fewer – a result of an expectation that the Codrington family are all dead. The rescue/recovery teams are working as hard as ever. Last evening the remains of the damaged building were knocked down in an attempt to make the worksite safer.

The most important news article of the day is an assessment by structural engineer Ralph Adams that appears in The Nation News. If such an article appeared in The New York Times about the collapse of a building in the United States, the police would now be using search warrants at the Town Planner’s Office and be in the middle of a homicide investigation. More on this later. (See The Nation News – Just A Matter Of Time!)

Stories From Day 3 – Print & Online Media…

Barbados Underground (main blog here)

One of David’s readers sent him a photo of the area near the collapsed apartment building where construction equipment had been working all week before the cave-in. See the photo and today’s story here.

Pull! Push! (main blog here)

Amit has put together an excellent photo history of the disaster and area using photos taken from the media and other blogs. (link here)

Nation News (Largest Island Newspaper – main link here)

Lead Story – No Sign Of Life

Engineer’s Analysis – Just A Matter Of Time!

How Events Unfolded

Cavern Still Remains “Dangerously Unstable”

Geologist: Water Cause Of The Collapse


Filed under Barbados, Disaster

129 responses to “Barbados Apartment Collapse – Day 3 – Damaged Building Knocked Down, Work Continues

  1. Karst

    Karst is a distinctive topography in which the landscape is largely shaped by the dissolving action of water on carbonate bedrock
    (usually limestone, dolomite, or marble).
    This geological process, occurring over many thousands of years,
    results in unusual surface and subsurface features ranging from sinkholes, vertical shafts, disappearing streams, and springs,
    to complex underground drainage systems and caves.

    OMG – they’re describing Barbados!

  2. Email from RRC, in UK

    “That is a good hole.
    I remember a similar thing happening in Norwich a few years back, when a bus fell into a hole which opened up in one of the roads in the city!
    Fortunately no one was injured, nevertheless it makes one aware of the precarious situations onto which we unknowingly build homes.
    Norwich is built on chalk and there are lots of tunnels under the city
    so don’t feel that Barbados is alone in this.”

  3. bay

    yip i siad so yesterday, all that ridge from north east to north west st. lucy passing over st. peter parts of st. andrew and all the remaining parishes is karst, i wonder the real implications this have.
    if we continue at this rate of contruction we fall off piece by peice look at that ledge in boscobel whick fell in a landslipage the cliffs fell to the bottom a felt boulder biiger than most house, if u doubt me. u can t visit the mount st. peter to see for urself. i know of a sea cave more than 500 ft inland, when the sea gets up and is breaking rough you get seaspray coming from the crack of that cave, we like in a very vunarable landscape we have to be carefull very carefull.

  4. PiedPiper

    After looking at that photo on BU of the construction site directly behind the apartment building, it should now be obvious to everyone what has ocurred here. Could someone (BFP) please find out what was being built on this site and who the developer is?
    This gets straight back to my previous post about building inspectors and the issuing of permits. Was a geological survey done prior to the permit being issued to this construction site? It’s bad enough that the NHC was permitted to construct a building on top of a known cave but then to issue a permit for more construction on top of the same cave system defies logic.
    Either the site inspector was a complete idiot or money changed hands. Maybe no inspection at all took place?

  5. Anonymous

    An inspection took place I can assure you of that:
    I spoke to the very person who did it, but can say no more, for obvious reasons.
    Let’s just say he was NOT happy with what he saw in there, okay?
    And still it went ahead.

    Did you see Adams’ comments in today’s Nation website?
    posted in another thread: he gives quite involved summation of unstable conditions in there.
    I’ll post it again for you. give me 5.
    MONEY PASSED, or favour, or old boys network, whatever you want to call it – you can be 99% sure of that, I reckon.

    Logic did not prevail.

    Yuh heer “dah cyan’ happen here” ?

  6. From reports in the Nation it seems like some of the locals with knowledge of the area and the caves could have been used to assist earlier on in the rescue process. Why wasnt this done? Was it just a fear of further collapse or was it more a matter of the authorities puffing their chest saying we’re in charge stand back small man?

    This isn’t an accusation just a question.

  7. Rumplestilskin

    No one has yet mentioned that two primary schools are nearby, must be within a half mile!! Check Google!

    These MUST be shut and relocated by Government immediately!!!

    This might sound alarmist, but to use commonsense, if a large building is only a half mile away and Ralph Adams is attributing this to water erosion, there must be a danger to these little children!

    Move them now!!!

  8. Wishing in Vain

    They opt to move the few squatters at the end of the airport under the guise of affecting the radar when this is proven lie but we have no laws guiding the building on coral cliffs ?
    Do you think that we have double standards in play in this island or what ?
    The adjoining lands by these squatters has been granted TCP permission for development but the squatters have to leave why?
    Is it beacuse it would affect the value of the new development ?
    This building collapse may be the front edge of more of these things taking place if we look at Allan Fields and his overruling of the engineer on the site to then reduce the steel and concrete in the erection of the Spring Garden bond and offices, then the Coconut Creek project that is reportely sinking as well, and if we are honest with our selves we will see Paradise doing likewise with their use of inferior quality steel and also building on caves as well.

  9. Lady Anon

    What concerns me is these structural engineers who say it was “just a matter of time” and have not taken it upon themselves to let us know of the possible dangers…only waiting until after the fact to say “it was only a matter of time”.

  10. I saw Noel Lynch there on Sunday morning and he almost got lynched by the residents. His style was the usual arrogant know-it-all approach. There was nothing sincere about his approach.

    Why is Dale Marshall all over the place on this? Where are the Emergency Response personnel? I am just sick of Dale Marshall leading the reports on this disaster. It just smells of cheap politics on his part and lacks sincerity. Just like Mia when the prison burnt down.

    I want to hear from the paid professional disaster management folks. Not a pompous self-serving politician.

  11. Anonymous

    Went to NATION website to get that Adams comments for you
    today’s Nation website will not load via my RSS feed.
    yet it did this morning,earlier!

    Too much heat?
    a phone call went down?
    details withdrawn?

    How curious? – tummuch skullduggery?

  12. Lady Anon

    Jdid…I would hope that they erred on the side of caution and not put other persons in danger as concerns about the stability of the immediate cave structure was utmost.

  13. Lady Anon

    PP…he is the Minister of Home Affairs, after all.

  14. Anonymous

    Nation newsp. at URL..
    August 28th, 2007 at 11:12 am

    “There were two fault lines through the roof of the cave. One of them is exactly where you see the building split now, but it extends further under that apartment block, it extends across the road to the junction and it extends nearly to the front door of the house on the other side of the road and halfway under the house to the north,” said Adams.

    He said the area was surveyed about a month ago and the cave collapsed on the fracture.

    “The areas to the west have now fallen in, the original cave mouth is now closed, the rock is fractured and it looks as though it will fall out to the west. There is also the business below the cliff that is under threat.”

    Xxxxx said he was aware of planned construction at the rear of the apartment but whether or not the work had begun, the cave would have still given out because water was also weakening the area.

    “There are four storm drainage wells hooked into the corner adjacent to the building, and they are degrading the rock. The surveyors surveyed it prior to their doing work next door and it already had fractures through the roof of the cave.”

  15. ??

    WIV you are using a tragedy to push a political point. SHAME ON YOU.

    Squatting as explained is illegal occupation of other peoples land.. I guess your position would be different of ot were your land! what next do you support wholesale theft from supermarkets… Just stop the stupidity!

    This is a very sad time for the families and Barbados, we all need to reflect on our lives as we do not know whne it will be our turn.

  16. Anonymous

    The shredding of the original building permits and inspection records was keeping everybody awake last night who live near the Town Planners office. The sounds of computer printers creating the new reports was noisy too! 😉

  17. Wishing in Vain

    Rumplestilskin, jdid, Peter Piper,
    All very good comments, I see in the press today that residents were ready and willing to assist but the police sidelined them for whatever reasons, then we have Marshall making the most of the opportunity of the press but he is making very heavy weather of this effort, his recovery effort is being compared to the recovery at WTC.
    Were the Town and Country Planning Department aware of this cave and the risk involved in allowing persons to build there? or was money involved in this decision making process.

  18. cherry2enpowered

    What concerns me is that it looks like water damage is going to be the offical statement for the collapse of the site.No one seems concern [or choose not to speak in public] about constrution behind on top a cave system and apt blocks so close to the cliff edge.
    If memory serves me correct,inspectors visited a business below the cliff some time back and found the plumbing system build into the cave.So waste water instead leading to a well was going into the cave.Does anyone remember the story?
    Water may contribute but i don’t think that is the only reason for the cave in.

  19. Anonymous

    Lady Anon

    All practising Engineers are registered under the Engineer’s Registration Act. They cannot practice and receive fees as Engineers unless they are registered without being in breach of the law.

    In the Engineer’s Registration Act, public safety is of prime concern.

    There is alot of construction which takes place in Barbados with no Engineer on record, …. and there is alot of construction which takes place with an Engineer on record.

    Experienced contractors can do much of what an Engineer can, but you will find that the good contractors will not proceed without an Engineer to take responsibility and provide guidance.

    They would be in breach of the law.

    That Engineer may be on staff or his/her assistance is contracted.

    This is yet one other reason why the whole process of the Physical Development Plan is of importance.

    The transparency of the method when followed will draw inputs from engineers and persons who know from experience what the area is like.

    If the Minister responsible for Town Planning overrides the Town Planner or decides to allow development, he/she better have the qualifications to back up the decision or better had be listening to the advice of the board which is supposed to advise him/her.

    …otherwise it is just a case of monkey handling gun.

    Think GREENLAND!!

    Can anyone say who is a member of the Advisory Board, ….. or indeed, if it functions?

  20. John

    Sorry, that last Anonymous on Engineers and registration was me.

    The computer forgot who I was.

  21. Wishing in Vain

    Actually I am not pushing any political point at all but rather asking real and pressing questions.
    We move squatters but allow people to build in dangerous zones, what do you want me to think ?
    If you think for a minute that we do not have questions to ask then we have a problem.
    And please do not question my expression of sympathy to these suffering ones they have my prayers from the outset, but this does not mean that when lashes are needed they will be delivered and yes Marshall has slacked in his handling of this event see the comments in the press today confirming this feeling.

  22. PiedPiper

    The Anon who posted about the shredders going all night at the planning office…….sad, funny and true all at the same time.
    The finger pointing now just beginning and you can bet when all is said and done that no one will be held accountable. Even if they take the other common approach of finding a “scapegoat”, nothing will change and nothing will have been learned from this completely unnecessary tragedy.
    I still want to know what was being built on that new construction site and who the developer is. This information could, no doubt, shed some light on the situation.

  23. John- I thought it had been agreed on this site that there has been no Advisory Board for a number of years?

    “The Minister responsible” a.k.a. O$A is therefore probably acting ultra vires when he overrides the Chief Town Planner’s decisions/recommendations on his own authority.

    Even if he is acting illegally do you suppose he cares? Of course not. He is our Lord and Master and can do no wrong, nor be gainsaid without risk of recrimination.

    This is not what we wanted when we obtained independence, and as a Republic it would undoubtedly get worse.

  24. JAH son

    i would blame town and country planning for this why because it is simple it happen naturally yes that is one side, no building in barbados can get the go ahead to build without them giveing permission, but them does be to busy pushing down poor people house before them check and see what is taking place study it good no building can go up so are you tell me that town and country planning had no idea a cave was there bull shit we in barbados does push our heads in the sand to much

  25. guy who was there

    listen all! Those people were alive for a very long time in that hole. Immediately after it happened (about 4:30 am), a few of us were talking to the guy and shining a light down for him. He said his foot was cracked and he could not move. He then called for his children and one of them answered and i heard his wife screaming too. At least three of them were alive for sure. The police soon got there. And the fire service only 5 minutes away, got there about 25 minutes later. the last thing i told the man was that the fire truck was there and he would be ok. The sides of the “cave” were still falling in every couple of minutes so i told him to pull in under something. He shouted back and said he did. Then “stripes” came and started telling everyone to get back. They pushed us back and pulled caution tape all over the place, yet they did not go close to the hole and ask the people down there anything. I had no problem moving, as i told the police, as long as they help the man. All the while he was down there calling for help.

    Then more and more fire fighters and police arrived and wasted 2 hours trying to stretch a ladder that was too short off the back of the fire truck. it was like they were giving rides to all the personel so they could look down into the hole and take pictures.

    Then they tried for about an hour and a half with a small crane that started to cause a few too many vibrations so they stopped. and brught another larger one. All this while not one person went and asked the man anything or tried to go to the edge and throw ropes down and get into the hole when the people were still living they were all sceared.
    If i was standing at the edge before the moved me, why couldnt they?

    Then at about 10:00 am I saw firfighters setting up cases of drinks and coolers like it was a f#$@ing picnic. So when i asked them what the hell was going on, I was told I was being too aggressive.

    Those rescue people from Miami were finally called at midnight when it was much too late.

    Bajan “rescue” people killed that family. they waited too long, and did nothing. instead of risking one life to save 5 they risked none and let the people die. I am just sorry we called them, cause we were looking for rope to go into the hole when they arrived.

  26. TrottIt!

    … the shredders going all night at the planning office…
    ….sad, funny and true all at the same time!
    The finger pointing now just beginning,
    and you can bet when all is said and done
    that no one will be held accountable.


    I give it one week
    and you’ll be hearing that a Commission of Enquiry will be trotted out,
    Gov’ts usual “appearance of The Right Thing Being Done!”

    And when $185,000 worth of Commission Of Enquiry is done six months after it began,
    as you said no one will be held accountable,
    and no heads will roll!
    Did you expect otherwise?

    This is Barbados, an we doan’ wuk soah: simple.

  27. DeathCert.

    “Bajan “rescue” people killed that family.
    they waited too long, and did nothing”

    pretty much hits it on the head.

    Cause of Death:
    Shock, loss of blood, blunt trauma injury, exposure.

  28. Wishing in Vain

    guy who was there
    I would like to express my thanks to you for your willingness to serve and your involvement in the matter, as has been said on here before it seems that a long time elapsed before any real action was taken and maybe someone should have stayed handy to keep those injured ones talking to the rescue crew.
    We have become such a police state that civilians are now brushed aside and the force takes over instead of being able to make the most of those that are there and willing to assist.
    How did Lynch manage this affair ?

  29. John

    deb thomas
    August 28th, 2007 at 3:49 pm
    John- I thought it had been agreed on this site that there has been no Advisory Board for a number of years?

    Agreed on this site and official are two different things.

    I am just hoping some official would issue a statement through official channels completely repudiating the “agreement” on this site and put me in my place. …. BFP too!!

    That is what properly functioning officialdom would do!!

    Did the same thing with the vehicle inspection process at the Pine after the disaster at Joe’s River. Raised the need for transparency in vehicle inspections in a ministry where the minister is perceived to be taking money for ZR permits.

    Still nothing through official channels.

    Looks like “Monkey handling Gun” remains a possible description.

  30. Adrian

    August 28th, 2007 at 2:16 pm After looking at that photo on BU of the construction site directly behind the apartment building, it should now be obvious to everyone what has ocurred here. Could someone (BFP) please find out what was being built on this site and who the developer is?
    This gets straight back to my previous post about building inspectors and the issuing of permits. Was a geological survey done prior to the permit being issued to this construction site? It’s bad enough that the NHC was permitted to construct a building on top of a known cave but then to issue a permit for more construction on top of the same cave system defies logic.
    Either the site inspector was a complete idiot or money changed hands. Maybe no inspection at all took place?

    August 28th, 2007 at 3:33 pm The Anon who posted about the shredders going all night at the planning office…….sad, funny and true all at the same time.
    The finger pointing now just beginning and you can bet when all is said and done that no one will be held accountable. Even if they take the other common approach of finding a “scapegoat”, nothing will change and nothing will have been learned from this completely unnecessary tragedy.
    I still want to know what was being built on that new construction site and who the developer is. This information could, no doubt, shed some light on the situation.

    Very good points again yet we have a Nationnews article from someone whom I see no reason not to believe has used their academic title to cast blame away from where it should focus.

    NATION NEWSJust a matter of time!
    Published on: 8/28/07.

    Ralph Adams, a structural and civil engineer, said that the building collapse at Arch Cot, Brittons X Road, St Michael, was bound to happen at some point.

    Adams, who was on the scene offering advice from Sunday, said the neighbourhood knew about the existence of a cave and still allowed people to build on it.

    “It was just a matter of time before it was a disaster,” Adams told the Nation.

    When asked about the actual size of the cave, he said it was quite big and had two cracks.

    “There were two fault lines through the roof of the cave. One of them is exactly where you see the building split now, but it extends further under that apartment block, it extends across the road to the junction and it extends nearly to the front door of the house on the other side of the road and halfway under the house to the north,” said Adams.

    Mouth closed

    He said the area was surveyed about a month ago and the cave let go [collapsed] on the fracture.

    “The areas to the west have now fallen in, the original cave mouth is now closed, the rock is fractured and it looks as though it will fall out to the west. There is also the business below the cliff that is under threat.”

    Adams said he was aware of planned construction at the rear of the apartment but whether or not the work had begun, the cave would have still given out because water was also weakening the area.

    “There are four storm drainage wells hooked into the corner adjacent to the building, and they are degrading the rock. The surveyors surveyed it prior to their doing work next door and it already had fractures through the roof of the cave.” (WB)

  31. Adrian

    BFP you need to collect all the pictures you can find of this desaster site and do a study. I think we will not be getting any answers soon, and that when we do it will be painted to protect and hide-up.

  32. mellowcoucou

    i am sick of hearing the Ag. why can”t we hear from the other experts like the geologists and those from Fema? reminds me of the glendairy fire.

  33. Anonymous

    A medical centre was to be built in the area behind the present cavity. Some weeks ago, it was discovered that the large cave existed. It would seem that mapping of the cave was done subsequent to this discovery. These maps were referred to by the AG in one of his press briefings.

  34. Concern / and good friend

    The Police in Barbados needs to know how to deal with people in the time all over the place even when someone get kill or just dead they always shouting at family if they don’t know the persons they should ask questions first even if they ask a family member to see that the person or persons is connected to the scene Please train them to deal with people the right way.

  35. unrighteous

    I too am sick of hearing all of them. That’s their damn problem – too much talk and no action whatsoever. Talking alot of insignifican sh*t for hours on end, while the people down there trapped (I still holding out hope that at least one is still alive)…..Right now I am here listening to the radio while they talk about clothing, food, etc.. for the persons who were discolated. I am not saying that is not important, since those people may still be very traumatised, but still it appears to me from the onset that the family down inside the cave were not given the utmost priority – after all, they are still down inside there since Sunday 4:30 a.m, whether dead or alive.

    Right now I am so upset, the anger is boiling up inside of me, call me emotional, but I do not think that all was done to save this family. Yeah they brought in the Miami Dade Fire Rescue personnel and their sniffer dogs, who by the way have already left Barbados (and they claimed they came, did the jobs they were supposed to do and have left). I am not convinced of this at all.

    Just read what the ‘guy who was there’ posted… As a family member of the persons trapped, I could not in all honesty be satisfied that all was done. We have a bunch of “know-it-all-don’t-really-know-one- sh*t” people here in authority, who are too proud to accept assistance or instruction from ordinary lay persons who might actually have a clue.

    May the Lord help us all if more disaster strikes this small island. Make peace with your Maker now cause we will all die, if left to the “experts” to save us.

  36. J. Payne

    Britain please take back over.

    I tired… Our leaders can’t lead properly and they’re impacting life on this lil’ small island. I doh see nothing wrong with our two countries working on an agreement guaranteeing this small island the same level of local autonomy as what you grant of and for Bermuda, The Cayman Islands, et al.

  37. Bajan Touchstone

    While my heart goes out to the Codrington family in their time of tragedy, I am shocked to read the eye witness comments from Guy Who Was There.

    I have been following the situation closely from Sunday, and I distinctly remember listening to CBC radio and hearing the announcer ask a policeman how soon the rescue would begin and the policeman laughed and this could clearly be heard over the radio. I was shocked, and called several people to confirm that this was what I heard.
    DE POLICEMAN LAUGHED OVER THE RADIO WHEN ASKED WHEN A RESCUE WOULD BEGIN. If that was their mindset from Sunday morning, it is no surprise that two days later the Codrington family is still trapped, and now presumed dead.

    Politicians were quickly on scene touring as if it was a photo op. I see O$A, AG, No- El Lynch, Trevor Prescod, Farley and even Cynthia Forde all pun de people tv. I even catch more than one of them on camera (but not the primary subject at the time) skinning dem teeth. Bare briefs and tours and catch phrases like “catastrophe” and “Ground Zero” yet no real action. Now two days later the rescue (now recovery) effort continues. I am glad that the Miami Dade Rescue Team is here, because it seems that now the lotta long talk we been getting will turn into some decisive action. Local knowledge of the area if used on Sunday may have been critical in effecting a rescue when the Codringtons were still alive. Bajans familiar with the caves in question volunteered their services and were turned away.

    I am asking what happened to all the big training the police, fire service and military had to prep for all these possible disasters, terrorism and mass casualty incidents during CWC? I only shudder to think how the powers that be would have handled things if this had been a collapse at Kensington Oval with thousands of people instead of five.

    If the location of the cave (s) was common knowledge to the persons from the area as well as Government, how then could Town Planning given anyone permission to build there?

    My deepest and sincerest sympathies to the Codrington and Linton families…

    May they rest in peace…

  38. Wishing in Vain

    My point from the very start was inept action was going to cause further stress, it is blatanly clear to me to see that the help of those willing hands may have been able to save a life or two, we have treated this as a photo opportunity rather than a life saving one.
    Yes Bajan Touchstone you certainly right they have made the most of the TV and press time they all have made themselves visible on the press sadly when they should have stepped aside and let the people that know what they are about carry on with their effort.
    To update you, the Dade team have already departed the island so we are on our own once again at the mercy of the AG and who ever else he pulls together.
    I saw ordinary people work during the floods to rescue persons without the involvement of CERO, Mass casualty response unit, Dale Marshall,Prescod, PM, Police or Fire service and these Bajans responded beyond the call of duty and saved lives, children were taken out on the shoulders of adults to safety, now were we to have a flood the Police guns would be pointing at you, the Mass casualty response unit would be saying do not touch them we are in command here, so to CERO, PM, Marshal, Prescod, Fire Service so what is the message here ?
    Too much administration at play here looking to make the most milage with the press for political points and ultimately votes sadly this is how it appears to John Public.

  39. guy who was there

    how is it possible to send away the Miami rescue people (who have vowed to stay for as long as they are needed) after only a day of rescue attempts. this is madness. Three days after the world trade center went down survivors were still found beneath the ruble. What the hell are they doing????

  40. All the cave rescue training in the world is not going to help our fire department if they are scared to risk life and limb when the crunch comes.

    “Me ‘en paid for DAT!” is the likely reaction.

    I am not saying our firemen are cowards. Their chosen occupation is a dangerous one. But lowering men into the bowels of the earth when there is a big risk of falling debris is asking for a special kind of hero. One that is not easy to find. We know that three men died recently trying to rescue those trapped miners in Utah. The same could have happened here.

  41. Sandy

    I am truly shocked and appalled at what has transpired in Barbados. If what I have been reading about this tragedy is true, I am ashamed to be associated with Barbados.

    I always pride myself because I am a direct decendant of two Bajan parents and never allowed anyone to call me an american. I was so proud to say that I am a Barbadian.

    Now in the wake of this tragedy I cannot keep back the tears for those that were lost in this cavern collapse. To further read that people were there willing to help and were forced back, only to allow these innocent children and their parents be murdered, because that what this was…MURDER.

    If this were the USA, law suits would be filing right now.

    I hope and pray that the families will be able to move forward after this. GOD bless them all.

  42. Straight talk

    So what you are saying Deb is that our Fire and Rescue workers should not put themselves in harm’s way.
    That rather defeats the purpose of having such a department doesn’t it?

    Blazing building, 30 foot hole both very dangerous situations; situations which F & R Depts throughout the world are highly trained to confront with skill and bravery every day of the week.

    It may be a good idea to send a Bajan squad to Dade County for a period to learn new skills and techniques for whenever, God forbid, a similar emergency arises and we are then able to respond immediately and maximise the chances of victim survival.








  44. Anonymous


  45. Looking on

    It is all quite simple. We need to get back to caring about each other. It doesn’t have to be manicured or organised.

    We can not let protocol (another word for bull-crap) prevent us from acting. We can not be posturing and waiting for an excuse to come along to releive us of our responsibility to each other. When we do this we are in fact playing with human lives.

    The fact is that we are not prepared…for any sort of disaster. Our leaders can talk, they can put together a response for the media and the public, but action is never part of the plan. What happened was a classic case of stage fright for our emergency personnel…and what a time to get it.

  46. Whappen?

    Britain please take back over.

    Wha’ happen?
    Yuh find dis “Independence” ting not wukkin?

    Now de gully wash out (almost literally)
    yuh seeing where de Barley REALLY growing,nuh?

    Yuh soundin’ COLONIAL, muh boh!
    Even though yuh right!

  47. Wishing in Vain

    And here we go again we have Prescod and Marshall on the radio rambling on about how well everything is going and how smoothly they have handled everything.
    I wonder if they are thinking that just maybe they are still people alive in that hole and the sooner they get there the better.
    Maybe Marshall is thinking that the rain will fall this evening and put a halt on proceedings, I heard Marshall state earlier today that the workers were taking a rest because they were tired now surely they must be relief workers to fill the void when the others are tired rather than bringing everything to a screeching halt.
    Would Mottley have been any different I am not sure but her masculine voice would have set them to work in fear ?

  48. Lookah-Lookah!

    I only shudder to think how the powers that be would have handled things
    if this had been a collapse at Kensington Oval
    with thousands of people instead of five.

  49. Elections soon?

    Please Dear God,
    can we have the election tomorrow?

    Does the BLP know they’re skating on thin ice?
    Has this event now cemented in the common man’s mind
    how much the BLP doan really give a damn about Dems-type people? i.e. de poor man?

    Is the ‘wash-way’ Swing imminent?

    See how dese things happen?
    For a reason?

  50. Wishing in Vain

    Looking on your comments are valued, the reponses to both this and the crash at Joe’s River needs looking into it could never be right that with an accident that took place at sometime after 11.00 am the last injured were never taken to the hospital until after 5.30 pm that evening and for them never to require the services of the private ambulance services to assist in ferrying these injured around is a sad reflection of our planning and medical emergency services, not to mention that it took them 3 weeks to go back and clean the site of used needles, gauze, bandages, IV’s etc because the garbage collection people refused to touch the area because of fear of getting cut or stuck with used needles, we are sadly lacking.
    Had they cooperated with the residents who knows what the outcome may have been one,two,three, four or five saved but not much hope of that after 3 days of waiting and playing hide and seek,and halting the recovery effort while waiting for the rains to fall.

  51. Adrian

    I wonder if the Miami rescue crew would talk, it is worth a try. Elections where going to be November, I don’t know if this event will throw it off again.

  52. Straight Talk- So what you are saying is that you think we can find firemen willing to be trained in Dade County to take near suicidal risks?

    That much is true. Who wouldn’t mind a training session in Miami?

    But will those trained firemen then actually go down on a rope in such a dangerous situation as this? I doubt it very much. You cannot pay a man enough to justify such danger. Even a bomb disposal technician has bulky protective clothing to give him a sporting chance.

    Even a trained speleologist would hold back from such danger as this, unless foolhardy. And rightly so, because we are told there was a subsequent subsidence, after which no voices were heard

    True it would be a heroic gesture to volunteer, and a noble way to die. But training tells a man when a risk is sensible and when it is suicidal.

  53. Underdog

    I am very saddened by what guy who was there has reported. The other thing that upset me was the posting of the photo of the poor mother on the Nation front page. Completely unnecessary, and the last item of information about this disaster that I want to see. As a mother myself, I can almost feel her pain. Now she must add humiliation to that. How horrible for her!

  54. Underdog

    Why must The Nation do this all the time?

  55. jammy


    Elections soon?
    August 28th, 2007 at 7:40 pm

    Please Dear God,
    can we have the election tomorrow?

    Does the BLP know they’re skating on thin ice?
    Has this event now cemented in the common man’s mind
    how much the BLP doan really give a damn about Dems-type people? i.e. de poor man?

    Is the ‘wash-way’ Swing imminent?

    See how dese things happen?
    For a reason?

  56. JoesR.

    “not to mention that it took them 3 weeks to go back and clean the site of used needles, gauze, bandages, IV’s etc because the garbage collection people refused to touch the area”

    I was there the next morning
    and was kinda surprised at the sheer extent of ‘stuff’ left around – there was an entire wing mirror of the bus itself, much ladies footwear, medical equipment packaging, window glass in fractured sheets, etc.

    I remember thinking that Whoever didn’t do a very good clean-up job….now you’re telling me it took three weeks?

  57. PiedPiper

    I truly hope that the Codrington and Linton families are looking for a good lawyer, preferrably one that is not intimidated by or in the back pocket of the BLP.

  58. When this kinda stuff happens abroad people never hesitate to sue…

  59. I would suggest an inquiry into this tragedy is required but seeing how most bajan inquiries duz end up a waste a time an money it dont even make sense.

  60. J. Payne

    If dis was Kensington we would see nuff big speech.

    America, Canada, the UK, India, China, South Africa, Venezuela, Cuba and all the other Caribbean islands would have to come send we rescue teams because I doubt we’d get help otherwise.

  61. Wishing in Vain

    JoesR. Sadly this was the case three weeks later was the clean up.
    I thought that the medics would have displayed better caution in what they were using and they disposed of their used equipment such as needles etc.
    The garbage collection people have to be commended for taking a stance with their health in mind and they did go back when the place was tidy up and removed the garbage with the use of a bobcat from the bobcat into the dump truck.

  62. Andre Winter

    This reminds me very much of the Weston flood of August 3, 1995 that killed a much beloved calypsonian Carew…… Again there was evidence that someone in construction had irrefutably placed boulders in the water course that created the flood. If you ever view the photos or talk to the residence the they will tell you about the big boulders that could only come from quarry making their way on to that main coast road during the flood. Were those responsible sued?? …no and what did the then Parliamentary rep do??? Nothing but like Weston St. James Tragedy I am sure not much will come of it..

  63. Wishing in Vain

    I remeber that event well that too was sad day, your Parliamentary rep is the one that had that speech about cosmic forces affecting him but this he is under Owings pants like a begging dog.
    I think you wasted your vote my friend with him.
    Nothing will come of any of them because the politicians have their hands to well greased to act any other way than the white folks want them to act.


    Wishing in Vain,

    Will you be picking the Codrington’s dead bones when they get buried to?

    Dirty minded animal.



    Perhaps the Codrington and Linton families, unlike you, have no interest in using the deaths of their loved ones for POLITICAL PURPOSES.

    Stupid vulture.

  66. Wishing in Vain

    Unlike over at BU this site does not tolerate you depraved kind of comments and you will not last too long on here.
    Engage the brain before you write and even then hope for the best.


    Pied Piper,

    YOU SAID: “It’s bad enough that the NHC was permitted to construct a building on top of a known cave but then to issue a permit for more construction on top of the same cave system defies logic. Either the site inspector was a complete idiot or money changed hands. Maybe no inspection at all took place?”

    Are you aware that this same cave system extends all the way to Upper Collymore Rock?

    Are you are that there are caves (known and unknown) ALL UNDER BARBADOS?

    The one thing I really wish these blogs would show is who are posting from Barbados and who are posting from outside.

    It is my suspicion that the most stupid ones post from outside Barbados… clueless ignorant people living abroad, stuck inside some apartment, terrified of going outside, and with too much time on their hands.

    Thank God that REAL Bajans living in Barbados are much more sensible people than most of you clueless half-foreigners.


    Wishing in Vain,

    You claimed earlier (or on another blog) that Sandy Cove (Coconut Creek) was “sinking into a cavern”.

    I told you already that you are a LIAR.

    It’s 9:27 pm here in Bim.

    You’ve got 23 hours left to produce PHOTOS or MEDIA REPORTS or ANY OTHER EVIDENCE that Sandy Cove is “sinking into a cavern”.

  69. Adrian

    The recent clips on CBC tv news demonstrates without any doubt in my mind that the recent construction at the back of the apartment play a significant part in causing the events to occur on sunday.

  70. PiedPiper

    Werrana, it’s very obvious to me who you are. Has RSL lost it’s lustre for you?



    What is RSL?

    Is it somewhere else where you are also recognised as an idiot?

    Tell muh bout it, ’cause it sound interesting.

  72. Wishing in Vain

    PiedPiper I have no idea what WERRANA is but what I do know is that it will not last long on this site with a mouth as vile as it has, it could be Lynch, Walcott, Marshall , Simmons, Mottley or Liz Thompson as the IT would be aptly applied, but it sounds like Owing in a rant because the walls are falling down around him and he has no where to run his corruption and his nasty deeds are two steps away from haunting this idiot.

  73. Anonymous

    i don t want to get caught up in this but the sandy cove building while the foudation was under excavation, hit a rock, the engineer said it was a boulder and it can be remove, when it was removed they but a natural water stream or spring since that they are numerous complications with the building. as i speak right now, if u visit that building u would realized something is wrong, people from canada i was made to understand have dug to the core of rock to rectify some problem, (most likely the building is moving) they mock out doors and other stuff to get equipment in. true true

    why the sudden fuss about caves? they were here before us, we really took the old people for granted, they taught us about these things, did or do anyone listen to then? no, the old people talking foolishness.

  74. life

    the truth is an offence but not a sin, it s he who laugh last, it s he who win.

    the truth must be told



    YOU SAID: “The recent clips on CBC tv news demonstrates without any doubt in my mind that the recent construction at the back of the apartment play a significant part in causing the events to occur on sunday.”

    That is a possibility, but you must also bear this in mind…

    The same apartment that collapsed into the cave would also have been constructed there at some point back in time.

    The cave would have been there for hundreds/thousands/millions of years.

    So just because construction work may have been going on there recently may not be the (only) reason for the collapse.

    There could have been several other reasons or contributing factors. Erosion in the cave, weight of the apartment, vibrations from the new construction, extra weight from increased traffic, more houses/buildings in the area…

    Some clown here posted something saying it was murder.

    The simple fact is the Codrington family (two of the children were from a previous relationship) have almost certainly perished in tragic circumstances. We should concentrate on the safety of the rest of us who live here. I don’t know what’s under my house. And I’m NEVER going back inside Harrison’s Cave again. I’m not even sure if I’ll be driving anywhere close to Brittons Hill again.


    Wishing in Vain,

    You really picked a good name for yourself.

    Do you suffer from high blood pressure by any chance? Let me know so I can antagonise you even more. Maybe you’ll die… or at least suffer irreversible ill health.

  77. Wishing in Vain

    Anonymous your note serves to confirm my earlier comments now how are they proposing to firm up this foundation?
    Hopefully not by steel and concrete into the shoreline I hope not ?
    Wonder if they used any of that cheap Chinese steel in that project as well ?
    Thank you for sharing this enlightening piece of news with us.

  78. Adrian

    August 28th, 2007 at 2:16 pm
    After looking at that photo on BU of the construction site directly behind the apartment building, it should now be obvious to everyone what has ocurred here. Could someone (BFP) please find out what was being built on this site and who the developer is?

    I think this question has a lot of merit to it. Who was doing construction behind the Apartments?



    Rectifying a construction problem is one matter.

    An entire building “sinking into a cavern” is another.

    There is something in Wishing in Vain’s claim that “Sandy Cove” is “sinking into a cavern” which tells smart observers that he is a LIAR.


    Wishing in Vain,


    August 29th, 2007 at 1:59 am

    Anonymous your note serves to confirm my earlier comments now how are they proposing to firm up this foundation?

    Hopefully not by steel and concrete into the
    shoreline I hope not ?

    Wonder if they used any of that cheap Chinese steel in that project as well ?

    Thank you for sharing this enlightening piece of news with us.





  81. Wishing in Vain

    WERRANA If I were as stupid an idiot as you appear to be I would avoid all contact with a computer or the internet, or telephone actually I would avoid any means of communication that may put me in touch with the rest of the world as you are sadly a very stupid person, I would go one step further and avoid being seen out in public for fear that the stupitity that falls out of your mouth would cause someone to hurt you.
    To wish death or ill health for anyone is a sure sign of a depraved and sick mind that you are.

  82. Wishing in Vain

    Lets wait and see if they get occupied within the next 6-12 months that will tell you everything about the extent of the problems.

  83. Jeppa


    Don’t worry about WERRANA, from his amusing line in an earlier post “And I’m NEVER going back inside Harrison’s Cave again. I’m not even sure if I’ll be driving anywhere close to Brittons Hill again.” I think the sky will fall on poor Chicken Little head.



    Wishing in Vain,

    YOU SAID: “To wish death or ill health for anyone is a sure sign of a depraved and sick mind that you are.”

    Not like using the deaths of five innocent people to spread POLITICAL PROPAGANDA.

  85. Wes

    Personally, I do not believe that the construction was solely responsible for the disaster. What hapened would have been the result of a continuous process of erosion caused by percolation of water through the limestone. This process (physical and chemical) along with the load of the apartment, caused the weakening of the roof of the cave.
    There are many houses that are built on similar cave structures in Barbados eg. Welchman Hall and Cave Hill. Let’s pray for protection.


    Wishing in Vain,

    YOU SAID: “Lets wait and see if they get occupied within the next 6-12 months that will tell you everything about the extent of the problems.”

    Keep wishing in vain.

    Do you have high blood pressure?

  87. Adrian

    August 29th, 2007 at 1:52 am

    That is a possibility, but you must also bear this in mind…

    The same apartment that collapsed into the cave would also have been constructed there at some point back in time.

    The cave would have been there for hundreds/thousands/millions of years.

    So just because construction work may have been going on there recently may not be the (only) reason for the collapse.

    There could have been several other reasons or contributing factors. Erosion in the cave, weight of the apartment, vibrations from the new construction, extra weight from increased traffic, more houses/buildings in the area…

    I am not set on one possible cause. I am trying to understand what occurred here, and wish to do so to my own satisfaction. I am not prepared to trust the authorities nor persons trained in the field without bringing my own thinking and reasoning to bare on all that they say. We have already seen one person with academic qualifications in engineering pontificating that it was bound to happen, suggesting that it was cause by water, and it’s natural erosion. Learned people can and do speculate, they can and do allow themselves to be bought off. I think what we have heard so far from Mr. Adams is no more than i am doing, speculating, so when one is told to wait for the investigation and findings of the experts sometimes their approach is no different than that of the layperson. At this point i see no reason or evidence to move away from my tentative opinion that the recent construction at the rear of the Apartment, was a contributing factor to the “cave-in” that occurred on Sunday

  88. Adrian

    August 29th, 2007 at 2:12 am
    Personally, I do not believe that the construction was solely responsible for the disaster. What hapened would have been the result of a continuous process of erosion caused by percolation of water through the limestone. This process (physical and chemical) along with the load of the apartment, caused the weakening of the roof of the cave.
    There are many houses that are built on similar cave structures in Barbados eg. Welchman Hall and Cave Hill. Let’s pray for protection.
    Does anyone know if the arch cot apartments where plagued with crack walls in it’s history? While i don’t know that cracking walls can be use in this scenario as an indicator to settling or shifting of the foundation, it is worth a thought. Again i don’t know, but wouldn’t it be usual for the “cave in” to follow the existing cracks that Mr. Adams in his hurried interview to the nation suggested streches across the street and north to another house?

  89. Wishing in Vain

    POLITICAL PROPAGANDA please you idiot your party does not need anyone to do this for them they successfully have any number of them in your group that can and will destroy themselves and the party without any outside help.
    Do not get perturbed by the comments that we find Marshall to have doodled for three days too many on this event meanwhile he and others around him seek TV and radio and press coverage, valuable time was lost at the get go with his involvement and his rants went nowhere, lets face it he has been tested and has been found wanting badly no excuses necessary, he was throw a curved ball and had no response to it, lets all remember it is not about the nonsense that he spends time on the radio talking but it is about the stewardship he is offering and right now his stewardship is sickly poor.



    I can agree with you on that.

    Let me put it this way… I think there is a POSSIBILITY that the new construction work was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    But when you have such a huge gaping hole in the ground like that one, I’m not even sure if any investigation can prove anything conclusively. People living in the area say the caves extend all the way to upper Collymore Rock… aerial photos show LOTS of houses in that area… typical of any suburban area outside Bridgetown.

    I think that there is likely to be lots of conflicting and inconclusive speculation about this for decades to come.


    Wishing in Vain,

    Do you have high blood pressure?

  92. Wishing in Vain

    140 / 75 I am not sure what do you think?


    Wishing in Vain,

    I know that high blood pressure is not good, and I’ve heard that people who have it get easily agitated (don’t know for sure).

    I’m not an expert on blood pressure readings so I don’t know what 140/75 translates to, but this MIGHT help…


    Good night to all.

  95. A Youthful View

    Well from my view point i understand wat everyone is saying, but what is dun is dun, we cant turn back de hands of time all we gotta do right now is pray and hope that soemthing good will come out in the end of this horrible disaster. My sympathies goes out to the entire two families and close friends of donavere and his family. Its jus so sad to believe dat such a thing wld happun to us here in barbados, I cant blame the authorities completely, cause look, it has never happened to us and we were just not prepared for something like that to happened, i mean i wasnt there and i was so shocked and traumatised when i heard. Things happen it just that they were there at the wrong time, it cld have happened to any of us and it cld have happened anywhere.

    I mean i am kinda annoyed at the fact that the authorities took so long to wake up and realise wat was going on and have acted more quickly cause i mean they shld have founf dem by now. they shldnt give up hope that they may not be alive. But all of this wld show us that we need to take life more seriously and not for granted cause our time cant be any time. This whole tragedy will surely make the government think about all the wrong things they are doing, the things they are not doing at all and what they have to do from now on, I noe dis is something we wil lnever forget especially the neighbourhood and the ones who were affected. This whole incident is bare Sh*t den, still cant believe it, this is a sign peoples so much things are happening to Barbdos, we are spared by hurricanes but we are getting out punishment in another way it seems.

  96. Adrian

    Now if the construction is 10 % responsibility for this tragedy (i think it is more) then how does the maps that it is said where created by some company seeking to do construction in the area factor into this? I am with PiedPiper on this. We need to know who this company is, if it is the same one responsible for the excavation at the back of the ill fated apartments.

  97. Anonymous


    not getting into nothing with you and your friend, but to someone in construction, whats the meaning to a building sinking? it does nt mean it will do it in a week, month year or decade, it means the foundation is not stable, and without a stable foundation anything is possible, althought the building is SINKING does nt mean it will fall in or cave in mostly the building will crack up, just like any building that did nt have a soild foundation, and it seems SANDY COVE does nt.

    Each of those penthouses are soldand were sold even before construction began, there are also fulling finish and furnhed with the main hardware fridge stove etc,WERRANA, why do u they have nt been hand over? do u know also that a identical building is going adjacent to the exsisting one? that should of been well on it s way into construction, nearly all of the construction that is also sold out also, workers from abacus and subcontractors moved on to different job sites long ago, why? because the engineers can t get the site clear(for building) after what is happening to the first.

  98. Eager Beaver

    I have not read all the posts or all of the reports. Is there any word of or from the owners of the building?

  99. cherry2enpowered

    The owner who brought the apt 9 years ago lives in St Marteen,his brother is the caretaker.He has been informed.
    Why would a medical centre be place in the back? Where are you going to put the parking lot?

  100. Maat

    It is difficult to deal with situations for which there is little training as every cave in or building collapse will have different dangers and considerations. Many of us macho men would vow that if it were our family, loved ones or friends trapped and known to be alive in that hole, that we would have gone in almost at once to do or die. Thank goodness that such incidences as this recent tragedy are rare occurrences. There are however other possibly tragic disasters that we can all be trained for. The difference is that these life threatening episodes arrive every year as hurricanes.

    At this time we need to understand the value of experience over knowledge. In one breath we are told every hurricane season about CERO and other emergency agencies that are on standby and high alert and when a bad storm or near hurricane is upon us we are told point blank that none of the agencies will be available to assist at the time when they may be most needed, but will only show up when the all clear has been sounded. We are basically on our own when it comes to rescue and these ’emergency’ units are really highly trained recovery teams.

    What we can do is insist that each community is obligated to perform evacuation and rescue drills. Not just attending the odd CERO workshop (do they have these?) but actually have government and military buses and trucks come into the communities and evacuate households to various staging areas. The disabled and elderly cannot be left at the mercy of the storms. Our frightened and excited children need to know where to go and how to behave in the event of a tragedy in their communities and this can be achieved by practising out the disaster scenarios that we may face from hurricane, rain flooding or tidal wave.

    It is not enough to have images of the emergency services practising on volunteers, we need to have a plan that takes into account what commuters may need to do that can be trapped in town by storm surge or flooding in their home areas along the South or West Coast. We need to practise assembly points, priority access routes and get accustomed to being shifted to a place of safety without access to our cellphones and other “essentials”. If we do not practise these things, like the old fashioned fire drills that they had in schools, we may see all kind of mayhem with people stuffing their SUV’s full of everything but the kitchen sink and trying to get to where they want to get to and thereby blocking most of the roads. That would be just for starters.


  101. the bottom line

    when we all read the comments from ” One who was there” the sad part is that we could all believe the story as it unfolded was part and parcel of what our country has become—completely incompetent, paralyzed and full of lots of political grandstanding.

    Dynamic inaction became the operative description of a system totally seized by systemic rot.

    We all wish that the blogger had found a rope and done what he could have before the fire and rescue arrived to freeze all chances of saving the lives of 4 innocents.

    Welcome to Barbados where life has become extremely cheap.

  102. Rumplestilskin

    Maat’s suggestion is on the ball.

    I repeat my earlier question, when will the two schools be closed and relocated i.e. St.Paul’s Primary and St.Cyprian’s?

    Temporary relocation and new buildings need to be arranged.

    New schools to the cost of maybe $6million each should be paid by Government.

    It is now irrelevant whether the engineers say the location is safe, after all, if they knew what they are talking about then this tragedy would never have happened, would it?

    We cannot take the chance of the schools suffering a similar fate, due to their proximity to the site.

    I for one and I am sure that most of you do, put the lives of several hundred children above a few million dollars.

    It is not as if we do not have it, if we can build floyovers then we can build two new schools to ensure the safety of our children.

    Even one child’s life is priceless, several hundred just makes it even more concerning.

    Do it now.

  103. Parking?-this is Barbados

    Why would a medical centre be place in the back?
    Where are you going to put the parking lot?

    Parking lot? what for?
    with land at umpteen dollars a sq. ft., you expect PARKING?
    Maaan, park anywhere you like. Beg fuh a Scotch side-o’ de road.
    Jook it dey! DAT’s “Parking” in Barbados.

    Businesses enough duz get build, wid enough parking for maybe 6 cars, and Town & Country Planning happy wid dat.
    At least TCP can say “Parking” is available, never mind the real need for parking is for six HUNDRED vehicles, and not just six.

    Witness the bareshite gyne on at Ppls Cathedral where HUNDREDS of customers cars converge on the entire Pine Gdns. neighbourhood every sunday, blocking up every avenue in the area.

    Does anyone give a damn? Hell no. this is Barbados, land of pretense.
    With luck Ppls Cathedral will sink into the ground,too, one morning around 2:40 when no-one will be there to get hurt, just the building and all the ca$h, into the ground. Guh long.

  104. Wishing in Vain

    the bottom line
    I fully support you comments, we sat back and played around while lives were there to be saved.
    I hope the ministers have made the most and enjoyed their moment of glory in the newspapers, TV and radio sadly while they were doing so people were expiring.

  105. ??

    The question to be asked is – was one who was there- really there? The reports on Sunday morning indicated a gentleman speaking with someone in the collapse, not long after it happened and then hearing a crash and after that no more sounds.
    What were security forces to do proceed into an unstable cavern as many have commented…. then we might have 10 or 15 dead instead of 5. It is very easy to sit back and be critical from a distance, but securing the area and ensuring it was safe to go in was the RIGHT thing to do, so as to ensure no further loss of life. How many of the armchair critics would have gone down in the cavity or been happy that one of their family was sent down not knowing that it was reasonable safe to do so.
    It is a very emotional issue but pull back and look at the big picture.

  106. Wishing in Vain

    It maybe an emotional time but the reality is that if he had removed finger from up his you know where and set about the task at hand and forgotten about the Kodak moments there was some chance of finding someone alive, for that man to have been so vocal would have suggested that he was in resonable condition even after the collapse.
    We have made this incident look to be of the same scale as the recovery at WTC which is really a sickening shame.

  107. ??

    WIV, We must agree to disagree on this, I don’t think you are right and obviously you don’t think I am. While not on same scale as WTC, death unfortunately is tragic under any circumstances, it is important that those we send to rescue/recover do so in relative safety.

  108. Anonymous

    lol at you, did or do u see the pics with bull dozer in the hole now? how much does that weigh? the weight of 100 humans is nothing to a cave, look at skip that was there in the hole from sunday after mid day,

    i belive after a cave in and u get the second drop that is it, can t drop no more from there, we have scardy cats who only know how to unfair poor people

  109. Wishing in Vain

    Well finally we have agreed to disagree, this is quite a step forward.
    I for one am truely under the feeling that too much time was doodled away while a concerted real effort could have taken place made more so by the fact of this voice that was appearing to be a strong voice at the time.
    Sadly we have gone past that moment and we still await the removal of the bodies 4 days forward of the collapse.

  110. ??

    WIV, I am saddened by the loss and understand the disappointment but under the circumstances as they were I think the authorities did the right thing
    Anonymous – you can’t be real ! if that was your thought perhaps you should have gone in to help!. Your comments are simply stupid. Are you a geologist… acave in expert…If I am not mistaken there were reports of rumbling from cave and in fact before tearing down the complex some of the remaining building collapsed. Minister Marshall spoke of the unstable nature of the cave walls. you can laugh as much as you like but at the end of the day the egg is on your face

  111. Yardbroom

    I was rather surprised and saddened, to read a comment here, where a contributor was wishing the death of another contributor – particularly when we are commenting on the tragic circumstances of the Codrington family.

    It is most unfortunate when a paucity of intelligence, forces some contributors to denigrate themselves, into vile obtuse and insensitive remarks to others. Even to the point of wishing death on them, that level of exchange is more suited to a “rum shop,” where everyone can ignore them in a corner with their private ramblings, but on a public forum! they are best avoided.

    Some of us out of decency, and sympathy to the Codrington family, are only interested in the unvarnished truth of this tragedy, and the varied ways at which it can be arrived at.

  112. Jerome Hinds

    My heartfelt sympathy go out to those grieving family members affected by the Brittons Hill tragedy.

    Now that DALE…has spent the last few days flying his TAIL !

    Mr. Dale Marshall should NOW tell the whole of Barbados why he presided as Chairman of the NHC board and insisted that the NHC Building in Warrens should be built on a CAVE ?

    A cave so large and dangerous that Al Barrack refused to proceed any further .

    Mr. Dale Marshall better speak up fast before his credibility CAVE – IN any further !

  113. Subaru

    this whole tragedy has opened my eyes a bit wider. how can we have a disaster management team that claims they are prepared for anything that takes 6 hrs to mobilise? how many more of these caves are under our homes? why does government have to be importing people to do stuff which our local forces have been sent away to train for? why do we jus train dogs to sniff for drugs as opposed to search and rescue? why is it that evey politician present on the site stood there clueless of wat was going on? why is it that the A.G is always up infront my T.V screen talking $hit that he knows nuttin about? why do i smell a plot to buy votes behind this whole tragedy?

  114. Wishing in Vain

    Yardbroom my comment reflected the same feeling as you have here, when comments degenerate to this level we are going nowhere.
    There was a robust discussion that they were struggling to defend their position on and they rapidly slid into the gutter.
    I will not be deterred from using the blog to tell the truth, I will not to be deterred from telling the truth about the extent of the corruption that is fuelled by our leaders, I will not be deterred at all.
    We have real issues in this island like it or lump it but this is an avenue that allows us, ones without the political clout to make remarks and comments and to be heard by the wider community.

  115. ??

    WIV, Just did a double take and reread thread… we need you and your comments.. I might disagree with them but no ill will on this end only want good debate.

  116. Anonymous

    I am just praying for the family and I hope people will be considerate in their comments.

  117. Anonymous


    don t belive everything you hear or see

    u talk of mr. marshall? lol it seems u are a fraud just like him

  118. Anonymous


    are you just as corrupt as a certain administration?

  119. Wishing in Vain

    I beginning to get very agitated when I hear and see these ministers like Marshall, Prescod, Arthur and Lynch forever posing for the camera moments, this situation is far more deserving of serious attention that the posturing that these fellows are doing.
    We are being subjected to an almost hourly press release during each of which all we are hearing is how trying the conditions are, well hell we expect them to be trying but give me a break, let the residents get to the job and find these people if the ones that are paid to do the job are either too scared or being held back from doing so. Meanwhile Marshall and Prescod gloat and get to squeeze in yet another press release to say what ? That conditions are hard and the equipment is suffering from fatigue, what a load of bull, it is too serious a situation to be called a comedy but if I did not know better I would have no choice to assume that it was a comedy.
    Get the people out first and foremost and then run your re election campaign after the effort, now is not the time to play with peoples emotions.

  120. Wishing in Vain

    I beginning to get very agitated when I hear and see these ministers like Marshall, Prescod, Arthur and Lynch forever posing for the camera moments, this situation is far more deserving of serious attention that the posturing that these fellows are doing.
    We are being subjected to an almost hourly press release, during each of which all we are hearing is how trying the conditions are, well hell we expect them to be trying but give me a break, let the residents get to the job and find these people if the ones that are paid to do the job are either too scared or being held back from doing so.
    Meanwhile Marshall and Prescod gloat and get to squeeze in yet another press release to say what ?
    That conditions are hard and the equipment is suffering from fatigue, what a load of bull, it is too serious a situation to be called a comedy but if I did not know better I would have no choice to assume that it was a comedy.
    Get the people out first and foremost and then run your re election campaign after the effort, now is not the time to play with peoples emotions.
    Least I forget that they love reporting from ground zero very much as it were at the WTC anyone see the sameness here?

  121. ??

    WIV and if they didn’t keep updating us you would say they were hiding something. Can’t please you can they.

  122. Wishing in Vain

    Are these updates the sole property of ministers?
    I am sure that they are extremely capable people waiting and able to relay this information without the need of a minister to do so, but a minister is required as this may gain a vote or two.
    Based on the information as I have heard and seen it three press releases would have been more than adequate, certainly there is no need as these have been because they are constantly reporting more of nothing !!!

  123. Jerome Hinds

    I wish Dale Marshall had spoken as much about the Warrens Building Fiasco as he did on this most unfortunate incident !

    But then again the Warrens Building Fiasco……brought in Millions for himself and buddy George Payne !

    But that story is going to be the next CAVE – IN in Barbados !

  124. Wishing in Vain

    nice to see you back Jerome, there are so many questions to be asked, my issue is that either they will not get asked or if they are asked they will be ignored as if they were not asked so we end up at square one.
    Just look at the distribution of welfare at the oval during CWC, then the Chinese at Paradise, the prison, the oil storage facility, the slot machines, the land deals, the corruption ???

  125. Dj

    I have just read a lot of funny but insensitive $hite
    do you believe it?

  126. ispy

    do u know that about 2 weeks b4 the murder occurred that the construction company had a worker rescued by the BDF..fell in the said cave…the company also lost equipment attached to its excavator ..d area was unstable due 2 the on going construction…tell me which madman will excavate in rock aproximately 8ft on the roof of a cave & dont expect some failure of some sort…i had all this information b4 the collapse…some one needs 2 b locked up for this….
    p.s of all the pieces of equipment on site after the collapse & this magnet who is oh so help full…did anyone see his equipment on site assisting with the rescue or recovery?? NO!!!!

  127. Rastafari I Wayne

    These statements published here are all words from most people about politicians. Can we stop the talking and get some action.Leave the politics to the politicians
    People should be accountable for their actions good and bad.
    My heart goes out to the family who lost their lives and I hope that their sacrifice helps to prevent more loss of lives .

  128. Pingback: Expert: Barbados Apartment Collapse Deaths Were Caused By Gross Negligence. Why No Coroner’s Inquest? « Barbados Free Press

  129. skid steers

    What a sad situation… my heart goes out to the family. I hope this won’t happen again.