Controversy Over Barbados Born & Raised Sex Vicar David Tudor


Church Of England Vicar Had Sex With Under-Age Girls – Church Won’t Fire Him, He Won’t Quit

Barbados born and raised Church of England Vicar David Tudor served jail time for his crimes, but had his conviction overturned on a technicality.

Because there was no conviction, the church won’t fire Tudor and he won’t resign.

Message For The Church And Barbados Politicians…

To say “I’m not guilty of breaking any laws” is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Story Link

The Sun: Sex Vicar Forces Kid’s Club Shut

A big glass of rum to BFP reader L for the tip! 


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Politics & Corruption, Religion

82 responses to “Controversy Over Barbados Born & Raised Sex Vicar David Tudor

  1. History

    This happened DECADES ago, and you only now surfacing it?

    The girl lied to him about her age, as some girls do.
    He was young, she was young.
    Young people do stuff they regret,later.
    Big deal!

    Water under the bridge.
    get over it.


  2. Patrick Porter

    Really sad. That is one of the reasons that people are staying away from the Churches in the big countries. One standard for them and one for the parishioners. The Churches have become “do as I say not as I do”
    Religion in it’s true form teaches us to love and help one another. It does not ell us to go around interferring with young people, whether male or female. Churches have become a bastion of the leaders and not of the people
    Yes Churches are supposed to set an example for us all to follow, but what kind of example do they set with this kind of thing.
    He should be thrown out of the Church, to set an example to the rest of teh clergy that this kind of thing will not be tolerated.PERIOD

  3. Disinformation

    Rev.Tudor is now a VERY good minister, with excellent oratory skills, is now married, with three great boys(children), and is a pleasure to be in his company, not to mention any church service he conducts.

    Did someone say he did six months in jail for this?
    Has he paid his debt to society? or does this not count for such sins?
    I assure you this man is well reformed by now(even if he ‘was a demon’ in his youth)which he wasnt!
    Give it a REST! enough with your judgemental crapola. Go to bed with your wife and enjoy the endorphins, fer cryin out loud!
    God won’t smite you for that, nor has He seen fit to smite Tudor, and never shall, for Tudor is quite a cool guy, believe me.

    Ask yourself: why is sex between young people such a “sin” ??
    because YOU ain’t gettin none of it?
    Is THAT why? sounds like sour grapes to me!

  4. True Native


    I agree with you both. I would just add, “Judge not lest YOU be judged”.

  5. BFP


    This happened DECADES ago, and you only now surfacing it?

    The girl lied to him about her age, as some girls do.
    He was young, she was young. Young people do stuff they regret,later. Big deal!

    Water under the bridge. get over it.

    BFP Responds…

    It happened in 1988 – when Vicar Tudor was 32 years old… one girl was 13 years old…there were others also.

    You can call 32 years old “young people do stuff”, but we don’t agree.

    AND even if Tudor did some time in jail, it is one thing to say “he has paid his debt to society” – it is another to open up employment to him where he is in contact with children and young people.

    Some wrong behaviour cannot be wiped away with a few months in jail.

    People change. Mr. Tudor has probably changed and regrets abusing his position and age to have sex with children.

    But like a person who was caught breaking into a home and stealing – and did his time in jail, and is reformed – that person should not be employed as a police officer or lawyer as it lowers the standards for the overall group of trusted persons.

  6. Anonymous

    – and you BFP just lowered your editorial standards by echoing a Sun article.

    -a *SUN* tabloid article.
    TABLOID. hellooo?
    does the word tabloid invoke anything?

    Do you know just how low and ‘rubbish’ that IS?
    Must be a seriously slow news day, dude for you to carry this one.

    If Tudor is a sex vicar, I’m a sex journalist.
    What a riot!


    Comment by BFP Cliverton…

    Hi Anonymous

    We actually believe in high standards for persons in positions of trust.

    As far as the information coming from the Sun, I notice that you don’t dispute it’s veracity. Like many, you attack the messenger when you are unable to argue against the message.

    The coming week is going to be very difficult for you…


  7. ??

    BFP, This report is nearly 20 years old he was cleared.. you say by a technicality… as I remember it all charges were eventually dropped.. Its amazing when there is so much else to debate you search under the gutter slime.

  8. BFP

    We will just have to agree to disagree then.

    We say that a 32 year old man who had sex with at least 3 under age girls should never again be placed in a position of trust involving children.

    You disagree. OK, we respect your opinion.

    But regardless of the passage of time, there is no way I would let my children belong to a youth group in Vicar Tudor’s church.

  9. Patrick Porter


    I totally diagree with you on this. I am an Aglican and have not been to church in over 3 years due to the stance my church has taken on several matters including this sort of thing. I have a deep faith, but do not condone wrong doing. If it were someone else he would have spent numerous years in jail. Yes our Lord asks us to forgive, but a leader of children should not set this sort of example, then all the perverts out there can say see he did it, why can’t I.
    The Church is our supposed moral leader, how can it be if it condones this sort of thing?
    We all have commited sins at one time or other in our lives and have asked and gotten forgiveness, but he should have left the Church and found some other occupation

  10. Peltdown Man

    Actually, BFP, your are completely correct to take the stand that you have. The attitude of History and Anonymous says a lot about the way sex with minors is viewed in Barbados. No wonder the Child Care Board have their work cut out.

  11. D'Arts

    BFP is actually right, the guy shouldent be trusted around children, especially around ones whom some may be disabled.

    FTA: “His conviction was later quashed on a technicality.”

    This man was released due to a “technicality”, normally when a case hits a “technicality” its some sort of loop hole or error in the out dated laws. Something as silly as a grammatical error in a police report can let a criminal off if he has a skilled enough lawyer.

    The guy had sex with underage children. And the fact that it wasn’t just one shows a behavior pattern (law and order!!)

    Ironicly enough, since he wasen’t fully convicted, TECHNICALLY he’s not a sexual predator/pedophile according to law, hahaaa. Which puts him at right to stay wherever he is.

    The law is f`ucked up isn’t it?

  12. Anonymous

    About as screwed up as Victorian religious(hypocritical) “social mores and morals”

  13. MudderMary

    Patrick P
    if you haven’t been to church in three long years, I don’t want to see the look on jesus’ face at those pearly gates when you arive in two and a half years time. as it is, God and Jesus are quite annoyed with you, so you better look sharp or there will be no after life for you – better you ask young Tudor for some forgivenass – he can put in a word for you.

  14. Chase

    I agree with you on this one.I too was brought up in the church but because of their stances on certain issues ,I refuse to be a part of it.
    The Anglican and the Catholic church( to me) is a sham with their issues of slavery,homosexuality,adultery etc.
    Some say listen to the message and not the messenger….but I say this ,if I gave you clean water in a dirty glass,chances are you would not drink it.Both have to be acceptable by your standards.
    The church is supposed to set morals and values for us to follow,how can this work if the people of the faith have none?

  15. Chase

    You dont have to go to church to be a christian.As long as you have a fellowship with your brotherman.
    Hey,Patrick maybe we can have fellowship here on this blog 🙂
    You certainly dont need Tudor to put in any words for you……..he needs all the words he can get come Judgement Day.

  16. Patrick Porter

    Murder Mary

    You may be not far off on your prediction of my arrival at the pearly gates. But I am sure that St. Peter will let me in, you might have a hard time , but maybe we both will meet in the down under. No I am one stands by my convictions, I have been told that I am a hard headed old man, but you know something I believe in sticking to my principles, as hard as it is sometimes
    It is easy to go with the flow, but not so easy to go against it. But if you feel you are right then defend yourself to the end
    To end it on a more cheerful note, we all gine down der and we all gine drink the Mount Gay Rum with Owing and his gang. OH sorry I forgot he got religion now, Lord Have Mercy pun he

  17. Chase

    Just to correct you,Owen is an ESAF man…….Eternal Saviour And Friend,so we know he has his god with him always.

    Besides we aint going anywhere……….this is hell we living all now.

  18. Eternal Saviour & Friend!

    “Hell” and “Heaven” exist right here on this Earth, in this existence (when yuh ketchin ass, or when yuh Gettin Thru)
    There is extremely little likelihood of an afterlife hell and heaven, due to their being extremely little likelihood of an afterlife!
    Nevertheless, keep up the praying and the believing, it keeps your mind busy, and the human mind is like that: needs a cud to chew on.
    Truth is, you ain’t goin NOwhar other than six feet under, just like the rest of us!

  19. Marcus2

    You know what the difference is here? He is W.H.I.T.E.! Destroy all the black politicians you want, but don’t touch the white boys or white girls. KNOW YOUR PLACE. How dare you write about white people!

  20. Patrick Porter


    I have said in my previous postings about the church. I think that your statement about him being white is irrevalant to this discussion. The Church in is wisdom is looking for priests and will condone mosat things these days to keep them. So I don’t think it is a white thing at all.

  21. Hello ?

    Tudor is WHITE? – coulda fooled me!

    His mother was white, his father taught me at Harrison College, and sure as he11 wasn’t white!
    David Tudor is MIXED RACE – a brownskin man.
    get real.
    In the USA there is absolutely no way he could pass for pearly white. Even Rihanna more white dan he!

    Only in colour-prejudiced Barbados, could Tudor ‘pass-for-white’,
    only becoz he’s not Pearly Black!

    You make me laugh, but thanks for the humour!

  22. Patrick Porter


    You are absolutely right, my Great Aunt was a Ministers wife and Mrs. Tudor used to visit often, she was English and he was a brownskin Bajan. So I don’t know where Marcus2 got the idea he was white. But it just shows that all my efforts to bring down the black and white thing on my side the white side has as many people that oppose it on the other as well. I suggest Marcus2 take a lesson and try to get on with everyone instead of pointing fingers. I know that from reading most of the posts on this site , he is the exception to the rule and I just hope for him that he will join with us and celebrate the diversity of Barbados, than living off in the racism world of his. IT IS EASY TO DIVIDE,BUT NOT SO EASY TO HEAL. HEALING IS WHAT WE NEED IN BARBADOS RIGHT NOW

  23. D'Arts

    “In the USA there is absolutely no way he could pass for pearly white. Even Rihanna more white dan he!”

    That got me laughing so hard that now my boss is looking at me suspicious lol 😦

  24. Patrick Porter


    Hope you did not make a mess when you laugh out loud. Have a good day and enjoy the laughs they sure do come on this site

  25. John

    I met him growing up at Harrison College and coming through the ranks.

    Canon Tudor was his father.

    Believe that makes him a nephew of the late Cammie Tudor and probably a cousin of Johnny Tudor but I might be wrong.

    I think his grandfather would then be the owner of all the shops who is always referred to as black and the late Joe Tudor was probably also a relative.

    Hope I got the genealogy right.

  26. John

    …. and I think he has paid for the wrong he did in this world.

    We don’t know all the facts, nor should we.

    Leave his judgement to the next world. It is between his maker and him.

  27. John

    …. as far as the church goes, we are the church!!

  28. Jupiter


    You have got it wrong.

    David Tudor is a cousin of johnnie tudor,and relative I think nephew of joe tudor – but no relation at all to the black tudors – cammie et al.

  29. Patrick Porter

    I think that you are right about Cammie and his family.

  30. Littleboy

    David and his brother were sons of Canon Harold and Pam Tudor.
    The Canon taught at HC and Pam was head at Springer Momorial.
    The canon was a brother of the undertaker and a cousin of Joe.
    Paedeophilia is not to be condoned…but Anglicans are not the only ones guilty of it; however, I agree that David should not be allowed too near to the young…just remember the case of the Bajan teacher who is still on suspension for something similar (assaulting young students at PRIMARY school).
    My children will surely not be allowed near anyone like that!!!

  31. John

    Sorry, I stand corrected.

    Somehow I always thought that James A Tudor was Canon Tudor’s family.

  32. Yardbroom

    Gentlemen, I might be admonished here, but it would be kind to leave the other member’s of Rev. Tudor’s family alone, they have done no wrong and it serves no purpose to seek to identify them, and cause embarrassment.

  33. Patrick Porter


    I knew the Tudor family very well and they were very nice and good family. I agree with your statement above. Although I don’t condone what Vicar Taylor did and I think tha he should still not be in the Church, I have to say that we all make mistakes in our lives that we go on to regret. However if one repents of what you have done and goes on to live a good and decent life then we should all have the power to forgive the individual. It is hard and takes awhile to do, but as in one of my previous posts I asked forgiveness for my ancestors for the holding of slaves. I am willing to fogive Vicar Taylor and hope for his sake he will go on to a better life
    I just wish that all of us could forgive, we all can have a good talk and a beer, so why can’t we clean the slate clean and start fresh


    Comment by Clive

    Should we allow him to continue as a vicar with access to families in a position of trust?

  34. John

    I will leave the matter alone and I won’t admonish you for your position.

    I avoided comment till the issue of colour was raised and then I thought the simple way to address it was to move the discussion to a point where the facts became clear.

    I don’t like dancing around the issue of colour as it has so often been used to divide us.

    But that’s just in my makeup and sometimes I forget that there are issues other than colour.

    Usually I don’t have much to say, unless the issue is dear to my heart. Then I won’t shut up!!

    I apologise if my mistake caused anyone distress.

  35. Patrick Porter


    You and I are on the same page with regard to the colour thing. It just irks me when people use that card, I don’t and never will. I feel everyone is equal and I hope and pray for the day when we can all look each other in the eyes and talk straight, without bending it to create problems. I say we have a lot more things in Barbados to worry about than the race card

  36. Yardbroom

    Just for clarity, I do not know Rev.Tudor or his family, I seek only to be fair and consistent, that means fairness has to be the pivot on which one’s actions are advanced, although it is tempting at times to tailor ones views, as it seems expedient to do so.

    I believe it was right to publish the story of Rev.Tudor, such behaviour, because it was against vulnerable young girls should not be tolerated, particularly when you consider Rev. Tudor’s position in the church, the number of girls involved, the disparity of ages between the Rev and the girls, these are all aggravating features of the offence.

    Having said that, his family in Barbados have committed no offence, they no doubt know of the situation and have to live with that, but the issues involved will not be addressed by seeking to identify them.

  37. Patrick Porter


    Right on!!!!!!!!!

  38. Khalid Jones

    You lowered your standards here a bit BFP. Don’t get trapped into being another scandal sheet. You are so far so good; do’t lose it now. This is stale news ; leave the man of cloth alone and let ‘s continue to concentrate on the real real issues

  39. Geek

    Edited by George – and Geek… we know who you are. STOP IT.

    New Policy Re Comments

    The bulk of this comment was removed because the writer turned it into a highly innuendo-laced piece speculating on whether or not certain Members of Parliament have sex with their own gender.

    We don’t have the time or the inclination to go through each comment to edit out a word and phrase here and there, so our readers will have to police themselves or the entire comment will be removed… which is a shame because there are many good ideas that are being tossed aside over these sexual innuendos.

    Although we haven’t really been on top of this issue or spoken on this issue before, we are now… because such comments are taking the focus off the stated objectives of this blog. Bajans will talk and gossip – and we let all sorts of things that we don’t personally like slide by in the comments because we don’t want to limit the flow of communication.

    But this theme of highly sexual innuendo is changing the mood of the blog and detracting from our work.

    It will stop.


  40. MIC

    Has anyone even thought that Jesus said to follow Him, not His followers? I am in no way excusing the actions of this man. I think Vicar Tudor should have no part in the Church as he obviously feels he is above the example of christ that he is supposed to set. I will say that it is wrong to base your faith on the actions of others. Your faith should not be controlled by the church you attend. It’s between ou and God. If what your church preaches makes the Spirit inside of you uncomfortable, find a church that doesn’t. Don’t stop seeking god in church because you disagree over something. Let Jesus be the example you rely upon, not Vicar Tudor.

  41. Catherine

    I actually know one of his victims whose life he has almost ruined. The poor woman nearly killed herself over this man’s abuse. How can people say that it was years ago, it doesn’t matter he is a dirty pervert and the lord knows what the truth is!!

    It may have been years ago but his victims will NEVER forget!!!

  42. Girl from redhill

    Let me tell you-Father david (as he always got us to call him) was guilty as origanally charged-but of course the church stuck up for him-didnt you know he followed my friend she was 13 to spain and had sex with her on the beach. he held little all nighters at his house for the kids and the parents-some would trust him to keep their kids there he called it an easter vigil-anyway-yes it was a long time ago but we have all suffered in our own ways from it- as him about the abortion clinic-hmm bet he didnt tell you about that one

  43. A victim

    What this man does to his victims is sinister and depraved! He should never ever be allowed contact with children… Yes, I too have tried to kill myself because of what he did to me, and every day a part of me dies knowing he is still out there…
    I have no faith or confidence in the church whatsoever, if he has been forgiven by god… then that’s not a god I want anything to do with…
    This man is very dangerous… I think this is just the tip of a very big iceberg, as far as the church is concerned…
    My thoughts are with his other victims
    Be strong and brave

  44. A victim

    Oh, forgot to say… just for the record… I was 11 years old when Father David started abusing me… yes, ask him about the sins of the Fathers… ask him how he prepares his victims for holy communion…. ‘The blood and body of Christ’. I spent time in hospital after that… they said I was bulimic. But no one wanted to know the real reason why I just wanted to vomit!
    Yes, the technicality he got off on, he followed a girl to Spain. So the law said that he should have been tried in a Spanish court for that part of the crime. The conviction was ruled unsafe and his record wiped clean. Whilst being investigated in 1988 I understand he held religious meeting with the Queen. No wonder the church wants to keep this under wraps…
    I am sure there are other victims like me who tried to come forward. But the church knows how to control its families… I’ve had death threats from mine…
    Anyhow, I understand that he confessed to the Bishop who forgave him… but I am not supposed to tell you that – cos it got the seal of the confessional on it …. or so I am told!
    What a joke this man is… but a dangerous one!!!
    The church is a sham!

  45. Girl from redhill

    good he had baby boys and not girls….maybe he would have abused them!

  46. A victim

    Have you seen the latest? He just been appointed in charge of 12 churches in Essex to ‘support’ other ministers!
    Support other pedophile priests more like… Just shows how sick the church is!!!

  47. J

    It is more than enough time that the Anglican church in England fire David Tudor.

    And when he is fired he betta not find himself in this Barbados.

    We don’t want him ’bout hey.

    The Anglican Church in Barbados will hear from me if they try to sneak him into Barbados.

    His father was a hypocritcal priest who beat his wife, and she was a foolish English woman who suffered in silence instead of running out into the street and screaming bloody murder.

    David should never have been ordained.

    I don’t understand why the English won’t lock him up.

  48. F.E

    It seems to me the Church of England is full of hypocritical priests who abuse anyone they can in any way they can…. it’s more like a private club for perverts (with unlimited access to the needy and most vulnerable).
    Most people accept Church authority based on blind faith (brainwashing). Believing ‘God wouldn’t let it happen’. They don’t want to open their eyes and see the truth.
    Rev David Tudor has been promoted to Dean in charge of 12 parishes… thats his reward for abusing children.

  49. A victim

    The problem here lies within the inner teachings of the church, which sanctions the rape of the daughters by the church ‘Fathers’…..

    The biblical myth of creation has God take a rib from Adam, the original person (male), and thereby create a female, Eve. And so Eve is created out of Adam; she comes from his body. Eve is born of Adam. Adam’s daughter, Eve then becomes his wife. Thus, not only do we have the male persona being creatrix, with the power to reproduce, but also father-daughter incest as the original sexual union. At a deeper level, we can also perceive that God as Father has created Adam, who is therefore Son. Within this configuration, he is also Brother to Eve. Eve remains merely and essentially female: there to be sexually taken by the triptych of Father, Brother and Son, sanctioned by God, the ultimate Father, the male creator.
    The deep and pervasive power of all myths of creation (and every society has one or more, in some form) is only matched by the significance of the actual details of the myth. In the simplified realm of symbolism, only the essential message is retained. Christian mythology has emphasised Eve’s eating of the fruit from the Tree of Life as the symbol of woman as temptress, thus diverting our attention from the socio – sexual relationship between Adam and Eve by instituting Eve (woman) as the initiator of choice less sexual union (rape) and establishing the myth of the child – bride (girl child) as seductress.
    Elizabeth Ward: Father-Daughter Rape

  50. Jesus Christ


  51. 8.1

    AMEN and AMEN

  52. A victim


    Since Rev David Tudor has been ruled a danger to children, I have faced persecution by Christian teachers at my child’s school for our lack of religious belief. Although a state school it has very strong links with the church. Rev Tudor claimed to be the victim of a witch hunt… However, the real witch hunt is that of HIS victim and her child… by his band of brainwashed followers…
    The bloody church is after my child, we have been singled out. Leave my child alone you sick perverts!!!

  53. Jachone

    The long tentacles of the Church of England have reassured the flock he did nothing wrong. It’s standing room only at all services on Sunday again and the collection plates are filling up nicely by parishioners totally oblivious to what this charismatic pervert has done, the bishops are even happier with their latest coup of silencing the only public figure prepared to speak out against this pervert:
    The local MP Dr Robert Spink; a forthright man who has been mysteriously deselected for his “outspoken views” so he has left the Conservative Party to continue as an independant MP. Knowing now how far those tentacles reach is cause for concern so other tactics will have to be employed to wipe the smirk off his face, he thinks he has got away with it.

  54. A victim

    i found this and realised this is what he did to me all those years ago and it is still affecting me.

    Gradual Erosion of Boundaries
    Inappropriate escalating physical contact, such as:
    hugging or touching non threatening areas of body (i.e., hand holding, rubbing back, caressing hair, etc.)
    pretending to accidentally touch or brush up against child
    positioning self in close proximity to child (i.e., sleep in the same bed)
    engage child in non-sexual inappropriate behaviors (i.e., drinking alcohol)
    touching and fondling inappropriate areas of the body
    Construct Secrecy with Child
    Make child fearful that he or she will be in trouble if their activities together are discovered.
    Tell child that touching between them is good; there relationship is special.
    Tell child there will be consequences if they report behavior (i.e., “We no longer can be friends”, “Your family will hate you”, etc.).
    Working to Secure Compliance
    Escalate intrusiveness of sexual behaviors over time.
    Manipulate child into performing or permitting desired sex act.
    Threaten to harm child or some person important to child if they do not comply

  55. trevor lewsey

    david tudor is the best thing that could have happen to the ministory on canvey island so dont judge past think present god bless davi and family

  56. Victim 2

    How can anyone say don’t judge past? This man is a child abuser and should not be in a position of trust!

    There is no doubt that he is good at what he does, he is cleaver, cunning and manipulative. He may be charming, but he has a very dark sinister side…

    The only people who really know the horrors this man is capable of are his victims…
    Together we can be strong!

  57. A victim

    In reply to Trevor Lewsey

    God bless David Tudor eh? And I suppose his victims can go to hell?

    Well that is what he has made their lives if we are honest here, a living hell!

    The only reason he continues to proclaim his innocence is because he blames his victims for what he did to them! The poor man couldn’t help himself apparently because his vicims were possessed.

    What a joke this circus this has become. Last autumn Rev David Tudor invited his friend and fellow sex offender Preacher Douglas Goodman to run services on Canvey in memory of a teenager who died. Douglas Goodman is a convicted rapist who… wait for it… preaches about witchcraft and occult and claims to have performed exorcised a woman possessed by demons!

    Well, well, well… that’s interesting because in my experience that is exactly what Rev David Tudor does to his victims. Apparently it’s perfectly okay to sexually abuse kids if you say you couldn’t help it because they were possessed by demons!

    So God bless him eh?
    (Just what sort of a god is this then?)

  58. 1 victim 2 another

    That exactly sums up what he did to me also…
    he is a serial pedophile and I am sure there are many more victims who have never spoken out!
    Peace and love to you sister, you are not alone!

  59. danny powell-thorne

    david can you get in contact with me please havent spoken in many many years i remember you trainig and you cristened my daughter zoe your nickname was honky picked by your brother i attended your wedding please contact me danny

  60. Youcanfoolsomeofthepeopleallofthetime.....

    Tudor is a perv, it is written in his eyes. I have relatives on Canvey and unfortunately they are not educated people but easily brainwashed and duped by ANY figure of authority (whether it be vicar, bank manager, doctor…you name it, letters after the name means they are to be looked up to in their eyes). It is obvious Tudor has sought out a population in which there are many such uneducated people who are easily duped and will trust him with their families…..but I understand people like Tudor, I just look into your eyes and see that smarmy smile…..may Tudor, and all the other devious manipulative souls who choose religion as a camouflage for their vile activities, rot in hell. Amen. And by the way, he will shortly be on his way over to Barbados for a long holiday. LOCK UP YOUR CHILDREN AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT MOVES. OR DOESN’T.

  61. rasta man

    This is the same Rev David Tudor who gave the remarks at the Barbados Defence Force anniversary service. Seems he has been forgiven

  62. another victim

    Was once a very frightened 11 year old, am now a mixed up 43 year old. He is a very clever but dangerous person. I only looked for this website because of the nightmares I have had recently. Do not let your children near him! Am sure this is one man who is going to hell . Love to all the other victims – be strong, the net is closing in on himxxx

  63. 41

    OMG….and still it goes on for me….

  64. 41

    and on……..

  65. 114

    Pat Condell Fan

    A message to Another victim… I have nightmares too about what he did to me, I’ve have had several over last few weeks. Had a dream last night I was in London with a friend and Tudor was chasing us (wanting to kill us!)… We were running down darkened alleyways in total terror… Then we found our way into a basement where Chumbawamba were playing… I started dancing and (in the dream) I knew that Tudor couldn’t hurt me as long as I kept dancing to the music! Crazy dream I know… But thank you Chumbawama!!! I think you just saved my soul! I’ve been listening to their tunes all morning and I’m dancing ha ha!

  66. 86


  67. 86

    I’ve always felt guilty about his other victims, when i found out he’d gone on to abuse other girls I felt sick to the pit of my stomach! My mum put the newspaper cuttings in front of me…. The only words i could manage to mutter were ”So do you believe me now?”. My brother in law was glaring at me, he’s always been a menacing bully (has threatened to kill me on a regular basis). My mum replied ”We’ve all had a meeting with uncle E… We’ve decided you are NOT going to the police, you will bring shame on the family and we won’t support you! Your uncle has arranged to take you to see the Bishop!”

    I hadn’t even digested the information on the news page in front of me… never mind even thinking of going to the police,.. I didn’t have time to digest the situation… I was in shock… All I could think about was these other girls they were younger than me… I felt responsible… If they’d listened to me before… if they’d believed me then, well just maybe he might have been stopped!!! This might not have happened?

    But when I ‘talked’ about Tudor I was called a liar, then they’d blame for what happened, I’d be beaten! That’s why I hadn’t spoken about Tudor in years, I’d learned early on to kept quiet! It was easy, I mean there were lots of ‘things’ one didn’t talk about in my family, it was ‘normal’ they all just pretended and played at ‘happy family’.

    So this was out of the blue, I’d never expected when my mum invited me to a family meal… I thought we were having a ‘family meal’ I never expected to see those news paper cuttings… See Tudors face in front of me.

    I told them under NO circumstances did I ever want to talk to a bishop! I took the news paper cuttings and went home to my flat.
    Years later, after my sister had threatened me… I handed those bits of old paper to the police.

  68. Timebomb

    Stop now
    Whats that sound
    Everybody looks whats going down
    I am a timebomb
    A ticking ticking ticking timebomb
    Unattented on the railway station
    In the litter at the dancehall
    Sitting pretty near the fast-food counter
    In the backseat of a vauxhall

    I am a timebomb
    Stop now
    Whats that sound
    Everybody looks whats going down
    Hear the ticking of your heartbeat beating
    Hear the breaking of their promises
    Heart the smashing of your expectations
    Hear the shattering of half-rhymes
    I am a timebomb
    Stop now
    Whats that sound
    Everybody looks whats going down
    And all the timebombs
    Theyre all dancing to the same song
    In a world full of noones
    I am a someone
    Stop now
    Whats that sound
    Everybody looks whats going down
    Stop now, whats that sound
    [Lyrics from]
    Whats that sound
    Everybody looks whats going down
    And all the timebombs
    Theyre all dancing to the same song
    In a world full of noones
    I am a someone
    Stop now
    Whats that sound
    Everybody looks whats going down
    Stop now, whats that sound
    London bridge is going down

  69. B

    You people are disgusting, get over it, he is a very good man. This man has had sex with children, yes children, when he was in a position of trust. He stole their innocence and has done it more than one occasion. Would you leave your daughter on her own with him, would you take that risk? The man should not be allowed near young girls, if he was a teacher or policeman he would have lost his job and not be allowed to be alone with young girls. Why is the church and you people protecting him. You are as sick as he is.

  70. I have worked with a lot of people who have been raped as children and they NEVER get over it. Both men and women say that they have had filth put into them that they can’t get out of their bodies. This act of violence haunts them for ever, although they say they are not defined by it.

    Jehovah (invented by Abraham in 1,800) legitimates the rape of children as
    he sanctions the Israelites raping and forcibly marrying 3,200 little girls after committing genocide on their families. (Old Testament). Jehovah also raped the (under age) child, Mary (invented at the Council of Ephesus in 400CE).

    Augustine (described in ancient texts as ‘a vile seducer of young women’) invented the notion of ‘original sin’ which, he said, ‘resides in men’s semen and contaminates both women and the unborn foetus’. It sounds as if he was no stranger to the response of rape victims – saying that filth has been put into them. Perhaps the notion of ‘original sin’ describes rape.

    Augustine also advocated torture, saying that ‘both pagans and christians respond well to torture’. He also had secret police. If you look on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s website you will find that he is immensly proud of his lineage to Augustine.

    The word ‘priest’ has now come to mean ‘paedophile resident in every small town’ – and is a major reason why people are repelled by male supremacist religions. Jehovah’s Witnesses have just been prosecuted across America and Europe for huge levels of rape of children. The Vatican is currently trying to weasel its way out of prosecution, by saying that they don’t employ priests and are therefore not liable for their behaviour. Meanwhile C of E Bishops are closing ranks against the police in an attempt to suppress information on the high levels of child rape in the Church of England.

    I have always found it curious that they don’t give up David Tudor, but I guess that his prosecution will open the flood gates and expose the huge crimes against children they are witness to.

  71. Reverend David Tudor told the congregation gathered at the St. Matthias Anglican Church yesterday morning for the 32nd Anniversary Service of the Barbados Defence Force (BDF), In my grandmother’s house God was a member of the family. How many households can say that now?
    in the God Delusion (2006) Richard Dawkins says:
    The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. (pg. 31)
    Seems Tudor has turned out just like that God guy who lived with his grandmother eh?

  72. Evil Women
    Is that what you want?
    Is that what you want to see?
    In your movie dream
    Do they scream and scream?
    Evil Women
    Evil Women

    These are lyrics from the song that ends Caryl Churchill’s Vinegar Tom. They are provocative lyrics, to say the least, lyrics that collapse the distance between the spectacle of “evil women” in the witch trials of the 17th century and the more contemporary spectacle of “evil women” on the “movie screens” and “movie dreams” of our own historical moment. Evil Women…Is that what you want to see? By posing such a question, Churchill’s play challenges us, the audience of her own play. We are the “you” it addresses; we are the people who have purchased tickets to watch the spectacle of “evil women” as a form of entertainment. In so doing, these lyrics imply, we have revealed our likeness to the 15th, 16th, and 17th century crowds who gathered to witness so-called witches as they were tortured, drowned, hung, and burned at the stake.

    The spectacular destruction of “evil women,” this play thus insists, is not a bit of sordid history that we have long ago left behind. Rather, with us still is both the demonization of criminalized women and the pleasure of seeing such women “scream and scream,” the pleasure, that is, of seeing them burned at the stake of the Hollywood box office and the Broadway theater. By emphasizing the links between our own historical moment and the 17th century drama it performs on the stage for our enjoyment, Vinegar Tom leaves us finally with a profoundly troubling insight. For the extent to which we desire to see women rendered evil and destroyed suggests that we still harbor fears about women that are as irrational and as ingrained as those which sustained witch hunts on both sides of the Atlantic some 300 years ago. Behind our pleasures in “evil women” lurk our collectively unacknowledged fears.

  73. Anonymous

    The Doctor: [the Beast laughs evilly] But that implies, in this big grand scheme of gods and devils, that she’s just a victim. Well, I’ve seen a lot of this universe. I’ve seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods. I’ve had the whole pantheon. But if I believe in one thing… just one thing… I believe in her!

  74. ‘victim’ – that is not a word that defines us, although all women are victim to many men’s fear, hatred and abuse for reasons we are not clear about.
    Women are powerful. According to UN statistics women do two thirds of the world’s work. We are dynamic and our culture is based of the creation and maintainance of life, communication, and grooming. All life functions are contained in the X chromasome. Women are XX – both dynamic and receptive.
    In moments of despair about men’s egomaniac destruction, with their culture of wars,rape, poison, and cruelty. which are destroying this beautiful planet, I focus on all the Mothers around the world and their immense love for their children. I also thank that wonderful God Osiris for the decent, women loving men out there. Osiris is the only godform I have seen chanelled who results in friendship and equality between men and women. May Isis and Osiris transform you all.

  75. 170

    Bob Balfour on surviving childhood sexual abuse.

    As a child I loved Doctor Who. In many ways, The Doctor helped me to survive.

    Tom Baker, the fourth Doctor (the one with a scarf) tells a story of this intense man who approached him on the street one day and said very seriously ‘ Mr Baker can I have have a word.’

    Tom, very nervously, said ‘ by all means’ in his most confident Dr Who voice and steeled himself for what was to come. The man looked him in the eye and said ‘when I was a child my life was a nightmare of sexual abuse and violence – but every Saturday night I could escape when I watched you as the Doctor – I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life.’ At which point he smiled and reached out his hand.

    Tom automatically took it. The man smiled the biggest of smiles and simply turned and walked away.

  76. 170

    The Doctor: Oh no. Oh no no no.
    Amy: Doctor, what is wrong?
    The Doctor: It’s not fear. It’s faith. Not just religious faith, faith in something. Howie believed in conspiracies, that external forces controlled the world. Joe had dice cufflinks and a chain with a horseshoe—he was a gambler. And gamblers believe in luck. An intangible force that helps them win or lose. Gibbis has rejected any personal autonomy and he’s waiting for the next batch of invaders to oppress him and tell him what to do. They all believe there’s something guiding them, about to save them. That’s what it replaces. Every time someone was confronted with their most primal fear they fell back on their most fundamental faith. And all this time I’ve been telling you to dig deep, find the thing that keeps you brave. I made you expose your faith. Showed them what they needed.
    Rory: But why us? Why are we here?
    The Doctor: It doesn’t want you. That’s why it kept showing you a way out. You’re not religious or superstitious so there’s no faith for you to fall back on. It wants her.
    Amy: Me? Why?
    The Doctor: Your faith in me. That’s what brought us here.
    Rory: But why do they lose their faith before they die and start worshipping… it?
    The Doctor: It needs to convert their faith into a form it can consume. Faith is an energy—a specific emotional energy the creature needs to live. Which is why at the end of her note, Lucy said—
    Amy: Praise him.
    The Doctor: Exactly.

  77. Anonymous

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    CLICK ON THE TAB TO OPEN THE MENU › › Pages › Philip Pullman › Quotes

    Page published by anonymous on 2nd Nov 2008.


    Quotes by Philip Pullman about:

    His Dark Materials in general
    Fantasy and stark realism in His Dark Materials
    His influences and inspirations
    Stories and reading
    The Republic of Heaven
    The Alethiometer
    Temptation in The Amber Spyglass
    C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia
    About himself
    Telegraph feature: “I am of the Devil’s party” —

    Blake said Milton was a true poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it. I am of the Devil’s party and know it.

    About His Dark Materials in general interview —

    [His Dark Materials is] a story, not a treatise, not a sermon or a work of philosophy. I’m telling a story, I’m showing various characters whom I’ve invented saying things and doing things and acting out beliefs which they have, and not necessarily which I have. The tendency of the whole thing might be this or it might be that, but what I’m doing is telling a story, not preaching a sermon.
    BBC Radio 3: ‘Belief’ programmer interview —

    [O]ne of the things I was trying to do in the story… is to show my characters reveling in the beauty of the world; and seeing, as if with new eyes, how extraordinarily precious and wonderful the physical world is.
    Telegraph feature: “I am of the Devil’s party” —

    The story celebrates love, courage, an imaginative engagement with the world, tolerance, open-mindedness, courtesy. And it criticises cold-heartedness, fanaticism, cruelty, intolerance. Who could argue with that?

    On fantasy and stark realism in His Dark Materials
    ACHUKA Interview —

    I have said that His Dark Materials is not fantasy but stark realism, and my reason for this is to emphasise what I think is an important aspect of the story, namely the fact that it is realistic, in psychological terms. I deal with matters that might normally be encountered in works of realism, such as adolescence, sexuality, and so on; and they are the main subject matter of the story – the fantasy (which, of course, is there: no-one but a fool would think I meant there is no fantasy in the books at all) is there to support and embody them, not for its own sake.

    Dæmons, for example, might otherwise be only a meaningless decoration, adding nothing to the story: but I use them to embody and picture some truths about human personality which I couldn’t picture so easily without them. I’m trying to write a book about what it means to be human, to grow up, to suffer and learn. My quarrel with much (not all) fantasy is it has this marvelous toolbox and does nothing with it except construct shoot-em-up games. Why shouldn’t a work of fantasy be as truthful and profound about becoming an adult human being as the work of George Eliot or Jane Austen?
    Philip Pullman’s official website —

    [T]he story I was trying to write was about real people, not beings that don’t exist like elves or hobbits. Lyra and Will and the other characters are meant to be human beings like us, and the story is about a universal human experience, namely growing up. The ‘fantasy’ parts of the story were there as a picture of aspects of human nature, not as something alien and strange. For example, readers have told me that the dæmons, which at first seem so utterly fantastic, soon become so familiar and essential a part of each character that they, the readers, feel as if they’ve got a dæmon themselves. And my point is that they have, that we all have. It’s an aspect of our personality that we often overlook, but it’s there. that’s what I mean by realism: I was using the fantastical elements to say something that I thought was true about us and about our lives.

    About his influences
    His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass acknowledgements page —

    I have stolen ideas from every book I have ever read. My principle in researching for a novel is “Read like a butterfly, write like a bee,” and if this story contains any honey, it is entirely because of the quality of the nectar I have found in the work of better writers.

    But there are three debts that need acknowledgement above all the rest. One is to the essay On the Marionette Theatre by Heinrich von Kleist… The second is to John Milton’s Paradise Lost. The third is to the works of William Blake.
    Beacons Project Interview —

    [I draw my influences from] everything I see, every book and newspaper I read, everyone I know, everything I’ve ever thought about, every dream I’ve ever had, every momentary glimpse of a face through a window – everything

    About writing
    Philip Pullman’s official website —

    Every lunch hour, I’d go and sit in the churchyard opposite the shop and write a rondeau, just to keep my hand in. In the evening I’d write my novel. I discovered a method that’s worked for me ever since: to write three pages every day, no more, no less. If you can’t think of what to write, tough luck; write anyway. If you can think of lots more when you’ve finished the three pages, don’t write it; it’ll be that much easier to get going next day. And in one way my life hasn’t changed since then. I still write three pages every day, and I suppose I will till the day I die.
    For a long time I thought I was a poet, but that’s a high title to claim. What I do say is that I can write verse, and that the writing of verse in strict form is the best possible training for writing good prose. Why? Because writing verse teaches you to recognise rhythms and cadences, which are just as important in prose, but much harder to get right. For that reason you can’t write with music playing, and anyone who says he can is either writing badly, or not listening to the music, or lying. You need to hear what you’re writing, and for that you need silence.
    ACHUKA Interview —

    My readers are intelligent: I don’t write for stupid people. Now mark this carefully, because otherwise I shall be misquoted and vilified again – we are all stupid, and we are all intelligent. The line dividing the stupid from the intelligent goes right down the middle of our heads. Others may find their readership on the stupid side: I don’t. I pay my readers the compliment of assuming that they are intellectually adventurous.

    About stories and reading
    Random House —

    Stories are the most important thing in the world. Without stories, we wouldn’t be human beings at all.
    Carnegie Medal acceptance speech —

    All stories teach, whether the storyteller intends them to or not. They teach the world we create. They teach the morality we live by. They teach it much more effectively than moral precepts and instructions.
    Guardian essay: “The War on Words” —

    [T]he act of true reading is in its very essence democratic. Consider the nature of what happens when we read a book – and I mean, of course, a work of literature, not an instruction manual or a textbook – in private, unsupervised, un-spied-on, alone. It isn’t like a lecture: it’s like a conversation. There’s a back-and-forthness about it. The book proposes, the reader questions, the book responds, the reader considers. We bring our own preconceptions and expectations, our own intellectual qualities, and our limitations, too, our own previous experiences of reading, our own temperament, our own hopes and fears, our own personality to the encounter.

    About life interview —

    Lyra learns to her great cost that fantasy isn’t enough. She has been lying all her life, telling stories to people, making up fantasies, and suddenly she comes to a point where that’s not enough. All she can do is tell the truth. She tells the truth about her childhood, about the experiences she had in Oxford, and that is what saves her. True experience, not fantasy – reality, not lies – is what saves us in the end.

    About science
    Essay: The Origin of the Universe —

    [W]hether or not we know this, whether or not we like it, that puts us in a moral relationship with the thing we came from, too, whether that’s God or whether it’s nature. The God stories go on to make this quite explicit: do this, believe that. The stories of science have moral consequences too, but they convey them more subtly, by implication; we might say more democratically. They depend on our contribution, on our making the effort to understand and concur.

    The implication is that true stories are worth telling, and worth getting right, and we have to behave honestly towards them and to the process of doing science in the first place. It’s only through honesty and courage that science can work at all. The Ptolemaic understanding of the solar system was undermined and corrected by the constant pressure of more and more honest reporting: “Yes, we know the planets are supposed to go round the earth in perfect circles, but really, if you look, you don’t see that. You see this instead. Now why do you think that could be? What’s actually going on up there?”

    About education
    Isis Lecture —

    Make this the golden rule, the equivalent of the Hippocratic oath: Everything we ask a child to do should be worth doing.
    Guardian article: “Lost the Plot” —

    Literacy has both a public and a private pay-off. The first empowers us in society; the second enriches us as individuals and encourages us to think for ourselves… unless, of course, the latter is deliberately “educated” out of us for the convenience of those who”d really rather we didn’t.
    Independent article: “Why Philip Pullman wants to teach children about atheism” —

    What I fear and deplore in the ‘faith school’ camp is their desire to close argument down and put some things beyond question or debate. It’s vital to get clear in young minds what is a faith position and what is not – so that, for instance, they won’t be taken in by religious people claiming that science is a faith position no different in kind from Christianity. Science is not a matter of faith, and too many people are being allowed to get away with claiming that it is, and that my ‘belief’ in evolution is a thing of the same kind as their ‘belief’ in miracles. What we need in schools, really, is basic philosophy.
    Teenreads interview
    As for disgraceful betrayals of wisdom such as the pretense that there is something called “creation science” and we ought to give it equal time in schools with proper science — I’m ashamed to belong to a human race that is so sunk in abject ignorance and willful stupidity.

    About religion
    Philip Pullman’s official website —

    The religious impulse – which includes the sense of awe and mystery we feel when we look at the universe, the urge to find a meaning and a purpose in our lives, our sense of moral kinship with other human beings – is part of being human, and I value it. I’d be a damn fool not to.

    But organised religion is quite another thing. The trouble is that all too often in human history, churches and priesthoods have set themselves up to rule people’s lives in the name of some invisible god (and they’re all invisible, because they don’t exist) – and done terrible damage. In the name of their god, they have burned, hanged, tortured, maimed, robbed, violated, and enslaved millions of their fellow-creatures, and done so with the happy conviction that they were doing the will of God, and they would go to Heaven for it.

    That is the religion I hate, and I’m happy to be known as its enemy.

  78. An old acquaintance

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

    Apart from those posts from victims, all other posts are opinions based upon the details reported as facts. I have no opinion one way or the other, but I do wish to make a statement based upon the facts that I know.

    I was a 15 year old boy when I first met him. The Father David I knew was kind, considerate and caring. He was a young 24 year old Curate at the time. He took a group of confused south east London kids under his wing and showed them what they could achieve together. He raised money to refurbish the church hall in order to give them a centre to go to so they wouldn’t be hanging out on the streets. He gave them all an opportunity to travel to the Greek island of Crete, showing them how to raise the funds to cover the costs. He was an elder brother to us all in our formative years and was a rudder to guide us. I cannot say what happened after he left Plumstead, but I can say a public thank you for being in our lives at that time. Since he left Plumstead, I have bumped into David three or four times. I have always been pleased to see him and reminded of the fact that he was a positive influence on me personally.

    All that said, I am aware of the stories that have surrounded him over the years. I find it very hard to accept as they bear no resemblance to the man I knew. However, I wish to make it clear that I am not qualified to pass judgement here, so i do not seek to defend or condemn him.

    If the accusations should be true, my heart goes out to those concerned. I am not a religious person but I do have a faith. I learnt a long time ago that the baggage we collect through life weighs us down and makes us deeply unhappy. Hanging on to this is unhealthy and has an adverse effect on our lives. We should all let the baggage go and move on. Nothing is to be gained by holding on to it. It simply slows us down and increases our misery. If we have but one life, we need to seek happiness despite all that befalls us. To forgive means to let go and to free yourself. Let go and be liberated! If the omnipotent, omnipresent God exists, he will have seen all and it is his place to pass judgement. It is our duty to try to live a fruitful life.

  79. I'm watching You David Tudor

    I also knew the man you knew – who was inspirational and kind. He visited the old people in the community and evoked positivity in so many people. But I also know as a fact – although I am lucky enough not to be one of his victims myself – that he sexually abused young girls from 11 in our school. He was briefly convicted, but the victims were not told when his sentence was overthrown. So he goes on. And on. And I’m sure is still doing so, with the support of the church. A paedophile needs to be charistmatic, persuasive and clever, and these he is. This is a disorder that wont go away, its not accidental or a misunderstanding, or a witchhunt or in the past – his dangerous behaviour needs to be stopped.
    The shame he doesn’t feel – how does he sleep at night? – the church should be forced to feel. I feel a fight brewing in me.

  80. he should never be having sex outside of marriage anyway, he was a minister of the cloth

  81. his mother was the head teacher at the springer school, I remember she thought her two boys were gods, when they come to visit her at the school, only the nice looking girls with brown skin were allowed to talk to them, it was a very stuck up society back then, if you were in a lower class, you couldnt talk to the higher class kids, but as time went by you see those high class so called girls got kids and got married and went through the strains of life, and all that stuck up attitude just died. I met a woman in high school who never was allowed to talk to low class girls, lower class meant when you were in a lower class than an A class, and your parents were not well off, I met her when she was an adult, and could not believe her living condition, her husband left her, and she was not doing too good in life. Mrs tudor instituted the school like the English style, and we all know England is still a racist place against blacks.

  82. then I heard his other brother lives as a woman, god if ms tudor was alive today, she would drop back to death, when her two boys was growing up and they come to the springer school it was like the queen pass through there, she raise them apart from certain people in society, they were only allowed to talk to high class girls, but their father Canon Tudor was beating the shimmes out of Ms pamela tudor, there should be a bossip column in barbados so people can read all the gossip about these so called rich stuck up people way back in the 60’s 70’s and early 80″s, and any students that went to springer school knows its true. Ms tudor had some bias against black kids also but that behavior was never questioned during that time, and the behavior was overlooked.