Muslim Terrorists Use Children To Divert Suspicion – Then Blow Up Children In Auto

Last year a British Muslim couple planned to carry liquid bombs in their baby’s bottles to blow up themselves and their infant son to take down an airliner full of innocent men, women and children.

If we need yet another reminder that some folks don’t play by the same rules as we do, it is reported today that Iraqi terrorists used children passengers to get through security checkpoints and then blew up the car with the children in it – after they ran away.

I hope our Cricket World Cup security folks are wide awake all the time.

Read the full story at (link here)


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Culture & Race Issues, Religion

51 responses to “Muslim Terrorists Use Children To Divert Suspicion – Then Blow Up Children In Auto

  1. Patrick Porter

    I think that that maybe the fringe elements of the faith. I have met many Muslims in Canada and they are very nice people. They are as afraid of the lunstics as we are. With regard to the CWC I just hope and pray that all the right procedures are in place to prevent this.

  2. BFP

    True Patrick, but we’re not exactly fearful of a bunch of Seventh Day Adventists or Catholic nuns on a picnic, are we?

  3. True Native

    You are so right, BFP. Patrick needs to be informed that it is FAR MORE than just a fringe element. He needs to watch some BBC and/or Fox News reports about thousands of Muslim school children being taught to become terrorists.

  4. Maat

    There are many myths about suicide bombers and Islam along with this fairy tale of suicide bombers having numerous virgins as a reward. None of these things are a part of the Koran. In fact the Koran states in at least 2 places that the taking of ones own life is wrong.

    There are some reports from Iraq that indicate that ordinary Iraq’s have been stopped by US soldiers at checkpoints, have their drivers licences confiscated and told to report to certain police stations where they can retrieve their property. On arrival at the station they are made to wait for extended periods before they get their licence back. Two Iraqi’s who went through this experience described that on leaving the station they were shadowed by a US helicopter. One driver felt that his car was responding as if there was weight in the trunk, when he opened it, guess what; packed with explosives! The other Iraqi related something similar.
    It is a simple matter for US troops or mercenaries to plant explosives in vehicles of the oppressed citizens of Iraq and then detonate those bombs when the cars reach a densely populated area
    This is not to say that all explosions are orchestrated by the invading barbarians; for sure the majority of roadside bombs are set by the freedom fighters of Iraq, but these target US or US supported occupation forces.

    Attacks that target innocent civilians ie women and children, is not the work of true Muslims as these things are forbidden in Islam. Such slaughter is the work of people hiding behind the guise of Islam, just as the rapists and murderers of the US and British forces are hiding behind their countries democratic and supposedly civilised history.


  5. BFP

    Maat says that the suicide bombs in Iraq are planted by US Soldiers!

    There are many other blogs where they will happily engage you in such discussions, and Maat… you’ve just earned yourself a trip to some other blog.

    Don’t like it? too bad!

    You are now on “moderate” full time.

  6. DooorMaat

    This fellah made some reasonable comments on various topics in the past. He names himself after a god of truth and justice and then spews this? Good riddance.

  7. Maat

    What does moderate mean?


  8. Maat

    I hope this “moderate” is a good thing that shows the open to discussion nature of this web site.

    As I can find no category on the site that this subject fits, I will leave it to the honourable and open minded managers of BFP to include (or not) this post in a suitable area.

    The commission of enquiry into the events that led to the fire at Glendairy is under way and I am yet to see anything concerning this on BFP.

    I mention this because in the report in the Saturday Sun of the 17th March, one of the prisoners giving evidence described his witnessing of the beating to death of a prisoner by a warden and prisoner just last year, at Harrisons Point. The person testifying was of the opinion that nothing has come of this incident.

    A person I know died sometime in October or November last year at the QEH. Paul Ramsey was just 23 years old and was in Harrisons point on a petty offence. He was never a violent youngster and I was shocked when I heard from his father that he had apparently been severely beaten while in Harrisons Point. His dad visited him at the hospital where he was under guard by a prison officer. The father of this young man arranged for a decent funeral for his youngest son and decided to take matters no further.

    It is a fact that Paul Ramsey, formerly of Shorey Village St. Andrew is dead, it is also a fact that up to the time of his death he was a prisoner at the prison.

    Is the BFP in any position to check this information out as amongst all the political cover ups and corruption that we speak of, some levels of corruption and corruption cause people to lose their lives. This type of cover up may lead to more riots as many prisoners who witness injustice which is then covered up, will feel that they have no means but violence to protect themselves from being murdered by guards or fellow inmates.


    I have a friend who las

  9. reality check


    this is rank discrimination

    I am sure Maat has some potential intellectual gems that you have denied him from giving us such as ” The Holocaust never happened” and
    “the world is actually flat”

    I think I will go and watch a Monty Python skit. It has more reality than Maat could ever conjure up.

  10. Chase

    True Native

    if you want to call upon credible networks … please refrain from the two you have listed.

    Anyone with half a brain would not even watch Fox,let alone the BBC.

    Just as BFP puts the mouth piece of the BLP as the Nation News,So is Fox and the BBC for the respective governments.

  11. Chase

    So because Maat has a different opinion to BFP,he is penalised??

    Is this the same BFP who spouts open discussion??

    Every Muslim in the world is not a terrorist!!
    If this be the case,then every Christian should pay for the Crusades,every Anglican was against slavery,every Closed Bretheren (Church of The Latter Day Saints) are racists.

    Just because your opinion is different,dont make it invalid,I just cant understand people some time.

    I loved this site for its integrity but what I have just read is a slap in the face.
    BFP dont seem to be any different from the same people they critisise.

    And yes .if I am going to be penalised then so be it.

    Prove my point!!

  12. Chase

    Guess I was penalised …..hmmmmm

  13. Pardon — a corrective or two, and a caution:

    1] Chase

    Please! Had you checked where the Breitbart account was sourced, you would have seen the following: “Copyright AFP 2005 . . .”

    That is, this is a report by the major French press agency, AFP, evidently subscribed to by Breitbart. In short, you have indulged in attacking the proximate source, and in labelling and dismissing other sources you happen not to like into the bargain.

    While we should be cautious on all media and personal sources, we should not indulge in blanket dismissals.

    2] Maat:

    He has, first, repeated damage-control denials and distractors in the face of overwhelming evidence that there is an IslamIST terrorist campaign in Iraq, one in which Al Qaeda and other parties who openly claim to be acting in the name of Islam are a part.

    As to his remarks on the “72 virgins “, let us just observe that in Islam, not only the Quran but also the Hadiths and other traditions passed down are sources for thought, theology, law and teachings.

    Maat, what do THESE traditions say about those who die in the way of jihad and their eternal rewards? In light of the examples of Islam’s founder and those who led Islam for the next 100 years, what is the principal meaning of “jihad” especially given say Q9:5 and 29 etc [over 100 vv]? Why, in that light and that of statements from various Islamic authorities, is it that suicidal jihadIST attacks in the name of Islam have become fairly common all over the world?

    Maat should therefore first direct his remarks to those who are giving Islam a bad name by doing horrible things to Iraqi civilians in the name of Islam, now on this AFP report, including abusing children to reduce security scanning for attacking civilians. [E.g. Recall here the information recovered from the body of the first leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, on fomenting civil war there as a means to trigger a breaking of western will to endure until a stable democratic Government able to defend itself can be set up. What is in the real interest of the majority of Iraqis, why?]

    Sure, one can find many wroing things done by the Americans and other westerners, but they are not the only ones who are capable of or have a track record of awful wrongdoing. Indeed, methinks we all should be painfully aware of what evil can lurk in our own finite, fallible, sinfully fallen and too often ill-willed hearts right here in our region.

    Then, once we face this, we can help others with the sawdust in their eyes.

    3] Disinformation strategy

    Moreover, let us note this recent MEMRI report on incitement of Islamists to sow disinformation to manipulate naive westerners online. Let us be wise as serpents but harmless as doves.

    A word to the wise . . .

    GEM of TKI

  14. True Native

    Chase, please don’t be telling me which news media I should refrain from watching/reading. Who the hell do you think you are – Ahmadinejad?

  15. Chase

    True Native…

    No.I am a young black man who is not afraid to question any.

    You sound like the class bully….Who the hell YOU think you are??

  16. Patrick Porter


    Cool down you will get nowhere insuting other people. You are as guiltly as all if you stoop to street level. I have been around the block many times and as a young man had the fire you have in your belly when defending the DLP to white people, even thoug I am white myself. So take the high road and defend you position, but don’t sink to the lower level. Just a hint from an older person, it is not worth it. Everyone has their point of view and if we can’t put them forward without insults, then we are getting no where

  17. censorship

    bfp is engaging in censorship. matt cant post something because bfp disagrees with it. i posted a long comment last night and its been taken down or moderated. is bfp scared of questions? they are doing same thing they accuse nation and advocate of doing.


    Comment by george

    Yes censorship, we are censoring your comments. It is our blog and we do so for comments indicating 1/ Jews are Evil, 2/ The President Of The United States Planned & Executed 9/11 3/ US Troops Plant Suicide Bombs In Iraq 4/ Little Green Men Visited You Last Night.

    there are other blogs where you can post such ideas, but not here. You are always free to go to and start your own “US Troops Plant Suicide Bombs In Iraq” Blog. I’m sure you’ll have many readers, including one or two who have been kicked off here.



  18. D'Arts

    Seriously, why do people waste time believing in religion? I can’t bow to any God which allows such suffering to continue.

  19. Patrick Porter


    God doesn’t step into mankinds arguements. We have free rein to do what we want, mankind is responsible for our own stupidity. It is like a child you let them learn the hard way. So you can’t blame God for our stupidity

  20. D'Arts

    Correction, i can blame god and i do blame him for our stupidity. How and why does a supposedly perfect god make such imperfect people??…..then your going to convince yourself a such powerful being didn’t know this was going to happen before he made the first man?

  21. D'Arts

    … fears anything he dosent understand…..God is just a figment of something man made up so he can rest what he dosent understand on.

  22. D'Arts

    Actually, i can’t put the blame on someone/thing i don’t believe in can i? hahaha f-u8k this, i’m going to sleep.

  23. censorship

    i never made any of those 4 types of comments. my comments were about censorship and double standards and they were removed. i find u people r rather arrogant. u make all sorts of claims and anyone who questions u gets attacked and now censored. u r worse than the nation and advocate u criticise. so if i spoke about us knowledge of the 9/11 bombings before they happened i will be censored? this was discussed during the congressional inquiry into 9/11 and the security lapses etc.
    basically anything that doesnt fit into bfp’s right wing evangelical agenda is to be censored.

  24. censorship

    bfp is like the little boy who comes to cricket with his bat or stumps and when he gets out, he throws a tantrum and takes his bat and goes home.
    oh we are all about accountability and transparency and freedom of the speech and open discussion and we hate censorship. but it has to be on our terms. if you dont like our warped view of the world and of what constitutes open discussion then go and open your own blog. what a cop out.

  25. Anonymous

    It is not what you say, but how you say it. You are moderated because you stated something to be a fact, when in fact it was not.

  26. censorship

    i did not make any comments related to 1-4 that bfp says u can be moderated for. all i spoke about was matt being censored and i spoke about double standards. questioning bfp’s right wing evangelical world view is obviously a no no on this site!

  27. Patrick Porter

    D’Arts you have my sympathy. Your time will come when you need someone higher than you and I hope for your sake you find the higher power soon.
    Let me tell you a little story, I have had three brushes with death.
    One in Vietnam, and two with cancer and 5 heart attacks. I like you did not have feelings one way or the other, until one day I realised that things were not going my way and changed my life. I still have cancer and heart problems but with the support of many people including Him I am able to look life in the face again.
    It is easy to be a non believer as you have nothing to support or deny, A believer has to look as many things and try them all.
    Yes D’Arts it is easy not to believe in something that you can’t see, feel or touch. But to believe is very much harder
    And Yes you can say all you said above, but God does not dictate to us, he leaves us to follow our own path and it is up to us which direction we go. That is my point. I agree to disagree with you

  28. censorship

    isn’t it ironic that people can come on this site and make the most vicious and sometimes nasty remarks about the government of barbados but someone cannot question the american government? or make some link between american government involvement in a wicked act? after abu ghraib, cia secret flights and the way they treated their own wounded soldiers by putting them in rat infested disgusting places, why is it so hard to believe that some elements of the us government may not be involved in iraqi suicide bombings? but hey this goes against the propaganda that the neo-cons like to spout and which bfp so faithfully adheres to, so there is no way that we can have an open honest discussion here about that. makes u wonder.

  29. Patrick Porter


    I don’t see where you are coming from. This site is a lot more free than some I have seen. I am going to suggest to the moderators to lock this thread up now as I have seen some things that I can not believe.
    I do not support the Iraq problem. However I do not support conspiratory theories either. It is as much as saying that spacemen will come down and take over the world
    We should deal in facts
    Where you are talking about the attack on the BLP that is a legimate because as they are the Government in power. Without some from of moderation this site would run wild. Kepp up the good work moderators. I know you will not agree with me however thems the facts of life

  30. reality check


    we don’t have enough time or energy to go after Bush and the US on this blog besides time and the democrats are finally making him answer for his arrogance and mistakes

    lets try and expose and change all the leaders in our own country for the better.

    no one will dispute that most muslims would prefer to have a stable war free and tolerant environment.

    This does not extend to defending those extreme islamists that make excuses for terrorists and use religion and religious teachings to kill or subjugate their fellow man.

  31. D'Arts

    Patrick Porter i sincerely wish you better health. My “time” has came ages ago, and i’m currently still living it, may not be as bad as yourself, but it’s more then i can handle.

    But your situation goes on to prove my point, why make imperfect humans when you have the power to make it right the first time?…..according to faith, you must disagree with what i’m saying. Seriously, what sort of father, sits and watches his children burn themselves continually without intervening? and don’t give me that crap about he lets us learn the hard way, since we aren’t perfect we will never learn, and continue to burn ourselves.

  32. Patrick Porter


    That is part of living. From dust to dust.We should look at all sorts of things before blaming someone else. Maybe if one day you tried you may gind the peace that you need. Only a suggestion. Not saying to go to church, but in your own private way. Try it one day and you might be suprised. Just a suggestion for you

  33. GJ

    Boy, as a bajan abroad and reading this foolishness, I can’t believe that Bajans are so stupid. If Barbados was to have a terror attack, it is very unlikely that it would be vistors for the Cricket World Cup. You Dumb Bajans allow the twin islanders into your country, buy land and rule the place, organise their Jazz fest at the same time as the Cricket final to drawn away your tourism industry. Dumb Bajans you are under a terrorist attack, JUST IN A DIFFERENT FORM. Open your eyes the world do not revolve around your tiny dot on the map. I love Barbados but when people round the world say we are a small island and also small minded, boy its true.

  34. Ronin

    Muslim pupils kill teacher in northeast Nigeria
    21 Mar 2007 14:47:08 GMT
    Source: Reuters

    By Ardo Hazzad

    GOMBE, Nigeria, March 21 (Reuters) – Muslim pupils at a secondary school in northeastern Nigeria beat a teacher to death on Wednesday after accusing her of desecrating the Koran, police and witnesses said.
    Oluwatoyin Olusase, a Christian, was invigilating an Islamic Religious Knowledge exam at the school in Gombe state when the incident occurred. The students attacked her outside the school compound after the exam and killed her, witnesses said.
    It was not clear exactly what Olusase had done that angered the students.
    Police confirmed the killing and said their intervention had prevented the incident from turning into a riot.
    “We have received information that a female teacher has been lynched by her students. We are investigating the report,” Gombe state police commissioner Joseph Ibi said.
    At least five people were killed and several churches burned down in February 2006 in the neighbouring state of Bauchi by Muslims infuriated that a Christian teacher in a secondary school had tried to confiscate a Koran from a student who was reading it during class.
    Word got out into the streets that the teacher had desecrated the Koran, infuriating Muslims who went on the rampage.
    At least 15,000 people have died in religious, communal and political violence in Africa’s most populous country since 1999, when Nigeria returned to democracy after 30 years of almost unbroken military rule.

  35. Ronin

    BTW GJ, regarding your above comments, suck a nut you ex-pat dweeb.

  36. Hi all:

    I see the good old problem of evil came up.

    Professor Alvin Plantinga’s remarks on the free-will defense, as summed up in desperate brevity here, ever since the 1970’s, are the context for any serious onward discussion of that issue.

    Let’s just sum up a major thought in a tight little ball.

    Start with the point that virtue is a moral issue, e.g we cannot love unless we have minds of our own. To have a world in which real virtue is possible, real choice has to exist. So, abuse of choice is automatically also possible. Thus, the existence of evil is a twin to the existence of moral good and nobility and the beauty of the queen of the virtues, love.

    Thankfully, in love, God has given us a way of penitence, forgiveness and restoration to the good, and indeed a Saviour. If we choose the way of the right, however much we stumble along the way, he will happily receive us. If we choose instead to selfishly reject the truth we know or should know, and follow evil, then that is obviously our own fault — and it is we who are to blame for the consequences. [Cf Rom 2:5 – 11 for a brief summary.]

    Such consequences — as in the case we are discussing — often very predictably fall on innocents like both the children in the bomb-car, and bystanders harmed by the terrorists who were misusing the name of God. Even greater blame attaches to those who brainwashed, trained and equipped the terrorists.

    But since, as Solzhenitsen pointed out, the line between good and evil passes not between nations, classes and religions etc, but through each human heart, let us start with our own penitence and persistence inthe way of good. Then, we will see clearly to help our brothers and sisters across the world with the sawdust in their eyes.

    Finally, we can trust that in his own good time God will wrap things up perfectly well enough. Judging by the signs of our times, that could be real soon.


    Grace, open our eyes — and soften our hearts

    GEM of TKI

  37. Religion of Peace Inc.

    A van carrying Buddhist commuters in Yaha was forced to stop in an ambush early Wednesday because a tree had been placed across the road, said police Lt. Kitti Mankhong, a duty officer in Yaha district.

    The attackers dragged some of their victims from the van and shot them “in the head at close range, execution style,” including two 16-year-old schoolgirls, Kitti said. Others were shot inside the vehicle.

    One passenger and the Muslim driver, who was shot in the face, survived the attack.

    The driver told police he heard the gunmen say “kill them all” in the local Malay dialect which is widely spoken among Muslims in the south instead of Thai, Yaha district chief Suppanat Sirunthawinet said.

    “Thais have never seen such a cruel incident. A mother was hugging her daughter as they died,” Suppanat said, adding that the driver said his life was spared because the gunmen heard him praying for his life.

    Police and soldiers were searching for the attackers, Kitti said.

    Drive-by shootings and bombings occur almost daily in Thailand’s three Muslim-majority provinces _ Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani.

  38. Religion of Peace Inc.

    Still waiting for the Muslim outrage against this perversion of the Relgion of Peace.

    I’ve been waiting for decades and thousands of innocent victims.

    Can’t you see the millions of Muslims protesting against murder of innocents like these civilians commuting to school and work?

    Can’t you see the outrage in the Muslim community about the mother and daughter being shot in the head as they held each other? Shot because they were not Muslims.

    Still waiting!

  39. True Native

    Religion of Peace Inc.

    What is even worse is that it has been exposed in the U.K. that Muslim students in schools and colleges are targetting Hindu youngsters and threatening to kill them if they do not convert to Islam. Many Hindus in the U.K. are running scared.

  40. Yardbroom

    There is nothing ” absolutely free ” in society, some freedoms have to be curtailed in order to have a society, to that end we have to take cognizance of others, therefore inherent in society there is a curtailment of ” absolute” freedom.

  41. Ronin

    Most of us require the freedom of living, not to be deprived of life by those who demand we share their beliefs. If some muslim wants to curtail that most basic of freedoms, to exist with my own belief system, then we are going to have a problem. Yardbroom are you suggesting that such extreem acts as described in this thread are accepatable ‘curtailments’ of freedom necessary in society? Please clarify.

  42. Patrick Porter

    I have a question
    Do we have the freedoms our fathers did?
    Our freedoms are being erroded every day and yet none of us will stand up and say a damn thing. So who is to blame?
    I wonder

  43. Chase

    Patrick Porter

    Thanks for the advice.

    What I have learned in my short life is that life is a cycle.History shows that what we are experiencing now,also happened centuries ago ,just that another religion was on the receiving end.
    It will never stop and all you can do is live life until the end.

    Sorry to hear about your state of health,I lost my dear sister to cancer and she was 41,dont know how you get your strength ,I surely had none then but now I see life differently.
    Maybe that is why I take nothing for granted and my tolerance for ignorance is so low.

  44. Patrick Porter

    Chase, my boy, I get my strength from above. I can tell you something which may shock you
    As I was about to be put under in my last cancer operation, I turned to the Doctor and asked him who was that standing at the head of my bed, he said no one, but I continued before they put the drug in and asked the nurse as well and she said the same thing.
    The the person at the head of my bed said “you will be alright” I turned and saw my grandfather who died in 1971. In a flash he was gone and quickly as he was there, but he said one more thing before he left tell Jean and my Frank that where I am is beautiful and not to worry about me. Jean and Frank are his son and daughter. My Mum and Uncle. So there that one is for you. Wonders never cease. I swear that is a very true story

  45. Chase

    Patrick Porter

    Let me tell you,I was raised in the church from a baby ,my mother is a devout christian,my sister was a christian.

    I must say though,I lost all faith when she took sick with cancer.How can some one,who had so much love to give ,always helping others,always there for you,neve a harsh word,suffer so badly?
    The irony was that she was a nurse in Saudi Arabia,halfway around the world helping little children.
    Never smoking,a beer would be too much,eating healthy……..etc.

    From Sept 12 2001,when she died,life had a new meaning for me.So when you see the ‘fire in my belly’,it is not personal but just the fustration that, after all this time we still as a people cant see what we are taking for granted and just learn to accept each other with respect.
    I too have a story for you,when she died I drove my car that day wishing it would crash and end my sorrow,when i approached a corner where I knew would this would happen it stalled….a brand new car just totally shut down and I swear to this day I saw my sister’s smiling face in the windscreen,these things do happen,slowly the faith is returning mainly thanks to my lovely little baby.
    I think people with stories like you can make a world of differance,so enjoy and take care of yourself .

  46. Patrick Porter

    Value that child as she is a gift and who knows it may contain the spirit of your mother. They are the most wonderful gifts we can have, I love my son and daughter very much and now I have my grandchildren to sit on the old man’s lap.They go to church with me, only if they want as I do not believe in forcing religion on anyone, it is a personal thing, between you and the Almighty

  47. Chase

    Nuff RESPECT to you Mr.Porter.

  48. Patrick Porter

    I coming down at Christmas, my first Christmas in 20 years in Barbados, maybe we can get together and have a talk. Will keep in touch

  49. Yardbroom

    You have misunderstood the point I was making.

    Take for example a free press if you allowed an “absolutely free” press, before long some people would use vulgar, offensive and abusive language and the exercise would degenerate into chaos.

    Therefore some “limitation” of that freedom must always be exercised, if the question is asked why? simply because society expects certain norms in decent behaviour, for it to function properly.

    My remarks were towards the contributor who stated this was not a free press because he/she was not allowed to say everything they wished.

  50. Patrick Porter


    Man you mek nuff sense. Iproud of you. There are people in our world that would carry freedom of the press to far