Daily Archives: December 27, 2010

Keep the Old Indian Trail open for our children: Join the January 1st walk

UPDATED: December 30, 2010

Lots of interest. Many folks coming out for January 1st Trail Walk.

In response to multiple queries we are happy to provide more details and directions.

We will meet at the Indian Ground playing field at 3 p.m. on January-01-2011. For directions see map 001. We will have to leave latest at 3:15 p.m., as we want to finish before it gets dark around 5:30 – 5:45 p.m.

Come in good foot ware (runners or hiking boots) and with a water bottle. Our hike will be similar to the weekly hikes of the Barbados National Trust, except for the route. We will walk along the Old Indian Trail as marked on the attached map 002. The terminus will be Apes Hill. Vehicles will be waiting there to return the drivers of the participants’ vehicles to Indian Ground, so that they can drive back to Apes Hill to pick up the other members of their parties.

<Map 1<Map2

Public right of access: Use it… or lose it!

One of Richard Goddard’s ongoing battles is to keep the Old Indian Trail open to public use, especially near and across the Springhead plantation. It is a battle grounded in history: this was a public road-of-way in the days when Barbados had a vibrant sugar industry, used it for transport of crops, goods, as well as a way to church and market. The trail is almost forgotten now but for its records on old maps (see attachments, where it is traced it in red). Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, History

Peach and Quiet Hotel welcomes first guests from new Brazil and Dallas flights!


by Adrian Loveridge

Over the last few days our Peach and Quiet Hotel welcomed our first guests arriving on the GOL/Varig flight from Sao Paulo and the new non-stop service AA514 from Dallas.

These bookings have made up in part the room nights lost by some of our British visitors, who were unable to travel due to the horrendous weather conditions they have been forced to endure over the last couple of weeks.

To me, this reinforces the recent comments made by the Minister of Tourism that we cannot be dependent on any single market, and in my own words, fail to explore emerging markets. Continue reading


Filed under Aviation, Barbados, Barbados Tourism, Tourism, Travel, Traveling and Tourism

D No Spin Zone: “What is wrong with this breed of Caribbean leaders today…?”

Welcome to the Caribbean no spin zone…

“Every damn time someone criticise them they threaten to sue and run to the courts to shut people up and stiffle political discourse in the country. If someone accuse them of some wrongdoing, what happen to a good old fashion rebuttal? No, not our leaders today. The court is now their weapon and sue their main woman. Hope she vote for them to when election time comes around.”

… from D No Spin Zone article St Kitts Prime Minister threatens legal action against website

Photo: Denzil Douglas of St. Kitts decides to take on the blogs. 🙂

1 Comment

Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Freedom Of The Press, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption, St. Kitts and Nevis

Barbados DLP and BLP must return proceeds of crime to Allen Stanford’s victims

Barbados politicians received Stanford money – stolen money.

The same anonymous insider who accurately tipped us off to the 3S scandal now reports that Allen Stanford gave political donations to both the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party.

Our source says that both US and UK Authorities contacted the current Government of Barbados about various Stanford financial transactions that occurred in or through Barbados. A small part of the information received, (almost as an afterthought, according to the source) contains details of Standford companies’ political donations and expenditures in Barbados.

With this in mind, the question must be asked: Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Consumer Issues, Corruption, Crime & Law, Ethics, Offshore Investments, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption