Daily Archives: July 21, 2012

Sanka Price delivers a message to Health Minister Pornville Inniss

It’s a long story folks, but Sanka’s latest column is all about delivering a sideways message to Minister of Health Donville Inniss. Now that it is published, we can say that aloud.

How do we know this? Let’s just say a little birdie told us so…

Why do we continue to publish the Donville Inniss pornography business story? Simple: Mr. Inniss refuses to acknowledge or explain his involvement with the porn industry, where his profits went, and whether or not his political campaign or the DLP received contributions from the online porn industry. We believe it matters and that Bajan voters are unaware of the truth because the news media refuses to cover this story.

Porn is not harmless. The porn industry is undeniably associated with human trafficking and the degradation of women. We believe that matters – and that our elected representatives should not be associated with the porn industry.

For background, check out BFP’s Barbados Health Minister attacks journalist over questions about Minister’s porn business profiteering

I Confess

as told to Sanka Price

I LEFT THE MAN I LOVE because he is obsessed with pornography.

It was difficult leaving him after nine years of friendship before we became a couple in the last two years. But I had to walk away to stay sane and keep my self-respect…

… read it all at The Nation: His love for porn hurt me.


Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Ethics, Human Rights, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption