Daily Archives: November 1, 2012

Barbados denies radio and television to illegal prisoner Raul Garcia

Is it about torture? Power? Continued punishment?

by West Side Davie

Why would lawyers for Barbados argue against allowing Raul Garcia to watch TV or listen to a radio?

Good Lord! Raul Garcia finished his 20 year sentence for drugs over two years ago, but because the country of his birth will not take him Barbados continues to hold Garcia in jail. This is contrary to both international and Bajan law, but the government doesn’t care. By all accounts Garcia has been a model prisoner and is a reformed man – starting an anti-drug movement and teaching himself to paint. (background story here)

Apparently the government of Barbados fears him watching television or listening to the radio, so Garcia has been denied these two simple pleasures.

Who was the person who made that decision? What kind of a cold-hearted, power-tripping bastard decided that Raul Garcia couldn’t listen to the radio? It is a wonder that Garcia has stayed sane and peaceful.

The more I see of Raul Garcia and the more I understand what he is going through, the more I admire this man. In the year of our Lord 2012, Raul Garcia is twice the man that Freundel Stuart or Owen Arthur will ever be, and he’s a better man than I am.

Photo courtesy of The Nation: Garcia on pause

Garcia on Pause

Just when Raul Garcia thought things were about to change for the good, they remained the same. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Human Rights

Barbados could use some of this…

Raul Garcia could use some hugs too.


Filed under Barbados