Daily Archives: May 22, 2014

Tennyson Joseph: DeLisle Worrell’s folly

delisle worrell Barbados

Tin-pot dictator, Insecure, drunk on power…

“To issue a ban and to accuse the Nation of “lack of professional integrity” is burning a house to kill an ant. Banning a media house for a misleading headline is the kind of action associated with backward tin-pot dictators, rather than very intelligent, highly placed civil servants.

In a context of authoritarian political leadership, our leading public servants must lift the political culture above the paranoid vindictiveness we associate with insecure politicians, drunk on power…”

Good reading at the Trinidad Express – Tennyson Joseph: DeLisle Worrell’s folly


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Government, Disaster, Economy, Freedom Of Information, Freedom Of The Press

Devaluation of the dollar may only be the beginning of the end

sinking ship barbados flag DLP

“In the Caribbean most of the leaders are old time Marxist-Leninists, who now like to describe themselves simply as socialists – because it hides the failure of those school boy idiotic idealist beliefs still held by a bundle of old rambling communists.”

Communist idiots!

by Peter Binose

We may all wake up one morning soon and find our EC dollars worth less, or even worthless – our savings and our buying power reduced. Our local pensions worth so much less, and our food bills and everything we buy costing so much more. They won’t tell you in advance in case it causes a run on the EC dollar, with people withdrawing and buying other currencies such as the US dollar etc.

The reason for devaluation will be because of the damage inflicted on the monetary system by Caribbean states that over-borrow and can’t afford to pay back those borrowings. If you consider Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, they borrowed so much money from their national bank and could not repay it that they had to sell the bank. If that bank had collapsed it would of caused the EC dollar to be damaged and would of certainly triggered the devaluation of the EC dollar.

Root causes will remain with us – because too much debt, vast regional financial imbalances, and high energy prices have actually grown worse because of fiscal ignorance, even fiscal duncemanship by the Prime Ministers.  Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, CARICOM, Disaster, Economy, Offshore Investments, Political Corruption

Amazing Barbados Photo: Blacks, Whites, Asians, Mixed Races Attend Party Together! Actually Enjoy Each Other!

Six years ago our friend Light-Skinned-ed Girl declared May to be Mixed Experience History Month. We hope the idea catches on because those of us who are Heinz 57 and/or in mixed-race marriages need to reflect upon our roots once in a while.

If you have to ask “What’s the big deal?”, well, perhaps you need to think about it a little more. There are many more of us than ever before but when we talk with other mixies, the experience is generally the same: neither black nor white, and not really accepted by either race. Here’s a little piece written by Marcus back in October 2006. I miss him…

Barbados Free Press


Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary Site Of Astounding Happening!

Yes, folks – we couldn’t believe it ourselves (what with all this talk of that one incident last week between a light-skinned homeowner and a dark-skinned young man – link here) – it is true that several hundred people of all races, colours and religion all met last Saturday at the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary, and actually enjoyed each other’s company!

The event was the official launch of the proposal to establish the Graeme Hall National Park – but it felt more like a party than a meeting to Shona and Marcus.

One Racial Incident At Party…

There was one very serious racial incident at the party though. For a few minutes around 5pm, the cash bar ran short of cold Banks beer and two men of different races argued over who would get the last cold one.

A Barbados Free…

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Filed under Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Race