Daily Archives: May 3, 2014

Sir Roy Trotman accuses government of using preferential list in NCC layoffs, BUT…

Where was Sir Roy’s complaint about preferential hiring?

General Secretary of the Barbados Workers Union, Sir Roy Trotman, accuses the Government of unfairly selecting employees to be laid off. (Barbados Today article here)

Sir Roy says there is a ‘do not touch’ list of favoured persons who are not to be fired – because they are politically connected.

We agree with Roy Trotman: knowing what we know about how things are done ’bout hey, there probably is a ‘protected’ list where experience, seniority and performance don’t matter: only being a friend of government matters.

That much is probably true.

The only thing I want to know is this: Why is this political favouritism only a concern at firing time?

Why hasn’t Trotman previously complained about preferential hiring based upon political favouritism?

Where was Sir Roy’s outrage when a family of 3 all lost jobs at the National Housing Corporation?

Why didn’t he demand to know how three people from one family all came to have juicy NHC jobs within a short time?

Here ya go, Mr. Trotman. Family loses 3 jobs, exposes nepotism at NHC.

Come on Trotman – Let’s see some equal outrage about how folks get hired ’bout this place.


Filed under Barbados, Corruption, Political Corruption, Politics & Corruption

New Wall’s ice cream advert features Barbados… Did the BTA pay for this placement?

Hey, it’s a cute advert.

I’m just asking if we paid for it. If so, how much?

Anybody know?

(Okay, okay… it’s not the BTA anymore and I had a little rum gap, but I don’t want to change the title now as it makes a mess of the backlinks.)


Filed under Barbados, Barbados Tourism