Rigged Democracy, Borrow-and-Spend record – proves BLP not fit to be a government

“Bonasera… Bonasera… What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? Had you come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And that by chance if an honest man such as yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.” – Vito Corleone: The Godfather

"Campaign Donation" deposited to Prime Minister Owen Arthur's personal bank account. Barbados political elites break laws without fear.

BLP Resistant to Change, Above the Law and Answerable to No One

by an anonymous reader

It would seem that on two occasions now, Mia Mottley tried to use the existing rule and electoral system within the Barbados Labour Party to run for the Office of Chairman of the Party and on both occasions she has had to withdraw because of “RIGGED DEMOCRACY.”  A woman, coming-up against an unfair system and against the most powerful men in the BLP – who had already announced an: “Incoming Chairman,” long before  nominations for the post were closed and even before a vote was cast – did not stand even a sporting chance.

The BLP is now functioning like a law unto itself and it must be held accountable. 

Perhaps that is why Miss Mottley seems to be pleading with the people of Barbados for justice and to hold the BLP accountable, in order to preserve our stable democracy, the rule of law and good governance.  The very strong is never supposed to take advantage of the weak.  When that happens, the society has a duty to act.

Having become the victim of a unfair system on two occasions now (and after sounding the alarm and signaling to the country that all is not well within the BLP) it is up to the electorate and the taxpayers of Barbados (who pump an annual subvention into the BLP) to recognise that the BLP is just not ready and give it a lot more time to try and get its act together.  Secondly, since the BLP does not seem to be able to regulate itself, creating much political disturbance in the country annually, that is the surest sign to the country – that it is simply not ready to lead.

The BLP seems to be of the view that Barbadians like money so much that the mere talk about the economy will automatically cause the entire country to ignore everything else that is not right within the BLP and change the present stable-Government.  But on careful analysis, the BLP’s argument that Barbadians should vote for them because they managed the country well 14 years ago – seems seriously flawed!

The truth is that fourteen years ago, the world was being run on debt and huge deficit financing, which now have to be repaid or brought under control. Simply put: the alleged growth of the past ‘decade-and-a-half’ or so – was a “mirage.” Plain and simple!   Tourists incurred huge debt by way of loans and credit just to travel to Barbados.  That debt now has to be repaid and until it is – people will not travel as before.  Reduced arrivals to Barbados are therefore not a fault of the present Minister of Tourism.

Years of plenty but borrowed money to travel or not – tourists came to Barbados in mass and yet – the then BLP Government kept borrowing! 

It played fast and loose!  A massive bill for the Warren’s Building; then Clico and the BONC debt are some of the examples of its alleged: “sound economic management.”  If after 14 years as the Government and the BLP cannot even pay its phone bill – that should tell you something about its allegation of sound economic management.  Vote for what and why?  Even after being given time in 2008 to reflect, there is nothing new or fresh about the BLP!  Instead, it still seems tired; stale; resistant to change – above the law; answerable to no one and unable to connect with the youth.


Filed under Barbados, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption

10 responses to “Rigged Democracy, Borrow-and-Spend record – proves BLP not fit to be a government

  1. Chicago

    Why wasn’t Owen Arthur charged for putting campaign money into his personal bank account? Isnt’ that against the law?

  2. lump sum

    owen is a crook

  3. Contemplating Life

    The powers that be in both parties need to realize that the power of status quo of the elites on the island is fading. Covering up questionable deeds, transactions is no where near as easy as it used to be. This is a world wide phenomenon. Also your educated society that the politicians often boast of in international forums is precisely that..”EDUCATED”.. so guess what it really is not so easy to pull the wool over its eyes anymore.
    Everyone is tired of the bickering within and between the parties… SHUT UP AND DO THE JOB WE THE PEOPLE PUT YOU THERE TO DO !!!

  4. just want to know

    Why is it at this time everyone seem to see the BLP has done wrong and not seeing what the DLP is doing, pulling the wool over every one eyes like this morning the statical office put out 12+% unemployment, by evening it’s pulled from the public. Take CBC no opposition is given a chance to air his views, does tax payers pay for this station, I call it the DLP propaganda station. Does anyone know how much David Thompson & the DLP received from CLICO for the last general election, and how much was put in their pockets? Come on peoples lets have a fair debate.

  5. Mac

    Are you serious????

    DLP have borrowed way over $3billion BDS since 2008 and you talk about BLP borrow and spend. The DLP have definitely borrowed but where is the spending?? With that kind of money everything should be “shiny new”

    Is either party fit to rule when accountability is non existent???

  6. Progressive

    This article is pure crap.The same system that brought Mottley to high position in the BLP is what she now cries foul about.If it is unfair now it was unfair when she used it and benefited.The rest of the article attempts to rehash all the tired wornu out innuendo of the last campaign that fooled Bajans into electing this government.Fact is the economy is in a mess and the dems don’t have a cue what to do and ordinary bajans suffering like they never did under the Arthur administration.One day coming soon.

  7. Weston

    The real issue is that neither party seems to offer the vision and leadership to take Barbados out of the mounting economic crisis which we are now facing. The country can no longer pay its way and tough decisons have to be made. Each party plaming the other will achieve nothing.

  8. Z Lightning

    Mia should take a few years off, the people of Barbados ain’t interested in what she got to say. Owen does put some warm punches in her stomach doh, its good thing them on the same side as I would hate to think what he would do to her if she was on the DLP benches.

  9. A Party of Deals: A Pre-determined Outcome

    Under its present dispensation, the BLP is operating like ‘a party of deals.’ And, it does appear that if you are unwilling to ‘play the old-boys game,’ then you will be shut-out or put-out. Mia Mottley now knows this and it explains the new BLP Standing Order. The Gag Order is on! Barbadians do not like to see people get unfair and therefore agree that there is really insufficient time between when Mia Mottley learnt about the provisions of the “Gang of Five’s – manipulated Standing Orders” – in relation to the date of the up-coming annual conference and further agree that those Standing Orders make it impossible for her to now table ANY resolution to get the general membership of that Party – to address the prevailing corruption within the BLP, which she seem to be very concerned about and wants desperately to rid that party of – hence (it would seem) the tremendous opposition to her.

    In short – if you thought last year’s conference (2010) was the most disorderly and disorganised in the BLP’s 73 year history – then this year’s promises to be the most pre-determined. It will be a political non-event! Those attending should not expect any buzz or excitement. And already, many are saying that the BLP’s 2011 Conference could really be cancelled, especially since there will be nothing new to report: The BLP does not even have a full slate of candidates; its promised public meetings are yet to get off the ground (despite that party having launched its general election campaign four months ago; the Public Accounts Committee never met and even though the BLP alleges: “Bees Ready,” that party does not even have a functioning Shadow Cabinet.

    Based on new Standing Orders, there also seem to be a new way of determining who the Officers of the BLP will be. It would seem that instead of actual votes cast on the actual day of polling at its Annual Conference (said to be held on the last weekend of October this year), everything has already been pre-determined where – based on who were hand-picked from branches as delegates, precise knowledge of how many votes any person seeking Office will actually get – is already known, hence the disclosure: “The Incoming Chairman.”. In Nigeria, I think they would describe such a scam and such electoral fraud, as: “rigged democracy.”

    There seem to be a four-step plan to “rigged democracy” within the BLP: (1) Pad the voters list by paying to register as many persons you can afford – to join a branch, as reported to have happened in 2010, when Rawle Eastmond from its St. James North Branch – sounded the alarm that someone had paid BLP headquarters $560.00 to register 56 delegates for his branch, unknown to him; The second step in the “rigged procedure” seems to be to: reduce the number of delegates from those branches, which are not likely to support your man. Three: hand-pick all delegates from all branches and only select delegates who you know will help you execute your plot. And, four: change the standing orders to disadvantage your opponent.

    Perhaps this explains why, as out-going Chairman of the BLP – George Payne was able to take-out an advertisement in the newspaper, saying that he knows for a fact, that Jerome Walcott is the: “Incoming Chairman.” Still, curious onlookers are saying that were it up to party-members (hand-picked or not) Mia Mottley would beat anyone but with a list being padded with “rented voters from outside the BLP” who cannot be identified – Mia did not stand a chance! The “Gang of Five’s second plot having been executed – it would seem that they along with their other co-conspirators – are now hoping that this issue too, will “blow-over” quickly.

    The BLP’s engineered leadership firmly believes that Bajans have short memories and will easily forget and over-look this “internal BLP corruption” (as happened last year) and will go on to the next issue. One gets the impression that the BLP feels that Bajans are stupid and will never be able to see that people who “thief” or are “dishonest” in Opposition (facilitated by a very accommodation leadership) will be unstoppable, if allowed to become the Government.

  10. The Real Reason

    Ask any political party in Opposition (most places around the world) why it wants to become the Government and invariably, it will tell you that it has a “Team of Candidates” who are experienced; better suited and prepared to lead or that it has superior policies.

    Sometimes the reason given is that the party forming the Government – has created a crisis or is engaging or has engaged in corrupt practices from which it cannot recover. This is what makes the Barbados situation unique!

    Ask the BLP why it is so adamant that it should be the Government, and brain-washed into thinking it is about them – BLP members reply: “Owen Arthur is an Economist!” Yes! But why, with the DLP being a “stable Government,” should Barbadians vote DEMS-out and make an “unstable BLP,” the Government: Owen Arthur was Prime Minister 14 years ago! Is that really it? No! Not Arthur’s “real reason!”

    But those answers caused me to think harder! During his budget presentation, Minister Sinckler also asked: ‘what it is about being Prime Minister that Owen Arthur so badly wants to get back in Bay Street? And then it dawned on me: “Family First!”

    Because the late Prime Minister Thompson had an image of a “family man” Arthur was pressured. And with Arthur about to lose power after Thompson proved that he (Arthur) had put thousands intended for the BLP as campaign contributions, into his personal bank account – all of a sudden, Barbadians heard about Owen Arthur having children. When you add the fact that he has now accepted responsibility for children to the bitter divorced he went through; his ongoing medical bills, plus maintaining his life-style – you begin to see a picture emerging and the “real reason” why he so covets the office of Prime Minister.

    It has nothing to do with Barbados, the economy or ‘anybody’ but Owen Arthur. He badly needs one more opportunity to set himself right. And this is where George Payne and Dale Marshall come in.

    If Barbadians were ever to depart from ‘good old fashion Bajan common-sense’ and make the Barbados Labour Party the Government, Owen Arthur will be Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; Dale Marshall Attorney General and George Payne Minister of Housing and Lands and within three Minutes of having been sworn-in, the decision to pay Al Barrack would be executed as the first order of business of a new BLP Government, making the three “multi-millionaires and set for life.

    This is what it is all about: making good on “The Prior Park Accord” and the “DEAL!” There are only so many $100,000 in bribes, that potential candidates and Parliamentarians with safe-seats, can be offered to make way for Mr. Hardwood and those who will give Owen Arthur a majority in terms of numbers – in case of a BLP win. But at some point the money had to run-out and now has to be replenished. Arthur therefore has to be Prime Minister at all cost and despite what other deal now has to be made or act committed.