Assessment Time In Barbados: Prime Minister Thompson’s First Year



Filed under Barbados, Cartoons, Political Corruption, Politics, Politics & Corruption

21 responses to “Assessment Time In Barbados: Prime Minister Thompson’s First Year

  1. cq8


    Thank you Cliverton! 🙂

  2. West Side Davie

    How fitting, bfp. The two parties sleep together all the time cause the truth is they’re one big family.

  3. Jukecheckedeyskirt

    Hahaha that is good.

  4. reality check

    politics makes for strange bedfellows

    I love the choice of position.

    Is that bliss on their face?

    The Barbadian voter is looking for action but not this anti climax.

    This is about the only transparency Barbadians don’t want to see.

  5. Red Lake Lassie

    Another caption:

    Mia: “We can’t let anybody find us out”

    David: “Don’t worry Sweetheart. People don’t want to accept the truth that we sleep in the same bed”

    Mia: “Alright, Mr. Love Machine. Now where were we?”

  6. cq8

    Mia “Don’t pout. I’ll let you be on top next time…”


  7. OMG

    Look like the two of them had sex with us, the citizens.

  8. Fool me once

    You wrong BFP because the only ones getting a screwing is us residents of this island

  9. Adrian Hinds

    ha ha ha ha ha lol! I never could understand how someone could (believe there is) a real or lasting difference between the two parties. Great caption pic. ha ha ha h a

  10. Optimist Prime

    Let us get serious about the DLPs’ first-year’ non-performance.

    Look at page 4 of the Weekend Nation of January 16, 2009.

    On the left of page 4, we have five females of all age groups and four males, also all age groups represented. They essentially gave the government high marks.

    The point is, while ordinary Barbadians are saying what a wonderful job government has done, the “most intellectual” in society – like Professor of Economics (finance) Mr. Michael Howard – are questioning the DLP’ competence on key issues of national strategic importance.

    Don’t mind Tony Johnson! He is not rated in the economic circles that Professor Frank Alleyne; Professor Michael Howard, Mr. Clyde Mascoll and – Local and Regional Statesman – The Rt. Hon. Owen S. Arthur, M.P., are.

    Chris Sinckler did say that people who do not understand what happens in Parliament or how the system of government works – change the government. That is their right. That Barbadians are worst off as a result, is everyone’s problem!

    The bottom line is, the DLP is misleading the country and is keeping economic; unemployment and cost of living statistics secret, so that ordinary people are not able to make sound judgements.

    This explains the desperation by the DLP to bribe Barbadians with their own money. The so-called free bus rides, which will result in a $50 million subsidy to the Transport Board, is an example.

    The DLP is intellectually weak. I said that over a month ago. Now others, including David Commissiong – are beginning to agree.

  11. Sylvan Greenidge

    BPF seeing political doubles.

    Pardon me BFP, but what exactly are you trying to convey in the picture above? I hope that you are not suggesting that my esteem political leader, Ms. Mottley and Thompson share the same political views.

    What makes the suggestion so offensive is the fact that prior to January 15, 2008 your blog placed them miles apart. Your view then was that Ms. Mottley and the BLP were political criminals without integrity who oppressed the poor. They were bad news for Barbados. I read your blog daily. Your attacks were relentless.

    Thompson and the DLP were portrayed then as the political saviour for Barbados. They were to rid the country of corruption, introduce integrity legislation and solve all human ills. Back then you did not see the BLP and DLP as one of the same nor did you see then that anyone in the BLP could be in bed with the DLP. Why now?

    Strangely enough after a year of DLP rule you suddenly see similarities in the two parties and their leaders. Let me assure you that it is not similarities in the parties that you see but rather the depth of intellectual dishonesty into which you have immersed yourself that now causes you to see political doubles when look at the two parties. It is not that you cannot explain what you are really seeing but rather your self-driven determination to tell untruths and your vehemence to use the resources at your disposal to continue to breed political confusion in the country and to keep unsuspected minds in the political wilderness that has impaired your political vision.

    Those of us who know the truth know that the only reason you are now seeing political doubles is because after 14 years of criticism, the political stillborn DLP has been forced, as result of they own incompetence, to carry on the same policies and programmes of the former BLP government that they have been criticizing.

    With the exception of our economic policies, which Thompson CAN NOT execute simply because he lacks the intellectual capacity, all other programmes are ours. That is why little as change in the country since January 15,2008. That is why it seems to you that the two parties are the same. But I assure the DLP as it is presently composed is a mere shadow of the Barrow DLP and a political accident waiting to happen for Barbados.

    Barbadians can brace themselves for a repeat the early 1990s Barbados when Thompson was Minister of Finance and the Dems were at their best with a sharply declining economy, 27% unemployment, no foreign exchange in the bank, people losing their jobs and businesses and the only political stimulus was bus fare and lunch money. This is the same Thompson.


    BFP says

    First of all, let’s correct your lies that Barbados Free Press supported Thompson and the DLP for the years before the last election, and that we only attacked the BLP government.

    We have been attacking both the DLP and BLP since January, 2006. We hammered Thompson relentlessly for his silence on integrity legislation and drew him as a pig at the trough with Mia Mottley and Owen Arthur. Then when he did a “cut and paste” job from the internet to present the electorate with a last minute “integrity” solution, we said it was phony and not really meant. Then when he came forth and promised to institute integrity legislation within the first 90 days of being elected, we reluctantly and suspiciously said we would vote for him.

    We also said that if Thompson and the DLP did not do what they said, we would go back to attacking them.

    And so we have continued to call for accountability and integrity from all government officials and especially whoever is in power at the moment. That is the DLP and Thompson.

    You see – they are all the same. With no rules, they are all crooked.

    Thompson promised rules, but he lied.

    We will continue to provide a voice for ITAL – Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation – because no other Barbados blog or media outlet does so. Bajans deserve better from their media and government officials.

  12. BFP


    BFP says

    First of all, let’s correct your lies that Barbados Free Press supported Thompson and the DLP for the years before the last election, and that we only attacked the BLP government.

    We have been attacking both the DLP and BLP since January, 2006. We hammered Thompson relentlessly for his silence on integrity legislation and drew him as a pig at the trough with Mia Mottley and Owen Arthur. Then when he did a “cut and paste” job from the internet to present the electorate with a last minute “integrity” solution, we said it was phony and not really meant. Then when he came forth and promised to institute integrity legislation within the first 90 days of being elected, we reluctantly and suspiciously said we would vote for him.

    We also said that if Thompson and the DLP did not do what they said, we would go back to attacking them.

    And so we have continued to call for accountability and integrity from all government officials and especially whoever is in power at the moment. That is the DLP and Thompson.

    You see – they are all the same. With no rules, they are all crooked.

    Thompson promised rules, but he lied.

    We will continue to provide a voice for ITAL – Integrity, Transparency and Accountability Legislation – because no other Barbados blog or media outlet does so. Bajans deserve better from their media and government officials.

  13. Jerome Hinds

    Sylvan >..Royalrumble..> Greenidge

    A pity it had to take defeat at the polls for the Barbados Labour Party government for you to visit BFP site……using your name MINUS…..Pseudonymns !

    Pity ! Pity !

    Anyhow…..since you alone do not vote I must caution you that after 1 YEAR in office, 99.9% of the people in Barbados are PROUDLY satisfied of the achievements of this great DLP party !

    Imagine :

    * No more HORRORS from 3 S !

    * No more HORRORS from HARDWOOD Inc !

    * No more HORRORS about the US $ or is it ? BDS $ Dodds prison !

    * No more HORRORS about the missing UDC houses !

    * No more HORRORS about a PM having large personal cheques deposited into his bank account !

    No more HORRORS about the huge debt at BNTCL !

    Go and get a BUSH bath !!!

  14. Optimist Prime

    Now that it has been proven that David Thompson does not have the “intellectual capacity” to take Barbados to the next high level of development – an attempt is being made to suggest that there is no difference between the two political parties.

    I have said constantly on this blog that Thompson and the DLP do not know what they are doing; that the DLP is dangerously mismanaging the Barbados economy and that the DLP is intellectually weak.

    It is obvious for all to see that Thompson – the man who was suppose to rescue Barbados; the man who had the answers and who was going to clean-up politics and set a new course – is intellectually weak.

    Ask professor Howard; Peter Wickham; Pat Hoyos and the most intellectual in our society. In fact, Prime Minister Thompson did admit in his press conference – that because of partisan reasons, the skills of the most intelligent in our society – are not available to him.

    Barbados is in crisis!!!

    This country is being run by a second rate team of intellectually weak people.

    Little wonder that Barbadians are begining to realise that the DLP best is way below what they (the people) expected.

  15. 253

    Jerome said….

    Anyhow…..since you alone do not vote I must caution you that after 1 YEAR in office, 99.9% of the people in Barbados are PROUDLY satisfied of the achievements of this great DLP party !

    Imagine :

    * No more HORRORS from 3 S !

    Instead we have $20M bills from Mr. P for “redesigning” the highway that traffic STILL BACKS UP ON.

    Read my lips “There will be no flyovers!” No but we now have the Wildey death trap which needs you to have eyes in the back of your head as you cross 4 lanes of traffic in less space than you have to merge into one lane the Belle junction.

    * No more HORRORS from HARDWOOD Inc !

    But oddly enough no substance either, just loads and loads of vague assertions about wrongdoing. For something that was up there with the 100 days there sure is alot of smoke but surprisingly little fire.

    * No more HORRORS about the US $ or is it ? BDS $ Dodds prison !

    Shall we talk about the continuing horror of the QEH that will/won’t/will/won’t/maybe but not now be replaced? By the way the former Minister had the temerity to say the only feasible option was to rebuild (contradicting Thompson) and he was demoted. Poor Donville dare not say the truth….

    * No more HORRORS about the missing UDC houses !

    Just a UDC that does nothing. Have they figured out what the constituency councils will actually DO yet?

    * No more HORRORS about a PM having large personal cheques deposited into his bank account !

    Once again oddly enough this seems to have died a natural? death. Lots of smoke, no fire sighted so far….

    No more HORRORS about the huge debt at BNTCL !

    Just HUGE gas and diesel bills, manufacturing, retail, hospitality and construction sectors in shock because of the overnight “stroke of a pen” removal of subsidies. More proof that Thompy is out of his depth.

    Further proof….

    Despite having had an expert panel meet and give him a report on what he needs to do he still hems and haws and can’t come up with a stimulus package much less a coherent strategy for how he will pilot the economy through the coming economic storm. You can only surpress unemployment and economic statistics for so long. Sooner or later Thompy you will actually have to do something other than to blame the BLP for your own inactivity.

  16. Tony Hall

    “Barbadians can brace themselves for a repeat the early 1990s Barbados when Thompson was Minister of Finance and the Dems were at their best with a sharply declining economy, 27% unemployment, no foreign exchange in the bank, people losing their jobs and businesses and the only political stimulus was bus fare and lunch money. This is the same Thompson.”

    Sylvan Greenidge,
    Where you now come from? A lot of things might have happened in the 90’s with the DLP but they weren’t corrupt nor did they rape the Treasury like the BLP did. The BLP is so far behind that they have already started the next election campaign. Before that you must resolve the leadership issue in your party.WHO IS THE REAL LEADER IN THE BLP? Perhaps you can let Kerrie Symmonds tell us tomorrow on “Brass Tacks Sunday” who is the real leader. You can’t fool Bajans anymore. You got a lot of nastiness going on in your party and then pretending that you are coming with a united front? Let us say for instance that the DLP did not fulfil all the promises by next election and the people are vex. Do you really think your party is going to be voted back into power so quickly after you all fucked up so many people during the last 10 of your 14 years in power?

  17. Jason

    BFP I love your blog. I never know what I will read here. Much respect.


  18. Sylvan Greenidge

    Tony Hall you may need to ask yourself where you were from 1986 – 1994. You would have to be joking when you write, “A lot of things might have happened in the 90’s with the DLP but they weren’t corrupt nor did they rape the treasury”.

    Tony the DLP lost that election under a cloud of corruption charges. Let me refresh your memory.

    1. The level of stealing at the St. Joseph Hospital.

    2. The kickback to Ministers for awarding the provision of kola syrup to a known DLP operative.

    3. The high level of stealing that accompanied the building of Sherbourne.

    4. The criminal acts that persisted at Carsicot.

    5. The millions that were voted for the construction of the St. John Polyclinic that never got there.

    6. Ministers who hired contractors to work on theirs homes that were also contracted to build projects in their ministries.

    And the list goes on. And while the DLP Ministers were feeding at the trough Barbadians were losing their jobs, their homes and their civility.

    By 1994 unemployment stood at 27%, foreign reserves were non-existent, a “sugar daddy” had to help Government pay its sugar workers and workers and employers had to march to send a clear message to the intellectual and politically bankrupt DLP.

  19. Optimist Prime


    You forgot the “DOPE” in the diplomatic pouch, and Tom Adams asking how DLP Ministers could own hotels and plantations back then – on the chicken feed pay politicians got.

  20. San Diego

    Yeah, right. And how about the cocaine that arrived at the Airport consigned to Lionel Craigg?? And how about owning plantations, like Trents in St. Lucy? John King will tell you all about that. And the biggest of all – the cocaine shoot-up that killed JMGM?

  21. For a man that David Thompson had to bail out of trouble so may times, Sylvan Greenidge has some gall.