Barbados man arrested in New York, USA: Barricades self, son in home

Alex Mitchell arrested in domestic situation, other charges

I don’t know what happened between Alex Mitchell and the mother of his son, but there’s no excuse for a man to break into his ex-girlfriend’s home, refuse to leave and then barricade himself and his 13 year old son inside for seven hours. No reason would justify that behaviour, and we just can’t allow such things.

No doubt Mr. Mitchell will pay the price for his actions.



Is is just possible, just a little bit, that he was driven crazy over the past 10 years by a system that automatically awards custody of children to mothers and fails to ensure that fathers can see their sons? Is it just possible that for the thirtieth weekend in a row out of shear evil, his ex wouldn’t let him see his son as scheduled? Is it just possible that for the third time in as many weeks she let him believe that this time he would really see his son for that special day they had planned for months?

And when he arrived after taking a day off work, he was again told with a smirk “No. Something came up. Maybe next weekend.”

And he knows that the courts will not enforce visitation orders because he proved the uselessness of that time and money waster a long time ago.

Is that not possible?

Is it not just a tiny bit possible that the whole thing was staged by a vicious and hateful ex-wife who knew all the buttons to push and did so because she had been placed in a position of power by laws and courts that have no use for fathers except as wallets?

Perhaps the question is not why such situations happen after fathers finally snap. Perhaps the question is why these situations happen so infrequently, all things considered.

Long Island Press: Man barricades self, son in Westbury home


Filed under Barbados, Crime & Law, Human Rights

13 responses to “Barbados man arrested in New York, USA: Barricades self, son in home

  1. what will they think of next

    Does that not sound like an act of desperation to you?
    The way men are treated nowadays, seperated from their children, would make any man do anything.
    and i cry shame on you, without hearing the man’s side of the story you are condeming him. I guess you have no children that the mother prevents you from seeing. Lucky you!

    and you see that piece of foolishness “as she was leaving with her son”. Is the boy not the son of the man as well? did she get the boy by herself? does not the woman carry the man’s child? When did that change?

  2. The man wiv no name!!

    WWTTON, u make a no. of very good points. It’s no wonder that I keep well away from a lot of women, Barabdian ones too. Unfortunately, most men just sit on their ***es and do nothing about these kinds of situations until it happens to them by which time it’s too late. Men have to learn to be more active politically in securing their rights or we soon won’t have any at all! It is still regretable what happened as it may have ended very badly indeed!

  3. Since you don’t know anything of the details you really shouldn’t speculate. That man is responsible for his own violence. Also, research in the US has shown that the majority of fathers who want visitation get it. Where courts do not order visitation it is because there has been a history of intimate partner violence and the women (usually) fears further violence. The point of handing over a child for a visit becomes a very emotionally charged and potentially violent situation. Feel free to send us an email if you would like to have a look on some credible research on intimate partner violence, custody disputes and father’s rights.

  4. what will they think of next

    Code red, you are making no sense at all. Men are getting infaired left, right, and center. Women are retuinely refusing to let men see their children in spite of the courts saying that they should be able to do. And they are getting away with it. When the men point this out to the Magistrates nothing is done about it.
    Recently we have the situation where a man was constantly harassed by his “child’s mother” even his wife’s life was made a living hell by this woman, he was constantly arrested by Marshalls and taken before the Courts for “non payment” of Child support which was a lie. He always paid his money. The woman would embarass him where ever she saw him. He got fed up with years and years of constant and unrelenting abuse from his “child mother” and had a DNA test done on his “son” only to discover that “his son” is not really “his son”.
    Fourteen years of pure living hell he had to endure at the hands of this woman and the Courts of Barbados did nothing to help him even though he appealed to them for help from her.

  5. what will they think of next

    His case is nothing unique they are hundreds of men in Barbados in similar situations.
    They have no one to turn to. the women have all the rights in the Courts of Barbados.
    How disgusting.

  6. Spinelli

    I don’t know all the facts, but what is printed is enough to drive this man off the edge. It could have turned ugly. It would be nice to know why she is preventing him from seeing the child.. may be she is afraid he would try to get a dna done. The boy is 13 and the mother has control now but when that boy becomes 18 and begins to seek out his father it’s not much she can do. I do pray he wouldn’t do anything stupid.. just wait it out. The waiting would be worth it.

  7. The man wiv no name!!

    Simple solution lads, keep well away from Bajan women! I know I shall be!! As for the judiciary, well, expletives caan do dem justice!!

  8. HM

    Do you actually know any of the details or is this article just a trip into fantasy land? Do you know that his ex wouldn’t let him see his son?

  9. innocent until proven guilty?

    HM, you must be new to BFP. This is their normal way of behaving- sensationalist headlines and articles based on speculation as opposed to proof.

  10. seeker of the truth

    just to update everyone. this story is false. the home that he “BROKE” into belong to him. he purchased it so his 4 children he has with this woman would have a roof over they head since she was going to lose it. second he had been staying there for 2 weeks before this happen. the man happen to get a few dollars while he was there and out of this womans mouth to me ” if he dont give me some of that money i am going to get him good” now i dont think she expected the police to go as far as they did but this maan did not do any of the things reported. it is a shame when our legal system can be used for revenge.

  11. White People dont like Black in there Hood

    Just like Dr. Henry Yates , lock yourself out your Home , and get charge by white POLICE in Westbury NEW YORK Nassua County ,, that is why the police FEDS are there now all up their BUTTS. SWAT team ,,blame the police ..Our Apartheid System of Justice, 1991 report done by the Top Judge of New York State , the now acting it 20 years later

  12. Fast news is bad news, get the FACTS first

    No one look to see the Man Own the House, with DEED, Water, Tax Bill , and all other mail,, Its his house county have the records to show he is the owner ,, What law was broken ,, where is it in the CPL LAW book,,, Police write what they want and you have to pay to get out their lies.They go home with over time and smile,,, that why the county broke.If i lock my self out my can and get back in , will the next day they charge me with grand T Auto. and all the papers check out and no on report a car stolen…

  13. Fast news is bad news, get the FACTS first

    The charges are not true, but Nassua county nor the police will not drop the charges for they want a plea deal to cover their asses . So its court date after court date hoping that he miss a date to create some thing else to plea out to. The detective and the investigators did not detect or invest-i to see if the words were true. Now they see they spend over time money on swat team ,all of 3rd pct around the house 8th pct doing traffic detour from 11:15am to about 5:45pm ,, 2 truck load of Special Operation Units all in Black with shields and snipers around the house is mini cameras looking in side .After a court ordered FELON EXAM the charges were drop, the other so called WARRANTS DISMISSED , 1ST warrant dumping dismissed no charges no fines , 2nd warrant , WILLFUL CON TEMP DISMISSED, no charge no fines. ,3rd next case, GOING HOME.. HOUSE HE OWNS , LIVES WITH , HAVE DEED AND TITLE TO IN HIS NAME ALONE , WITH BANK HIS CHILDREN AND COUNTY PAPERS . TAXES IN HIS NAME ALONE . DISMISSED…Now they get social services to look at the charges , none found,,,court ordered pvt dick to check the person living in his hood ,, no report came back for there was no findings of the lies on paper by the Police … now they come with TRESPASS ,, of the same house he owns ., THE HOUSE AND THE CHARGES IS TO BE FOR A HOUSE NOT BUILD AS YET AND HAS NO OWNER, EMPTY LOT ….. JOKERS