Tag Archives: Abortion

Barbados abortion proponent George Griffith retiring. Served Planned Parenthood’s vision of fewer black births.

One that got away from George Griffith & the Barbados Family Planning Association

One that got away from George Griffith & the Barbados Family Planning Association

Sure I love you sweetheart. Now slip off those panties and doan worry ’bout nothing…

George Griffith and the Barbados Family Planning Association will fix any little accidents.

Just like before times.

George Griffith

George Griffith

The retiring head of the Barbados Family Planning Association still professes to support unrestricted abortion on demand, paid for by public monies. George Griffith can hardly do anything else considering that he devoted at least the last 25 years to promoting and serving the abortion industry, including the social agendas behind Planned Parenthood.

At one time I used to support abortion on demand too. Available and socially acceptable abortion is highly beneficial to young men who want to have their way with young women without any responsibility for the consequences of their random seductions. As a young man I was good at random seductions, I admit. Today’s ‘Game’ players have nothing on me.  Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Ethics, Human Rights

Planned Parenthood still aborting those ‘ugly black babies’

UPDATED January 5, 2013

Considering the stories of gendercide coming out of India right now and the rape and murder of the young woman by six evil men, it might be a good time to take another look at this article about aborting “Ugly black babies”. Whether we select blacks, girls or gay babies for extermination in the womb, it’s all social engineering…

Barbados Family Planning Association aborts 100% black babies. No wonder BFPA gets awards from headquarters!

Meet abortion doctor Ron Virmani of Charlotte, North Carolina, recorded in the above video saying he is lessening the burden to taxpayers by aborting ‘ugly black babies’. In context the doctor is saying that all black babies are ugly, and that there are economic benefits to society by controlling the breeding of undesirable races… like negros – especially those bothersome negros with darker, black skin colour.

This racist attitude from an abortionist isn’t surprising at all, considering that the origins of Planned Parenthood go back to Margaret Sanger and the ‘Negro Project’. Sanger was a big fan of compulsory sterilization and birth licensing (as China does) for the lesser races. Continue reading


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues

Former St. Lucia Health Minister to speak at Caribbean Conference on Life and Family Values

Sarah Flood-Beaubrun a long-time defender of human rights and human dignity

Wifey and I were interested to see that lawyer and former St. Lucian Minister of Health Sarah Flood-Beaubrun is speaking at the 2012 Caribbean Conference on Life and Family Values being held in Trinidad & Tobago this April 27 and 28 – because if there is one thing about Flood-Beaubrun that stands out it is that she is a realist. It is a long story but we are aware of the fierce resistance she faced within her own party when she wanted to focus attention and spend big money to address the appalling neglect and abuse of the mentally ill that was the rule in St. Lucia when she was first elected as an MP in 1997. To make it happen she eventually had to put a little water in the wine, but Sarah achieved about 80% of what she wanted including a new institution that put the word ‘rehabilitation’ on the agenda in place of ‘warehousing without hope’. (I think Sarah Flood-Beaubrun was the speaker when I first heard that ‘warehousing without hope’ phrase.)

A look at the other speakers scheduled for the April conference reveals some other folks who are also ‘doers’ rather than ‘pray-ers’ when it comes to helping girls and women who find themselves preggers, used and abandoned by the fathers of their unborn children. You know it’s all fine to pray with somebody, but if prayer isn’t accompanied by a place to sleep, a meal and some real assistance for a woman in need – then STFU and don’t bother getting involved in the first place.

That should be the motto of ‘pro-life’ movement in my humble opinion: “Pro-Life? Then do something real or STFU.” You can tell I’m in a mood today. As far as the ‘Family Values’ side of this conference goes I’m not a fan of a lot of the baggage that usually goes along with that ‘code-phrase’, but that’s me and like Sarah Flood-Beaubrun I don’t mind a little water in the wine if young girls and women in trouble are looked after by somebody who doesn’t make a profit each time they talk some frightened soul into deciding to abort their child.

Here are some links for the upcoming Caribbean Conference on Life and Family Values

Programme Topics & Schedule

Speakers List

Host: The ELPIS Centre – Pregnancy & Family Resource Centre

submitted by passin thru

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Filed under Abortion, Barbados

Should Down’s people be killed? Hitler said “Yes”

Hitler, Jews, abortion, God, Neo-Nazis, Racists: “180” has it all

Dear Barbados Free Press

They showed this movie today at adult bible class and it was all people could talk about for the rest of the day. I cannot say that I ‘enjoyed’ the movie, but I couldn’t turn away.

Watch it and you might consider posting a link.

Frederick C.

BFP SAYS: CAUTION – mature theme, horrible images of Holocaust, abortion etc. Made me think though.


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Culture & Race Issues, Ethics, History, Human Rights, Race, Religion

Sweden Says Aborting Female Baby OK If You Want A Son


I Am Woman, Hear Me Whimper…

For decades thousands of years, parents in China, India, Pakistan and other countries where women are lesser human beings have been killing daughters shortly after they are born. Sons are the best, don’t you know?

With the advent of modern medical technology, mothers are now able to kill daughters in the womb. That’s progress for you! While Asia has embraced this wonderful new empowerment, Western society has generally not looked favourably upon gender-selective abortion. Morally, it is OK for a mother to kill a child in the womb because the pregnancy is inconvenient or embarrassing, but it is not ok to kill a female baby in the womb because you want a son.

All that is changing.

Now Swedish Health Authorities have ruled that gender selection is a proper criteria for abortion.

Quite right. Who wants to have a lowly daughter when you can have a son?

And as for that stalwart defender of women’s rights, the National Organization of Women?


Femicide as family planning?

Hey, its all about choice, doan ya know?

… Barbados Free Press tips the rum glass to Matt Drudge.

Further Reading

Gendercide Watch: Case Studies of Female Infanticide in India & China

BBC: China’s Unwanted Girls


Filed under Abortion, China, Ethics, Health, Human Rights

Youth Worker: Women In Barbados Not Counseled Before or After Abortion, PLUS… Abortions Provider George Griffith Talks About Profits Being Made From Abortions

“They said they did not get enough information or counseling. They were only given a form to fill out and the abortion was done,”

… Barbados Youth Worker Marcia Weeks talks about the bad experience of women having abortions in Barbados in the Jamaica Observer article Forum calls for definition of lawful abortion

Move ‘Em In, Abort and Move ‘Em Out – The Business Of Making Money Doing Abortions

There is an interesting contrast today between two online articles about abortion in Barbados. First we have a very balanced article posted online at the Jamaica Observer that provides a fair discussion of abortion with all sides having a say.

Barbados Youth Worker Marcia Weeks complains that Barbados abortion providers don’t provide counseling to women contemplating an abortion or to those who have had an abortion. “Just sign here” is how Ms. Weeks describes what happens to many pregnant women who are considering an abortion.

As we and others have pointed out before – when people in the abortion industry make more profits when they abort more babies, it is only natural that they will favour abortion over having the child born alive. Thus “Just sign here”.

Then we have abortions provider and sorry excuse for a failed BLP politician George Griffith writing in the Nation newspaper that even those who “benefit financially” from abortions don’t rejoice. (Nation article here)

Well, the abortion industry may not “rejoice” but they sure do like to market their services! And the more abortions they perform, the more money they make. That’s pretty simple to see even for an abortion cheerleader like Griffith.

And… from the independent observation of a local youth worker, Barbados abortions providers like George Griffith and his staff don’t bother counseling women before or after their abortions. The women arrive frightened, confused and abused. More often than not they have no idea of the size of the child in their womb, and no idea of the ability of the unborn child to feel pain, to sleep and to explore their world.

Nope… for George and his staff it is “Just sign here” as they move ’em in and move ’em out.

No wonder so many women have breakdowns after they have the abortion and then learn the truth about their unborn child.

Oh well – no one can claim that George Griffiths and his staff aren’t efficient! I suppose that is something to be proud of.


Filed under Abortion, Barbados, Ethics, Health