Tag Archives: Cancer

Was David Thompson’s cancer related to the stress of his duties?

The relationship between Prime Minister Thompson’s illness and politics

Our friend Jdid wrote this article shortly after the death of Barbados Prime Minister David Thompson. We thought it was a good piece at the time but we just never got around to telling you about it.

Better late than never and all that…

by Jdid - Toronto, Canada


Ok, is only two days gone and all we bajans still in mourning but I got a certain beef with the whole Bajan Prime Minister David Thompson illness dying thing. Sorry if its not in keeping with the mourning motif but just need to say it anyways.

Look, I keep hearing from the time it was said that he was sick, comments made by various people (and no it wasnt silly online comments) some who I thought were rather smart folk that seem to suggest that his focus on being prime minister led to his demise. Stuff like oh he was so keen on being PM and he work so hard to get there and then bram he dead. Now I aint saying a majority a people saying so, quite far from it, but I’m just saying I’ve heard those silly comments maybe one time to often and they seem to me to be ridiculously suggesting that there is a correlation, some sort of cause and effect between the two things, his aim to be PM and his death…

… continue reading at Doan Mind Me Subliminally


Filed under Barbados, Health, Politics

Barbados Prime Minister Thompson has pancreatic cancer

Coming back from New York City next week

Early this morning Prime Minister David Thompson’s physician, Dr. Richard Ishmael, announced that the PM has pancreatic cancer and went back to New York City last week to deal with complications.

Our prayers and thoughts go out to the PM and his family.

Breaking: Nation News – PM Thompson diagnosed with pancreatic cancer


Filed under Barbados, Health, Politics

USA may kick out Barbados mother while child treated for cancer

UPDATED: August 27, 2010 5pm – Good News!

Barbados Mother of Sick Child Told She Can Stay in US

ATLANTA – A mother from Barbados who was being told she may have to leave her critically ill daughter in Atlanta received some good news Friday. Petra Gooding says her immigration attorney got a call Friday morning from immigration. They were told they are working on extending her visa to allow her to stay in the country until November.

… full story at Fox 5 News

BFP’s Original story…

Petrah Gooding may have to leave 7 year old daughter alone in USA for treatment

Thousands of illegal immigrants stream into the USA every day from Mexico and the courts and US government bends over backwards to accommodate them. That’s Mexico: this is about Barbados.

Barbados  mother Petrah Gooding applied LEGALLY to take her daughter Niamah, aged 7, for cancer treatment at Atlanta’s Aflac Cancer Centre. The USA gave the mother a nine month visa, while the daughter received 18 months because that is the length of the cancer treatment programme.

Now the USA has told the mother to leave her 7 year old daughter behind and exit the country on September 2, 2010. Continue reading


Filed under Barbados, Health, Immigration