Amanda House: Talented photographer says Barbados is her favourite!

St James Parish Church Barbados

Amanda House is a wedding photographer based in Alabama, USA.

How much talent did God give her? How hard does she work to be the best she can be, to deliver the best product she can?

Please… let me tell you how good she is: Amanda makes her living flying all over the world to do wedding shoots and other photography jobs. From Barbados to the UK to India and Italy – people who want and can afford the best pay Amanda to come to them for their weddings and other important events.

When you look at her Amanda House Photography website you’ll know what I’m talking about. Fabulous photos by a master. I blew an hour just flipping through wedding photos! Yup… she’s that good.

But she and her family also love Barbados.

Damn! I had her family blog (as opposed to her professional photography website) and I lost it. The photo of St. James Parish Church (above) came from the family blog.

Help! Can anybody find it? I’ll post it here if you do.


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Filed under Barbados

One response to “Amanda House: Talented photographer says Barbados is her favourite!

  1. Camera shy

    Now that’s talent! Why don’t my photos look like that? (He said knowingly)