Tag Archives: Drunk in public

Cliverton (thoroughly drunk) surfs around on a Friday night…

Above: I can’t believe I posted this!

A few interesting links tonight for the bored, the drunks, and the love-life frustrated…

At least his heart was in the right place…

Yes, he offered to violate the trust of his government and to sell secret government data to the press, but at least he wanted to use his ill-gotten money to holiday in Barbados.

And another one: Police officer on sick leave for two years flew to Barbados when called in for meeting with bosses.

The most beautiful woman I never slept with…

Wanna make babies all week.

The things we won’t do for love.

Raul Garcia heading to Cuba

Good luck Raul. It’s an adventure.

The Lady Hawkins – Canadian ship with Barbadian crew torpedoed on January 19, 1942

After being shipwrecked the crew flew home on BeeWee.


Filed under Barbados

Low-class, No-class: Owen Arthur makes distasteful “tribute” to David Thompson, upsets widow.

“Someone should let Mr. Arthur know or explain to him what a tribute is.”

… from a note written by Mrs. Mara Thompson to the Clerk of Parliament.

It was the first sitting of Parliament since the death and funeral of former Prime Minister David Thompson. His widow, Mrs. Mara Thompson, and her three children were invited to the session to hear tributes about their lost husband and father – delivered by his fellow parliamentarians in the place that he loved.

And what does low-class, no-class Owen Arthur do?

Instead of finding something nice to say about the recently departed, Owen Arthur delivers a rambling, insulting diatribe that upsets the widow and destroys the purpose and mood of the special session.

Thanks to Mr. Arthur for reminding us of all the times in the past that we’ve excused his inappropriate comments and behaviour. If anything, he’s getting worse.

Further Reading

Barbados Today (Check the archive for the 9/11/2010 edition)

Barbados Today: Comments upset widow

Barbados Today: Not my friend


Filed under Barbados, Politics