Barbados Free Press Reader Says DLP Meeting Started With Integrity Legislation Speech

Ok folks, as we mentioned in our article yesterday, we weren’t at the DLP meeting on the weekend and so relied upon both the Nation Newspaper and the DLP’s website itself. Based upon those reports, we didn’t hear anything about Integrity Legislation being mentioned at the DLP meeting.

Original article… DLP Leader Gives Major Speech – No Mention Of Integrity Legislation, Conflict of Interest Rules etc…

We also made it clear that we weren’t at the meeting and asked if anyone could provide further information.

Trueblue, a regular BFP reader and commenter, posted the following..

The meeting started with a speech by Chris Sinckler on accountability in which he dealt with integrity legislation, the contractor general’s role and a services audit of government contracts. He made specific reference to David Thompson’s pledges in that regard.

He was the speaker obviously assigned to deal with the matter from the beginning! You guys need to get out there and get the facts.

I am a bit surprised at BFP. Why does Thompy’s speech have to deal with it on the first night? Sinckler had already dealt extensively with it. The fact that the Nation did not report it is because it only reported one speech. Don’t you guys get it? I sympathise with Adrian. He is a paid party hack. But I think the other contributors are on the ball.

Do you want everything in one night?

Thanks, Trueblue – but go a little easy on us. We couldn’t be at the meeting ’cause the little one was feeling unfairly – but we are pleased that Integrity Issues were mentioned even if it didn’t make it into either the newspaper or the DLP’s website.

Maybe you could write a more detailed article for us? We’d sure appreciate it, and the pay is great! Shona will buy you a beer on Friday. Deal?


Filed under Barbados, Politics & Corruption

51 responses to “Barbados Free Press Reader Says DLP Meeting Started With Integrity Legislation Speech

  1. Dennis

    This just goes to show how assanine some of you here can get when you clearly don’t know or understand something, but rush to post an article that says what you want it to say and make other people look bad. Keep it up.. these are the kind of things that will see you and this site not making it to year-end.

  2. infinity

    The only way this site is not making it til year-end is if it gets closed down by U know who.
    Left to its own DEMOCRATIC devices, this site represents the true voice of We,The people,
    and no I’m not talking about We,The DLP People
    – or about We,The BLP People.

    This site has the real (‘dangerous’) capacity to outlive both the BLP and the DLP,
    mainly becoz both of them are rubbish.

    Barbados is a one party state!
    Half the party is DLP,
    the other half is BLP.
    In other words,Virginia,
    Bajan politrix is much like it is everywhere else in this world of Two-Party Politrix.
    Six of one…
    half a doz. of the other!!

    Wish us LUCK,
    coz we gyne need it to get out of this situation Barbados is in.
    BLP in (forever) – no real Opposition in sight.
    Revolution NOT possible coz 99% of Bajans too bland,boring and friken to do anything requiring THAT much balls!

    We are in a FIX!

  3. Hi everyone

    I know that you are in the process of discussing serious matters but could you give a Barbadian a helping hand and vote for LaToya McDowald for Miss World?

    You might not believe in pageants but I am asking you to help her fulfill her dream.

    You must have a Yahoo Account. Also note her votes must come from across the world!!

  4. Hants

    The BLP Barbados Government is not going to shut down this website. They understand that if they did it would only incite Barbadians overseas to become more involved in keeping Barbados on the Blogsphere.
    “Censorship by the Barbados Government” would be a good title for a story on CNN and on our CBC Canada TV news.
    Also the Government of Barbados has cannot shut down a Website outside of Barbados.
    BFP will continue in one form or another.

  5. aBajan


    Please go back and read the BFP article you blasted!

  6. Don’t Pay Dennis nuh mind. That is all empty crap talk, this site cannot be shut down by anyone other than the persons who started it, and if they see fit to close it another one will be started, or existing ones converted to carry on the much needed exposition. BFP is right about Barbados being a one party state, it continues to boggle my mind, on how a person could be a party diehard in Barbados. 80% of the existing BLP parliamentary group were former Dee’s, and they has never been a clearly recognized philosophical difference between the two parties. The DLP was formed simply becuase persons couldn’t get along, the NDP, and the PEP same thing. The crossovers tell the story. No clear difference, they all fight for control of a system that has reach a plateau and is to my mind the greatest obsticle to our progress. It makes no difference to me which party is in power, It makes a difference who is elected to represent me in parliament.

  7. Anonymous

    “these are the kind of things that will see you and this site not making it to year-end.”

    Dennis are you threatening somebody?

  8. John

    Looks like Dennis thinks he is a menace.

    Good for him. Keep it up.

    I enjoy the other view.

    It adds to the totality of the contributions being made and makes for a hearty interaction.

  9. John

    Looks like Dennis thinks he/she is a menace.

    Good for him/her. Keep it up.

    I enjoy the other view.

    It adds to the totality of the contributions being made and makes for a hearty interaction.

  10. ross

    Sounds so, anonymous.

    So who is this Lynette anyway? Vote for Miss World? She must be a joker.

    Barbados looks like it is getting all the attention it needs with or without Miss World.

  11. ross

    Dennis, threats are not the way to go at this stage in our history.

  12. cat eyes

    Adrian,you need credible sources. And you need to be a bit more balanced if you wish to remain credible to others on this site.
    Richard Sealy said that LATER on in the series, he, as leader of the series of meetings, would hope to have printed matter with “information that people can take away.” When you jump on in your haste to criticise, you make mistakes. Remember Gran Gran saying “Haste makes waste.” Your haste will make reading you a waste of time for me.
    Ross, as was mentioned on this site earlier, and I checked, accountability was mentioned in the DLP’s 2003 Manifesto, and was beaten to death in parliament 2004-2005.
    Thompson also said at the meeting that when you view pixes of the BLP Annual Conference audiences you can see the largest collection of crimminals in one place outside of Harrison Point.
    His speech followed David Estwick and Chris Sinckler who were obviously briefed to speak on accountablity and integrity. Freundel Stuart also spoke on those topics.
    BFP you did right to ask for backing on your story since there are some contributors who would deliberately seek to mislead you. What would be safer is if you do not lead with a story until you shout out for , and receive verification.
    Adrian, it is good to see you back after your long, and noticeable virtual silence and absence during the
    Warrens and Gline Clarke debate. I noticed that did have time for the BLP site during that period.
    The Dems have obviously done some huddling. It was very evident at that meeting. You also heard speakers reinforcing their support for Thompson and the party.
    What is interesting is that the next day Atherley announces that the PM sent a message to say his meetings are starting next weekend, in an obvious reactionary defensive move. He did not send congrats to Cupid, the winner of the nomination contest Atherley was attending. Cupid was the candidate Owen did not want. But when you move in haste, you make mistakes, and he needs to settle his differences with Mia and her faction, since I heard some Bees at the Sunday night meeting saying they heard she is planning to form her own party. She, unlike Clyde is not broke nor lickrish, and she does not need to join anybody else’s party for scraps and bad treatment. She has money and she has a following. Owen is in decline, and there are many in that party who see him as the weight that will sink their ship. She is seen as the beacon in the distance on the rough seas they are traversing right now. He has no intentions of handing over to her and is being spiteful to besides. According to Thompson, she and Liz now have half day Ministries. So Adrian go back over onto the red blog and attend to those issues.

  13. felix b

    Heartening comments, cat eyes.

    Successive governments have created the monster we now see out of control. Neither those individuals B nor D can now control it. It is part of them both.

    The taxpayers continue to bear the burden of this monster. They have been robbed of millions, if not billions, of dollars by those in whom they have put their trust. Barbados’ development has been severely hampered.

    The cure is a strong dose of salts!

  14. Dennis

    Who made a threat? Take it easy dramatists. I don’t care about the BFP or the people behind it enough. I just don’t understand how you can put up an article authoritatively and unequivocally saying “the DLP did not make any mention of integrity”, when it’s CLEAR that they did. This is the kind of nonsense I don’t understand on this website and that is why this site could never be more respected than the Enquirer or any other tabloid.

  15. Cat Eyes: such is for Duguid and others to attend too, I don’t own a red shirt. Mia Mottley is fooling herself if she thinks that Barbados will welcome her as Prime Minster. Those in the BLP has an issue to deal with. Liz Thompson knows and so do others that the two previous elections win were the result of Owens stature in the minds of the people. Don’t be fool by Wickham’s last poll that saw Mia popularity increasing, when people start to link her lifstyle, her views on the homosexual debate and other stuff will come out they will turn up duh nose and walk away from her. Kerrie Simmonds told us what Mia Mottley is and what to expect, we would have no excuse. Owens approach of getting experience proffesionals at the national level for the national work that is needed in this global envoirnment is to be lauded, it is however flawed thinking that he can do away with grass root representation to clear the way for these proffesionals to parliament. Parliament is for representation of our local needs, and as important as the national need is we will not give up our cause for it. So as i have said before use the senate for something usefull. The people will always select the Cinty fordes, Dennis Kellmans, Cupids, and Duguids, inspite of Owens proffesional politician. So the infighting in both parties and there has always been infighting in the BLP is of no concern to me.

  16. CatEyes says: Adrian, it is good to see you back after your long, and noticeable virtual silence and absence during the
    Warrens and Gline Clarke debate. I noticed that did have time for the BLP site during that

    I was there i asked question, ask Mr Duguid to respond, which he did, I ask about the concern with the Minister’s car. I made the point that BFP issued a charge and then ask the minister if it is true. In the world that i come from and suscribe too, if you make a charge, you also need to prove it. I also said that it would have been nice for the Minister to respond to set the record striaght if he could, but you certainly cannot deny the poof needed to validate the charge has to come from the source of the charge.

  17. Dennis

    I was there i asked question, ask Mr Duguid to respond, which he did, I ask about the concern with the Minister’s car. I made the point that BFP issued a charge and then ask the minister if it is true. In the world that i come from and suscribe too, if you make a charge, you also need to prove it. I also said that it would have been nice for the Minister to respond to set the record striaght if he could, but you certainly cannot deny the poof needed to validate the charge has to come from the source of the charge.

    AND THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT I’M SAYING! Thank you very much.

  18. ME

    I agree with Dennis. Give us more info on the why and when the land was aquired and lend some credibility to the story, then someone from the BLP will be forced to answer, until them you are just blowing smoke.

  19. Dennis and ME : This is an issue that i have confidense the BFP will address. It is not to be encourage, and i will fight it whenever it happens. I will not however call for people to stay away from this site. More people have to get involved in the fight for inclusion in the democratic process, it is the right thing to do, it is the only guaranteed hedge against the rumoured corruption, the willingness to initiate policies against the majority wishes (Guyanese/immigration), the overspending, the white shadows the whatevers that may have selfish interest at our expense. Such endevours will be wrought with missteps, errors etc as all other collective human endevours are plagued, but we must not lose sight, or give up or give way to the status quo from whence we started the journey. There is a role for us to play and we must not shy away from it due too partisan politics or the charisma or lack thereof of a politician.

  20. Velzo

    The reason why Adrian makes no head-way is because of his lack of stability. It comes through clearly in his arguments – or lack thereof on previous occasions. The position Adrian is taking above is a sham because it flies in the face of his previous white-washing of and excuses for BLP infelicities.

  21. Trueblue

    Once again Adrian has been twisting and turning. The assertion he previously supported related to integrity legislation etc. not being dealt with at the DLP meeting. This has been proven to be untrue.

    Without more, he has moved on to change the goal-post and keeps tackling so that one idea favourable to the Dems will never settle down in the public conscience. This is a very unsubtle play but it means that the site gets subverted from substantive issues to Adrian’s triviality.

    I am heartened that the DLP’s position has been made clear. One is free to question the sincerity of it, but that is a matter for the DLP to deal with. They must cement in our minds that they are not as crooked as present government.

  22. Jupiter

    Fighting among the contributors of BFP will not help the citizens of this country.I hope that party members of both the B lp & Dlp are not so blinded that they can’t call ‘wrong – ‘wrong’ or ‘thiefing’ what it is.I remember members of the Dlp were quite vocal in their criticism of the Sandiford regime,I find that lacking on the Blp side however and that troubles me.

    We should be marching and demanding answers on these cost over-runs that seem to run into ministers bank accounts.Weneed to know what are the assets of members of parliament female and male currently and what Companies they are connected to.

  23. The reason why Adrian makes no head-way is because of his lack of stability. It comes through clearly in his arguments – or lack thereof on previous occasions. The position Adrian is taking above is a sham because it flies in the face of his previous white-washing of and excuses for BLP infelicities.

    Velzo: Making headway in what? It matters not to me if persons sign on to my positions on anything. You refuse to accept that I am non-partisan, that I am not a member of any political party and have never been. You refuse to accept that there are persons like me who will permanently disown and or avow any semblance of allegiance to any political party, while maintaining their constitutional right to be involve in the democratic exercise of national elections. You cannot yet understand how one can sign on to a party of choice for the duration of an election only, thereafter caring not one iota about it. You cannot understand me because your partisan goggles are frosted. The position above is one base on patriotism and of loyalty to country only not a party and certainly not any politician. Our system of Government stinks to high heaven and the corruption and slight of hand activities that peeves the non-partisans in here have not now occurred, but have occurred during the administration of both parties, and it is time to stop the perverting the process in the hope that it will stop the cycle of these events that leads us to cry out, if we are going to pervert it let it be, to send a signal to all polticians in the fashioned that John attributed to Robin Williams : change them like diapers. You don’t bring anything to the table in that regard you are clearly the partisan here and as such refuse to recognize that the truth of my positions simply because it weakens yours as a diehard; you must have me as BLPite to give justification to your positions. Jupiter do not fool yourself into thinking that Velzo and TrueBlue are non-partisan Barbadian contributors to the BFP they are DLP operatives looking to silence the truth, and too silence the comments of the other side. Anyone here who has been following my bellyaching on the Barbados Forum since 2003 cannot come to the conclusion that these two have reach. It is clear to that stability to you means picking a party and sticking to it. I reject political diehardism out of hand.

    I don’t know why BFP at one time asked me to be contributor to this site, it may have been a big mistake on their part , but I would like to think it was because they gleamed from my bellyaching on the Barbados Forum that I am not a political party man. I marched to my own drums and don’t work well with others.

  24. Once again Adrian has been twisting and turning. The assertion he previously supported related to integrity legislation etc. not being dealt with at the DLP meeting. This has been proven to be untrue.
    Are you confusing me with BFP? I made reference to Richard Sealy televise comments about the availability of documentation and political meetings, I then asked if any where available after this just concluded meeting? Someone reminded me that Richard said that such would be available during the SERIES of meetings. A question asked a question answered. I Support integrity legislation, have always, I just don’t support the notion that Thompy is serious.

    Without more, he has moved on to change the goal-post and keeps tackling so that one idea favourable to the Dems will never settle down in the public conscience. This is a very unsubtle play but it means that the site gets subverted from substantive issues to Adrian triviality.

    I have this much power? Are you serious? Political diehardism may very well be a mental disorder. The inefficiencies of our Parliament in dealing the changing social, economic, and geopolitical envoirnment is so apparent, even if you can see. Thompy made mention of the uselessness of the senate, Mia sees a need for national parlimentarians, Owen understands the glaring inefficiencies of a first past the post system, I understand the pantomimic contrivance that is characterize by our implementation of this westminister system., Ronald Jones understand the need for reformation to allow among other things for the popular election of an executive and to have members of the cabinet be selected rather than elected. The list is long with those who see the need as I do and the obsticle that our current system is. Richie Haynes, Peter Wickham, Jeff Cumberbatch etc. Don’t you tell that I am changing the goal post as it is unfavourable to the Dems??? is it unfavourable all those who benefit from the current system. Yardfowls included.
    I am heartened that the DLP’s position has been made clear. One is free to question the sincerity of it, but that is a matter for the DLP to deal with. They must cement in our minds that they are not as crooked as present government.

    Tell the truth TrueBlue does the DLP really have to use CEMENT to plant something in your mind? The stickiness of a clamin-cherry would do.

  25. John

    I will speak up for Adrian as we have had our tussles in the past and got past them.

    I found him to cling tenaciously to a principle but if someone can show where he might be wrong, or a larger picture is involved, he will accept it and move on. If not, it is pointless trying…. but it better be something major.

    For example, Adrian’s position on BFP is well known from months ago and so far I have not seen him change it. His position as I understood it was BFP was a DLP site!! There was a time when he nearly got himself banned, but not over politics!!

    I have watched his contributions change in tenor and become less directed, in my opinion, at party and more directed at country. Maybe I have changed how I interpret him.

    I don’t think I have ever read him to say he was BLP although months ago I assumed since he was so anti DLP that he must be BLP. The closest I have seen him go is to say, and this was months ago, that he plans to vote BLP. There was a time when I would have said so too. Now I look at both sets of politicians as diapers to be changed regularly.

    I think he was saying what everybody has said and that is the DLP as was projected at the time were a poor alternative. I think he is probing the DLP supporters to see if they can project the DLP as anything other than a poor alternative and he does so in his own way. It is useless attacking him!!

    Adrian sounds to be about as Bajan as anyone I know and does not tolerate foolishness. So I think if anyone tries to attack his contributions based on party, they might be misunderstanding Adrian. It took me time to figure it out, …. at least I think I have.

    Read what he says carefully. I think he is saying to both B and D, crap is crap, and if he thinks so, he will say it.

    Adrian, hope I am not putting words into your mouth. If I am, tell me, I will apologise to you.

    And if my interpretation is sound, all I would say to any rabid party supporter B, or D is think beyond your party and act for your country. If you do, everyone will benefit.

    Forget your party and yourself for the few moments it takes to make a contribution …. and lighten up.

    This is also a fun site!!

  26. John

    Hope Lynette asking for a vote for Miss World is not Lynette Eastmond the aspiring representative in some constituency.

  27. ross

    Anybody notice how quiet BFP is? I wonder what they are working on. Whatever it is we are looking forward to it.

  28. Rumplestilskin

    Dennis Wrote>>Who made a threat? Take it easy dramatists. I don’t care about the BFP or the people behind it enough. I just don’t understand how you can put up an article authoritatively and unequivocally saying “the DLP did not make any mention of integrity”, when it’s CLEAR that they did. This is the kind of nonsense I don’t understand on this website and that is why this site could never be more respected than the Enquirer or any other tabloid.

    Actually no. As a free for all blog, while some statements may be incorrect or plainly biased, it is far above any enquirer or national newspaper for that matter, as the writers words are verbatim, untainted by editors, phone calls from influential persons, etc.

    It is up to the READER to assess the content and form his/ her own opinion.

  29. John

    It’s also called freedom of speach.


    So well said Infinity , opposing partys is for appearances for the most part . Just look at what Mascoll has done , I think it should be clear to people how things really are .We the electorate get in a huff and puff about’our’ party while the politicians have drinks with one another at our expense. Unfortunately people seem to like it like that for the most part as we like to choose sides especially if its the winning one . Then we get to feel special and get special treatment .Its all a bit of a joke actually , the only problem is that the people for the most part ( who are supposed to benefit the most from the system or so i thought ) come out holding the shi…y end of the stick.

  31. missinghome

    Never heard so much talk about integrity and politicians in all my life in Bim. What be happenin here?

  32. Robert Dee

    missinghome, not only the sun is hot here in BIM the “corruption” and wastage of public funds by government have reached volcanic propotions.

    The culture of corruption now evident in public projects and management of public funds is cause for concern to all Barbadians at home and abroad.

  33. all fluff

    Don’t take it too seriously!
    This is only a website.

    Websites are a buncha electrons flashing around at 5,700 rpm on a hard drive somewhere,nothing more than that!
    Welcome to the internet, where much falsity occurs: not that this website is Falsity, it’s not:
    – it’s just freedom of speech.
    My speech, your speech, whoever’s speech.
    That’s all, nothing “official”.
    Don’t be overly impressed just becoz it wowed you on a computer screen,somewhere

    It’s up to you to sort out(mentally) the wheat from the chaff.
    Do you believe everything you see in print?
    Just because someone committed ink to paper?
    Are you still that old-fashioned?

    Don’t take the newspapers too seriously,neider!
    – especially that Nation rag:
    it’s not like what they say is “Gospel” or nuthn.

    And most of all, don’t take yuhself,
    -or anything going on in Pivotal Barbados-
    too seriously,
    coz like most small islands, it’s all fluff when done!

    We live in an age of propaganda and infoglut.
    Your senses detect what’s true and what’s not.

    Learn these ‘new’ words:
    Damned Lies.

    get it?

  34. ross

    And once you can see and keep your eyes open you will not fail to know what is true and what is not.

  35. BK

    well according to “all fluf” we should though out the baby with the bath water.

  36. John: no need to apologize. What BFP needs to do is come clean on the IP addresses use to post as Velzo and Trueblue. I get the distinct impression that at times one computer is being used to post under these lables. Yes i am not sufficiently convince that this site is not heavily indebted or in some way link to the DLP, and i guess the circumstance that i would need to prove or disprove this notion will not be available to me. The truth is that i have always been focus of change to our system of government, deliberate inclusion of the people in the process, and a decentralize government. People do not understand our government, they do not understand how parliament works, if they did the would have the answers to why no one listens to them.

    All Fluf, i gine treat to your comments with the very same advise contain there in. 😀

  37. Green!

    Adrian, your grammar stinks,man.!
    What happenED to all the past tenses that should have -ed’s on the end of them,man?
    get back to school,dude.!

    And yes this website may manifest a lot of discontent with current government, but that may also be grim reality,
    rather than a DLP plot to…(whatever!)

    You political party yardfowls make me laugh…taking yourselves and your little party games soooo seriously,
    when you’re both the same thing…
    kinda like ‘Spy vs. Spy’ in MAD magazine.

    Rolling On The Ground LAUGHING!

    Pivotal Barbados..
    Centre of The Very Universe!

  38. Green maybe we can teach each other the rudiment of proper grammer, but judging from your contribution we both may need a third person. 😀

    …while we wait for such a person, is there anything that i have written that lacks your understanding?and that such understanding is denied as a result of my poor grammer? I willing to work as hard as is needed to impart my opinions to you as intended. 😀

    BTW: do you get your news and views of the world around you from the magazine you quoted?
    “And yes this website may manifest a lot of discontent with current government, but that may also be grim reality,
    rather than a DLP plot to…(whatever!)”

    I want to understand your comments above but i am coming up a little short of your intent, do you need to finish it? or is it completely “Half baked”? 😀

  39. ross

    Adrian, keep talking don’t mind Green! What you have to say is very clear to me. It is also clear to me that some people want to silence you.

    I look forward to reading what it really is that they do not want you to say.

  40. Ross: I have been posting to, online forums since 1993. Many persons for some reason wanted me to join this, be a part of that, and i have never accepted their offers. I have been banned, censured, cencored, and threatened. I have not change. Green’s comments are trivial when compared to some that i have attracted over the years.

  41. John

    We’ve been through the grammar thing before.

    None of us make contributions that are in perfect english but we still manage to get our intent across, and if we don’t, the nature of the blog allows a blogger to ask a question for clarification.

    I know by rereading my contributions after the heat of the moment has passed, that I make some appalling errors but hey, so what. I try.

    I have even seen Lynette, or was it Lynette Eastmond, corrrect herself and she has let it be known that she is in to publishing.

    None of us are perfect!!

  42. John

    Woops, or is it none of us IS perfect?

    I can never get that right.

  43. cat eyes

    None of us make contributions that are in perfect english but we still manage …

    None of us is collective.
    “None of us” is really “not one of us ” but your subject is “contributions” which is plural. Your verb is make. The subject and verb thing, where they must agree is still a rule,remember? Hope that helps.

  44. John

    I am clueless.

    Too long ago since I learnt all that sort of thing, but thanks for the help Cat Eyes..

    At least somebody reads my verbiage.

  45. Trueblue

    “What BFP needs to do is come clean on the IP addresses use to post as Velzo and Trueblue. I get the distinct impression that at times one computer is being used to post under these lables. Yes i am not sufficiently convince that this site is not heavily indebted or in some way link to the DLP, and i guess the circumstance that i would need to prove or disprove this notion will not be available to me” – comment posted by Adrian.

    BFP: This comment, although Adrian professes full admiration for democracy and freedom of speech, is a crafty, subtle and veiled threat. It very skilfully raises in the minds of people that tracing IP addresses is one way of determining someone who contributes to a blog’s identity. Even though he says that he might not be able to do so.

    It suggests that BFP is not “coming clean.” We have to read these statements – good and bad grammar and all – for what they are worth.

    For a BLP-government supporter like Adrian to even have such a thought about checking IP addresses is a very, very dangerous prospect for Barbadians who already feel this party is a one-party state.

    I am extremely worried as a Barbadian about these sinister designs and I am saying again that Adrian is definitely placed there to do as much BLP damage and damage control – as required – by his party.

    BFP and Barbadians: think on these things!

  46. Don’t you post as Velzo from time to time? why do you need to have two labels under which to post? So would am i correct? What if Velzo said the following :

    If i were you and you were i
    would we? I do not know
    For i’ll be you and you’ll be i, and there is nothing left to show
    That i was i and you were you, before we, were I and you and so it is a waste of time to try. So best call the whole thing off and leave me Velzo and you TB, one and the same. 😀 scare tactic, scare mongering you are having such a difficult time in the constituencies?

  47. Bajan George

    Here’s a link to a little song titled “I’m My Own Grandpa” that might clear up many things.

    Bajan George

  48. ross

    Well, Adrian, if people are afraid to comment or choose to comment under another name for whatever reason, what is the problem with that? If the reason is fear it is justified and any other reason is justified too.

    Leave out the talk about IP addresses. Anonymous said last week that BFP days were numbered. Well I still see BFP up and running.

    Barbadians who have lived or are living outside of Barbados know what freedom is and what it is not. The scaremongers are not going to terrorize them so easily and get away with it like how they do here in Barbados.

    Praise God for the internet and for BFP.

  49. Velzo

    Adrian, take Ross’ advice. You have disappointed me. It doesn’t matter what the IP address is. More than one person may access a blog site from the same IP address if you understand the technology. There is nothing wrong with that. You could contribute, your wife and your children from the same address. Use your brain. Trueblue is right.

    I want to let Trueblue know that you don’t frighten me, Velzo, and Trublue was right to warn BFP about your dangerous intent.

    Just like the BLP had speed dialers with a telephone bank at its headquarters when the call-in programmes started years ago, of course there are those who might corrupt the system.

    But tell me, aren’t Adrian and Hindsight and Sweetcakes one and the same?

  50. Adrian

    So Velzo you and Trueblue use the same computer? indeed I think you both share much more. 😀 all you have to do is speak to yourself and Trueblue would get the message in fact just think about saying it and TB will get it. 😀 I am not sweetcakes, i wouldn’t be interested in anything that Thompy wears, but yes Adrian and Hindssight are one and the same, I have said as much in addition to the known fact that is registered to Adrian Hinds and is also accessiable via I aint hiding but clearly you are.

    Ross: It is one thing to conceal your indentiy in the Barbadian context of victimization, it is quite another to conceal your identiy so you can fake multiple personalities and dopplegangers to give LIE to a cause or set of opinions. I believe the latter represents the intent of Velzo/Trueblue. I wouldn’t be surprise if airbrushing the pictures of the crowds at the two recentley held DLP meetings to increase the size of the crowd, was a thought held by the Velzo/TB duo. 😀

  51. Jane

    Bajan George, you are a riot! “I’m My Own Grandpa” just made the perfect thing to brighten up a rough day. Thanks!